Run-On Sentences: Practice & Correction

Run-On Sentences
At this time, you are ready to study RUN-ON SENTENCES. These sentence errors are
just the opposite of FRAGMENTS. A fragment is too short; a run-on is too long. If you
forget the subject or verb, the sentence is a FRAGMENT. If you try to combine too
many clauses, or you forget to use the correct punctuation or coordinating conjunctions,
the sentence is a RUN-ON.
(If you write more than one complete sentence and connect them with just commas,
they are a special kind of run-on called COMMA SPLICE.)
Wrong: It's raining we need to take an umbrella with us.
Wrong: It's raining, we need to take an umbrella with us. (comma splice)
Correct: It's raining. We need to take an umbrella with us.
Correct: It's raining, so we need to take an umbrella with us.
Correct: Because it's raining, we need to take an umbrella with us.
Correct: It's raining; therefore, we need to take an umbrella with us.
How to fix a run-on sentence
There are at least five easy ways to connect sentences properly and avoid writing a runon sentence:
1 Use a coordinating conjunction:
They need to stay awake at work, so they drink coffee.
2. Use a subordinating conjunction:
Because they need to stay awake at work, they drink coffee.
They drink coffee at work because they need to stay awake.
3. Use a transitional expression:
They need to stay awake at work ; therefore, they drink coffee.
They need to stay awake at work . Therefore, they drink coffee.
4. Use end punctuation:
They need to stay awake at work. They drink coffee.
(This option doesn't show a logical relationship between
the ideas, so use one of the other options when possible.
5. Use relative clauses. (You will learn this later)
The teacher that we admire most is our Chemistry professor.
This is the place where I grew up.
Exercise 1:
Instructions: Fix these run-on sentences 2 ways.
1. I see you you see me.
2. That is a good book do you like it?
3. It is sunny we are going to the beach.
4. Run-on sentences are wrong don't write them!
Exercise 2
Instructions: Correct these sentences. The first have explanations to guide you
through the corrections. The ones on the bottom do not.
1. The soup is delicious won't you have some? You will enjoy it, it
has cabbage and tomatoes.
Help: Both sentences have two subjects and two
complete predicates. However, the first does not have
any punctuation, so it IS a run-on sentence. The
second uses only a comma to separate the two
complete clauses. It is a comma splice.
Your correction:
2. There is a mist over the Amazon jungle this morning it will
dissipate before noon. Mornings are beautiful here, so are
Help: Both sentences have two subjects and two complete
predicates. However, the first does not have any
punctuation, so it IS a run-on sentence. The second uses
only a comma to separate the two complete clauses. It is a
comma splice, and it is wrong.
Your correction:
3. I would like to be in Tuilleries in Paris when the first snow is just
beginning to fall because it looks like such an amazing place.
Help: The sentence has three subjects ("I," "the sun," and
"it") and three complete predicates, but it is not a run-on
sentence because the words "when" and "because" connect
the sentences correctly. There is no error in this sentence.
Your correction:
4. Every child should have a dog, dogs teach children a sense of
responsibility and compassion. Dogs also make a house safe
because they guard their property from intruders.
Help: All four clauses have a subject and a complete
predicate. However, the first sentence uses only a comma to
separate the two complete clauses. It is a comma splice, so
it is wrong. The second sentence is NOT a run-on
sentence. The word "because" correctly connects the ideas.
Your correction:
5. Toby enjoys retrieving sticks, this stick looks too large for him,
but he doesn't mind, he loves this game and will try to retrieve
anything his owner throws.
No help on this one!
Your correction:
6. Yesterday morning, Mama Polar Bear decided to visit a
neighbor for breakfast, she brought her two children with her, but
the people in the igloo were not too happy to see her and they
hoped she would go away.
No help on this one!
Your correction:
7. Sometimes things are not what they seem for example, in this
picture there are two images. Can you see them?
No help on this one!
Your correction:
I enjoy abstract art it makes me think about perceptions do
you like this kind of art too?
No help on this one!
