Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care Title: Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care An application to the Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient Centred Practice Initiative of the Health Human Resources Strategy, Health Canada Principal Applicant: University of New Brunswick Partner Organizations: Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine New Brunswick Community College 1 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care Table of Contents Overview (from section 5.2) 3 1. Principal Applicant Organization 5 2. Partner Organizations 6 3. Patients and Learners 7 4. Steering Committee Co-Chair : Keith De’Bell Co-Chair : Barbara McGill 9 10 11 5. Project description 5.1 Title 5.2 Overview 5.3 Context 5.4 Conceptual Framework 5.5 Change in Culture and Attitude 5.6 Barriers and Challenges 5.7 Primary Target Audience 5.8 Integration of the Learning into Educational and Clinical Settings 5.9 Bibliography 12 12 12 13 14 17 17 18 6. Project Objectives 20 7. Tentative Timelines 21 8. Evaluation 23 9. Knowledge Transfer, Networking and Dissemination 27 10. Sustainability 18 19 28 Appendix: Project Summary 29 2 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care Overview Four partners have come together on this project: University of New Brunswick (UNB) that offers a Bachelor of Nursing, a Bachelor of Nursing for Registered Nurses and Bachelor of Health Sciences degree programs at its Saint John Campus; New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) that offers Practical Nurse program and parts of BHS programs at its Saint John Campus; Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation (AHSC) that is a practice setting including a tertiary care hospital and a primary care Community Health Center; Dalhousie University that offers medical education practice through distributive learning experiences to Family Medicine residents through the St. Joseph’s Community Health Centre (SJCHC) of AHSC and undergraduate clinical clerkships in Saint John through the AHSC facilities. Each partner has varying degrees of experience with Interprofessional Education (IPE). This concept is new to faculty and students in the education programs at UNB Saint John and NBCC Saint John. Interdisciplinary teams can be found at AHSC, but need to be developed to a higher level. SJCHC is on the cutting edge of interprofessional primary care and provides workshops based on the “Building a Better Tomorrow Initiative” (BBTI) to education health care providers in interprofessional care. Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine is a partner in the Tri-faculty Interprofessional Program that includes mandatory seminars for students in all health disciplines on this important new concept (Cycle I of IPEPCC). This project will provide three facilitators (1 affiliated with UNB Saint John, 1 with NBCC-SJ, 1 with AHSC) who will function as an implementation team to facilitate meeting of the project objectives: Increase the capacity of health educators to promote IPE with pre-licensure students through faculty development and strengthening liaison with partners already engaged in IPE. Faculty development will include both workshops to familiarize educators with IPECPCP concepts and benefits and active engagement in the curriculum development; Increase the capacity of pre-licensure students and post-licensure professionals to deliver interprofessional care through curriculum development including interprofessional experience leading to participation in a “capstone” workshop on chronic care, and practice experience in clinical settings at AHSC and CHC; Strengthen the functioning of post-licensure interprofessional teams across medical-surgical units of AHSC to ensure that pre-licensure students have opportunities to participate in high functioning teams in practice for the benefit of patients receiving integrated clinical care; Evaluate each component of the program for its effect on educators, pre-licensure students, post-licensure professionals, and patient care. 3 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care The work already done at the SJCHC with the BBTI will be used as a starting point for the project. BBTI is a modular program developed in Atlantic Canada through the PHCTF, addressing the various aspects of IPE. Facilitators have been trained to deliver the program components to primary care providers at AHSC working in CHC, public health, and community mental health. Currently BBTI is being offered for these groups through AHSC. We will build on this work including preparation of other clinical areas for IPECPCP, and develop complimentary new tools for IPECPCP delivery and evaluation. As noted above curriculum development forms both part of the faculty development component of this project and prepares for delivery to the learners. A capstone workshop on chronic disease component is an innovation that will be developed specifically for this project. BN, BN/RN, BHS, PN, and MD students will engage with post-licensure health professionals representing other disciplines to address case studies/simulations related to chronic illness (e.g., diabetes) across the disease trajectory. This will provide a unique opportunity to build on previous course work and to engage in interprofessional practice to address common patient problems. The Steering Committee will be made up of The three facilitators; Representatives from the faculty/educators and pre-licensure students of each partner; Representatives from the practice partners and post-licensure professionals; Patients with chronic illness (e.g., Diabetes). Administrative representatives of the partners The unique features of this program are: The provision of IPECPCP in the unique health/medical education environment of New Brunswick; The inclusion of PN students with BN, and Medical students in an IPECPCP initiative; The development of a “capstone” workshop/simulation of interprofessional management of chronic illness patients. 4 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care 1. Primary Applicant Organization Primary Applicant: University of New Brunswick (UNB) Incorporation number: 23-7103810 Project Lead: K. De’Bell Street/Mailing Address: PO Box 5050, Tucker Park Rd, Saint John, New Brunswick. E2L 4L5 Telephone: (506) 648 5577 FAX: (506) 648 5784 E-Mail: Organization mission, goals and objectives The University of New Brunswick is a national comprehensive university providing high quality and innovative programmes in both education and research. Its mission includes both Serving New Brunswick, the Atlantic Region and Canada through the provision of broadly educated graduates and through the development of applied programmes, Co-operating with governments and post-secondary institutions in developing a coherent system of advanced education (University Mission Statement, UNB Calendar). and The University’s commitment to applied programmes in health care education and to innovative partnerships with other institutions are reflections of its goal of carrying out its fundamental role in the economic, social and cultural well being of the province and of Atlantic Canada, as a national university and as a learning institution (UNB President’s report 2003-4, p.3). The University offers Nursing programmes through its Nursing Faculty (Fredericton, Moncton, and Bathurst) and through its Department of Nursing (Saint John). These programmes include undergraduate B.N. programmes for new Nursing students, postdiploma B.N. programmes for in-practice RNs who have a diploma education, and post graduate M.N. programmes including advanced practitioner and nurse practitioner 5 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care programmes. Students in these programmes obtain experience in both urban and rural clinical settings through the University’s agreements with Regional Health Authorities. Involvement of the University’s Faculty of Education will provide expertise on the use and evaluation of education models. A key part of the proposal, in addition to curriculum and materials development for both pre and post-licensure students, is the faculty development component. Expertise on faculty development and best practice in the Faculty of Education will assist in the construction of this component of the programme. The University has an established record of developing health education strategies with education and practice setting partners, and supports initiatives such as its Bachelor of Health Sciences programmes, with its highly integrated partnership approach, as part of its innovation strategy (UNB President’s Report 2003-4 p.5). Through the establishment of these partnerships it has formed a strong working relation with the Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation (AHSC), and the New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) which are also partners in this proposal. In addition to its principal purpose of demonstrating a model of interprofessional education for collaborative patient centred practice and evaluating the model as described below, this project will be an important further step in attaining UNB’s objective of sustainable multi-institutional health care education programmes. As well as building on the foundation of the working relationship between UNB, AHSC and NBCC, it will facilitate a stronger working relationship with the faculty of Dalhousie Medical School, particularly in the case of those faculty based in New Brunswick. No other grants or contracts are being used to fund this pilot project. However an in-kind contribution will be made by the primary applicant and partner institutions. This is detailed in the budget section (section 11) 2. Partner Organizations In addition to the primary applicant, UNB, the partner organizations will be Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation (Region 2 Health Authority) (AHSC) Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine (Dal) New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) The partners have a history of working together and maintaining communication both formally and informally. Previous formal agreements have typically been either bilateral (e.g. AHSC and Dalhousie University for the family practice residents programme at the St. Joseph’s Community Health Centre) or trilateral (e.g. AHSC, UNB, and NBCC for the Nuclear Medicine Stream of the BHS programme). To the best of our knowledge this will be the first formal multi-institutional education programme agreement that all of the partners have been involved in. It reflects the shared vision of the institutions involved in this proposal of increased capacity in health education through multi-institutional collaboration. 