SUMMARY OF PROGRESS ON SERVICE DISTRICTS 1 THE OBJECTIVES OF THE REPORT The report provides a summary overview of progress of the strands of work involved in implementing the change of working practice in the CYPD to area level delivery of Tiers 1/ 2 services. To give perspective to this process, the strands of work are divided and described as “Behind the Scenes” – Back office work Communications Implementation roll-out. Work with KPMG 2 BEHIND THE SCENES; - BACK OFFICE 2.1 This strand of the work is about developing the processes and tools necessary for a Service District to function. The work is being undertaken by senior managers from the full range of partners in the 0 19+ Partnership, led by the Acting Head of Service Districts. 2.2 The term “behind the scenes” was coined for newsletter purposes to indicate that fairly unseen, but essential work is necessary to work up the detailed procedures without which vision will not be translated into a reality. Although the learning year will give some room for trial and error, the commitment shown by all stakeholders needs to be maintained by an early demonstration of quality instruments for the use of the first two Districts. 2.3 Some of the work is already underway as part of the Every Child Matters agenda, using government guidance as it comes on stream. This then requires to be focused on the Service District way of working, eg integrated frontline service delivery. Some has been developed in collaboration with domains outside Children and Families Services, eg needs analysis and community involvement with our colleagues in Neighbourhoods, and some is new work, such as the management arrangements, service redesign and resources. 1 2.4 The work is divided into areas of work as follows; Domain Management Arrangements and Community Involvement Needs Analysis and Local District Profiling Service Redesign Quality Assurance, - Schools, Services and Service Districts Integrated Working Practice, Pathways and Transitions Infrastructure; Resources, ICT and Accommodation The Change Management Group; (the co-ordinating group) 2.5 Lead Manager Lynda Taylor Andrew Crompton Lynda Taylor/ Genny Bradley Bernard Campbell Des Charles Ian Wait/ Alena Prentice Lynda Taylor Achievements delivered to date include; Management Arrangements and Community Involvement Lynda Taylor, A Model with options, for District partnership and Nigel West, management arrangements, including; Remit, membership, working principles, governance and Dave Parsons, management functions, community involvement Vernon Draft planning toolkit and meetings programme Colleymore A model for children and young people’s participation Work in Progress = A discussion paper on school governor involvement Clare Humberstone & Jill Lancaster Lynda Taylor A discussion paper – “From Action Zones to Service District” Lynda Taylor Involving parents in service design & delivery Dawn Walton Developing outline plans for training programme for L Taylor / V Colleymore 2 partnerships Needs Analysis and Local District Profiling Andrew Crompton Project Initiation Document on Briefing Paper on Service District Boundaries, with core statistical information and geographical location of universal services (schools and settings, surgeries and pharmacies) & Phil Reid & Phil Reid Work in Progress = Profiles of children and young people’s outcomes, geographically mapped by neighbourhood and District Service Redesign A model for Service District implementation built on the school and service remodelling programme (NRT) A trained Extended School Remodelling Adviser 5 trained consultants 11 more consultants trained by end of November First District workshop delivered in October A planned schedule for workshops for Districts 1 & 2 Work in Progress = a menu of redesign tools for use in multi-agency service redesign and remodelling workshops Quality Assurance, - Schools, Services and Service Districts A Model for District quality assurance processes and arrangements, including; A framework for schools A draft framework for Tier 2 services The contribution of services and schools/settings to the Joint Area Review inspection framework Lynda Taylor/ Genny Bradley Diane Dewick CYPD + All partners Diane Dewick All partners Bernard Campbell Integrated Working Practice, Pathways and Transitions Des Charles No Reports Infrastructure; Resources, ICT and Accommodation 3 Ian Wait/ Alena Prentice Ian Wait/ Lynda Taylor Financing the Service Districts The Change Management Group; (the co-ordinating group) 3 Lynda Taylor Work in Progress = Developing the Offer for Early Years, Extended Schools, Youth Matters Job description and recruitment process for District Managers + Lead managers + all partners COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 The response to the city-wide consultation process on the plans for establishing the CYPD showed overwhelming support for the process of setting up local delivery units. 3.2 There were issues of detail, sometimes about the size of the proposed Districts, but more often about the boundaries. This part of the consultation has been conducted by the Chief Executive’s Office. All boundary decisions have now been made. 3.3 The communications strategy now involves dissemination of points of fact and decision, and further consultation over practical details. Factual information is being disseminated through the 0 – 19+ Newsletter, through other internal staff newsletters and forum meetings. A new link and homepage is being designed to give updated information through the Council’s website, and possibly the 0-19+ Partnership. 3.4 Lynda Taylor, the Acting Head of Service Districts, is undertaking an extensive programme of presentations, talks, discussions and updates. This involves meeting with key partner providers such as SY Police, schools and PCTs, and with political leaders and community regeneration groups. As well as providing information on the CYPD vision and plans, this enables stakeholders to contribute their own useful experience of similar or parallel processes. 4 4 IMPLEMENTATION OF SERVICE DISTRICT WORKING 4.1 The Executive Sponsors of the local Change for Children programme made an early decision to initiate the implementation programme in 2 Districts in 05/06, followed by the remaining five in the subsequent year, 06/07. 4.2 The question of which Districts should participate in year one was addressed by inviting key local stakeholders to submit information in July 05 about their interest in joining in years one or two, and about their state of readiness. This information was analysed and submitted in a report to 0-19+ Partnership in September 05. The returns indicated that 4 Districts were keen to get underway, and that most stakeholders in the other three preferred to wait until year two. 4.3 The Partnership endorsed the proposal that two Districts, Mosborough / Handsworth and Parson Cross / Ecclesfield, should initiate the process, and that three Districts, Greenhill / Gleadless, Rivelin to Sheaf, and Upper Don / Hillsborough should enter in year two. 4.4 In the light of the remaining two Districts’ interest and readiness to start, it was requested that the Acting Head of Service Districts look into the possibility of accelerating those Districts – Burngreave / Shiregreen and Arbourthorne / Manor / Darnall. This request was further supported by the changes in the Health Services, as the 4 Sheffield PCTs prepare to become a single PCT serving a coterminous boundary with the City Council. This request is currently under consideration, and depends on the extent to which the senior managers in several key services, namely CYPD, Health, Futures and the VolCom sector, are able to commit time to the necessary training and support programme. 4.5 The establishment of the Districts is a major change management process. As part of the modernisation programme of schools which started with the workforce reform agreements, the government has given support to Local Authorities to put in motion a nationally recognised change management scheme. 4.6 The second phase of this is aimed at helping schools to become extended schools and enables them to adapt and deliver the 5 outcomes, in partnership with other children and families’ services. Led by the CYPD, local senior managers have built on this programme and adapted it to the process of becoming a Service District – a partnership of families of schools and other services for improvements in children’s health, safety, well being and success. 4.7 The two first Districts will each participate in a series of 4 multi-agency workshops, with intensive change programmes underpinning each event, supported by trained consultant/ change agents drawn from the key partners. These workshops started in October and will be complete by March 06. 5 WORK WITH KPMG CONSULTANCY 5 5.1 In order to mitigate the risks inherent in this major change management process, the Chief Executive and the Executive Director of CYPD decided to ask a consultancy firm to give an external perspective on the process at an early stage. 5.2 The consultancy KPMG won the tender and are to date carrying out a review of the implementation plan, and have been particularly requested to look at risk factors and their possible mitigation, and also the financing issues. 5.3 This consultancy is taking place over October, and is due to report in mid November. Lynda Taylor Acting Head of Service Districts Local Delivery Service CYPD October 05 6