GROWING MOBILITY IN INDIA: HOW SUSTAINABLE ARE THE NEW EFFORTS? Prof.Samir Kumar Saha1*, Prof. Joyashree Roy2, Nitesh Lakhlan3, Syed Mujibur Rahman4, Shyamasree Dasgupta5 1 Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata (India) Professor, Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata (India) 3 Mechanical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata (India) 4 Mechanical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata (India) 5 M.Phil Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Jadavpur University,Kolkata (India) 2 Abstract: Indian cities are experiencing fast growth in registered motorized vehicles. Booming economy, aspirations to own a vehicle, inadequate public transport (with respect to demand, comfort or both), government’s encouraging policies etc. are few reasons for the rapid increase in motorization. The absolute number on road has increased from 19 million in 1990 to 68 million in 2004 and is expected to reach 295 million by 2030, overtaking that of the United States. Concern for local air pollution has been duly responded by various stakeholders. Technological and policy response have been dominated by standard specification and implementation through certification. In this paper we try to present the case of Kolkata city where Euro I, II, III standards have been implemented since 1980 to reduce emissions of local pollutants. Using empirical evidence of fuel consumption and kilometer travelled by the public sector vehicles we have analyzed how far the goal of efficiency could be achieved. Although in policy and legislation Green House Gas emission did not form a part we studied the Carbon dioxide emission of the vehicles along with controlled local pollutants. Results show that unless specifically monitored, there is no guarantee that Euro standards can reduce Green House Gas emission. Observations also show that mere technical standard specification cannot bring in fuel economy as fuel consumption varies with speed and congestion. Findings show that emissions from mobility sector cannot be reduced through change of vehicle standard alone. Mobility system as a whole needs to be planned which include vehicle standard, city planning, road space allocation, congestion management, traffic flow routing all taken together. Partial approach may not deliver the desired outcome. Often integration is theoretically understood but practically left to disjoint decision making and policy planning. Key words: mobility, sustainability, transportation, Green House Gas emission and global warming Introduction: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the important constituents of Green House Gases (GHGs) and its unlimited emission leads to increase the surface temperature of the earth. The earth’s climate is rapidly changing, mainly as a result of increases in GHGs caused by human activities. According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that “Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG concentrations” (IPCC 2007). Climate change is now perceived as a serious global threat and it demands an urgent and far-reaching response. The concentration of atmospheric CO2 has increased from a pre-industrial value of about 280 parts per million (ppm) to 379 ppm in 2005 (IPCC, 2007), with projections of global concentrations rising to 550 ppm by 2050 at current trends, or rising to 550-700 ppm by 2050, and 650- 1200 ppm by 2100, without future intervention. A “sustainable” level of concentration is seen as around 450 ppm (or lower – some estimates are as low as 400 ppm, or even 350 ppm – below present levels). Emissions from transport are one of the most serious and rapidly growing problems. The transport sector is responsible for almost 25% of global *Tel.: (033) 2414-6354 Email address: 1 CO2 emissions (IISD, 2004). Transport emissions are growing at approximately 2.1% per year worldwide, and 3.5% per year in developing countries (IEA, 2002).Transportation is a major source of GHG emissions which accounts for one-quarter of the world’s energy related CO2 emissions and is expected to be the most rapidly growing source over the next 30 years. The size of population has a major role to play in the context sustainability transition. Total population of India has already much exceeded the figure of one billion. While the decadal growth of the country as a whole has declined marginally from 23.9% (1981–1991) to 21.3% (1991–2001), the pace of urbanisation in India has been increasing rapidly. The future urban population growth in India is expected to drive increasing motorisation and have serious consequences for traffic growth, urban road congestion and CO2 emissions as well as wider sustainability and quality of life issues. The urban population has risen from 109 million in 1971 to 159 million in 1981, 217 million in 1991 and 285 million in 2001. The share of urban population has risen from 25.7% in 1991 to 27.8% in 2001. It is expected that by 2031, about 40% of the total