East Riding Wide Diploma Consortium Principal Learning Assessment and Examinations Policy 2010-2011 1 Policy introduction This consortium exam policy covers many management functions that will affect learners’ progress in Diploma achievements. In order for all staff to understand and participate effectively, we have designated exam-related policies to be common across the consortium. We have also indicated within this document areas where policies are delegated to centres – often with guidelines on what those policies should cover and how they should operate. An up-to-date copy of the consortium policy will be available on the East Riding Diploma Handbook website http://www.eriding.net/diplomahandbook/ It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the consortium exam processes to read, understand and implement this policy. 2 Policy scope This section describes the scope of the policy in terms of centres, lines of learning and timescale. 2.1 Details of centres This policy covers the following centres: Centre Type Centre number Beverley Grammar School 11–18 44107 Beverley High School 11–18 44109 Bishop Burton College Further education college 44101 Bridlington School 11–18 44117 Cottingham High School 11–18 44123 Driffield School 11–18 44129 East Riding College Further education college 44103 East Riding College Further education college 44113 Goole College Further education college 44318 Headlands School 11–18 44115 Hessle High School 11–18 44133 Hornsea School 11–18 44135 Howden School 11–18 44137 Longcroft School 11–18 44217 South Holderness School 11–18 44221 South Hunsley 11–18 44213 The Market Weighton School 11–18 44211 The Snaith School 11–16 44375 Goole High School 11–18 44317 Withernsea High School 11–18 44223 Woldgate College 11–18 44219 Wolfreton School 11–18 44207 Selby College Further education college 48330 Hull College Further education college 44147 2.2 Lines of learning covered by this policy This policy covers the following Diploma lines of learning at the levels indicated at the following centres: Diploma line of learning Level Lead centre Information Technology Higher Goole High School Information Technology Advanced Goole High School Business, Administration and Finance Higher East Riding College Hospitality - East Riding College Public Services - Bishop Burton College Sport and Active Leisure - Bishop Burton College Society, Health and Development Higher East Riding College Travel and Tourism - East Riding College Retail Business - Hull College Creative and Media Foundation Longcroft School Creative and Media Higher Longcroft School Construction and the Built Environment Higher Hull College Environmental and Land-Based Studies Foundation Bishop Burton College Environmental and Land-Based Studies Higher Bishop Burton College Hair and Beauty Studies Higher East Riding College Engineering Higher Withernsea High School Manufacture and Product Design Higher Driffield School 2.3 Duration of this policy This exam policy is effective from September 2010. This exam policy will be reviewed in July 2011. 3 Policy maintenance 3.1 Policy implementation The overall authority for implementing this policy rests with: Centre Name Position Telephone Email Consortiumwide John Seaman 14-19 Senior advisor 01482 392410 john.seaman@eastriding.gov.uk 3.2 Policy maintenance The overall authority for maintaining and amending this policy rests with the 14-19 Action Group: Operational responsibility Jean Johnson 14-19 LA Lead Officer jean.johnson@eastriding.gov.uk 01482 391339 In association with Cathy Henworth, Examinations Officer representative for 14-19 Action group. Cathryn.henworth@bishopburton.ac.uk 01964 553000 and Kate Mills, Lead Assessor kate.mills@eastridingcollege.ac.ukgov.uk 3.3 Responsibilities within centres The individuals responsible for policy matters, by centre, are: Centre Name Position Telepho ne Email Beverley Grammar School G. Hodson Deputy Head 01482 881531 g.hodson@beverleygrammar.co.uk Beverley High School A. Healy Deputy Head 01482 881658 a.healy@beverleyhigh.net Bishop Burton College S. Parker Director of Partnerships 01964 553000 Simon.parker@bishopburton.ac.uk Bridlington School P. Atkinson Deputy Head 01262 672593 atkinsonp@bscampus.net Cottingham High School G. Barber Deputy Head 01482 847498 barberg@cottinghamhigh.net Driffield School S. Jones Deputy Head 01377 253631 sjones@driffield.e-riding.sch.uk East Riding College A. Gray Assistant Director 14- 19 01482 306600 Alison.Gray@eastridingcollege.ac.uk Headlands School J. Gunning Deputy Head 01262 676198 james.gunning@headlands.eril.net Hessle High School M. Davison Deputy Head 01482 648604 mdavison@hesslefederation.com Hornsea School A. Bennett Deputy Head 01964 532727 bennetta@hslc.co.uk Howden School S. Hadfield Deputy Head 01430 430870 SHadfield@howdenschool.net