Your correction:
Exercise 3
Instructions: Indicate whether the sentence is a comma splice (cs), fragment (f), a run-on (r-o), or a correct
sentence (c). If it is a fragment or a run-on, rewrite it correctly. Click here for a larger picture of Glenwood
Canyon by Brent Reed (click on the picture at this website):
1)This is Glenwood Canyon, my family travels to this area every year. It is a
beautiful place to visit. 2)The Canyon is 5,700 feet above sea level in the Colorado River
Valley. According to the guidebooks, it is one of the most spectacular points of
geological interest in the American West. 3)Sometimes we go in the summertime and
enjoy the boating, fishing, and swimming however, some years we go in the dead of
winter (January or February). 4)You can see from this picture that the canyon is
beautiful in the summertime. 5)Waterfalls cascade down canyon walls, flowers cover
the ground. 6)Of course, during the winter 7)All of this area is covered with snow.
8)Why do we sometimes like to come to this area in winter? 9)Well, we visit a place
called Glenwood Springs it is very near this canyon. 10)Believe it or not, we enjoy the
swimming outdoors in Glenwood Springs! 11)Yes, we swim in the snow in the winter, no,
we are not crazy. 12)Here is the secret: There are several ancient hot springs where
we can swim in the cold weather. Because the water is very very warm! 13)In fact, we
can swim. At night in the snow, It is a wonderful experience.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 1.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 2.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 3.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 4.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 5.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 6.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 7.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 8.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 9.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 10.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 11.
cs__ f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 12.
f__ r-o__ c__ correction: 13.
Exercise 4
RUN-ON sentences----Group Exercise
Instructions: In small groups or pairs, choose one picture and correct the run-on
sentences. Share your answers first with other groups that chose the same picture to
see if you have different answers (there are several ways to fix each sentence). Then
share your answers with the class.
1. Dogs are so funny they love to hunt and chase
things that run from them, but sometimes they
get into trouble.
2. Take my dog, Charlie, for example he caught a
skunk the skunk did not like that very much and
sprayed him with a horrible smell, and I had to
give poor old Charlie five baths before he smelled
good again.
3. Charlie was very surprised when he caught
that skunk, he cried all the way back to the
house, he probably will never chase another
animal again because he will be afraid of getting
all stinky.
4. When Zach was a baby, he never
wanted to go to sleep he liked to stay up
late at night and then sleep all morning.
5. His parents tried several ideas to get
Zach to sleep more during the night,
they kept him up during the day, kept
the house very quiet in the evening, gave
him a warm bath at night, nothing
5. This was a big problem for Jenny and
Danny, the parents, they had to wake up
early to go to work, but they had to stay
up late with Zach because he didn't like
to be alone in his room when he was
6. Now Zach is 5 he has a baby sister,
Jasmine, who likes to stay up late and sleep in
the morning, Zach does not like to stay up
late anymore, though, he likes to go to bed
early at night and wake up early in the
7. Now Jenny and Danny stay up late because
Jazz won't sleep, they also have to get up
early because Zach wakes up early, nobody
can rest when children are small.
8. Jenny and Danny go to work and school
very tired, they drink coffee all day to stay
awake, they hope Jazz will learn to sleep all
night soon because they are both exhausted.
Internet Activities
To read more about run-on sentences and how to fix them, visit these Web sites:
Run-on Sentences
Explanation PowerPoint Presentation on Run-ons:
Practice Quizzes: Fixing Run-ons. Instructions quoted from the Site: "After
each run-on sentence below select the remedy that would best repair that
sentence. If the sentence is correctly written the way it stands, select the first
option. The explanation will attempt to justify our editing of that sentence.
Quiz: Run-ons and Fragments. Instructions quoted from the Site: "After each
sentence, select the option which best describes that sentence. The first option
will always be that the sentence is fine. Other options will not only define the
structural flaw but suggest a way of fixing it. Choose the option with the best
Comma Splices
Explanation of Comma Splices: Instructions quoted from the Site: "Click on "The
sentence, please!" and a sentence containing a comma splice will appear in the top
text-area. Repair the sentence. When you are finished with each sentence (or, if you
wish, wait until you've done them all), click on "Grammar's Version," which will
reveal how we would have repaired the sentence. Don't cheat by looking at Grammar's
Version first."
Practice Exercises Avoiding Comma Splices: Instructions quoted from the
Site: "Click on "The sentence, please!" and a sentence containing a comma
splice will appear in the top text-area. Repair the sentence."