Essay #1 - Napa Valley College

Barney/Eng 90
Choose one of the following essay prompts:
1. In The Things They Carried O'Brien writes, "Men killed, and died, because they were
embarrassed not to" (20). Find at least three characters and explain how their actions, attitudes,
and beliefs reflect O'Brien's point of view in regards to such issues as masculinity, cowardice and
courage. What are your conclusions regarding the issues O’Brien raises? Use plenty of examples
from the stories to support your point.
Are the examples of masculinity tied with the men’s maturity?
Contrast the examples of masculinity with the examples of femininity.
Is O’Brien challenging stereotypes?
Cowardice / Embarrassment / Shame
Was Tim a coward for going to war?
What are the courageous acts in the book?
Look at the examples and decide what belief or point of view is linking all your examples
Draw a conclusion from all these examples.
Explain O’Brien’s point of view on masculinity, cowardice, and/or courage.
2. Throughout the stories, O’Brien juxtaposes images of great beauty with images of great
horror, the scene of Curt Lemon’s death in "How to Tell A True War Story" being one notable
example. Write an essay in which you trace the use of such contrasting images across at least
three of the stories. What do these contrasting images say about O’Brien’s experiences in
Look at the descriptions he uses.
Curt Lemon soars into a tree
Sky goes from pink to purple
Star-shaped hole / butterfly on his chin
Contradicting images = confusion, chaos, optimism, coping mechanisms.
How do the soldiers survive Vietnam?
3. The men deal with the uncertainty, fear, and death around them in sometimes surprisingly
tender, irreverently funny, or horrifyingly brutal ways. Choose at least three characters from the
stories to examine how these characters respond to their circumstances and the men around them.
What conclusions can you draw about men and war through these examples?
Look for examples where the men react in unexpected ways. Analyze the different reactions.
What do these examples say about how men survive the Vietnam War?
What do these examples say about O’Brien’s view on the Vietnam War?
4. What is the role of women and girls in the book? Examine the various female characters in
the novel and explain what each may represent.
Typically, women offer comfort and support to men at war.
How do the women conform to this role and/or how do they defy this role?
Look for a common theme among the characters you are discussing. Decide the overall role or
point of view the characters reveal.
Do not have three separate discussions.
5. The "Speaking of Courage" sequence, as well as the stories related to “The Man I Killed,"
deal with the issue of responsibility and guilt. Discuss how at least three characters deal with
their feelings of guilt over the deaths of those around them.
Need to analyze the methods in which the men deal with the guilt.
Decide an overall point of view or unifying theme – it cannot be that the men deal with guilt.
Do not have three separate discussions.