Longcroft School A . Baker Deputy Head 01482 862171 andy.baker@longcroft.eriding.net South Holderness School I. Odonnell Deputy Head 01482 899315 odonelli@shtc.org.uk South Hunsley K. Dow Deputy Head 01482 631208 karen.dow@shunsley.eril.net Market Weighton School C. Smith Deputy Head 01430 873450 csmith@tmws.co.uk Snaith School G. Hill Deputy Head 01405 860327 georgina.hill@tss.eriding.net Goole High School D. Flowitt Deputy Head 01405 768621 flowittd@vscampus.net Withernsea High School B. Wardman Deputy Head 01964 613133 wardmanb@wscampus.net Woldgate College R. Roberts Learning Partnership Coordinator 01759 302395 Ruth.Roberts@woldgate.eril.net Wolfreton School K. Thorpe Deputy Head 01482 659356 Kath.thorpe@wolfreton.eril.net Selby College J. Pirie 14-16 Manager 01757 211000 piriej@selby.ac.uk Except where specified in a specific policy section, these individuals are responsible for implementation of the policy within their centre. 3.4 Responsibilities for lines of learning The individuals responsible for policy matters, by line of learning and centre, are: Line of learning Centre Creative and Media Longcroft School and Andy Performing Baker Arts College Construction and the Built Environment Hull College Environmental and LandBased Studies Bishop Burton College Hair and East Riding Beauty Studies College Name Position Telephone Email Deputy head 01482 862171 andy.baker@longcroft.eriding.net Paul Grayson Head of School for Construction 01482 329943 PGrayson@hull-college.ac.uk Simon Parker Director of Partnerships 01964 553000 Simon.parker@bishopburton.ac.uk Alison Gray Assistant Director 1419 01482 306600 alison.gray@eastridingcollege.ac.uk Engineering Withernsea High School Bob Wardman Deputy head 01964 613133 wardmanb@wscampus.net Information Technology Goole High School Dave Flowitt Deputy head 01405 768621 flowittd@vscampus.net Business, Administration and Finance East Riding College Alison Gray Assistant Director 1419 01262 306600 alison.gray@eastridingcollege.ac.uk Hospitality East Riding College Alison Gray Assistant Director 1419 01482 306600 alison.gray@eastridingcollege.ac.uk Public Services Bishop Burton College Simon Parker Director of Partnerships 01964 553000 Simon.parker@bishopburton.ac.uk Sport and Active Leisure Bishop Burton College Simon Parker Director of Partnerships 01964 553000 Simon.Parker@bishopburton.ac.uk Society, Health East Riding and College Development Alison Gray Assistant Director 1419 01482 306600 alison.gray@eastridingcollege.ac.uk Travel and Tourism Alison Gray Assistant Director 1419 01482 306600 alison.gray@eastridingcollege.ac.uk East Riding College Retail Business Hull College Director of Lynne Learning 14Richardson 19 01482 329943 Lrichardson@huul-college.ac.uk Manufacturing and Product Design Justine Warner 01377 253631 jwarner@driffield.e-riding.sch.uk Driffield School Head of Enterprise All queries about policies or their implementation should be referred to centre or line of learning representatives as listed in sections 3.3 and 3.4. They will determine whether exceptions are appropriate and should be allowed or whether the policy should be reviewed locally or escalated to a higher level. Except where specified in a specific policy section, these individuals are responsible for implementation of the policy within their line of learning. Responsibility for Delivery Partnerships Line of learning Creative and Media Construction and the Built Environment Lead Centre Lead Delivery Partner Telephone Email Longcroft School Karen Arundel 01482 862171 karen.arundel@longcroft.eriding.net Cottingham Gill Humble High Mills School 01482 847498 Goole High School Jan Halliday 01405 768621 hallidayj@goolehighschool.org Hull College Brian Kerridge 01482 329943 bkerridge@hull-college.ac.uk East Riding College Andrew Van 01482 Heerden 306600 Goole High School John Niland 01405 768621 nilandj@goolehighschool.org Rebecca Waring 01964 553000 Rebecca.Waring@bishopburton.ac.uk Vicky Parker 01482 899315 parkerv.@shtc.org.co.uk East Riding College Jayne Lee 01482 306600 jayne.lee@eastridingcollege.ac.uk Withernsea School Claire Turnbull 01482 306600 Claire.Turnbull@eastridingcollege.ac.uk Selby College Karen Moore 01757 211000 moorek@selby.ac.uk Withernsea High School Mike Cox 01964 613133 CoxM@wscampus.net Beverley Grammar School Tim Gosling 01482 881531 t.gosling@beverleygrammar.co.uk South Hunsley School Marie 01482 chamberlain 631208 Bishop Burton Environmental College and LandBased Studies South Holderness School Hair and Beauty Studies Engineering mills.g@cottinghamhigh.net Andrew.Vanheerden@eastridingcollege.ac.uk marie.chamberlain@shunsley.eril.net Information Technology Goole High School Matt Pickin 01405 768621 pickinm@goolehighschool.org Snaith School Melanie Till 01405 860327 Melanie.till@tss.ariding.net