6 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care The working relationships amongst the partners have demonstrated their ability to work collaboratively while maintaining their separate governance structures. In particular, curriculum changes and new courses referred to in this document will be developed subject to the normal approval processes of the appropriate partner institution. 3. Patients and Learners Patients: This programme will be constructed around a patient-centered approach to care for patients with a chronic disease. One of the advantages of building the programme around a chronic disease is that it will allow us to examine and discuss interprofessional interaction in the continuum of care along the illness trajectory. This will involve consulting with patients at different stages of the disease to inform curriculum development. Patients with a chronic disease will be involved throughout the construction of the pre-licensure and post-licensure (including continuing education) curriculum and faculty development programme, and throughout the running of the project. (Details are given in the project description below). Patients will also contribute to the evaluation component by providing feedback on the degree to which the interprofessional training has addressed patient needs. Regarding the recruitment of patients, an obvious choice would be persons with diabetes. Opportunities for involvement in the programme will be advertised to the client population of the diabetic teaching programme of the St. Joseph’s Community Health Centre. As we wish to include interprofessional issues that may arise for patients in rural settings, patients living in rural southwest New Brunswick (Health Region 2- from Sussex to St. Stephen including the Fundy Isles), as well as those living in urban settings will be included. Learners In keeping with the objectives of the programme stated below (Section 6) the principal learner groups will include faculty/health educators, pre-licensure students, and postlicensure health professionals. Faculty/Health Educators Faculty development to increase the number of health educators able to facilitate IPECPCP is a core aim of this programme. Faculty in the Department of Nursing UNB Saint John, Faculty in the Faculty of Health Sciences, NBCC, and Faculty affiliated with Dalhousie University Medical Faculty will have access to this training. However it is understood that changing the attitudes and education strategies of all health care educators, including those who may act as preceptors or mentors for students in a clinical setting, to include interprofessional team work and patient centred practice is necessary. Therefore the faculty development stage of the programme will include workshops on interprofessional approaches and patient centred practice open for participation to all health care professionals having a role in clinical site education. 7 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care Students The pre-licensure core learners groups include pre RN Bachelor of Nursing (BN) students (UNB Saint John), and practical nurse (PN) students (NBCC). (See proposal description below). Approximately 40 students per year in each of the PN and pre RN BN programmes will take the IPECPCP programme. Pre-licensure students will typically take the course in the upper years of their programme. The core learners will also include 10 post graduate family medicine residents from SJCHC. At present, residents at the SJCHC are students in the Dalhousie Medical School postgraduate programme however they will have taken their undergraduate medical training at medical faculties across Canada and in some cases outside Canada. Consequently not all residents will have received the same IPE as undergraduates and in some cases may not have received any IPE. We believe this reinforces the need for an IPE programme at the postgraduate level immediately prior to licensure. The core learner groups as identified above reflect the education qualification which each group has before licensure (i.e. certificate for LPNs, Bachelors degree for RNs, and postgraduate training for MDs). It is therefore appropriate to develop interprofessional experiences that bring together these core groups as outlined in this proposal. At present, undergraduate MD students from New Brunswick are primarily educated at Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia) and Memorial University (St. John’s, Newfoundland). Undergraduate MD students may return to New Brunswick for part of their clinical rotation however the numbers and areas of specialization are difficult to predict under the current system. However, it is also recognized that this programme provides an opportunity to provide undergraduate MD students with IPECPCP during their clinical rotation at AHSC. For the purposes of this pilot study we have focused on the students in the internal medicine clinical rotation and there is agreement in principle to develop an IPECPCP component for these students. Because of the nature of the clinical rotation this will, in general, be asynchronous with the other core learner groups however it will be designed to build on the other IPE components that these students receive as part of their undergraduate training at Dalhousie Medical School. We will also attempt to establish links with those programmes that undergraduate New Brunswick MD students enter to establish better integration of IPECPCP at all levels of the MD education path. Similarly IPECPCP training will also be made available to social work, dietician, pharmacy and other health profession students placed at SJCHC. This pilot project will also provide opportunities for the integration of IPECPCP into other health care programmes shared by the partners including the BHS/diploma programmes for Nuclear Medicine, Radiography, Radiation Therapy, and Respiratory Therapy. Within the AHSC system an interdisciplinary team environment has been developed in units such as the SJCHC. However few of the AHSC staff have had formal IPECPCP training currently. AHSC staff will be provided with access to IPECPC through a continuing education programme. This component of the pilot project is intended to 8 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care effect the workplace environment for interprofessional patient centred practice (see section 5). For the purposes of the pilot project the language of instruction will be English (following the normal practice of the educational institution partners) and both patients and learners will be communicated with in English. However, the final report will be translated into French and disseminated in both official languages. We expect to develop Faculty Development packages and Curriculum packages in both official languages. 4. Steering Committee The steering committee will ensure continued communication between the partner institutions at the appropriate level, will continue to monitor the programme is matching the model of IPECPCP, and will ensure that appropriate and sustained evaluation is in place. Co-chairs (one page descriptions follow this section): Keith De’Bell (Special Advisor to the President and Vice President (Saint John), UNB) and Barbara McGill (Vice President (Community) and Chief Nursing Officer, AHSC). The steering committee membership has been chosen to address the various roles necessary within the Committee to ensure a sustainable programme consistent with the IPECPCP model. These include ensuring on-going support of the programme and liaison from the education institutions and practice sites. The Steering Committee composition has also been chosen to reflect the interactions between groups within the IPECPCP model and therefore includes representatives of patients, educators, and learners. The Steering Committee composition is also consistent with our view that interprofessional education should reflect the continuum of care throughout the illness trajectory required for patient centred care as well as the interdisciplinary team approach for specific interventions. Nine members of the Steering Committee are persons with administrative responsibilities such that they will be able to ensure the required attention to liaison between the partners and regard for sustainability occurs. The representative from the Faculty of Education will be able to advise the Committee on education models and best practice and will ensure the Committee has access to other members of the Education Faculty when specific expertise is required. The current Education Faculty representative has considerable expertise in evaluation practice. The remaining members of the Steering Committee will ensure that the programme development is guided by input from the core centres of the education and practice areas of the IPECPCP model and the interaction between them. The three facilitators will be appointed following approval of the proposal. They will be drawn from front line educators/practitioners and their roles within the project will 9 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care include IPECPCP curriculum development and integration (see below for a detailed description). Within the steering committee they will provide an essential