ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION PLENARY BUSINESS MEETING February 17, 2000 Agenda Topic: Priorities for Continuing Professional Development Materials: None Staff Contact(s): Frank Llano Dennis Williams Purpose of Agenda Item To consider adoption of a fourth State Board of Education priority for continuing professional development that is related to certification renewal. Expected Outcome(s) of Agenda Item Board action on the Superintendent’s recommendation. Background Information The new certification system in Illinois requires continued professional development as a condition for periodic renewal of Standard and Master Certificates. Last spring, when the legislative specifics of the certificate renewal program were being developed, the State Board identified three areas as priorities for certificate-renewal continuing professional development in Illinois. These three areas were: Reading Standards and assessment Integrating technology into teaching and learning. The legislation subsequently incorporated the concept of state priorities into the certificate renewal system, requiring that a portion of the continuing professional development engaged in by Standard and Master Certificate holders be in one or more of the priority areas. During this month’s meeting, the Board will consider the proposed rules for certificate renewal prior to the official distribution of the proposal for public comment. It is therefore an appropriate time to review the Board’s professional development priorities as they relate to certificate renewal and amend them as necessary. Analysis and Implications for Policy, Budget, Legislative Action and Communications The continuing professional development priorities selected by the State Board last year remain appropriate in light of the Board’s continuing commitment to standards and assessment, the identification of reading as a priority initiative, and the need to integrate technology into all facets of teaching and learning in order to keep pace with changes in the world around us. However, since the adoption of those priorities, the State Board has identified four key initiatives to which it is giving over-arching priority. One of those initiatives is improvement in mathematics. The Board’s focus on mathematics resulted from widespread concern about mathematics achievement in Illinois, as evidenced in the first year’s results on the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT). That concern was reinforced by the TIMSS data, increased understanding about the need to restructure mathematics curricula so that they will develop deeper knowledge about a smaller number of mathematics concepts, and reports that teachers are often assigned to teach mathematics with relatively little preparation. The activities the Board is putting in place to address these issues include the development and delivery of appropriate professional development programs. If “mathematics” is added as a fourth priority for continuing professional development, there will be an incentive for teachers to participate in those highly-focused programs and others that similarly support improvement in mathematics instruction. It therefore seems essential to add “mathematics” to the current list of certificaterenewal continuing professional development priorities. No legislation will be required. Funding will be needed to implement the professional development activities planned by the Board, but there are no direct budget implications of adding to the list of continuing professional development priorities. If the proposed addition is agreed to by the Board, it will be necessary to communicate this decision to Illinois teachers. Pros and Cons of Various Actions As noted above, adding mathematics to the list of SBE priorities for continuing professional development will reinforce the Board’s commitment to improving mathematics in Illinois and serve as an incentive for teachers to engage in mathematics-related professional development activities. It may also serve as an incentive for the development of expanded professional development programs. -2- A potential criticism is that the proposed addition of mathematics will dilute the attention that will be given to the three priorities already established by the Board. That may happen -- i.e., fewer teachers may focus on reading because they could also choose mathematics. However, mathematics is such a critical area of emphasis for the Board, and there is such a clear need to improve teacher knowledge and skills in this area, that it is an acceptable trade-off. Another potential criticism is the failure to propose the addition of “early learning” to the list of certificate-renewal continuing professional development priorities. Early Learning is in fact a Board priority and substantial attention will be given to the development of activities that will support the Board’s new position statement. This will include professional development for teachers, administrators and parents. However, “early learning” is focused on a specific age and grade range, while all of the other continuing professional development priorities (including mathematics) are options that are available to teachers across all ages and grades. At this time, it seems best to limit the list to areas that maximize opportunities and options for teachers. Finally, the addition of another continuing professional development priority at this time may be criticized because it is being made simultaneous with the authorization to distribute the rules for public comment. However, staff believes that this is a very appropriate time to make the addition, since teachers will soon begin formulating and submitting their plans. If we mean to add mathematics any time in the foreseeable future, we should do so now to avoid having teachers amend their plans Superintendent’s Recommendation Add mathematics to the list of SBE priorities for continuing professional development related to certificate renewal. Next Steps If the recommended action is approved, the addition of mathematics to the list of certificate-renewal continuing professional development priorities will be made known to Illinois teachers, teacher educators, potential providers, school district superintendents and principals, regional superintendents, and organizations with an interest in this issue. -3-