Cottingham Philippa High Hall School 01482 847498 hall.p@cottinghamhigh.net Howden School Rob Lyon 01964 532727 East Riding College Ann Churnin 01482 306600 ann.churnin@eastridingcollege.ac.uk Phil Warren 01405 860327 phil.warren@tss.eriding.net Jeanette Dawson 01482 659356 jeanette.dawson@wolfreton.eril.net East Riding College Bev Feldgate 01482 306600 Beverley High School Jane Beddows 01482 881658 j.beddows@beverleyhigh.net Hessle High School Chris Smith 01482 648604 smc@hesslehigh.net Goole High School Emma Dalimore 01405 768621 dalimoree@goolehighschool.org South Holderness School Carina Wood 01482 899315 woodc@shtc.org.uk Snaith School Gail Marshall 01405 860327 gail.marshall@tss.eriding.net Headlands School Jane Farrant 01262 676198 Business, Snaith Administration School and Finance Wolfreton School Society, Health and Development rlyon@howdenschool.net beverley.feldgate@eastridingcollege.ac.uk Jane.farrant@headlands.eril.net 3.5 Communication and data sharing The individuals responsible for communication and data sharing, by centre, are identified in section 3.3 Responsibilities within Centres. The consortium will uphold the terms of the current Data Protection Act in order to ensure that data processing and sharing can take place in a way that helps deliver objectives as regards education and training, furthers the interests of the individuals involved and the public more generally, while still respecting people’s legitimate expectations and rights in relation to the privacy and confidentiality of their personal information. 4 Consortium timescales and deadlines 4.1 Line of Learning delivery plans Delivery plans are developed for each line of learning as part of a consortium’s Internal Gateway application. Once line of learning approvals have been received, the consortium line of learning leaders will communicate their plans to the consortium. These will include the specifications to be followed for principal learning, the centres that will lead teaching and assessments and the likely volumes of learners at each level that can be accommodated. They will also lead any awarding body approvals that must take place. At this point a Delivery Plan will be crated for each Delivery Partnership, using the consortium template which will be internally verified by the Line Lead before delivery. The timetable for the consortium delivery centres for all lines of learning is as follows: Task Date task must be completed Identification of consortium delivery centres for all lines of learning 1st July Consortium agreements on specifications and delivery models 1st July Delivery Plan completed and Internally Verified by the Line Lead 10th Sept 4.2 Learner participation decisions Home centres will determine whether they will offer participation in the Diploma lines of learning to their learners. Those that do so will provide details of learners by line and level to all consortium centres and will maintain accurate Diploma learner group details. The timetable for learner participation decisions is as follows: Task Date task must be completed Learner forecasts 30th March Preliminary Diploma learner groups 30th June Complete Diploma learner groups 20th September 5 Consortium exam and assessment policies 5.1 Learner contracts Approach A consortium-wide learner contract exists. Each home centre is expected to ensure that Diploma learners sign a contract. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The leaner contacts are to be held at the learner’s home school and notification given to the Lead Delivery Partner that these have been completed. Learners are required to agree to and sign an information-sharing agreement. The Diploma Learner contract can be found in the East Riding Professional Protocols for Collaboration and Service Level and Service Level Agreement on the Diploma Handbook website. The learner agreement policy can be found at each centre. 5.2 Learner Study Plans and course validation Approach A consortium-wide Learner Study Plan exists. Each home centre is expected to ensure that Diploma learners have their study plan validated and are on a course which will aggregate to a full Diploma upon completion. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The Principal Learning components of a generic Learner Study Plan are to be completed by the Lead Delivery Partner for each delivery partnership. Once completed it is to be sent electronically to the person named in 3.3 for each school accessing that Diploma course, the Line Lead and the Lead Assessor. In conjunction with their examination officer, the home school is responsible for completing a Learner Study Plan for each learner enrolled on a Diploma course. The home school must complete the Functional Skills and any Additional and Specialist Learning (ASL) sections of the plan. Once the Learner Study plan is completed it must then be entered into the Diploma Validator http://diplomavalidator.qcda.gov.uk/ It is the home schools responsibility to do so and to notify the Line Lead, Lead Delivery Partner and Lead Assessor that these have been completed. The individual(s) that all Diploma learners are required to inform regarding changes in their Diploma Learner Study Plan is the person named in 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’. Learners may be responsible for fees for assessments for which they are entered but which they do not take. The Learner Study Plan template can be found on the Diploma Handbook Website. Task Date task must be completed Lead Delivery Partner complete the generic LSP and send to all accessing schools, Line Lead and Lead Assessor. 10th September Home School to have completed LSP and validated the programme of study and notified Line Lead, Lead Delivery Partner and Lead Assessor. 22nd September 5.3 Specification and awarding body selections, Diploma awarding bodies and component awarding bodies Approach Principal learning specifications are determined by the Line Lead in association with the Lead Delivery Partner. Functional skills specifications are determined by Home centre. Project and/or extended project specifications are determined by Home centre. Additional and specialist learning choices are determined by the Home centre. Diploma awarding bodies will be determined by Line Lead in association with the Lead Delivery Partner. Learners will be advised of the choice available by the Home centre. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information Choices of Diploma components on offer to learners will be published in Home school prospectus information. The individual(s) with whom learners should review the choices available is the appropriate person in each home centre responsible for diploma delivery named in section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’. The Lead Delivery Person and person named in section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ will advise learners, teachers and administrators on the characteristics of the specification and in particular the nature of assessments for the Diploma qualification when delivered collaboratively. All home centres are expected to maintain an up-to-date record of choices available to learners and learners’ choices and to provide access to this information to their exams office. 5.4 Prior achievement Approach The consortium policy for prior achievement is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body prior achievement guidelines. The learner should be advised of the information they must supply (for example learner name and identifier, qualification, level, reference code, awarding body, date of achievement, centre where achieved, copy of certificate as evidence.). The exams office should process claims for valid prior achievement and monitor whether these achievements are credited to the correct learner account in the Diploma Aggregation Service by 30th September 2011. The individual(s) responsible for advising learners that they might have valid prior achievement when they select a Diploma line and level for study is the Exam officer at each centre – see below Centre Name Position Telephone Email South Hunsley Pauline Appleton Exams Officer 01482 631208 pauline.appleton@shunsley.eril.net Beverley Grammar School Peter Smith Exams Officer 01482 881531 p.smith@beverleygrammar.co.uk Bishop Burton College Cathy Henworth Exams Officer 01964 553000 cathryn.henworth@bishopbcollege.ac.uk Bridlington Sports College Sarah Grosse Exams Officer 01262 672593 grosses@bscampus.net Cottingham Joanne High Tuffs School Exams Officer 01482 847498 joanne.tuffs@chs.eriding.net Driffield School Lisa Noble Exams Officer 01377 253631 lnoble@driffield.e-riding.sch.uk East Riding College Lynne Barber Exams Officer 01482 306600 lynne.barber@eastridingcollege.ac.uk East Riding College Lynne Dennis Exams Officer 01262 852000 Lynne.Dennis@eastridingcollege.ac.uk Goole College David Caldicott Exams Officer 01405 dcaldicott@hull-college.ac.uk Headlands School Helen Keyworth Exams Officer 01262 676198 helen.keyworth@headlands.eril.net Hessle High School Janie Brunton Exams Officer 01482 648604 bru@hesslehigh.net Hornsea School Angela Suret Exams Officer 01964 532727 sureta@hslc.co.uk Howden School Kim Gill Exams Officer 01430 430870 exams.office@howdenschool.net South Hunsley Pauline Appleton Exams Officer 01482 631208 pauline.appleton@shunsley.eril.net South Holderness School Angie Tevenan Exams Officer 01482 899315 tevenana@shtc.org.uk Longcroft School Steve Hugill Exams Officer 01482 862171 steve.hugill@longcroft.eriding.net The Market Weighton School Jackie Woods Exams Officer 01430 873450 jwood@tmws.co.uk