connection between the administrative oversight and the “on the ground” practice of the programme. The patient representatives will normally be drawn from the population of knowledgeable chronic disease patients and these interact in the practice setting with post-licensure professionals which are also represented in the Committee. (We use ‘practice setting’ here in the broadest sense of where health care is delivered). We recognize that the learner at the centre of the interdisciplinary education system may be a pre-licensure student or a post-licensure professional whose interdisciplinary education is a response to the need for collaborative care in patient centred practice; thus there is an interaction through the post-licensure professionals between the patient centred professional system and the learner centred education system. Both pre and post-licensure groups of learners are represented. The Committee also has representation from the educators who facilitate the enculturation of the learners in their professional beliefs and attitudes. The representatives of the learners, in-practice professionals and educators will be chosen to ensure a broad representation of the professions in the Committee. Co-Chair: Keith De’Bell Institution: University of New Brunswick Position: Special Advisor to the President and Vice-President (Saint John), Health Care Education and Research Education: B.Sc. (Physics, London, 1976), M.Sc. (Solid State Physics, London 1977), Ph.D. (Mathematics, London, 1980) Experience Teaching: Range of teaching experience in statistics, mathematics and physics including the development of innovative curricula for the teaching of physics to elementary school teacher candidates and for in-service development of elementary school teachers. Research : Funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada since 1985, published articles in refereed journals 78 Administrative Experience : Associate Dean of Arts and Science (Trent University, 1993-1998), Dean of Science, Applied Science and Engineering (University of New Brunswick in Saint John, 1999-2004), Special Advisor to the President and Vice President (Saint John), (University of New Brunswick 2004-) Other recent relevant experience Member (1999-) and Chair (2005-) of the Atlantic Science Council (APICS), Member, Management Board, Canadian Rivers Institute (2001-2004), Chair, Evaluation Subcommittee, and member, Implementation Committee, St. Joseph’s Community Health Centre (2002-3), Chair, Research and Evaluation Committee, and member, Leadership Roundtable, Vibrant Communities Saint John (2005). Comments: As Dean of Science, Applied Science and Engineering (1999-2004), Keith De’Bell had Faculty level responsibility for the Department of Nursing at UNB Saint John. He was also responsible for the Bachelor of Health Science programmes which report directly to the Dean. As Dean of the Faculty and Chair of the Bachelor of Health 10 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care Sciences Advisory Committee he developed a strong working relationship with partners in the BHS programme, i.e. a community college and two regional health authorities. He was closely involved in developing the formal agreements, which underpin the BHS partnerships and in developing the “integrated programme” model of the BHS degree. He has also developed a health research partnership between the University, the New Brunswick Community College, the National Research Council Institute for Information Technology and the Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation. His present position of Special Advisor includes building collaborative partnerships amongst educational institutions, health care authorities, government departments, and NGOs to increase the University’s capacity to deliver innovative health care education programmes and national standard research. Co-Chair: Barbara J. McGill Institution: Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation, (Region Health Authority 2, NB) Position: Vice-President, Community Programs and Chief Nursing Officer Education: MN (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS) 1983. BN (University of New Brunswick) Fredericton, NB, 1984, RN (St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Nursing) Saint John, NB, 1969 Experience: Research: Site Coordinator, Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation, Understanding the Costs and Outcomes of Nurses Turnover in Canadian Hospitals (in progress) 2005 - 2006. Nursing Effectiveness, Utilization and Outcomes Research Unit, University of Toronto (CHSRF funded) 2005 - 2006, Nursing Environments: Knowledge to Action ñ The Centre for Organization Research and Development, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS (in progress, Health Canada funded), Evaluating Implementation and Integration of the Nurse Practitioner Role in BC and NB. (Letter of intent approved - awaiting funding in August, CIHR funded), 2005, Effective mechanisms for establishing, monitoring and predicting the needs for Nursing services in the Atlantic Provinces, Atlantic Consortium on Research Utilization for Nursing, (CHSRF funded), 2003, Communaute vertielle de pratique en sante du coeur – L’ordre des infirmire, et infirmiers du Quebec, 2003, Evidence-based standards for measuring nurse staffing and Performance ñ Nursing Effectiveness, Utilization and Outcomes Research Unit, University of Toronto, (CHSRF funded), 2003 Administration: Vice-President, Community Programs and Chief Nursing Officer, Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation, Saint John, NB, 2003- present, VicePresident, Planning and Chief Nursing Officer, Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation, Saint John, NB, 2000 ñ 2003, Adjunct Professor, Nursing, UNBSJ, 1998-present, etc Other Recent Relevant Experience: President, Academy of Canadian Executive Nurses, 2005 - 2006, Chair, Nursing Resources Advisory Committee to the Minister of Health and Wellness, NB, 2001 ñ present, Chair, Integration and Coordination of Care and Services Committee, Region 2, NB, 1999-present, Surveyor, Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation, 1995-present, Member, NB Steering Committee ñ Transition of Community Mental Health / Public Health to RHAs, 2004-present 11 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care Comments: Barbara McGill brings a progressive perspective to the integration and coordination of care and services to patients and clients between AHSC and the health and community sectors of Region 2. This perspective is honed through active involvement in the development, implementation and evaluation of patient care delivery efforts at the local, provincial, and national levels. The challenges of regionalization provided her the opportunity to explore the application of an integrated interdisciplinary patient-centred, outcome-oriented approach to care delivery within a program management context. Ms. McGill has been providing nursing professional practice leadership to Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation since 1993. 5. Project description 5.1 Title: Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care 5.2 Overview. The benefits of interprofessional teams in patient centred practice have multiple potential benefits: for the patient (increased coordination of services, integration of health care for a wide range of health needs, empowerment as an active partner in care), for health care delivery professionals (increased professional satisfaction, (where appropriate) shifts emphasis to long term preventative care, allows professionals to focus on individual areas of expertise), and for the health care delivery system (more efficient delivery of care, decreased burden on acute facilities as a result of increased prevention and patient education interventions)[1]. In order to ensure that these potential benefits of this model of health care are realized it is necessary to ensure that the education model reflects the practice model. The complex interactions described in the interprofessional education for patient centred practice (IPECPCP) model of D’Amour and Oandasan [2] require a multifaceted approach which affects the education system, the learner, and the workplace. Education system: The proposed project will increase the capacity for IPECPCP through a faculty development programme for university and community college faculty, and for in-practice health care providers (health educators) who act as mentors for students during their practice experience. A component of this faculty development programme will be joint development of the interprofessional experience for students. Students: Integration of IPECPCP materials into the curricula of the partner institutions and provision of common experiences which reflect the interprofessional environment will provide students with opportunities to learn about each others distinct professional roles while developing experience with interprofessional team work in a patient centred 12 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care practice context. Workplace: In addition to providing a development programme for health educators, the proposed project will develop a programme of training for in-practice health professionals who have not previously received formal IPECPCP. Evaluation: An effective evaluation programme is essential to assess the effectiveness of the programme both in terms of process and outcome, and to inform further development for a sustainable IPECPCP programme. The programme will build on existing evaluation tools including those that have been developed for the BBTI programme, to assess the effectiveness of the workshops employed. New evaluation tools designed to assess changes in approaches to practice will also be developed. While the pilot project is intended to provide experience that may be useful in other regions of Canada, the details of the proposal reflect some of the context of the particular model of health care education used in New Brunswick. This context is described in the following subsection. A detailed description of the proposal is then provided. 