population - estimated to be 1.42 billion - will reside in urban areas (GOI, 2001). There is skewness in the distribution of population among different urban centres, with a high concentration of population in a few large-sized megacities, such as Mumbai with 16.4 million, Kolkata with 14.7 million and Delhi with 12.8 million inhabitants. Kolkata happens to be the most densely populated city among megacities. As in the growth of population, Indian cities have registered a huge growth in registered motor vehicles in the last decade. Booming economy, aspirations to own a vehicle, inadequate public transport (with respect to demand, comfort or both), government’s encouraging policies etc. are few reasons for the rapid increase in motorization. The number of vehicles on road has increased from 19 million in 1990 to 68 million in 2004 and is expected to reach 295 million by 2030, overtaking that of the United States (IEA, 2007). The total CO2 emission load from vehicular exhausts in India has increased from 132.55 tons/day in 1951 to 7917.75 tons/day in 2002. According to The Energy Research Institute (TERI), CO2 emissions in India have been increasing by 6% per year. India is currently the sixth largest and second fastest growing GHG contributor to the global climate change. Given this background it would be extremely important to ensure sustainability in the growing transport sector. Policy driven technological upgradataion is supposed to bring forward environment friendly sustainable vehicular system characterized by much less emission of local pollutants. Now the question is whether this kind of technological adaptation in transport sector, designed to reduce emission of local pollutants, would automatically lead to lowering of global pollutants like CO2? The hypothesis of the study is that the partial approach of engineering design of the mobility sector may lead to less emission of local pollutant but the same would not automatically take care of CO 2 emission without any complementary policy support and no holistic approach. A case study analysis has been done to understand the validity of the hypothesis. The Study Area: An case study of Kolkata, which has a population of 14.7 million, has been done to analyse the above mentioned hypothesis. Kolkata is the second largest city in India and ranks seventh in the world in terms of population. The city also has a background of dense traffic on road. During 1982-83 the total number of registered vehicles in Kolkata was 0.17 million which has increased to 1.164 million in 2005 and is expected to further increase to about 2.6 million by 2015. The total CO2 emission load from vehicular exhausts in Kolkata has increased from 205.53 tons/day in 1981 to d 265.87 tons/day in 2001. Effective and reliable transport systems are crucial for the functioning of economy. But such systems generate significant negative externalities like emission of GHGs, local air pollution, noise vibrations, energy consumption, and loss of open space. Thus there remains a great challenge how to deliver the transport services while minimizing the externalities generated. Although significant efforts have been made to control vehicular emission of local pollutants, worldwide examples show that there is a small reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions in motorized modes of transport. It is, however, proved that reducing CO2 emissions from the transport sector is much easier than cutting those from the household sector. Moreover any new approach that involves a change in 2 vehicle technology or a shift to different mobility technologies and techniques can be implemented in a relatively short time. Transport, therefore, is a very important element in our race toward sustainable life on earth. The term ‘sustainability’ has attained a prominent place in transportation policy and planning. Sustainability can be broadly defined as ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs’. In the context of transportation, sustainability would mean developing better transportation systems, options, and expectations consistent with the objective of securing future social and economic development within a sustainable environment that ensures community well-being. Sustainable transport can be achieved through measures pertaining to transportation system management, energy management, capacity management and environmental management. Sustainable transport is also important from the perspective of climate change, i.e. decreasing the carbon foot print /ecological foot print of transportation. Thus above findings thrust the need for achieving sustainability in transport not just from the mobility and safety perspective but also from the perspective of local and global warming issues. As a part of it, a case study was conducted in the transport sector of Kolkata. Transportation- India in general and Kolkata in particular: Mobility verses transport defines modern civilization. Where we live and work, the structure