The Snaith School Nick Allcock Exams Officer 01405 860327 nick.allcock@tss.eriding.net Goole High School Jackie Exams Sunderland Officer 01405 768621 officere@vscampus.net Withernsea High School Roger Crawforth Exams Officer 01964 613133 crawforthr@wscampus.net Woldgate College Diane Hollows Exams Officer 01759 302395 diane.hollows@woldgate.eril.net Wolfreton School Diana Powell Exams Officer 01482 659356 diana.powell@wolfreton.eril.net Hull College Sara Leach Exams manager 01482 329943 sleach@hull-college.ac.uk Selby College Gail Oates Exams Officer 01757 211000 oatesg@selby.ac.uk The individual(s) responsible for confirming that qualifications already achieved are in fact valid is the exams officer at the home centre. 5.5 Information sharing and use of the Unique Learner Number (ULN) Approach The consortium policy for information sharing and use of the unique learner number is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body information sharing and use of the unique learner number guidelines. The consortium policy covers all centres as indicated in section 2.1. All Diploma learners will be allocated a unique learner number. All centres must sign up to the terms and conditions agreeing to certain obligations in order for them to use the Diploma Aggregation Service (DAS), which aggregates the constituent qualifications and the award of a Diploma, and the Learner Registration Service to acquire unique learner numbers. All centres should be fully compliant with the current Data Protection Act. The person responsible for obtaining ULNs and maintaining the accuracy of student data in the learner registration service for Diploma students on roll in each centre is stated in section 3.5 Communication and data sharing. Through the completion of the Leaner Background Record the home centres will provide the Delivery Centre(s) with Learner name and identifier Full details of prior attainment for each learner. This includes KS3 attainment scores, CATS Triple Score, MidYis Scores, GCSE profile grades, GCSE attainment grades and any internally generated reports identifying effort grades SEN details Medical details Full pastoral details i.e. a copy of the data record form All learners' UCI numbers. Teaching Centres will Hold securely all data supplied by Home Centres Use data supplied to inform curriculum delivery and ensure that it meets the needs of the cohort of learners. The Learner Background Record can be found in the East Riding Professional Protocols for Collaboration on the Diploma Handbook website. 5.6 Registrations and entries Approach The consortium policy for registrations and entries is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information All entries for all Diploma learners must be made using the Unique Learner Number. The centres should adhere to awarding body registration and entry guidelines. All qualifications that are delivered collaboratively will have a single individual (for example, Lead Delivery Partner, Domain Assessor) responsible for advising learners, teachers and administrators on the characteristics of the qualification and in particular the nature of assessments. Where entries are of interest to centres other than those at which they are made, they will be communicated accordingly. In particular, entries for any units or specifications that are made away from the home centre will be confirmed to the home centre exams office. Copies of entries will be forwarded to the home centre by the assessment centre exams officer. It is the responsibility of Lead Delivery Partner to complete a generic Learner Study Plan for Principal Learning. These will be distributed to all accessing centres in the Autumn term by the Lead Delivery Partner. It is then the responsibility of the home centre exams officer to complete this for Functional Skills, the Project and any Additional and Specialist Learning (ASL) and validate the programme. Home Centres will Register all learners for a ULN with MIAP by September of the first term Open a learner account, for each learner, with the Diploma Aggregation Service by October of the first term Register each learner's Diploma with a DAB Complete an Individual Learner Plan for each learner and confirm that each learner is undertaking a valid combination of components Complete a Prior Achievement form and ensure that it is processed correctly by the end of the first term. Confirm the CAB administration key dates Take responsibility for entry, at an appropriate time, for the Project Take responsibility for entry, at an appropriate time, for Functional Skills Take responsibility for entry, at an appropriate time, for Additional and Specialist Learning Take responsibility for arranging work experience for each learner Make entries for the Principal Learning external assessments in