Supplementary Online Material Water-rock modeling of Neoproterozoic carbonates We adapt the approach of Banner and Hansen (1990) to explore how isotopic compositions (both rock and fluid) and temperatures would evolution during closed-system diagenesis. The interpretation of closed-system behavior arises from the positively correlated array in Figures 4-7 of the main text. A similar approach has been applied by Huntington et al. (2011) and Bergmann et al. (2011). The model utilizes the following equations: o = [(f,o)(Cf,o)F + (s,o)(Cs,o)(1–F)]/Co s = [(o)(Co)(s–f) – (1000(Cf)F(1–s–f)]/[(Cs)(1–F)(s–f) + Cf(F)] f = [(s + 1000)/s–f] – 1000 where, o, s, f, f,o and s,o correspond to the oxygen isotopic composition of the total system, solid phase (here, either calcite or dolomite), fluid phase, initial fluid and initial solid phase. Cf,o, Cs,o, Co, Cf, and Cs are the concentration of oxygen in the original fluid, original solid, total system (all oxygen in all phases), fluid and solid. Here, we assume that Cf,o = Cf and Cs,o = Cs because the oxygen concentrations of the different phases is not expected to change, only their isotopic compositions. F represents that fraction of fluid in the total system (in weight fraction). s–f correspond to the equilibrium fractionation factor between solid and fluid in the system. Here, the phases correspond to solid carbonate and H2O between which, the fractionation is temperature dependent (Kim and O’Neil, 1997; Vasconcelos et al., 2005). The specific input parameters that yield the contours (Figures 5-7 main text) are provided below. The results are shown in Figures 5-7 in the main text. Input Parameter Cs (calcite) (mol) Cs (dolomite) (mol) Cf (mol) o,s (‰, VPDB) o,f (‰, VSMOW) W/R Range (g/g) Co Range (mol)* F Range (g/g)* Temperature Range (°C) Range Value 0.48 0.55 0.89 0 0, -10, -15 0.01 to 1 0.484 to 0.720 0.01 to 0.5 0 to 400 0.994 to 1.037 Model input parameters. Note that Co and F are dictated by the W/R ratio. References Banner, J.L., Hanson, G.N. (1990) Calculation of simultaneous isotopic and trace element variations during water-rock interaction with applications to carbonate diagenesis. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 54, 3123–3137. Bergmann, K.D., Eiler, J.M., Fischer, W.W., Osburn, M.R., Grotzinger, J.P. (2011) The clumped isotopic record of Neoproterozoic carbonates, Sultanate of Oman. AGU Annual Meeting Abstract #B41F-0255, San Francisco, CA. Huntington, K.W., Budd, D.A., Wernicke, B.P., Eiler, J.M. (2011) Use of clumped-isotope thermometry to constrain the crystallization temperature of diagenetic calcite. J. Sediment. Res. 81, 656-669. Kim, S.-T., O’Neil, J.R. (1997) Equilibrium and non-equilibrium oxygen isotope effects in synthetic carbonates. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 61, 3461–3475. Vasconcelos, C., McKenzie, J.A., Warthmann, R., Bernasconi, S.M. (2005) Calibration of the δ18O paleothermometer for dolomite precipitated in microbial cultures and natural environments. Geology 33, 317–320.