of our cities, the flow of global commerce—all have been shaped by transportation technologies. But modern transportation’s reliance on fossil fuels cannot be sustained. Passenger planes, trains, and automobiles were responsible for nearly four billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2005—about 25 percent of the carbon dioxide emitted globally that year. If we continue to rely almost exclusively on petroleum to power these vehicles, they will be responsible for 11- 18 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2050. This is because developing nations—which are home to 82 percent of the world’s population and will be responsible for 98 percent of population growth in coming years—are on the verge of mass motorization. The main transport systems in India are railways, roads, shipping and airlines. Among these, 95% of the total traffic in India is carried by railways and roads. The vast network of railways and road connects almost all corners of the country. Until the beginning of the eighties private passenger cars played a marginal role in India. Bicycles, buses, trucks, and motorbike-rickshaws dominated the streets. In the mid-eighties, Suzuki started the production of its Maruti-car, followed by Honda's motorcycle. India's annual growth rate of motorized transport (averaging about 16%) is considerably higher than the rate of population growth (1.9%). The number of vehicles rose from 4 per 1000 inhabitants in 1971 to 32 in 1994. The expansion of the road system was not able to keep pace with this increase. Thus, besides pollution and GHG emissions threat, the streets are strained beyond their limits and are becoming a threat to pedestrians' safety. The automobile is pushing out bicycles and rickshaws. During Campaign "Sunshine", 12,000 out of the 18,000 bike-rickshaw-drivers were pushed out of Kolkata to create space for the automobile. This process is currently underway in many big cities in Asia and Africa. Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata rank among the ten most polluted cities in the world. In India, over the years more and more inland freight traffic has been shifting from rail to road. In the year 1951 about 88% of country's freight was moving on rail and 10% on roads. But the situation has changed drastically over the last few decades and today about 60% of the freight moves on the road and about 38% on railways. The potential of coastal and inland water transportation is yet to be exploited in a significant way in our country. India contributes only 4.3% of the world vehicular population. Vehicular population has increased at an annual average rate of over 12.7% during the period 1971-1998, resulting in a higher demand for fuel and increase in passenger /freight kilometer along with poor quality of fuel supplies cause menacing growth in vehicular pollution particularly in the cities (Source: Pant K C; Task Force on Integrated Transport Policy, 2001). The growth of vehicles in India, West Bengal and Kolkata from independence period to 2005 is presented in Table-1. 3 It is observed from Table 1 that the number of vehicles on roads has increased from 306 thousands in the year 1951 to 58863 thousands in the year 2002. During independence period (1951), among 306 thousand vehicles on road two-wheeler was 8.82%, car, jeep and taxi were 51.96%, buses were 11.11%, goods vehicles were 26.8% and others were 1.31%. After 40 years in 1991, the total number of vehicles in India has increased to 21374 thousand of which 66.44% two wheelers, 13.82% were car, jeep and taxi; 1.55% were buses, 6.34% were goods vehicles and rest were others. The vehicular population has increased by 69.8 times over the period 1951-1991. In the years 2000, 2001 and Table 1 Growth of Vehicles India Year 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Total no of vehicles(in Thousands) 306 665 1865 5391 21374 33783 37231 41,369 44,875 48857 54991 58863 Year West Bengal Total (in No.) Kolkata Total (in No.) 1981 1991 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 304038 918768 1198733 1239809 1346027 1485071 1632560 1740538 1889039 2129045 2366416 2547962 2681005 172323 476745 565396 587576 616050 664046 693739 729302 762924 794806 856880 941722 1164783 Source: 1) Department of Road Transport and Highways, GOI; 2) Statistical Abstract, 2005-2006, Government of West Bengal; 3) Statistical Handbook, West Bengal, 1999- Bureau of Applied Economics & Statistics, Government of West Bengal 2002 the percentages of different types of vehicles have changed minutely. However the trend shows that the number of road vehicles is expected to reach approximately 295 million by 2030, overtaking that of the United States. Similarly in the case Kolkata the number vehicles has increased from 172323 in the year 1951 to 1164783 in the year 2005 and it is expected to reach about 2.6 million by 2015. Transportation and climate changes: Climate change is today accepted as the largest threat to humanity. It has brought to focus