consultation with the Lead Delivery Partner Confirm each learner's record of completion is correct, on the Diploma Aggregation Service, after each examinations session Set intention to claim, for each learner, with the Diploma Aggregation Service by 31st March of the final year of each learner's programme Teaching Centres will Confirm the CAB administration key dates with the appropriate Domain Assessor and Lead Deliver Partner Complete the Principal Learning section of the Learner Study Plan and send to the home institutions Take responsibility for entry, at an appropriate time for the internally assessed units. The schedule for unit entries for each line of learning/level will be specified in an assessment calendar that has been agreed with the appropriate Domain Assessor. The internally assessed units will be entered by the delivery centre. In situations where there are more than one delivery centre within the partnership, one centre is to take responsibly for the internal assessment entries for all units and all learners. The home school will make entries for all externally examined units, other than those which are of a performance nature or require specialist resources that can only be accessed at the delivery centre. 5.7 Access arrangements Approach The consortium policy for access arrangements is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body access arrangement guidelines. Where the arrangement is substantial, unless otherwise agreed it is the home centre’s responsibility to provide the arrangement. Where modified papers may be required, unless otherwise agreed it is the home centre’s responsibility to inform the centre where the assessment will be carried out ahead of any deadlines. All evidence needed to support the provision of access arrangements is the responsibility of the home centre. Home centres are responsible for informing other the Line Lead and Lead Delivery Partner of any access arrangement granted. They require the learner’s permission to share this information. 5.8 Internal assessment and record keeping Approach The consortium policy for internal assessment and record keeping is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body internal assessment and record keeping guidelines. Delivery Centres are responsible for the marking of all internally assessed units and ensuring that that they are involved in the standardisation and moderation processes. Centres are advised that after enquiries about results are complete, i.e. after 20 th September work must be kept for two years. Centres should use the common East Riding Wide Diploma Consortium tracking documentation and systems. Delivery Partnerships where internal assessments are made are responsible for all marking, standardisation and moderation processes under the guidance of the Domain Assessor. The Lead Delivery Partner will collate and submit the consortium Mark and Moderation sheet to the Domain Assessor who will in turn complete the Domain Assessor marks and adjustments (if applicable) and forward it to the Lead Assessor. The Lead Delivery Partner in conjunction with the Domain Assessor will complete the awarding body mark sheet; provide samples to moderators; and when the marks have been agreed at external moderation update the consortium Mark and Moderation sheet. Once completed the consortium Mark and Moderation sheet is then to be e-mailed to the Examination Officer and/or the named contact in the home school (identified in section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ at the home school and the Lead Assessor. The Lead Assessor responsible for the quality assurance internal assessment is: Centre Name Telephone Email East Riding College Kate Mills 01482 306696 Kate.mills@eastridingcollege.ac.uk The Domain Assessors responsible for each line of learning/level are: Line of learning Awarding Body Centre Name Email East Riding College Jayne Lee jayne.lee@eastridingcollege.ac. uk Selby College Stewart King Hull College Brian Kerridge East Riding College Andrew Van Heerden Bishop Burton College Helen Martin Edexcel Withernsea School Mike Cox Edexcel East Riding College Ruth Wray ruth.wray@eastridingcollege.ac .uk Longcroft School Karen Arundel karen.arundel@longcroft.eridin g.net Goole High School Matt Pickin pickinm@goolehighschool.org East Riding College Ann Churnin ann.churnin@eastridingcollege. ac.uk Snaith School Phil Warren phil.warren@tss.eriding.net AQA HAB Edexcel CABE AQA AQA ELB ENG SHAD CAM IT AQA Edexcel AQA BAF Edexcel kings@selby.ac.uk bkerridge@hull-college.ac.uk Andrew.Vanheerden@eastridin gcollege.ac.uk Helen.Martin@bishopburton.ac. uk CoxM@wscampus.net Designing Assessments and Assignment Briefs Assessments activities will be reliable and valid Assessments activities will take into account diversity and inclusion and