5.3 Context At the present time no medical school exists in New Brunswick however components of the medical education programmes are provided in Saint John through clinical rotations for undergraduate MD students and residencies for postgraduate students (see below). This places limitations on the opportunities for IPECPCP including MD students however these opportunities will be utilized as described below. New Brunswick uses a variety of inter-provincial agreements and in-province programs to provide education for health professionals. There are a number of excellent programs providing education to health professionals here in the province. The University of New Brunswick Saint John offers a four-year Bachelor of Nursing degree, a part-time Bachelor of Nursing degree program for Registered Nurses, and a Bachelor of Health Sciences degree (Radiography, Respiratory Therapy, Nuclear Medicine, and Radiation Therapy). The New Brunswick Community College at Saint John offers a Practical Nurse (PN) Programme, a Respiratory Therapy program, a Nuclear Medicine Technology programme, a Medical Laboratory Technology programme and a number of health care support worker programs. The Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation also provides programs for health disciplines such as Radiography and Radiation Therapy. The Region 2 Health Authority (AHSC) serves south western New Brunswick from St. Stephen to Sussex, including the Fundy Isles. The Saint John Regional Hospital is a large tertiary care hospital which provides cardiac services to the province and is one of two centres in New Brunswick for neuroscience and oncology. The region also includes a number of smaller hospital and health centers, the Extramural Hospital program, and an urban Community Health Center. Public Health Services and Community Mental Health Services are being incorporated into the Health Authority. A full range of patient/client services are provided by health care professionals from various disciplines within the Region. The Health Authority accepts students for clinical placements from the Nursing 13 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care programs at UNB Saint John, from the PN and health programs at NBCC-SJ, and from a variety of other professional education programs from other parts of Canada. The Medical Faculties of Dalhousie University and Memorial University are affiliated with the Health Authority for clinical placements of medical students and residents and many of the medical staff at AHSC have academic appointments with these universities. The Health Authority also hosts students from other disciplines for clinical placements such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology, social work, and clinical dietetics. Clinical placements for students from UNB Saint John and NBCC-SJ are coordinated so as not to overwhelm clinical areas, but each educational program functions independently. Currently the students in these programs may receive some content related to team function and/or development of skills essential to effective team membership. In addition some of the B.N. students obtain multi-disciplinary points of view through classes shared with other health care professionals in classes such as “Health Ethics” and “Health Research”. Students have varying degrees of exposure to teamwork among health care professionals within clinical placements, e.g., some attend team conferences or rounds while a few may prepare a patient assignment for colleagues. However, there are currently few opportunities to examine roles and responsibilities, explore differences in care frameworks or philosophies, or develop advanced skills for effective interprofessional practice. The proposed IPECPC programme will provide a systematic and comprehensive approach to interprofessional education for all of the learner groups identified in this proposal. 5.4 Conceptual Framework: The conceptual framework for this pilot study incorporates key features of the interprofessional education for collaborative patient centred practice model of D’Amour and Oandasan [2]. In particular it reflects the fact that to be effective as an education programme for patient centred care the interprofessional education must be informed by the patient’s view of the trajectory of the illness. Therefore we have structured the programme development so that it will be informed by articulate patients at various stages of the chronic disease, moreover patients will be involved in the steering committee and their assessments will be used as part of the evaluation process. For the purposes of this pilot study, patients can be invited to participate through the SJCHC diabetes management programme. The framework also notes that the work of D’Amour and Oandasan [2] identifies the role of the workplace culture in making interprofessional education either effective or ineffective. Moreover, it takes into account the role of faculty within the student centred education component, in the enculturation of students in their discipline. Therefore we will develop both an interprofessional education component of the AHSC continuing education programme, for in-practice professionals who have not previously had exposure to (formal) interprofessional education for patient centred care, and a faculty development package for educators both within the education institutions and within the clinical setting. Our proposal includes design and implementation of interprofessional experience for students and practitioners in the examination of professional roles and barriers to collaboration, and in development of advanced skills to enhance effective 14 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care teamwork. The conceptual framework outlined above has lead to the project being developed as four phases: I. II. III. IV. Resource Identification Faculty Development Orientation and Awareness Joint Curriculum Development Curriculum Materials and Reports IPECPCP Implementation Final Report and Evaluation A more detailed description and tentative timelines are given below (sections 7 & 8). Each phase develops a foundation for the following phase and concurrent with these phases an evaluation process which interacts with the phase and informs the development of the next phase, is carried out. While the project will include interprofessional team experience in the practice setting it will also provide simulations to facilitate understanding of interprofessional practice including the distinct but interacting roles of the team members. The evaluation process will also use simulations to assess the effect of the programme. Simulations can take a variety of forms, such as computer programs, physical models, and problem-solving exercises on CD-ROM or DVD. Nursing faculty at UNB Saint John use situational simulations of case studies, as well as interviews of patients and families, and actors taking on roles. Simulations are also used in upper year medical programmes although traditionally the use of simulated patients by actors is primarily used for the final assessment process and does not include a collaborative care team of students. For the purpose of this project, we are proposing a combination of all three of these methods. Simulation experiences can be used to explore student attitudes and values as well as to practice decision-making and communication skills. Simulations have the advantages of being repeatable, predictable and schedulable. In addition, the ability to tailor the simulation provides an opportunity to explore different health care issues in the rural and urban settings. A “capstone” simulation is to be delivered in a workshop format with the core audience being BN and PN Students in the later parts of their programs, as well as family practice MDs in the residency component of their programme where possible. In a patient-centred continuum of care model, after graduating from their respective programs, these students will work together in patient care delivery teams in the workplace. These are chosen as the core professions for the study as the numbers of students is predictable and large enough to allow some quantitative analysis. Within the New Brunswick model of health care education provision the numbers and specializations of other students may vary; however, this model has the advantage that over time many different professions and specializations will be involved in the programme. Inclusion of post-licensure health professionals in the workshops will be through the AHSC continuing education 15 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care programme. We expect the workshop to take 1.5 days with all students brought to a single site for the duration of the workshop. The workshop will include an orientation session, interviews and practice setting simulations with students in small interdisciplinary groups (maximum of eight students per group), post practice setting simulation discussion and analysis in small interdisciplinary groups, large group comparison and discussion including comparative analysis by groups working at different stages in the trajectory of illness. (For the interviews and practice setting simulations actual patients and simulated patients will be used depending on the availability and appropriateness of actual patients). Simulated practice setting situations have been used previously for inter-disciplinary education [3] [4] [5] [6]. Generally speaking these have shown that this education model is effective for identifying differences in perception of issues through, for example, differences in approaches to ethical issues in the cultures of different disciplines. It is also effective for enhancing students’ awareness of differences in roles and scope of practice. The proposed programme specifically incorporates the model of