critical questions of linkages between development and environmental sustainability.Whilst cities are threatened by the effects of climate change, they also contribute directly to global warming. Cities consume 80% of the world’s energy and are responsible for 75% of CO2 emissions that cause climate change. Direct sources of GHG emissions in cities include energy generation, vehicles, industry and the burning of fossil fuels and biomass in households. Emissions from vehicles and transport equipments are substantial and are rising at a rate of 2.5% each year, and contribute not only to CO2 emissions, but also to local and regional pollution problems through the emission of carbon monoxide, lead, sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides. CO2 emission quantities of world and some of the prominent countries are given in Table-2. Globally, temperatures have already increased by 0.7 degrees Centigrade over the past century. Temperatures are expected to further increase by a 4 minimum of 1.8 degrees Centigrade to a maximum of 4 degrees Centigrade until the end of this century depending on our ability (or inability) to check climate change by undertaking drastic reductions in emissions of GHGs. Apart from a few positive impacts on tourism and agriculture in northern Europe, increase in global temperatures will have detrimental effects in most parts of the world. Changing rainfall patterns will result in intense flooding and severe droughts, melting glaciers will aggravate the problem of freshwater shortage. The intensity and frequency of cyclones and other storms will increase, vector-borne diseases will spread and rising sea-levels will eventually drown coastal low-lying megacities like Mumbai and Kolkata. Developing economies located in tropical regions will have to bear the brunt of the worst impacts of climate change; countries like India which are on a high growth path will find their development jeopardized if global temperatures rise above 2 degrees Centigrade. Table-2 Sl. No. Country/ Region CO2 (Mt) Power Transport Generation 1 World 26,079 10,587 5,112 2 USA 5,769 2,403 1,759 3 Japan 1,211 454 252 4 OECD Europe 4,078 1,409 976 5 India 1,103 629 98 Source: World Energy Outlook for the year 2004, International Energy Agency Total Contribution Of Transport (%) 19.60 30.49 20.81 23.93 8.88 Strategies for sustainable mobility: Some of the important strategies which are generally implemented and under the process of implementation globally are discussed below. Encouragement of Non – Motorised Transport: Although Non motorised transport is an integral element of rural and developing urban cities in India, it is still good scope in some major cities like Delhi, Mumbai. On the other hand, more than 50% of the city residents cannot afford any other mode of transport unless heavily subsidised. Despite this, investment for pedestrian and cycling infrastructure is traditionally low relative to other modes. The streets of Indian cities need to be made more amenable, attractive and safe in design terms to encourage pedestrian and cycle use. Major deterrents to cycling include unhealthy, unpleasant and dangerous traffic conditions, unsuitable road design and a lack of secure cycle parking. Conditions must be improved to ensure that routes are fit for cycling such as safe, convenient and pleasant. To encourage more walking and cycling, incentives are required for people to modify their journey patterns and to make shorter trips by making such facilities (shops, schools, post offices and banks) closer to where people live. Micro level policies such as maintenance policies for walking routes, ensuring pavements are in good state of repair and removing street clutter, obstructions, etc. are also important. Use of alternative fuels: The technological foundation should be laid for the eventual elimination of the effects of fossil carbon in transport fuel. This will likely require both the development of solar energy and hydrogen energy. However, development of vehicles with solar energy as well as hydrogen energy is still in the research stage. Promotion of MRTS and BRTS: Public transport is a key policy package in providing an alternative, more carbon efficient means of travel. In India, most public transport services are of poor quality - crowded, undependable, slow and inconvenient, uncoordinated and often dangerous. In many mega-cities, rail systems should ideally carry the bulk of the high demand for motorized trips, as mass 5 rapid transit systems (MRTS) have a capacity superior to any other urban transport system. In this some of the major cities in India like Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, etc., have already taken the steps for implementation of BRTS and MRTS. For example, slow shifting from conventional buses to metro services by expanding new routes in Kolkata helps in reducing the GHG emissions as well as other pollutants to a large extent. High-Speed Train: There is potential for some CO2 emission