THE UNIVERSITY OF HULL HEALTH AND SAFETY CONTRACTORS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS SAFETY RULES AND CONDITIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Introduction Statutory Duties Responsibility Insurance Service Below Ground Fire Precautions In Case of Fire Services to the Contractor Before Commencement of Works Internal Combustion Engines Mechanically Propelled Vehicles Tools, Machinery and Equipment Cranes, Hoists and Lifting Tackle Scaffolding Ladders Cartridge Tools Pressure Vessels Entry into Vessels and Confined Spaces Demolition of Dismantling Drains and Sewers Electrical Works Electronics Roofs and Heights Machinery – General Dust Noise Painting and Decorating Waste Disposal Asbestos Accidents Dangerous Occurrences General Declaration PAGE 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 SAFETY RULES AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS AND NON-EMPLOYEES (FORMING PART OF THE ESTATES OFFICE SAFETY POLICY) about their work, are conversant with their employer’s safety policy and have been provided with information relative to the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), so far as it affects them. Before the Estates Office allows any contracting firm to carry out work in its premises or on its behalf the contractor or subcontractor must understand their legal statutory duties applicable to the type of work or operation they will be carrying out. This means, among other things, that the employer must provide a safe means of access and egress, safe working places and systems of working, competent employees, adequate supervision and adequate plant or equipment which is in good working order. The Office also expects contractors to conduct their business and methods of work by conforming to the best safe practices. Where possible on large contracts and by prior arrangement (and with the agreement of the local HSE Inspector) the Estates Office may fence off the areas in which you will be working and in these situations the responsibility for the safety and welfare of your employees will be entirely your own. The Office has its own Health and Safety rules which apply to its employees, contractors and their employees or their commissioned subcontractors, service agencies or any other persons permitted onto the University premises. However if the area is not fenced off the University must ensure its interests are considered by insisting that these rules are observed. To assure ourselves that the contractors and their employees or their commissioned subcontractors, service agencies or any other persons permitted onto the University Premises understand their obligations whilst on our premises, or working on behalf of the University elsewhere, they are required to read these rules and understand that acceptance of the University’s official order will be taken as an agreement of these rules. 1 RESPONSIBILITY No work shall commence until the contractor has received an official order. The purpose of this is threefold i to ensure that contractors have official authorisation for working on University premises NOTE 1 ii to ensure that ‘in-house’ client departments are made aware that authorisation has been given for work to be carried out. For reference purposes a copy of these rules will be available in the Estates Office, 53 Salmon Grove. Supervisors or managers responsible for operations may obtain copies on request from the Estates Office Staff direct during normal working hours. iii to provide adequate arrangements and instructions on safe working requirements to comply with statutory and University regulations. NOTE 2 The responsibility for ensuring compliance with these rules and ensuring a list of all contractors and their employees or their commissioned sub-contractors, service agencies or any other persons permitted onto the University premises, is available at all times, is that of the person issuing the order (Contact Name on the official order). 2 INSURANCE STATUTORY DUTIES 3 An employer is bound to take reasonable care to ensure that their employees are safe in and Before commencing digging, ascertain the position or possibility of services below ground The contractor or other such persons must provide evidence of adequate insurance for any common law damages awards which may be made against them or to any of their employees injured during the course of their employment. 2 SERVICES BELOW GROUND level from the University representative supervising the works or from The Estates Office Engineers/Surveyors. IMPORTANT The use of welding equipment, metal heating or cutting torches, blowlamps or any other naked flame or spark producing equipment, including portable grinders, may be used only at the discretion of the Director of Facilities or his representative supervising the work who will give permission in writing if this is not already included in the official order, and the contractor will be required to supply a written Method Statement of how the work will be carried out. When replacing any soil ensure a warning trace is inserted above the buried services, at the same level as existing trace or as specified in the contract or as stipulated by current legislation. If in doubt check with an Estates Office Engineer or University representative supervising the works. Traces damaged as a result of original digging must be cut back and replaced. NOTE Unless otherwise specified all services must comply with BSI coding or approved codes of practise. Failure to comply with the last paragraph may result in the operation of automatic heat or smoke sensitive fire protection systems and alarms which send an automated signal alerting the Fire and Rescue Service. Your attention is drawn to the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996 and the HSE Guidance HS(G) 47 (2000) Document – Avoiding Danger from Underground Services. 