interprofessional education for collaborative patient centred practice by looking at the interaction of the patient view of the illness trajectory and the practice setting culture, with the interprofessional education model. In preparation for the simulation workshops, students will participate in learning experiences that will be integrated into their existing course work at their own institutions and which will include interprofessional workshops. They will then come together for a planned simulation experience to work in teams to address patient case studies. To create the interprofessional experience, students from other professional disciplines involved in clinical placements in the Health Authority will be invited to participate in the simulation as they are available. When students are not available, then practicing members of the professional group will be invited in to provide additional professional perspectives. As described below, health care practitioners who have not previously had access to formal health care education will take part in the simulation exercises and as part of their formal preparation prior to the simulation exercises will be provided with learning materials on collaborative team practice relevant to in-practice professionals. The case studies used in the preparatory work and simulation exercise will be based on chronic illness experiences and management. This is supported by the fact that population health studies indicate that there are high rates of many chronic illnesses in the local area[7], and complex chronic illness or multiple co-morbidities lend themselves to team interventions. For the purposes of the pilot project discussed here we anticipate using diabetes as the main chronic illness on which to base the case studies. Centering the case studies used in the realization of the education model on a chronic illness, such as diabetes, is informed by the interaction between the education model and patient centred care model identified by D’Amour and Oandasson[2]. In particular, this provides access to a substantial number of patients whose experience in managing their disease and in interacting with health care professionals, will inform the development of the programme. 16 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care The simulations will be based on a combination of stimuli, including written case descriptions related to chronic illness, actors who will take on the role of patients with this condition, and/or interviews with patients and families who are experiencing a complex chronic health challenge. Patients experiencing the specific conditions under discussion in the simulation will be consulted as a part of the planning process. The theory component of the programme will be packaged into an independent study that will be completed in preparation for participation in a simulation. A programme for practicing professionals in collaborative care and interprofessional practice will be established. This is consistent with the observation by D’Amour and Oandasan [2] that “it is important to have clinical settings where collaborative practice is modeled” and that “institutional factors (meso level) can influence the professional beliefs and attitudes of faculty and learners towards interprofessional ways of learning and practicing”. Existing practitioners in the profession may be either formal or informal mentors to new practitioners in the workplace and, in particular, may either reinforce or diminish the role of interprofessional practice and collaborative care as part of the workplace culture. We hypothesise that new recruits will be either positively or negatively influenced by in-practice individuals in their profession according to their degree of developed interprofessional education and practice of professionals already established in the workplace. A study of this will require a longer period of research than can be incorporated in the two year pilot programme and, therefore, will form part of the long term evaluative research for the interprofessional programme beyond the term of this pilot project. However during the pilot project we shall be able to assess the role of in-practice professionals in the groups and to assess models for the inclusion of such professionals in the full programme (see Section 6.8 below). The senior administration of AHSC has given its support to developing such a programme as part of its continuing education programme. 5.5 Change in culture and attitude As noted above the programme will address IPECPCP both for pre-licensure students and post-licensure in-practice health care workers. In doing so it will effect both the education setting centred on the student and the practice setting centred on the patient. This recognizes the point made by D’Amour and Oandasan [2] that interprofessional education will not be effective in changing the model of patient care if it is not supported by the practice setting culture. 5.6 Barriers and Challenges Implicit assumptions of hierarchy. The core learner groups in this programme are PN students, BN Students and MD residents. These groups have different types of education experience (certificate, undergraduate degree, and post-graduate training) and this is often accompanied by different types of life experience (typical ages may vary significantly among the groups). Historically health care has used a hierarchical structure amongst health professions and even within professions. However effective teamwork has been 17 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care shown to positively affect health care practice and outcomes and has been associated with trust and mutual attunement in shared time and space even in stressful healthcare situations [8]. We will address any implicit assumptions of hierarchy that may be associated with the differences in educational experience by placing emphasis on mutual respect for the distinct but interacting roles of team members. Limited number of full health education programmes. We deliver full education programs for only a small number of health care disciplines in our geographic area, so in order to create a true interprofessional education experience we are proposing an innovative collaboration to overcome this barrier. A particular difficulty in this context is that undergraduate MD students receive most of their undergraduate training outside New Brunswick. At present undergraduate students are present in Saint John only during certain of their clinical rotations and therefore both the exact number and area in which they work is unpredictable. We intend to liaise with the Dalhousie University and Memorial University programmes so as to understand and build on the IPE that they provide for undergraduate MD students. Faculty Experience with IPECPCP. While some of the faculty who will be involved with this project have experience with multi-disciplinary programmes and there is some experience with simulations within specific discipline contexts, there is a need for a larger number of faculty who can integrate inter-disciplinary team patient centred health care into their classes and who can facilitate the inter-disciplinary workshop. This will be addressed through a faculty development package as described above. Student Assessment. The issue of student assessment may prove difficult because of different methodologies in the different programmes. However, experience with multiinstitution programmes such as the Bachelor of Health Sciences programme indicates that this can be addressed through the steering committee. Limited numbers of students in some disciplines For some disciplines the numbers of students may be very small even after the programme has been run several times. For this reason, quantitative analysis will be used primarily in the case of the core groups of learners as identified above however qualitative data will be collected from all groups including facilitators and patients. (See section 8). 5.7 Primary Target Audience: The primary target audience is those entering or in-practice in the professions of practical nurse, registered nurse and MD. These have been chosen as they form core components of the interdisciplinary teams for patient centred practice. Secondary audiences are undergraduate MD students during clinical rotation, other health professions and, through the faculty development package, health educators. 5.8 Integration of the Learning into educational and clinical settings As described above the integration into the educational setting will be by weaving the interdisciplinary team for patient centred care approach into the curriculum of existing courses (PN, BN, and post graduate MD). Students in the PN and RN groups are 18 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care provided with clinical experience during the course of their programme therefore they will have an opportunity to apply education in interdisciplinary team patient centred care in the clinical sites used for this clinical experience. The SJCHC environment in which the MD residents work is based on patient centred practice through interdisciplinary teams. Residents will receive orientation and workshops (BBTI based) which provide IPECPCP. Depending on where the resident previously studied, this will either supplement and reinforce previous IPECPCP training or introduce this training to the resident. A specific objective of this proposal is the integration of interprofessional team experience into the practice setting placements of students (objective 3 see section 6). Atlantic Health Science Corporation is the main practice setting provider for the PN and BN programmes and is committed to interdisciplinary practice to support patient centred care. The health educator component of the faculty development phase and continuing education programme described above will accelerate the integration of this model into the practice settings where the BN and PN students receive their clinical training. 