Developing Your Monthly Library Statistics

Developing Your Monthly
Library Circulation & Usage Statistics
1. Fill out the worksheet. To do so, make sure that for your school you know:
 Enrollment
 Average class size
If the office doesn’t have this datum, then calculate this in the following manner:
(Number of students in school)/(Number of homerooms)
 Number of periods per day (including lunches)
 Whether or not you have a clerk. If so, you need to know:
i. Number of days scheduled
 Teacher-librarian name
i. Number of days scheduled in the library
ii. Number of regularly scheduled classes per week
iii. Number of open periods per week
 Clerk present?
i. If yes:
1. Number of days/per week scheduled in library
2. Number of periods scheduled in library that she was pulled out of the library
 Number of periods when the library was used for other purposes while open (meetings, lab,
 Number of periods library was closed when normally open during month
i. Reason(s) - required
 Number of Days Open Before School
 Number of Days Open After School
 Destiny Circulation (see step 2 for directions)
 Non-Destiny Circulation
a. Reason(s) or definition is required
 Classroom Circulation
i. This number is the total number of books that have been checked out to teachers for
use in their classrooms
ii. The description is to record how many books went to each classroom.
 Number of Read-Alouds During Month
 Number of walk-ins per month
 Number of library lessons utilizing 1 source (e.g., dictionary lesson, etc.)
 Number of research/collaborative classes per month
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2. Log into Destiny (to get Destiny circulation)
3. Go to the Back Office tab
4. From the menu along the side, choose Reports
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5. Choose the Library Statistics report by clicking on it.
6. You will see a report of your current circulation statistics that looks like this:
7. To get circulation statistics for any given period – like this past month – go to the bottom of the page
in the section marked Statistics Snapshots. Fill in the dates for which you want your circulation
numbers, and click GO. (see illustration above)
8. The report that you want will either show up on a different tab of your browser or in a different
9. Close or minimize your browser and Destiny
10. Click on the Circulation Statistics icon on your screen.
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Use of the Library
Circulation and Usage Statistics Database
Click on the desktop icon that is labeled Library Statistics (I is available for download from the
“Librarians’ Pages on the District website. Download the .zip file and drag the icon from inside it
onto your desktop.)
If you don’t see the black DOS window go past, then you aren’t attached to the appropriate disk
drive. This could be because you are NOT on the “teacher” network.
You will see the sign-in screen. Fill in your name and press <Tab> or <Enter>. (Please note that
you must enter a name to continue. Otherwise, use the quit button in the bottom corner
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After entering your name, choose the name of your school from the drop-down box
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On the screen shown below, update or – if the first time – fill in your school’s default
demographic data:
ALA or not? (This field is locked. If I entered this incorrectly, please let me know.)
Grades served by the school
Number of students enrolled
Average class size
If the office doesn’t have this datum, then calculate this in the following manner:
(Number of students in school)/(Number of homerooms)
Number of periods per day in school schedule
Number of days per week with teacher-librarian at school. This will be between 1& 5.
Number of scheduled library classes per week
If you have a library clerk, check that box. Then enter (in the box that will appear) the
number of days that the clerk is scheduled in the library per week.
Any changes to these data will be saved, and will be used as the default values for any new
month’s data.
Also – at the bottom of the screen – you will see an abbreviated version of the data for all previous
months that exist within the database.)
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Before adding another month’s data, please check at the bottom of the screen to make sure that the
month haven’t already added that data and forgotten. (It causes error messages if you try to add
the same month a 2nd time.)
If you need to add a new month’s data, click the Add a NEW Month’s Usage & Circ. Stats. button
at the middle left of your screen.
If you need to edit an existing month’s data, click the Edit an Existing Month’s Usage Data
Adding a New Month’s Data
Your cursor starts out in the “Month, Year” field, at the top right corner. YOU MUST choose a
month and year in order to continue. Choose from the drop-down menu.
When you exit this field, it will fill in the number of school days per month. It will also take into
account whether you work at an ALA or not. (If there is a mistake in the number of days that
the school was open, you may edit this box.)
Do NOT edit this to reflect the number of days that you worked in a school. This is total
school days per month.
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Next, you need to enter the number of periods when the library was open, but used simultaneously
for other meetings or uses. (This was previously called: “Non-Circulating Classes/Sessions During
Month.”) This number assumes that the library remained open during those periods, but a group of
people came in for reasons other than library circulation. Some examples include:
 Classes that came in to use the lab to type – but not to do research.
 Staff meetings
 Training sessions.
 Mentoring sessions
 School yearbook or newspaper meetings, etc.
If your library was closed for any reason (testing, etc.), briefly add the reason(s) that it was closed.
Then, the field allowing you to add the number of periods closed will open for data entry.
Otherwise, it remains obscured.
If you have a clerk, then you will be given the chance to enter the number of periods that your
clerk was pulled from assigned library duties time to do other work.
