Rock descriptions, Cruise AT03-56 3609-1A New growth(?) from Bastille 27 long x 15 wide x 11 cm thick piece of chimney wall. 50% of exterior exhibits 1 to 3 mm thick casing (Mc?-rich). A few tubes are present. Inner side is anhydrite-rich w/patches lined by fine-grained chalcopyrite. Majority of 11 cm thick wall is composed of mixed anh/sulfide and is fairly dense. Not sure if this is really new growth – was picked up lying near the vent opening. Outer 4 cm layer (mc-rich casing is ~4 mm thick, black layer of fine-gr sulfide (Zn-rich?) in to mixed layer) from the top (3609-1A-top) given to Sheryl for microbial analyses. 3609-1B 11 cm tall x 7 cm wide x 4 cm thick piece of chimney wall. Zonation same as 3609-1A. 3609-1C analyses. Smaller piece similar to 3609-1B given to Sheryl for microbial 3609-M1 Misc. sample from dive. 8 cm wide x 5 cm x 3 cm thick piece of beehive. Half of sample to Sheryl for microbial analyses (had outer mc-rich casing). Piece exhibits delicate layers of mixed anhydrite and sulfide in a beehive texture. Two other misc pieces, m2 and m3, also given to Sheryl. Also, 13+ small (<7 cm) pieces. 3612-misc All volunteers from northern part of Main Endevaour vent field. Largest piece is 22 cm long x 16 cm wide by 6 cm thick. The two parallel sides with largest areas show patches of Fe-oxide so were probably exterior sides. One of the 6 cm wide sides is lined with anh and fn-gr chalcopyrite and was likely the edge of a conduit. Sample is composed of dominantly anh w/minor chalcopyrite and other mixed sulfides. Also 13+ smaller (<8 cm) pieces, most of anh-dominated wall. 2 smaller pieces lined with chalcopyrite, each ~5 x 3 x <0.5 cm thick. 3 pieces w/evidence of being near or at exterior given to Sheryl for microbial analyses. 3616-1 Spire w/mushroom shaped top from Cathedral Spire is 43 cm long and ~ 6 cm in diameter. Outer side exhibits crenulations and small (cm to 2-3 cm) knobs, and is barite-rich (inferred from radioactivity), and sparsely populated w/sulfide worms, snails and limpets. Broken base measures 8.5 x 5 cm and is concentrically zoned: center is open 1.5 x 1.5 cm area, but 1.5 cm into stalk it is filled w/porous fn-gr sulfide (cannot tell if Zn or Fe rich). Less permeable wall of stalk is 1 to 2 cm thick and composed of fn-gr mixed sulfide (maybe Po-rich??). At top of stalk there is an abrupt transition from the white colored stalk to the brown colored mushroom cap. The cap is ~ 10 cm high w/a diameter of ~15 to 19 cm. Upper side of musroom cap is smooth and dirt brown in color. Under side exposes dendritic layers that run vertically from the top to the bottom of the cap. The network of layers resembles the underside of a mushroom cap, or what would result if a beehive texture was transected. Dendrites are composed of fn-gr Fe sulfide(?) Maybe some Cu and Zn. Possibly Po-rich? Hard to tell. No visible anhydrite. 3616-2 From Cathedral? Small spire 10 cm long x 5 cm x 3 cm w/open conduit that measures 3 x 1.5 cm at base and 1 cm x 1 cm at top. Wall at base is 3 to 8 mm thick w/inner 1 to 2 mm thick Cu-Fe sulfide lining (has oxidized since samples), mid-wall of anh and mixed sulfide, and outerside is brown in color, <1 mm thick. Wall at top is only 1 to 2 mm thick. 3616-3 beehive? 5+ pieces – not sure where they are from (Salut?) – of outer side of Pieces measure 9x5x1 cm thick 8x10x3 cm thick (3A = nicest beehive texture) 9x7x1 cm thick 9x8x3.5 cm thick 8x6x1.5 cm thick All have nice thick (3 mm) outer mc-rich(?) casing. Niceness of beehive layers on inside varies from piece to piece. 3616-4 9x5x2 cm and 6.5 x 4 x 2 cm and 2 smaller pieces = piece of chimney wall lined w/Cu-Fe sulfide and anh, anh dominated outer walls Location unknown. 3617-1 Easter Island, from base = flange-like. 9x5x3 cm thick piece of “flange” or ledge. Upper surface exhibits mc-rich casing and orange/white outercoat and was very sparsely populated w/sulfide worms. Underside/remainder is fn-gr black intermixed sulfide. 3619 Volunteer, location unknown (in skins of sub) 12x12x5 cm piece from outside of a structure. No open conduits. Outer side exhibits a thick (5 mm) mc casing and some tube casts. Fresh broken surface exposes fn-gr sulfide w/dendritic, beehive-like layering. Some more Cu-rich areas and other more Fe-rich areas. Finer grained and less porous 1 cm thick layer lies beneath mc-rich casing and above more porous dendritic layers. 3620-1 Very small pieces of chimney layer that grew on top of res probe at MilliQ. 3622-1 20x21x15 cm piece of fn-gr mixed sulfide 3622-2 12x5x5 cm thick piece of chimney wall lined w/Cu-Fe and possibly Zn sulfide. Some anh. 3622-3 30x19 cm piece of sheet flow, 3 to 4 cm thick. Upper side glassy, underside w/Mn. 3622-4 Large 4x27 cm piece of old sheet flow. Sheet is ~9 cm thick w/glass on upper surface and Mn coating the convex underside. Was covered w/organisms (sponges). 3622-5 5 pieces <8 cm in size of dominantly anh w/thin (<1 mm) patchy layers of Zn sulfide(?). 3 <4 cm size pieces lined w/some Cu-Fe sulfide intermixed w/either Fe or Zn-Fe sulfide. One piece exhibits mixed anh/sulfide wall and an exterior w/some Fe-oxide. 3622-6 26x15x11 cm piece of fn-gr mixed sulfide. Was covered w/tubeworms. 3622-7 2 pieces of basalt covered w/small tubeworms. 10x11x7cm and 27x23x17cm. 3622-8 25x28x17 cm tall top of inactive(?) sulfide structure. Break exposes a silicified(?) sulfide dominated surface w/multiple cm to 3x1 cm sized cavities; a few are lined w/sulfide, but most are lined w/up to 1 cm thick layers of white amorphous silica(?). Outer and upper surface is brown to black, w/broken surface showing a <1 mm thick layer of Fe-oxide(?). 3623-1 2 10x11x8 cm sized pieces of fn-gr Fe (and minor Zn) sulfide, plus 3 much smaller pieces. Were covered w/limpets (sampled by Mark Fox). Upper surface exhibits whote coating. 3623-2 8x15x2 cm thick piece of structure (flange?) wall. Exterior exhibits porous brown layer. Wall is of fn-gr sulfide (dark brown in color (mix of Fe and Zn sulfide??)) and inner side is lined w.Cu-Fe sulfide.