reduction impacts by the substitution of long distance travel by more fuel efficient modes. Introduction of high speed train (HST) would definitely reduce the CO2 emission to a large extent. Green Arteries: Recently a very encouraging policy called “green arteries” has started working in New York City which connects almost every part of the city with sustainable subway cars/cable cars and inter-cities with high speed trains. New technologies increase rail line capacity by 50% and lower energy consumption by 30%. Global implementation of such new mobility systems would make our world smaller. Traffic Planning: The issues currently plaguing the traffic and transportation system in Kolkata are lack of adequate road space, or of controlled rights of way, a rapidly increasing fleet of personal vehicles partly due to the absence of a well defined public transport system, lack of parking space and the near absence of a parking policy, lack of enforcement, and worst of all, road user indiscipline. Therefore it is necessary to improve the traffic flow which will lead to reduction of fuel consumption and then the emission of GHGs and other pollutants. Pricing Regimes: Increasing the price of car-based travel in India would be difficult to implement in social/equity terms. However this policy lever is one of the ways in which decision making can be influenced and behaviour change achieved. Congestion charges in London and carbon tax in British Colombia, Canada, are examples of making petrol car-based travel more unattractive. Ideally pricing is linked to the emissions profile of the vehicle – this might include both CO2 emissions and local pollutants. The charging could feasibly also be related to usage/occupancy. The combination of emissions pricing and the availability of clean vehicles should provide incentives to people to switch to cleaner vehicles and also reduce unnecessary car-based travel. Integrated Urban Planning: Urban spatial structure, at the strategic and local scales, can be extremely influential in determining the main characteristics of travel – the numbers of trips made, journey lengths and mode share. Urban structure thus provides the basic rationale for travel (and consequently CO2 emissions), alongside wider influences such as socio-economic and attitudinal/cultural characteristics. Despite this, urban planning is often underplayed as a tool in traffic demand management strategies. This package aims at improving the urban design such that dependence on private vehicles is reduced. Effective land use planning helps to create mixed use areas, better conditions for walking, cycling and public transport. Some main measures which may be considered in the integrated urban planning are • Strategic urban planning and design focused on reducing the need to travel; • Public transport orientated development, high density clusters around interchange; • Upgrading of local urban facilities, amenities and recreational areas; • Environmental zones reserved for clean vehicles; • Improved conditions for walking, cycling and public transport use, with integration between modes and street. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): e-communication now allows many activities to be carried out electronically, potentially replacing the need for physical travel which can reduce a substantial amount of CO2 emission. Thus the encouragement of the use of the internet and mobile technology is necessary to help reduction in travel frequency and distance and thereby climate impacts. 6 Low carbon technology/ Low Emission Vehicles: The reduction in emissions is a result of a radical introduction of low carbon technologies that reduce emissions without restricting the rise in travel. This policy package aims to substantially improve the efficiency of vehicles by reducing fuel consumption and consequently CO2 emissions. These technologies include the following: • Hybrid vehicle technology for cars and SUVs which can significantly lower the average emissions profile of the car stock. Presently in the global context, a hybrid bus emits up to 26 tons less CO2 per year than a conventional bus. Hence one possibility is to give sufficient encouragement and support for the introduction of hybrid vehicles, so that by 2030 high proportions (around 90 %) of sales are of hybrid vehicles. These hybrid vehicles could be powered by diesel or petrol, or even alternative fuels. Improved fuel economy standards Electric vehicles – Siemens researchers have started developing devices that will make it easy for drivers to recharge their vehicle batteries within minutes. This will be a breakthrough in the new technologies and will be highly beneficial for reducing CO2 emissions (as well as local air pollutants). Biofuels – this scenario assumes a rising share of Biofuels in the fuel mix for all vehicles. The blend of Biofuels in both diesel and petrol will rise gradually, reaching a level of 30% by the year 2030. The Government of India has already introduced a programme of 5% ethanol in petrol and this scenario assumes that the programme would be developed further. However, there is a debate for a country like India where most of the people depend upon cultivation that the generation of Biofuels will simply consume the cultivation land. Intelligent transport systems: Enhancement and proper implementation of intelligent transport systems will have impressive benefits to the sustainable mobility. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) technologies have the potential to enable individual travellers, vehicle operators and governmental authorities to make transport decisions that are better informed, more intelligent, and safer which will indirectly help the reduction of GHG emission. Some examples include: • Integrated fare management • Enhanced transit/customer relationship management • Traffic prediction • Improved transport and traffic management • Traveller information and advisory services • Road user charging • Variable parking pricing. Ecological Driving and Slower Speeds: It has been demonstrated that lower speed limits, and less lane switching, can allow traffic to flow more smoothly, thereby increasing capacity. For example, in U.K. there has also been a clear move towards lowering speed limits in residential areas (home zones) and in other locations (e.g. around schools), where priority has been reallocated to people. Lower speed limits can have major safety benefits. Not only this, driving at moderate speeds (e.g. in the 30s to 80 kph) also has substantial impacts on CO2 emissions as it avoids excessive acceleration, harsh braking and ultimately it reduces the CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, etc. Moreover, other measures like starting the engine without using the accelerator, changing gears at relatively low engine revolutions, driving in the highest comfortable gear at any given speed and controlled use of the accelerator may also be considered as cases of ecological driving. Freight Transport: The freight sector has a major role to play in helping to reduce transport sector CO2 emissions. There are a number of ways to reduce freight CO2 emissions – improve load factors, reduce empty running, change mode and improve fuel efficiency. Case Study for Public Transport Sector in Kolkata: 7 1. Data for fuel consumption and km traveled from August’07 to April’08 for Non-Euro, Euro I, Euro II, and Euro III for Kolkata State Transport Corporation (CSTC) were collected out of which data for two of the months are given in Table-3a & 3b. CSTC is a West Bengal state government undertaken transport corporation. It plies buses in Kolkata and nearby districts of West Bengal with some long distance services. Total strength of CSTC is 1040 buses as on 2007 and the average age of vehicle is 7.02 years. Using the collected data and the technique of ultimate analysis the CO2 emissions for the stated vehicle types are calculated. Euro norms: Emission norms are requirements that set specific limits to the amount of pollutants that can be released into the environment. Many emissions standards focus on regulating pollutants released by automobiles (motor cars) and other powered vehicles. Frequent policy alternatives to emissions standards are technology standards (which mandate Standards generally regulate the emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides, particulate matter (PM) or soot, carbon monoxide (CO), or volatile hydrocarbons (see carbon dioxide equivalent).Thus the Euro norms require manufacturers to reduce the conventional polluting emission levels in a more efficient manner by making certain technical changes in the vehicles. The first Indian emission regulations were idle emission limits which became effective in 1989. These idle emission regulations were soon replaced by mass emission limits for both petrol (1991) and diesel (1992) vehicles, which were gradually tightened during the 1990s. Since the year 2000, India started adopting European emission and fuel regulations for four-wheeled light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles. India’s own emission regulations still apply to two- and three-wheeled vehicles. The specifications of Euro I, Euro II, and Euro III norms implemented by the government are given as follows: EURO I: Gasoline driven vehicles CO: 2.72 gm/km HC+NOx: 0.97 gm/km CO% Vol. at idles: 3 EURO II: Gasoline driven vehicles CO: 2.20gm/km HC+NOx: 0.50 gm/km EURO III: Gasoline driven vehicles CO: 2.30 gm/km HC+NOx: 0.20+0.15 gm/km CO% Vol. at idles: 3 Diesel driven vehicles CO: 2.72 gm/km HC+NOx: 0.97 gm/km Particulate matter: 0.14 gm/km Diesel driven vehicles CO: 1.0 gm/km HC+NOx: 0.7 gm/km Particulate matter: 0.08 gm/km Diesel driven vehicles CO: 0.64-0.95gm/km HC+NOx: 0.56-0.86 gm/km Particulate matter: 0.05-0.10 gm/km 8 Table: 3a Data from CSTC: (for Sept,07) Vehicle type No. of buses Non-Euro Euro I Euro II Euro III 298 415 335 20 Fuel consumption (litre) 228980.33 353539.66 556128 23788.33 Kms