5.9 Bibliography [1] Grant RW, Finnocchio LJ, and the California Primary Care Consortium Subcommittee on Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Interdisciplinary Collaborative Teams in Primary Care: A Model Curriculum and Resource Guide. San Francisco, CA: Pew Health Professions Commission, 1995. (As quoted in Building a Better Tomorrow materials). [2] D. D’Amour and I Oandasan, Interprofessional Education for Collaborative PatientCentred Practice : an evolving framework, Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centred Practice, Chapter 10 (Health Canada 2004) [3] O. Wahlstrom and I. Sanden, Multiprofessional training ward at Linkoping University: Early Experience, Education for Health: Change in Learning & Practice v.11 p231-236 (1998) [4] G.J. Mires et al., Multiprofessional Education in Undergraduate Curricula can work, Medical Teacher v.21 281-285 (1999) [5] J. Ker, L. Mole, and P. Bradley, Early Introduction to Interprofessional Learning: A Simulated Ward Environment, Medical Education v.37 248-255 (2003) [6] C. Edward and P. E. Preece, Shared Teaching in Health Care Ethics: A Report on the Beginning of an Idea, Nursing Ethics v.6 299-307 (1999) [7] K. Hayward and R. Colman, The Tides of Change: Addressing Inequity and Chronic Disease in Atlantic Canada. A Discussion Paper. prepared for the Population and Public Health Branch (Health Canada 2003) [8] H. Menzies, Nurses and Health Care (Chapter 5); No Time: Stress and the Crisis of 19 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care Modern Life (2005 Pub Douglas and McIntyre, Vancouver) 6. Project Objectives The overall objective of the project is to develop a sustainable model of health care education which will equip students to work in interprofessional teams in patient centred practice, through simulated care experiences for patients with chronic disease in various stages of the disease, and practicum experience. This will provide students with valuable experience in how interdisciplinary teams interact along the continuum of care, as well as how such teams work at a specific point in the illness trajectory. In order to achieve this overall objective the programme is structured to increase capacity for delivery of IPECPCP, provide students with exposure to concepts of interprofessional practice and with experience of patient centred practice through interdisciplinary teams. Specific Objectives are Objective # 1: To facilitate and increase the capacity for health educators to deliver the interprofessional education model (IPECPCP). Objective # 2: To increase the competencies of students and health professionals across disciplines to deliver interprofessional health care Objective # 3: To provide opportunities for students and health professionals across disciplines to apply their IPECPCP program on interprofessional team work. Objective # 4: Evaluation of strategies for an effective IPECPCP programme and identification of better practices Specifically, in terms of the objectives of the Health Canada IPECPCP initiative: The project will promote and demonstrate the benefits of interprofessional education for collaborative patient centred care by demonstrating the change in self-efficacy, attitude towards the patient’s role, and perception of professional roles by students. The continuing education programme will directly promote the benefits of collaborative practice in the health practice setting place. The programme will stimulate networking and sharing of best practices through publications in scholarly journals and conference presentations, and constructing faculty development and curricula packages which may be used by other sites. The programme will increase the number of health professionals trained in collaborative patient centred practice by integration of this material into upper year undergraduate and college education programmes and through a post-licensure continuing education programme for in-practice professionals who have not previously had access to this type of education. All students will take part in the workshop simulation described in section 20 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care 5. The programme will increase the number of educators prepared to teach from an interprofessional, collaborative practice patient centred care perspective through a faculty development programme. This will be developed into a training package for educators at other sites following the completion and assessment of the pilot offering of the programme. The programme will facilitate interprofessional collaboration in both education and practice by modeling this in the structure of the programme. This will be achieved, for example, by including students from at least three core programmes, and pre and postlicensure professionals from other disciplines; by using college instructors, university faculty, and clinical instructors as educators; and through the structure of its steering committee (section 6.4). 7. Tentative Timelines The following provides tentative timelines for the broad phases of the programme. Detailed timelines for activities related to the specific objectives described above (section 6) are given in the work plans attached as an appendix to this application. May 2006 to August 2006 Phase I: Resource Identification Research on best practices Hiring of Facilitators Establish steering committee Consultation with patients and IPECPCP programmes September 2006 to December 2006: Phase II Pt 1: Faculty Development, orientation and awareness Development and Implementation of the Evaluation Framework for Faculty/Educator Development Introduction to IPECPCP Concepts and Benefits for Faculty and Educators (Workshops) Identification of learning objectives Identification of working groups January 2007 to April 2007: Phase II Pt 2: Faculty development, joint curriculum development Interdisciplinary working group curriculum development Working group development of interdisciplinary practice scenarios Consultation with patients May 2007 to August 2007 Phase II Pt3: Faculty Development, Curriculum materials and reports Finalization of curriculum and schedule, and curriculum materials production Summary of results for phase II evaluation 21 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care September 2007 to December 2007: Phase III, IPECPCP implementation Logic model and evaluation materials for IPECPCP implementation Pilot delivery of the IPECPCP curriculum including interdisciplinary cross-links and capstone workshop January 2008 to June 2008: Phase IV, Final report and Evaluation Data analysis and evaluation. Refinement of the curricula materials and workshop materials for incorporation into the partners’ education and training programmes Preparation of professional development and curriculum packages for delivery at other sites. Presentation of findings to patient, educator and learner groups Dissemination of findings through conference presentations and article submission to scholarly journals Completion and submission of the final report 22 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care 8. Evaluation Evaluation Phase I: Identification of Better Practices to Inform the Program Design and Evaluation Framework (May 2006- August 2006) The initial project phase will involve identification of promising practices related to the development, delivery and review of interprofessional educational programs within the health sector. The outcomes of the proposed data-gathering activities will assist in refining the design and evaluation framework for the IPECPCP sponsored by Health Canada. This aspect of the endeavour involves the completion of five key components: a Literature Scan, Key Expert Interviews, Formulation of Promising Practice Statements, Creation of a Project Logic Model and Elaboration of the Evaluation Framework, and Development of Evaluation Instruments. a) Literature Scan (May-June 2006) Members of the project team will undertake a scan of the literature to identify evidencebased-practices related to the design, implementation and evaluation of interprofessional educational health programs. A minimum of five databases will be used (e.g. PsycInfo, EMBASE, Pubmed or Medline, CINAHL, ERIC, Social Sciences Index, and CDSR – Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews) to complete this scan. Bibliographies of relevant documents and articles will also be searched. Journals that are frequent sources of articles will be hand-searched. Research documents retrieved as a result of such searches will include peer-reviewed journal articles and research monographs. Gray literature, including government reports, public reports, and contract research reports, will be retrieved through searches of departmental websites. The outcomes of this scan will provide the basis from which to complete a concise literature summary. It is anticipated that this document will be approximately 8 to 10 pages in length. b) Key Expert Interviews (May-June 2006) In conjunction with the literature review, interviews will be conducted to seek the advice of key provincial and national experts who have had background experience and direct involvement in the development, delivery and evaluation of interprofessional educational health programs. For this evaluation activity University and Regional Health Authority Ethics forms will be completed outlining the specific data collection and ethics procedures required to meet the standards defined by the Tri-Council Policy Statements on Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. Once ethics clearance has been granted, then data collection will proceed. For this evaluation activity, key experts may represent practitioners, policy makers and researchers. Expert experience will ideally provide plausible advice and serve to confirm conclusions reached through the literature review. Key experts will be identified through consultation with Health Canada and other provincial and national groups currently involved in the delivery