Guest Speaker for a Two-Day Critical Thinking In

Guest Speaker for a Two-Day Critical Thinking In-Service
Thursday, September 10 and Friday, September 11
8:30am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00
Student Union Multipurpose Room
We welcome Dr. Gerald Nosich to campus. He is a professor in the Philosophy
Department at Buffalo State University in NY. Dr. Nosich will develop the idea of
teaching and assessing critical thinking across the curriculum and share
strategies he utilizes. He will focus on teaching critical thinking skills in subjectspecific areas, as well as across the curriculum.
Please come as you are able to around your classes. We will have tables and
chairs arranged around the room so you may come and go. Have questions?
Contact Pat Sherblom at x 2333 or
Dr. Gerald Nosich
Dr. Gerald Nosich is a noted authority on critical thinking and has given more
than 200 workshops on all aspects of teaching for critical thinking. Since the mid1980s he has become committed to teaching for Critical Thinking across the
curriculum. He is convinced that the only way for students to learn a subject
matter is to think their way through it.
He is the author of Reasons and Arguments (Wadsworth, 1982). His second
book, Learning to Think Things Through: A Guide to Critical Thinking Across the
Curriculum, has been translated into Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic. He is the
author of numerous articles, audio- and videotapes on critical thinking.
Dr. Nosich has given workshops for instructors at all levels of education, in the
US, in Canada, Thailand, Lithuania, Austria, and Germany. He has worked with
the U.S. Department of Education on a project for a National Assessment of
Higher Order Thinking Skills; given teleconferences sponsored by PBS and
Starlink on teaching for critical thinking within subject-matter courses; served as
a consultant/evaluator for SACS Accreditation of programs at various colleges
and universities emphasizing critical thinking; and been featured as a Noted
Scholar at the University of British Columbia. He has been Assistant Director at
the Center for Critical Thinking at Sonoma State University, and is an associate
of the Center and the Foundation for Critical Thinking.