travelled 758958.4 1335430.3 1952340.7 73307 Kmpl Kms travelled 566101 1238097 2061185 91434 Kmpl 3.31 3.77 3.51 3.08 CO2 emissions (kg/ km) 0.805 0.707 0.761 0.866 Table: 3b Data from CSTC: (for April,08) Vehicle type No. of buses Non-Euro Euro I Euro II Euro III 242 415 334 19 Fuel consumption (litre) 169315 328414 57899 29772 3.34 3.76 3.55 3.07 CO2 emissions (kg/ km) 0.798 0.708 0.752 0.887 As technological advancement has taken place improved vehicles have been introduced in the form of Euro I, Euro II and Euro III. From Table 3a and 3b it could be observed that fuel efficiency on road has been declined for improved vehicles. For example in table 3b, mileage of Euro I standard in Kolkata was found to be 3.76 Kilometer per liter which has been subsequently declined for improved Euro II and III. So there was a worsening of fuel intensity of the vehicles. This subsequently lead to higher CO2 emission intensity for improved vehicles: While emission of CO2 was found to be 0.708 kg per kilometer travel of Euro I vehicles, the same figure increases to 0.752 kg/km and 0.887 kg/km for Euro II and Euro III respectively. This phenomenon could be explained by analyzing the characteristic of the mechanical design of engines used in these vehicles. Improved vehicular technology implies use of high power engines which could deliver efficient outcomes in terms of fuel efficiency and emission reduction only when they are driven at a higher speed. On heavy traffic congested roads like Kolkata, these technologically improved vehicles thus could not deliver an efficient outcome. Data were collected for increase in consumption of fuel with the increase of transit time and using this data, the quantity of CO2 emission was obtained. Table 4 shows the consumption of fuel at peak and non-peak hours for different routes: Table – 4 Sl. No. Route no. Route L 9A 1 Dunlop to Ballygunge No. of buses per day Distance (km) 21 Fuel Nonpeak hours (speed km/hr) 20 7.3 Peak hours (speed km/hr) Average fuel consumption %wastage Per trip 12 12.8 24 5.5 9 2 = 20 consumption= Daily trips= 40 S-32 Baracpore to Howrah No. of buses per day = 16 Difference= 7.3- 5.5 =1.8 litres of fuel consumed more for 1 trip 27.5 20 12 16.6 25 Daily trips= 32 Difference= 9.5 - 7.1 =2.4 litres of fuel consumed more for 1 trip Fuel consumption= 7.1 9.5 From the table: 4, it is observed that there is a large difference in speed during peak and nonpeak hours and there is increase in transit time which resulted in large consumption of fuel. It leads to the increase in GHG emission. The amount of CO2 emission for the excess fuel consumed due to more traffic during peak hours has been calculated and it has been found as 192.24 kg per day for the route L 9A and 205.05 kg per day for the route S-32. The variation in speed can be controlled by road widening, rerouting, restriction of auto in the main roads, etc. 3. The following data given in table: 5 show the fuel consumption and GHG emission for different routes/places: Table: 5 Emission Data for Public buses(Govt. & Private) for one side of a Route.( Place- Garia) Bus Route Distance Fuel Time taken Total Avg. No. (km) Consumption (min) passen Speed (litre) gers (km/hr) Nos. 45B 234/1 S-9 S-31 8B Garia To Airport gate 11 Belgharia To Lake Garden 27 Jadavpur To Karuna moyee 23 Jadavpur To Behala rasta 9 Jadavpur To Howrah 16 3.5 4 4 4 8 9 8 8 7 6.5 7 7 3 3.5 3 3 7 7.5 7 8 Avg. 3.8 8.25 6.87 3.12 7.37 Nos. 45 50 50 60 130 150 140 130 60 70 70 60 35 45 40 45 60 50 50 60 Emission (gm/km) Avg. 50 13 919.25 70 12 1225.7 60 21 794.2 50 13 922 60 17 813.08 51 137.5 65 41 56 10 From table: 5, it is found that lower average speed of vehicles due to traffic congestion increases emission from the vehicles. The only way to increase the average speed is through improvement of traffic flow. This can be done by better signaling at the crossings and fixing the number of vehicles for a particular route. Comparison of fuel consumption, kmpl and earning for four existing CSTC buses and four low floor buses are given below .This study is done to show the importance of low floor buses over existing CSTC buses. Further, using this data, the CO2 emission from the low floor buses and existing CSTC buses has been calculated. Table: 6 (Existing CSTC buses) 1 2 3 4 Km 5183.9 4974.1 5578.2 6185.5 Feb’08 HSD (litres) 1758 1650 1734 1832 Kmpl 2.94 3.01 3.21 3.37 Earning 845208.15 2336425.75 3140725.60 2035430.20 Kmpl 3.21 3.33 2.65 1.41 Earning 794454.55 8584977.90 988112.25 724226.40 Table: 7 (Low floor buses) 1 2 3 4 Km 5612.9 4747.9 4406.5 227.6 Feb’08 HSD (litres) 1744 1424 1658 161 From tables: 6 and 7, it is observed that ticket sale per bus in low floor buses is more than existing CSTC buses but the kmpl of the former is very low as compared to the latter. Although the average mileage of the existing buses and low floor buses are almost equal the emission per passenger is lower in the case of low floor buses because of their larger capacities. Hence low floor buses are more efficient in reducing GHG emission than existing buses. Therefore, slow phasing out of existing buses and subsequent replacement by low floor buses is necessary. 