4 When welding equipment is being used, adequate portable or other screening facilities must be provided to protect persons in the vicinity. If screening is not practicable, other arrangements must be made to prevent persons from being affected. FIRE PRECAUTIONS The contractor and their employees or their commissioned sub-contractors, service agencies or any other persons permitted onto the University must contact the Director of Estates, or his representative, to discuss fire precautions and procedures including arrangements for any cabins, offices, flammable gases or materials brought onto University premises. 5 IN CASE OF FIRE Fire alarm systems throughout the University are operated by the break-glass method, please ensure your employees understand this. The alarms will be a distinctive audible warning, depending on the system installed and the location. Smoking in restricted areas will require the immediate removal of the offending person from the University premises. The alarm will, automatically, result in the Fire Brigade arriving at the scene of the alarm, together with a security officer. Machinery used in restricted areas must be of a type conforming to the requirements of the risks involved. The Security Office should be informed of the exact location and type of fire as soon after sounding the alarm as possible. All fires, however small, must be reported to the Security Office immediately and to the Estates Office representative supervising the works. At the sound of the alarm, as described above, the building and workplace should be evacuated immediately without question, as arranged previously with the Estates Office or as stated in the conditions of contract. Fire fighting extinguishers located around the University premises may be used by contractor’s employees or other persons. Such equipment must not be used for any other purpose and if used or removed from its location the Estates Office should be informed immediately. 6 SERVICES TO THE CONTRACTOR Any services required by the contractor must be arranged with the Director of Facilities or his representative who will provide an isolation point for connection purposes. 3 Connection will be made only if the equipment being supplied meets all the requirements previously mentioned. Shelter or clothing accommodation for taking meals Washing facilities Sanitary facilities Operation of valves, switches, or of any equipment belonging to the University is forbidden, except by arrangement with the Estates Office representative supervising the work. 7 all of which must comply with the provisions of the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996. e If you employ more than 25 persons on the premises you may have to notify the local Health Authority under the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996. BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF WORKS a Permission must be given by the University before you commence any work on site. This will normally be by official order. f For interpretation of these Acts and Regulations, the University Director of Health and Saf3ty Services and your safety representative should be in agreement but any final decisions must, if necessary, be given by the HSE Inspectorate or other Authority who administer the Acts and Regulations. b Establish contact with our representative in charge of the works or operation, as indicated Contract Name on the official order. Ensure the representative is informed in advance of any materials or goods which may be delivered to our premises prior to your employees commencing work so that safe and secure storage can be arranged. 8 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES No machine driven by internal combustion engines may be used within the University buildings without the written permission of the Director of Facilities or his representative supervising the works. Your attention is drawn to paragraph 4, ‘Fire Precautions’. If in doubt the University Director of Health and Safety Services should be contacted. Such goods and materials are accepted and stored at your own risk and when consigned to the University of Hull, should be clearly marked and advised as being for ‘………..’, (the name of the firm involved and its representative) and the advice note must clearly identify the material or substance being delivered. 9 The University may refuse any unsafe load or substance which could cause harm to our employees or any other persons. MECHANICALLY PROPELLED VEHICLES Vehicles used on University premises may at any time be subject to safety inspections and if found to be defective must not be used again until in efficient working order. They shall not be overloaded, insecurely loaded or loaded in such a manner or to such an extent as to interfere with the safe operation of the vehicle. All vehicles must bear clearly marked identification of ownership. Unlicensed vehicles are not permitted on the premises without written authorisation. All drivers will keep within the speed limits which apply on the premises and conform to instructions given by Security Officers. c All statutory notices applicable to your work should be displayed in a position where your operatives may read them before commencing work or at any other time. These may include Electricity at Work Regulations Power Regulations 1998 Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations 2002 d You are reminded that in compliance with the construction regulations you may be responsible for making your own arrangements - or agreeing with the University the following welfare facilities Vehicles are restricted to roadways and permission must be obtained for access on to pedestrian areas. Drivers must report to the Security Office details of any materials deposited on access or roadways inadvertently or accidentally. First aid and ambulance