Chapter 1—Background

Fundamentals of Java
Chapter 1: Background
Give a brief history of computers.
Describe how hardware and software make up computer architecture.
Understand the binary representation of data and programs in computers.
Discuss the evolution of programming languages.
Describe the software development process.
Discuss the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming.
Teaching Materials
Student text
PowerPoint presentation from the PowerPoint Presentations drop-down menu
on the Instructor Resources CD
Solutions to exercise questions, review questions, and programming projects from
the Solutions to Exercises drop-down menu on the Instructor Resources CD
ExamView test questions from the Test Bank & Test Engine drop-down menu
on the Instructor Resources CD
Focus students’ attention on the objectives for the chapter.
Set up a projection system and show the PowerPoint presentation for the chapter,
if desired.
Prepare questions from ExamView.
Lecture Notes and Teaching Tips
Most students will probably have some information regarding the history of computers.
One way to begin the discussion for this chapter is to ask them what they already know.
An informal review of the vocabulary list, for example, is a good way to assess where
students are at before starting the unit.
One way to help students understand the concept of object-oriented programming (as
well as how it differs from top-down design) and the components of programming is to
separate students into groups of five. Assign one student the job of porter, two the job of
pathfinder, and two the job of cook. Have them go through the analogy the author points
out in this section. You could also extend this into another analogy of a small business.
Students could play the role of manager, data entry individuals, and accounting
specialists. Have them discuss the concepts of classes, methods, encapsulation,
information hiding, polymorphism, and inheritance using this analogy.
History of Computers
Fundamentals of Java
Chapter 1: Background
The history of computers is relatively recent. During the past 50 years or so, there has
been immense progress made in technology and the world of computers. Primary
developments include the miniaturization and integration of hardware components, the
development of user interfaces that support easy access for beginners, and the linking of
computers in various communications networks, such as the World Wide Web.
Quick Quiz
1. True or False? Electronic digital computers were invented several hundred years ago.
Answer: False
2. What kind of computer supports several users simultaneously while giving each
person the illusion that he or she “owns” the computer?
C. time-sharing computer
B. hand-held calculator
Answer: C
Computer Hardware and Software
The difference between hardware and software is an important aspect of this lesson.
Students should have a broad understanding of hardware components and how they fit
together. Students should also become familiar with system software, such as the
computer’s operating system and the services it provides. It is important for them to
understand that programmers modify software to add new services to a computer and
rarely modify hardware.
Quick Quiz
1. True or False? Secondary memory typically has a much greater storage capacity than
primary memory.
Answer: True
2. True or False? Word processors translate programs to executable form.
Answer: False
Binary Representation of Information and Computer Memory
Students should understand how computers store information. Understanding how
integers, floating-point numbers, characters, strings, images, and sound are digitized (and
how memory in general works) is an essential aspect of computer fluency. It is helpful for
students to run through a few examples of the binary, octal, and hexadecimal number
systems and look at bit patterns for characters. A general discussion of the binary
representation of images and sound can generate high interest among students.
Quick Quiz
1. 8 bits represent __________ distinct values.
Answer: fonts
2. Which of the following generally requires more bits to represent?
A. integer
C. image
B. character
D. sound
Answer: D
Fundamentals of Java
Chapter 1: Background
Programming Languages
Emphasize the distinction between expressing ideas in a form that people can understand
and expressing ideas in a form that machines can represent and manipulate. Call attention
to the fact that the first computers were programmed in languages that were very close in
form to the languages of the machines and that programming languages have evolved to
better approximate the languages that people use to express their ideas.
Quick Quiz
1. Which of the following is an example of a high-level language?
A. assembly language
C. Java
B. machine language
Answer: C
2. A(n) __________ translates a program in a high-level language to machine code.
Answer: compiler
The Software Development Process
Running through the software development process with students is helpful. These phases
should be kept in mind throughout the entire course. Even with the most simplistic
programs, developing the habits of this cycle will pay off for students. Students may want
to talk to someone who is working in the field of computer programming at this point.
Either having a guest speaker come to your classroom or assigning students to interview a
programmer would be appropriate at this point.
Quick Quiz
1. Which of the following is the most costly part of the software life cycle?
A. design
C. testing
B. coding
D. maintenance
Answer: D
2. __________ is the part of the software development process wherein the
programmers write the program code.
Answer: Implementation
Basic Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming
One way of illustrating the difference between object-oriented programming and
procedural programming is to separate the students into groups of five. Assign one
student the job of porter, two the job of pathfinder, and two the job of cook. Have them
go through the analogy the author points out in this section. You could also extend this
into another analogy of a small business. Students could play the role of manager, data
entry individuals, and accounting specialists. Have them discuss the concepts of classes,
methods, encapsulation, information hiding, polymorphism, and inheritance using this
Quick Quiz
1. Objects in an object-oriented system provide services by running __________.
A. classes
B. methods
Answer: B
Fundamentals of Java
Chapter 1: Background
2. A(n) __________ defines data resources and behavior for a set of objects.
Answer: class
Discussion Questions
1. Jack is confused about the difference between hardware and software. How would
you explain that difference to him?
2. Describe how images can be represented by binary notation. Why do images require
so many bits?
3. There is much more to the software development process than just coding a program
in a particular programming language. Explain.
Key Terms
Application software: Programs that are designed for a specific use.
Bit: A binary digit.
Byte: A sequence of bits used to encode character in memory.
Central processing unit (CPU): A major hardware component that consists of
the arithmetic/logic unit and the control unit.
Hardware: The actual computing machine and its support devices.
Information hiding: A condition in which the user of a module does not know
the details of how it is implemented, and the implementer of a module does not
know the details of how it is used.
Object-oriented programming: The construction of software systems that use
Primary memory: Memory contained in the computer (main memory).
Secondary memory: An auxiliary device used to store memory, such as a disk or
flash memory stick.
Software: Programs that make the machine do something such as spreadsheets,
word processors, or games.
Software development life cycle: The process that a program goes through. It
consists of the development, maintenance, and demise of a software system. The
phases include analysis, design, coding, testing/verification, maintenance, and
System software: The programs that allow users to write and execute other
programs. For example, operating systems such as Unix, Linux, and MasOS.
Ubiquitous computing: The presence of computers, which are often hidden, in
many items used in everyday life.
Waterfall model: A series of steps in which a software system trickles down
from analysis to design to implementation.
Projects to Assign
In Project 1-1, students will discuss the different components of the computers
that they are using in the classroom.
In the Critical Thinking Activity, students will discuss the ethical and legal issues
surrounding copyrighting.
Fundamentals of Java
Chapter 1: Background
Administer the ExamView test for Chapter 1.