California State University, East Bay Department of Nursing and Health Sciences HEALTH SCIENCE MAJOR 2010-2011 Catalog The major in Health Sciences consists of 124-159 units; the B.S. degree requires a total of 180-189 units. A student preparing for certain health professions may exceed 181 units. A grade of ‘C’ or better is required in Health Science prefix courses. I. Lower Division Core (45-47 units) ANTH 1000 Introduction to Anthropology (4) or SOC 1000 Introduction to Sociology (or one of SOC 1001, 1002, 2001, or 2002) (4) BIOL 1001 Introduction to Biology (or one of 1003, 1005, 2001, 2002, 2003, or 2004) (4) and BIOL 1002 Introduction to Biology Lab (or 1004 or 2005) (1) BIOL 2010 (or 2011), 2020 Human Physiology and Anatomy I, II (5, 5) BIOL 2025 Introduction to Microbiology (5) or BIOL 3405 Microbiology (6) or BIOL 4010 Microbes and Humanity (4) HSC 1000 Introduction to Health Professions Practice (4) HSC 1100 Health: Maintenance of Wellness (or 2100) (4) or KPE 1110 Concepts of Health (4) NURS 2010 Principles of Nutrition and Medical Nutrition Therapy (4) or BIOL 3070 Human Nutrition (4) PSYC 1000 General Psychology (or one of 1001, 1005, 2004, or 2009) (5) STAT 1000 Elements of Probability and Statistics (5) II. Upper Division Core (43 units) ANTH 3720 Medical Anthropology (4) or SOC 4720 Medical Sociology (4) HSC 3200 Environmental Health (4) HSC 3300 Health Care Systems in the US (4) HSC 3350 Health Legislation and Government Programs (4) HSC 3400 Community Health (4) HSC 3550 Healthcare Law and Ethics (4) HSC 3800 Multicultural Issues in Health Care (4) HSC 4010 Research and Program Evaluation in Health Science (4) HSC 4500 Supervised Field Training and Writing (3) HSC 4600 Health Systems Management (4) HSC 4700 Senior Seminar (4) III. Options (36-77 units) Select one of the following four options in consultation with your faculty advisor. The choice of option should reflect your career goals and a willingness to acquire an in-depth knowledge of one area of the Health Sciences major. Some non-HSC option courses have pre-requisites, so plan ahead. Option A: Administration and Management (36 units) ACCT 2251 Accounting for Management Decision-Making (4) ECON 2301 Principles of Microeconomics (4) MGMT 3600 Theories of Management (4) MKTG 3401 Marketing Principles (4) (See pre-requisites) HSC 2200 Research & Writing in Healthcare (4) Select an additional 16 units from one or more of the following areas: management, policy, evaluation, finance, or marketing in consultation with advisor. Option B: Pre-Clinical Preparation B1. Pre-Nursing (36 units) HSC 2200 Research & Writing in Healthcare (4) The following classes are suggested to prepare for a career in nursing. Select 32 additional units with the approval of your advisor. CHEM 1601(4), 1602 (4) Basic Chemistry for the Health Sciences CHEM 3400 (4) Introductory Biochemistry COMM 1000 Public Speaking (4) or 1004 Interpersonal Communication (4) NURS 2005 Clinical Pathophysiology (4) PSYC 3500 Social Psychology (4) or PSYC 3520 Interpersonal Processes (4) HDEV 3800 Human Development and Interaction (4) or PSYC 4420 Developmental Psychology (4) PSYC 3420 (4) Stress and Coping HIST 4710 History and Trends in Nursing (4) B2. Pre-Health Specializations (36 units) HSC 2200 Research & Writing in Healthcare (4) Select 32 units in preparation for programs in nutrition, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, dental hygiene, physical therapy, genetic counseling, or social work. Suggested courses depend on career choice. Courses will be chosen from physical, life, and social sciences, and arts and humanities in consultation with advisor. B3. Pre-Doctoral (36-73 units) HSC 2200 Research & Writing in Healthcare (4) Select 32 additional units in preparation for programs in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, chiropractic, optometry or veterinary science. In addition to your faculty advisor, please also consult and register with the Pre-Professional Health Advisory Program (PHAP) Advisor. See PHAP website ( for the recommended course list, which includes the following basic science foundation courses. BIOL 1401 Molecular and Cellular Biology (5), BIOL 1403 Animal Biology (5), plus one upper division lab course (4-5) CHEM 1101-2-3 General Chemistry I, II, III (5 each) CHEM 3301-2-3 Organic Chemistry I, II, III (5 each) Chem 3400 Introductory Biochemistry (4) or CHEM 4411-12 General Biochemistry (8) MATH 1304 Calculus I (4) PHYS 2701-2-3 Introductory Physics I, II, III (4 each) Option C: Community Health (36 units) BIOL 3065 Humans and Sex BIOL 3020 Genetics, Evolution, and Humanity (4) OR BIOL 3121 Principles of Genetics (5) (See pre-requisites) HSC 2200 Research & Writing in Healthcare (4) BIOL 3410 Epidemiology (4) HSC 3700 Health Behavior and Health Education Theory (4) Select an additional 16 units of coursework from the list below, which must be selected in consultation with your advisor. HSC 2510 Introduction to Peer Health Education (3) HSC 2550 Peer Health Education Practicum (2-3) MKTG 3415 Personal Selling (See pre-requisites) MKTG 3425 Promotion (See pre-requisites) MGMT 3614 Organizational Behavior MKTG 3401 Marketing Principles (See pre-requisites) MKTG 4417 Consumer Behavior (See pre-requisites) COMM 3240 Public Opinion COMM 4350 Persuasive Speaking (See pre-requisites) COMM 3510 Small Group Communication COMM 4560 Ethics in Communication COMM 4840 Organizational Communication HDEV 3800 Human Development and Interaction PHIL 3335 Science, Technology and Values POSC 3330 Interest Groups, Lobbying, and Political Reform PSYC 3550 Social Influence and Change PSYC 3520 Interpersonal Processes PSYC 3540 Groups and Organizations SOC 3720 Human Behavior in the Social Environment WOSC 3545 Women’s Health and Health Care Option D: Environmental Health and Safety (59-71 units) The following classes must be taken by students completing this option. BIOL 1401-1402-1403 (5 each) BIOL 3405 Microbiology (6) CHEM 1101-2 General Chemistry (5 each) CHEM 2301-2 Survey of Organic Chemistry (4 each) PHYS 2701-2 Introductory Physics (4 each) MATH 1304 Calculus I (4) BIOL 3410 Epidemiology (4) PUAD 4800 Public Administration and Society (4) For students preparing to apply for the Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) certification, you must select an additional 12 units from the following list of courses. These courses are required for the certification exam but not for the health sciences major. ENVT 4100 Environmental Impact Analysis (4) GEOG 4350 Water Resources and Management (4) GEOG 3000 Sustainable Resource Management (4) PHYS 4001 Electromagnetism I (4) (See pre-requisites) POSC 4171 Public Policy and the Environment (4) POSC 3460 Environmental Law (4) REC 3200 Wellness Through Leisure (4) REC 3305 Outdoor Living Skills (4) Rev. 1/11