5. Data collected for route remapping to reduce emissions for a specific route is shown in table: 8: The route IC21 is taken which travels from Dakhinneswar to Garia. It covers a distance of 29.25 km and consumes 9 litres of fuel. Whereas proposed new route via Karunamoyee covers a distance of 38 km and consumes 12 litres of fuel. Instead of providing a new route, the existing route may be divided into two shifts as morning shift and evening shift as per the passenger load available which saves 3 litres per trip as shown below. Table: 8 Bus No. Route Existing Route Via Distance IC21A Dakhineswar to Ultadanga, EM Bypass 29.25 Fuel consumption 9 11 Garia Proposed route IC21A Dakhineswar to Garia Ultadanga,Karunamoyee, EM Bypass 38 12 Table: 8 shows that buses running without or with minimum passengers leads to higher emission per passenger. In order to reduce it, the route is to be divided into two shifts according to passenger load as shown above. This will not only decrease GHG emission per passenger but also increase revenues for the bus operators. 6. Load factor study of buses by taking different categories at different locations using “visual occupation study”: the methodology used by Logitrans (2003) is shown in table: 9: . Table: 9 Time: 10 am to 6 pm Bus No. 80A Route Load Factor Study Chart No. of vehicles 17 A B Place: Tollygunge C D E F Garia to Dharamtala 41 Lalka to 17 Tsow 40B Thakurpur 27 To Baguihati 205A Garia to 6 Dharmtala S-7 Garia to 6 Howrah 208 Babughat 10 to High court 41B BBD bag 12 to Dalhugao C-8 Tollygunge 11 To Niccopark 228 Maharpur 6 to Babughat C-14 Modma to 7 Tollygunge 218 Dhakuria to 5 Howrah 37/1 SaltLake to 5 Tollygunge 135 Bigata to 5 Howrah A: nearly empty; B: some seated passengers; C: all passengers seated; D: some passengers standing; E: bus in full; F: overloaded 12 Table: 9 shows that at off-peak hours maximum buses run empty as there is no coordinated scheduling of bus services and thereby increases GHG emission per passenger. This implies staggering of office hours can help congestions thereby carbon emission reduction. It also shows the requirement of ‘centralized bus fleet control’ which allows for a coordinated scheduling of bus services that dynamically adjusts bus frequency with demand to result in fewer buses scheduled in off-peak hours. Thus load factor of buses is optimized leading to lower GHG emissions per passenger and higher revenues. Conclusions: Case study in Kolkata shows that mere change in technical standard specifications neither solves the problem of GHG emissions nor the fuel consumption. It clearly highlights the fact that any technological upgradation backed by the policy requirement to reduce the emission of local pollutants cannot by itself take care of the emission of global pollutants such as CO2. Any attempt to reduce the emission of GHGs from mobility sector needs to be backed by specific policy design. The technological upgradation needs to be backed by proper design of route, infrastructural and transport management. Otherwise, clearly, even improved technologies like higher Euro standard vehicles are introduces them would fail to bring the most efficient outcome. They are found to be effective in reduction of local pollutants but only at the cost of increasing emission of CO2 per kilometer as the other parameters were not taken care of. There are many research issues that need to be addressed in order to make these efforts successful in achieving sustainability in transportation for Indian cities. It can be concluded that it is necessary to quantify state-wise emissions from the Indian road transport sector which would be useful in the design and implementation of appropriate technologies and policies for GHG mitigation, thereby leading to an efficient and sustainable transportation network. This kind of a partial approach towards technological upgradation would never lead to a sustainable transport sector, what is needed is an holistic approach in policy design incorporating technological, infrastructural, managerial, environmental: both local and global issues. References: Jana, B., Roy, P., Majumder, M. & Mazumdar, A. (2008). A Review on GHG Emission as CO2 equivalent from Transport System in view of Advanced Vehicular Technology and Improved Fuel Quality. PHILICA.COM Article number 131. Lakhlan, N.K. (2008). A study of carbon emission in transport sector in Kolkata: Methodologies for carbon emission reduction and CDM possibilities. Thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University. Björn Stigson, President, WBCSD, Mobility 2030: Meeting the challenges to sustainability. Cazorla, Marina and M Toman (2000): ‘International Equity and Climate Change Policy’, Climate Issues Brief No 27, Washington DC: Resources for the Future. 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