of interprofessional educational programs. It is anticipated that approximately 15 in-depth phone interviews will be completed with key experts, representing perspectives from researchers, practitioners and policy-makers. Initial contact will be made with the key experts to review the purpose of the research program 23 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care and their potential participation in this aspect of the project. Upon obtaining their consent, individual interview times will be arranged. Interviews will be conducted by telephone in either French or English, given the preference and regional considerations of the interviewee. A semi-structured interview will be undertaken with a range of open-ended, as well as more focused questions. Interviews with key experts will be recorded. Upon transcription of relevant interview data, the responses for each area of inquiry will be merged, and content analysis will be used to analyze the main themes emerging from the outcomes of the interviews. Relevant documentation identified by the key experts will also be examined and used to elaborate upon the key informant interview data. The results of this data-gathering effort will provide the basis from which to complete a research summary of the key expert interview outcomes. This summary should be approximately 5 to 7 pages in length. c) Formulation of Promising Practice Statements (June 2006) This aspect of this pre-project phase will involve an analysis of the key practices and lessons learned from the literature scan and expert interviews. Areas of convergence from these two data-gathering efforts will be documented and form the basis for the development of concise statements outlining promising practice related to the development, delivery and evaluation of interprofessional educational health programs. The outcomes of this research effort will facilitate the completion of a final document incorporating the literature scan, key expert outcomes and a list of promising practice statements. The final document will be approximately 20 pages in length. d) Creation of a Project Logic Model and Elaboration of the Evaluation Framework (July-August 2006) The promising practices identified in this will provide the basis from which to review the IPECPCP implementation and evaluation plan. Once key insights from the better practices perspectives have been incorporated into the project plan, a logic model for this initiative will be created. The logic model will provide a schematic overview of the key components of the proposed project plan, including: theoretical assumptions, goals, resources (inputs), participants, outputs, and outcomes (immediate, short-term and longterm). Upon completion of the logic model, it will be submitted to project authorities for their consideration and review. Feedback will then be incorporated and the logic model will be finalized. The accepted framework will subsequently be used to structure and elaborate the planned implementation and evaluation activities of the proposed project. It is anticipated that the finalized evaluation framework will examine three key areas related to the program’s development, delivery and outcomes. These include evaluation of the stakeholder training and capacity-building phase, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the actual project implementation, as well as evaluation of the outcomes realized as a result of the delivery of the interprofessional educational initiative. e) Development of Evaluation Instruments (July-August 2006) During the later part of this phase, work will also be undertaken to design the datacollection instruments that will be used in the various evaluation phases of this initiative. 24 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care Identified better practices related to the evaluation of interprofessional programs gleaned from the literature scan and key experts will assist in guiding both the format and content of the evaluation instruments and data-collection protocols. Ongoing deliberations with Project Authorities will be undertaken to ensure that approaches to data-collection and inquiry are ethical and sensitive to the needs of students and faculty members who will participate in the implementation of this educational initiative. Evaluation instruments will be developed for the three evaluation components of this initiative: the faculty development evaluation, the process evaluation, and the outcome evaluation. The final deliverable for this phase will entail submission of the various evaluation tools to Project Authorities for their consideration. Feedback from this review will be subsequently incorporated, and the final evaluation instruments and methods will be finalized. At the close of this phase, University and Regional Health Authority Ethics forms will be completed for the remaining evaluation phases. This will also entail outlining the specific data-collection and ethics procedures required to meet the standards defined by the Tri-Council Policy Statements on Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. Once ethics clearance has been received, then the subsequent evaluation phases will be undertaken. Evaluation Phase II: Faculty Development Evaluation (September 2006 to August 2007) From September 2006 to December 2007 faculty members and health educators from participating universities and colleges will attend a series of orientation sessions related to the development and delivery of interprofessional educational programs. These training workshops will be designed not only to acquaint participants with current practise related to interprofessional training approaches, but also to prepare them for engagement in subsequent curriculum planning/development activities to be carried out between January 2007 and August 2007. Overall, the purposes of training and eliciting the participation of faculty participants are to enhance their professional capacity and readiness to implement effectively the proposed interprofessional educational program in the fall of 2007. It is anticipated that a pre-post survey approach will be employed to evaluate participants’ perspectives regarding the impact of the training and curriculum development sessions on enhancing their readiness to implement the proposed interprofessional educational program. Areas of inquiry will include investigation of knowledge of essential content, skills acquired or strengthened, the nature of professional attitudes and working relationships, and perceived confidence. In addition, participants’ satisfaction with the training and curriculum development process will be examined, including lessons learned as a result of their involvement in this aspect of the initiative. The outcomes of the pre-post surveys will be coded and entered into the project database. Basic statistical analyses and content methods will be used to investigate potential changes in faculty capacity/readiness (knowledge, skills, attitudes, and working relationships, confidence) to implement the interprofessional educational program. Upon 25 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care completion of these analyses, a concise summary report of the findings will be submitted to Project Authorities. Evaluation Phase III: Process Evaluation (September 2007 – December 2007) This aspect of the evaluation will examine the effectiveness of the implementation of the initiative. Key areas of inquiry might include, but would not be limited to: Was there consistency between the project’s intent and the activities of the initiative? Did the initiative effectively reach and engage student and faculty partipcants? Did participants perceive that the objectives of the project were met? Were participants satisfied with the implemented activities of the project? What were participants’ perceptions regarding the overall impact of this initiative? What specific challenges were encountered in the implementation of the program? How were these addressed and how did this impact program delivery? What lessons learned were identified as a result of the implementation of this initiative? What specific developments might be considered to enhance the effectiveness of subsequent applications of this capacity-building model in other jurisdictions? It is anticipated that an evaluation questionnaire will be administered to participants at the close of each educational session. Questions will include a range of rating scale and open-ended items, designed to examine participants’ perspectives regarding the implementation of the various initiative activities. For this aspect of the evaluation, two process evaluation questionnaires will be developed, one for use with students and the other to be administered to faculty members/health educators. In addition to the session evaluation questionnaires, four focus groups will also be carried out with project participants towards the end of the project implementation period. Two of these sessions will be carried out with students, whereas the remaining ones will involve faculty members/health educators. Areas of inquiry will be similar to those used in the questionnaires; however, these group sessions will focus on gathering perspectives related to the overall/global implementation of the initiative. Consistent with the previous phase, the results of the post-session questionnaires and focus group sessions will be coded and entered into the project database. Basic statistical analyses and content methods will be undertaken to investigate data related to the implementation of the interprofessional educational program. Upon completion of these analyses, a concise summary report of the findings of this aspect of the evaluation will be submitted to Project Authorities. 