arrangements 4 10 TOOLS, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT the wheels or runners or be fitted with stabilising jacks. Unless agreed by prior arrangement it is not our policy to allow University machines, tools or equipment to be used by contractors, so it is in your own interest to ensure all machinery, tools and equipment you may require are provided by yourselves. Particular attention must be paid to the provision of guardrails, toe boards, flooring and access steps or ladders between stages on all types of scaffolding. Equipment brought on to University premises must be safe and carry a current test certificate if appropriate. Material on scaffolding platforms should not overload the erection or be stacked higher than the toe board unless adequate guards are fitted. The Construction (Health Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996 refer. 11 13 CRANES, HOISTS, AND LIFTING TACKLE Your attention is drawn to The Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996. The University cranes, hoists and lifting tackle must not be used without permission from the Director of Facilities or his representatives supervising the works. All such equipment brought onto the premises must have its current inspection certificate (or a copy) for inspection by the University Director of Health and Safety Services if so required. All ladders must be inspected by the contractor before being put into use on our premises to ensure they are in a good safe condition. Ladders must extend above the working landing or support and must rise at a safe angle. Uncertified equipment must be removed from the premises or rendered incapable of use until certified. Ladders must not be used if adequate hand or footholds cannot be provided. In such cases scaffolding or an alternative must be used. You are advised to make yourself familiar with the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998. 12 LADDERS All ladders must be marked with the mark of the owners or firm using them and must be removed by the contactor at the conclusion of the works. SCAFFOLDING All scaffolding must be erected in such a manner as to satisfy all the safety requirements. 14 Building scaffold must be on a sound foundation, perpendicular in structure without any upright leaning away from the building, adequately cross-tied and secured to the building. CARTRIDGE TOOLS No cartridge tools may be used on the premises without consultation with the Estates Office representative and the University Director of Health and Safety Services. 15 Cantilever scaffolding is not to be used without prior permission of the University representative in charge of the work and when so used must be erected by skilled scaffolders who must specify the safe working load. PRESSURE VESSELS Any pressure vessels bought onto the premises must conform to current legislation requirements and certificates (or copies) of the current test must be provided if requested by the representative in charge of the works or the University Director of Health and Safety Services. Freestanding scaffolding must be erected so that there is no danger of it toppling over or moving during the duty it is required to perform. Portable scaffolding of the quick assembly or moveable type must have means of locking 5 16 ENTRY INTO VESSELS AND CONFINED SPACES be done by competent craftspersons in possession of relevant qualifications. Entry of persons into confined spaces must be carried out in accordance with The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997, and any other statutory requirements. Before entry is made the Estates Office representative in charge of the works or the University Director of Health and Safety Services must be consulted to determine whether the atmosphere in the confined space requires any special precautions or the wearing of breathing apparatus. All installations must conform to the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, and University Codes of Practice. When leaving the premises all electrical supplies to your equipment and site accommodation must be isolated. All portable tools must be of 110V or less and supplied by the contractor. 20 ELECTRONICS NOTE It is essential that contracting and service engineers working with or on electronic equipment are suitably qualified or experienced in the aspects of electrical power to enable them to work safely to themselves and others. A confined space can be a tank, vessel, chamber, vat, duct, flue, pipe or any other similar enclosed area. 17 DEMOLITION OR DISMANTLING In any work involving demolition or dismantling where heights are involved, adequate steps must be taken to protect persons and plant from falling debris. 21 No personnel are allowed on the roofs of any building without authorisation by the Facilities Directorate in consultation with the occupiers of the building. This will normally be included in the official order. No timber with projecting nails, metal with jagged edges or sharp corners or other dangerous waste is to be left where it may be a source of danger to other persons. Adequate precautions must be observed to ensure that no damage or overloading of roof structures takes place. Before any lifting equipment, heavy weights, etc are placed on the roof, clearance must be obtained from the Director of Facilities or his representative. When working on roofs of a light construction or of a brittle nature, crawling boards must be used and adequate precautions taken to prevent persons or equipment from falling over the edge. Where personnel danger may arise, handrails or safety harnesses must be used. Tools, materials or other equipment must not be thrown to the ground from elevated positions without adequate safeguards for the protection of plant and personnel. 