Finally, in this section, enter the number of days that the library was open before and/or after
school. This means that the library was open for student use, with you, the teacher-librarian,
available to help. These are times when the library is open at least ½ hour before or after school.
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7. Now it’s time to add circulation data:
In the block marked OPAC Circulation, add your circulation from Destiny. (The report to
get that data is at the beginning of this document.) This number will automatically be added
to the total circulation. [The sample shows 444.]
If you have non-Destiny circulation, enter a very brief description of what it is. If a
description is entered, you will be able to enter a number. Otherwise, the field will remain
obscured. Any number entered will be added to the total circulation. [The sample shows 2]
If you have circulated any collection of books to a classroom, you should have already
checked those books out to the teacher through the OPAC. Then, in the description field,
mark in how many books went to each of the classrooms. If books stay in a classroom for
more than 1 month, they only get counted during the month in which they were checked out
via the OPAC. Then, add the total number of books into the appropriate space. [The sample
shows 60]
There are four parts to In-Library Circulation, all or none of which can be added, depending
upon your library. These are all automatically calculated into and added to the total inlibrary usage and the total usage
i. Enter the Number of Read Alouds. You will have entered a “hash mark” on your
planning sheet each time that you read a book to a class, so this will be easy to
ii. Note:
1. If you are reading a chapter book to a class over multiple periods, that is
considered ONE (1) read-aloud for all of the chapters. But, because you are
discussing literature, and encouraging the love of literature, the additional
periods with that book can be considered “library lessons.”
2. If you read 2 books to one class in one period, that is two read-alouds. If you
read the same book to 3 kindergarten classes, that counts as 3 books.
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iii. Number of Library Lessons: This is good for classes where you are teaching skills
using one book, such as a dictionary, thesaurus, almanac, or encyclopedia. This is
calculated [1 * (average class size) x (number of lessons)]. Enter the total number of
classes/class periods during which you taught library-skills lessons. [In this case
there were zero.]
iv. Number of Walk-Ins: This number is taken right from your walk-in log. It is assumed
that some of these students are doing research (@3 circs/student) and some are just
reading a magazine (1 circ/student). We are using an average of 2 circs/student. [The
sample shows that there were 100 walk-ins.]
v. Number of Collaborative/Research Classes: This will work for all levels (elementary,
middle and high school) to deal with classes that are either on your schedule, or
during an open period. We are estimating 3 circs/student for these classes. Enter the
total number of classes/ class periods during which you had classes doing research.
[In this case, there were 3 classes in the library for double periods, and 4 classes in
there for single periods, for a total of 10 classes.]
There is a space at the end for comments if you want to add any. They are strictly optional, to
make some of the more loquacious of you happy.
Click the Save button. This will cause the Finish and Close Form and Quit buttons to appear.
Finally, click on either the Finish and Close Form (if you are doing more work in the database) or
the Quit button to finish up here.
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Reviewing and Editing Your Data
Note: If you have worked on another month’s data, you will have to re-choose your school before
continuing. Then click: Edit an Existing Month’s Data
If you’ve chose the Edit an Existing Month’s Data from the sign-on screen, you will come upon
the following screen
Review the months’ data shown. You may utilize the slider bar to scroll up and down to review
more months. There is no editing possible on this screen.
If you want to edit any particular month, click the button that says “Edit This Record”
If you want to quit the program, click on the Quit button. If you want to choose a different school,
or add an additional month, click on the Close and Continue button.
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If you need to edit any month’s data, you will get the following screen:
This will let you edit most of the fields. (For example, you cannot edit the month and year…) All
of the requisite re-calculations will take place. Changes to the school’s demographics will not
affect the defaults for these items.
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PPS Library Services: Monthly Circulation & Usage Statistics
Data Collection Form: Month, Year: _____________
Month, Year:
# Students Enrolled
Average Class Size
#Days w/Teacher-librarian
# Scheduled Library Periods/Wk
#Days in Month (Total school days – NOT number of periods you worked in library)
Class Periods When Library Open - But Simultaneously Used for Other Meetings/Uses
(including labs):
Why Closed?
# Periods Library Closed – when normally open
Periods Clerk Pulled Out of Library
#Days Open Before/After School
OPAC (Destiny) Circulation
Description – Non-Destiny Circulation
Non-Destiny Circulation
Description- Classroom Circulation (To which classroom did you loan how many
Classroom Circulation (# books loaned to classes)
#Read-Alouds (Only give the count of the #books read to individual classes.)
#Library Lessons (Only give the count of the #lessons taught to classes.)
Number of Walk-ins (Actual count of walk-ins)
#Research/Collaborative Periods
(Only give the count of #collaborative classes taught.)
In-Library Circulation (The software will calculate this for you)
Comments (use other side of paper)
Total Circulation (The software will calculate this for you)
Avg. Circulation/Student (The software will calculate this for you)
Avg. Circulation/Day
(The software will calculate this for you)
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