Genomic analysis reveals dynamic core formation in the integrated molecular interaction network of yeast Supplementary Material Aswin Sai Narain Seshasayee1,+ and M. Madan Babu2, +,* +Joint first authors 1Centre 2MRC for Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai 25, India Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH, United Kingdom * Corresponding Author: Email: Phone: 44-1223-402041 Fax: 44-1223-213556 1 Supplementary Material M1 M1: A guide to core densities Networks can be decomposed into hierarchical layers called network cores, which allows us to identify groups of nodes that are important at several levels (See Fig M1). We introduce novel measures that allow us to identify cores that are highly populated (node core density), and cores that are most interconnected (edge core density). We show that normalized values of the core densities, allow us to compare networks of different sizes. Network cores and core membership of a node: The k-core of a network is that sub-graph that is obtained after recursive deletion of nodes with degree less than k, and all links incident on them. Core membership of a node is the highest k-core to which the node belongs to. 1 1 1 k =3 k =2 k =1 4 5 4 5 1 4 8 k K (node) N k k k 1 1 Hub (highly connected protein) Node and Edge Core Densities 4 3 3 k K (edge) E k 1 k n (node) N k K k Kk Nk k 1 k n (edge) E k K k Nodes in core k All nodes Kk k 1 Ek Edges in core k All edges 1 1 1 1 1 1 K k K where, K Maximum core value k 1 Nodes=20, Interactions=25, K=3 Fig M1: Networks can be decomposed into network-cores, which can be characterized by calculating the node-core density and the edge-core density values. The number on each node denotes the degree of that node in the network. Note that degree is independent of core membership for a node. A k-core is defined as a sub-graph with nodes having k or more connections Core densities: Node and edge core densities allow us to identify the most populated layer and the most inter-connected layer in the network. Note that core membership of a node and the degree of a node are fundamentally different measures because the former accounts for the degree of a node’s neighbor as well. By analyzing the core structures of various standard networks of similar size, we show that (i) not all networks organize into network cores, and (ii) networks which are distinctly different may have similar core structure. The standard networks include (a) scale-free network, (b) hierarchical, modular and scale-free network, (c) erdos-renyi network, (d) star network, and (e) fully connected network, Note that a link between two nodes was considered as a bi-directional edge. For each of the following networks, the various core density parameters were calculated along with the core membership for all the nodes. The following table illustrates the above mentioned results. 2 F Table M2: Core density values and other parameters for the various standard networks Networks Scale-free Erdos-Renyi Hierarchical, Modular and scalefree Fully connected Star Nodes Edges Highest core, K Node core density 125 560 8 125 720 8 125 692 8 125 15500 248 125 248 2 (node) 5.55 7.44 8 248 2 0.69 0.93 1 1 1 7 7.95 8 248 2 0.88 0.99 1 1 1 Normalized node core density n(node) Edge core density (edge) Normalized edge core density n(edge) Average Degree Average Path length Average clustering coefficient 3 Supplementary Material M2 M2: Degree and core membership for proteins in the molecular networks The degree of a protein in the network refers to the number of connections it makes with the other proteins in the network, and the core membership of a protein refers to the highest kcore to which the node belongs in the network. The following figures show that for biological networks, degree is not the same as core membership, and appears to be two different but inter-related properties. Note that even though there appears to be a mild positive correlation between the normalized degree and normalized core membership, there is extensive variability in the degree values for a particular core value, and vice-versa. This is because the degree of a protein in the network only measures the number of connections the protein makes, whereas the core membership of a protein takes into account the degree of a protein and the degree of all its neighboring proteins. Thus a highly connected protein need not be a part of a high core (see Fig. M1). The degree and core membership for each protein was calculated, and was normalized with respect to the maximum degree and maximum core value respectively to obtain the normalized degree and the normalized core value. The plot below shows the relationship between the degree and core value for the different molecular interaction networks. Fig S2a-d: Normalized degree v/s Normalized core value for each protein in the different interaction networks. (a) Protein interaction network (3282 proteins), (b) Transcriptional interaction network (3459 proteins), (c) Metabolic interaction network (576 proteins) and (d) Integrated cellular interaction network (5006 proteins). Note that there is huge variability in the degree of proteins that populate particular cores. 4 Supplementary Material M3 5