26 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care Evaluation Phase IV: Outcome Evaluation (September 2007-June 2008) This aspect of the evaluation will examine the accomplishments and outcomes resulting from the implemented interprofessional education program. Particular attention will be given to documenting potential changes in students’ knowledge of essential content, acquired skills, professional attitudes, working relationships, and confidence related to interprofessioanl team efforts and delivery of patient-centred healthcare. It is envisioned that baseline data for these areas of professional functioning will be gathered at the outset of the program. Subsequent data-collection periods will be undertaken at mid-point in the program, at the close of the implementation phase, and three month following the termination of the program. It is anticipated that a range of data-collection methods will be employed for this evaluation phase, including administration of baseline and follow-up self-report surveys and problem-solving test situations that incorporate scenarios relating to interprofessional health team efforts and delivery of patient-centred health care. The possibility of identifying a suitable comparison group for this aspect of the evaluation will also be explored. If it is deemed feasible to include a comparison group, then the data-collection activities completed with the treatment group will also be carried out with the participants from the comparison group during the same time period. The results of the self-report surveys and the problem-solving test situations will be coded and entered into the project database. Inferential statistical analyses and content methods will be undertaken to investigate the data associated with the outcomes of the interprofessional educational program. Upon completion of these analyses, a concise summary report of the findings of this aspect of the evaluation will be submitted to Project Authorities. Throughout the curriculum delivery component of the project, each of the partner organizations will apply their normal evaluation procedures for instruction quality assurance. 9. Knowledge transfer, networking and dissemination Information about the project and its outcomes will be disseminated through publication in scholarly journals and through national (e.g. CASN, ACCC) and international (e.g. Congress of Health Professions Educators) conferences. Conferences play a particularly important role in dissemination of the results as this provides an opportunity to network with others working on interprofessional education for patient centred care. In addition the partners will seek to develop curriculum and faculty development materials which may be transferred to another site. Training in the use of these materials will also be developed. It is anticipated that this will occur after the assessment of the pilot project proposed here has been completed. As previously described, a continuing education programme will form part of this project and this will provide direct knowledge transfer into the sites where undergraduate students receive clinical experience. 27 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care 10. Sustainability The components of the program once established will create a sustainable education experience that can be built into our current curriculums. With planning it will be possible to cycle all of our students through the program. It is very difficult to organize team experiences that truly represent the practice environment. Well-designed simulations and workshops with multiple perspectives brought into the discussions will provide valuable learning experiences for students. The simulations and the descriptions of our experience will be available to the many other health care education programs that are in similar settings. Following assessment of the pilot project we anticipate that the interprofessional education experiences and related preparation will be integrated into the curriculum of the partner programmes in a manner similar to that of the pilot project proposed here. All programmes would require students to take the interprofessional simulations and workshops to complete the interprofessional education component. We also anticipate that the interprofessional education simulations and workshops will become a regular part of the programme for other allied health profession students through the Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHS) programme (UNB). MD undergraduate students and residents will access the programme as part of their interprofessional education programme. AHSC will maintain the programme for in-practice professionals as part of their continuing education programme. Principal increased costs will be those directly involved with the capstone workshop and will include the costs of including patients (simulated and real) in the simulation and costs of using in-practice professionals with interprofessional education experience as facilitators. As a sustainable alternative, web based simulations and provision of workshop materials will be investigated as to cost effectiveness and pedagogical value. Certain web based components are outlined in the work plans and include simulated interaction with the electronic health record system that supports interprofessional team approaches (see objective 3). Atlantic Health Science Corporation is committed to the patient centred care model and sees the recruitment of staff with experience in inter-disciplinary health care as a key component in its human resources strategy. Institutional commitment to collaborative practice for patient centred care must be supported by an appropriate education programme for staff who have not received training in this area. 28 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care Appendix: Project Summary Project Title: Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centred Chronic Disease Care Please provide a brief description of the proposed project (maximum 350 words) in the space below or on a separate sheet. (If the latter, order the description according to the following.) 1. Mandate of the primary applicant organization The University of New Brunswick (UNB) is a national comprehensive university providing high quality and innovative programmes in both education, including health education programmes. 2. List of partners with whom the organization will work on this project and their roles The educational partners (Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) will provide core groups of learners from their health education programmes as well as providing additional expertise in curriculum development and evaluation. The practice site partner, Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation (AHSC) through the St. Joseph’s Community Health Centre, will provide access to health care professionals working in a Collaborative Practice model. Other areas within AHSC where students receive practice setting experience will be prepared for IPECPCP. In addition, patients with diabetes will be recruited from the diabetes teaching unit for initial consultations on chronic disease health care. 3. Objectives of the project The overall objective of the project is to develop a model of health care education which will equip students to work in interprofessional teams in patient-centred practice, through simulated care experiences for patients with chronic disease in various stages of the disease. Specific objectives are (see the following work plans): Objective # 1: To facilitate and increase the capacity for health educators to deliver the interprofessional education model (IPECPCP). Objective # 2: To increase the competencies of students and health professionals across disciplines to deliver interprofessional health care. 29 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care Objective # 3: To provide opportunities for students and health professionals across disciplines to apply their IPECPCP program on interprofessional team work. Objective # 4: Evaluation of strategies for an effective IPECPCP programme and identification of better practices 4. Major activities required to achieve these objectives are indicated in the following work plans 5. Expected results of the project The project is expected to demonstrate the benefits of IPECPCP and to increase the numbers of professionals trained in collaborative patient centred practice, with emphasis on the benefits of collaborative practice along the continuum of care along the trajectory of chronic disease. For specific indicators of success see the following work plans. 6. Methods that will be used to evaluate both the process and the outcomes of the project Qualitative and quantitative data will be collected from learners, patients, and educators. For specific evaluation methods see the following work plan for objective 4 7. List of the project deliverables with timelines Deliverables include IPECPCP literature survey (Phase I August 2006) Faculty Development workshop materials and evaluation framework (Phase II.1 December 2006) Interdisciplinary practice scenarios (Phase II.2 April 2007) Curriculum schedule and materials for implementation, and summary of evaluation results for phase II (Phase II.3 August 2007) Logic model and evaluation materials for IPECPCP implementation (Phase III December 2007) Professional Development and Curriculum Packages, presentation of findings to stakeholder groups, conference presentations, and final report (Phase IV June 2008) Timelines and deliverables for the objectives and actions are indicated in the attached work plans. 8. Dissemination plan (including to whom, when and how the information will be disseminated). 30 Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centered Chronic Disease Care The findings from this pilot project will be disseminated through the following: Presentation of findings to patient, educator and learner groups, and to senior administration of the partner institutions. National and international Conference presentations and submission of articles to scholarly journals. Dissemination of the final report, including posting of the report on the websites of the partner institutions. 31