18 DRAINS AND SEWERS No chemical substances, oils, solvents or other obnoxious substances are to be poured into, or allowed to enter the University’s drains and sewers. All waste/debris must be removed from roofs in a safe manner during and on completion of works. Valleys, gutters and drain downcomers must be left free and clean at all times. Accidental discharge should be reported to the University representative in charge of the works, Security, and the Safety Office as soon as possible. 22 19 ROOFS AND HEIGHTS MACHINERY - GENERAL ELECTRICAL WORKS All machinery used by contractors must comply with the Provisions and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 and must conform to any regulation or approved Codes of Practice in the Generation of Noise, Dust, Fumes or Vapour. All electrical connections to our supplies must be carried out under the supervision of the Estates Office. Any electrical work carried out inside an allocated partitioned off area in which the contractor is solely responsible for safety must Every moving part of every machine shall be securely guarded except for those parts, which 6 are required to remain unguarded to allow the machine to be used for the purpose for which it was constructed, without danger to operators in the vicinity. No guards or protective devices may be removed or misused by any person from any machine, lift or other protective devices provided in accordance with acts or regulations and it is strictly forbidden to operate any machine, lift or other protective device when guards are missing or are ineffective. 23 under the Environmental Protection Act and various Waste Disposal Legislation. 27 No work shall be undertaken on asbestos based products or materials. Where the presence of an asbestos based product is suspected it should be reported immediately to the Estates Office representative supervising the works who will initiate the asbestos procedures. DUST Concrete and brick cutting machines and devices are not to be operated inside buildings without dust control equipment, the use of water to prevent dust rising, or complete enclosure of the area involved. 24 28 NOISE The University of Hull reserves the right to investigate all accidents or serious incidents that occur on its premises and expects full cooperation from the contractors and their employees in the investigation of causes of such occurrences and in the interest of preventing similar occurrences. PAINTING AND DECORATING The attention of persons involved in painting and decorating is drawn to The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, LOLER 1998, The Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations, particularly when using paint spraying equipment. A COSHH assessment must be carried out and a written statement must be presented to the Director of Facilities or his representative prior to works commencing. 26 ACCIDENTS Accidents which result in the employee sustaining a major injury or being away from usual work for more than three days must be reported as required by existing regulations and additionally to the University representative in charge of the works who will arrange for the reporting of such accidents to the University’s Safety Office. Pneumatic drills and other devices generating excessive noise levels are not to be used inside buildings or in areas where persons are likely to be affected. The use of such equipment will be arranged in the contact or as directed by the Director of Facilities or his representative supervising the works. 25 ASBESTOS 29 DANGEROUS OCCURRENCES All dangerous occurrences which take place on University premises must be reported to the Director of Facilities or his representative supervising the works and to the University Safety Office. 30 GENERAL These rules imply that all contractors’ employees or other persons on University premises must be adequately qualified or trained to perform their work in safety to themselves and others. WASTE DISPOSAL Contractors are responsible for the removal and disposal of all waste and debris in a safe and legal manner. Hazardous and combustible waste must not be accumulated on site. Contractors may not deposit any waste, chemical or any other material into University drains, dustbins, waste containers or in any other place on campus. Contractors should ensure that their waste containers are secure and that University and other waste cannot be placed in them. Contractors may consult the University Director of Health and Safety Services about legal responsibilities The rules are not to be taken as a complete list in compliance with any or all statutory regulations or requirements and you are reminded that you have a responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act to ensure your operations are at all times carried out in accordance with the latest legislation and current codes of practice. Your employees must understand that it is a breach of law to remove, deface, paint over or 7 otherwise interfere with any equipment, instructions or warning notices provided by the University of Hull for the protection of other persons and any accidental incident of such a nature should be reported to the Director of Facilities or his representative supervising the works and to the Health and Safety Office. CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBERS If the CDM Regulations are applicable, the compliance procedures will be initiated by the University (the client). 8 Estates Office (01482) 465084 Security (01482) 466868 Safety Office (01482) 465165 I declare that I have fully read and understand this document. I agree to comply with the rules and acquaint all persons under my direction involved in the project (including subcontract staff) with these Safety Rules. Signed: ……………………………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………….……………….. Name (Block Capitals): ………………….…..………………. Position: ………………………………….…………………… Company Name: ……………………….……………………. 9