will provide all learners at all levels of attainment with a fair opportunity to produce the evidence of achievement required by the awarding body specifications Assessment activities must be able to be completed under the controlled conditions specified by the awarding body for the unit(s) concerned Where group assessment activities are planned each learner must have equal opportunity to contribute and that the contributions from individual learners must be able to be separately identified and marked. Assignment Briefs must be written in language suitable to the learner’s level. All assessment activities will be written/adapted using the East Riding Wide Diploma Consortium's Assignment template and guidelines. The template and guidelines can be found on the Diploma Handbook website. The Domain Assessor will check that each assessment activity is 'fit for purpose' using the East Riding Wide Diploma Consortium's Assignment Internal Verification Form. When it has been signed off as ‘fit for purpose’ a copy must then be sent with the signed IV form to the Lead Assessor. If remedial action is required to make the assessment activity for purpose then this must be addressed and submitted again to the Domain Assessor for assignment sign-off. When it has been signed off as ‘fit for purpose’ a copy must then be sent with the signed IV form to the Lead Assessor. An assignment must not be presented to the learners until it has been signed off by the Domain Assessor. Conducting Assessments Assessment activities must not be issued to students until they have been signed off by the Domain Assessor. An East Riding Wide Diploma Consortium Assessment Calendar will identify assignments and assessment schedule. This document can be found on the Diploma Handbook website and must be completed by the Domain Assessor and Lead Delivery Partner for each Partnership. The amount of assessed work required will provide a reliable and valid profile of achievement without overloading staff or students. Students must be fully briefed on procedures including the controlled conditions that must be adhered to, the Student Appeals Procedure, guidance on what constitutes plagiarism and the Deadline Policy. Assessment activities must be carried out under the appropriate controlled conditions based on the awarding body guidance for Principal Learning/Project and a controlled hours log completed for each leaner. The controlled hours log can be found on the Diploma Handbook website. Marking Assessments The centres should adhere to awarding body marking and annotation guidelines. All marks award should follow the ‘Best fit’ model. All marks allocated should be justified through the use of annotation by the assessor on the learner work and the supporting statements/ comments made for each learning objective on the mark sheet. Only once the marks have been agreed by the Domain Assessor can they then be transferred onto the Awarding Body candidate record form. Feedback to learners Feedback will comply with awarding body and consortium guidance for controlled conditions and feedback. When feedback is permitted, it must be sufficient to give clear information on achievement. The feedback must be constructive and must convey levels of achievement using awarding body criteria Internal standardisation and moderation procedures The Domain Assessor will meet with assessors on a regular basis at the diploma Development Group meetings. These meetings will concern themselves with resolving issues of interpretation, validity, sufficiency and reliability of evidence. The Domain Assessor will conduct a standardisation exercise for each unit to set the standards of marking before any marking commences. All staff involved in assessing that unit over the duration of the course will re mark a minimum of 3 assignments from a selection of those which have been moderated and marks agreed in previous years. In situations where there are no previous assignments to draw upon a sample of unmarked assignments will be re marked and the marks allocated discussed and agreed. This activity must be undertaken prior to marking of the unit in question can commence. Students work will be marked by the assessor(s) and by unit to match external moderation requirements. Where there is more than one assessor the class will be split with each assessor taking assessment responsibility for a proportion of the class. The Domain Assessor will conduct a moderation exercise where a minimum of 6 assignments (including top, middle and bottom) are re marked for each unit and each assessor. Where there are discrepancies between the marks awarding at second marking and the assessor’s marks, the Domain Assessor will undertake further sampling to assess the extent of the problem. The Domain Assessor will document the sampling undertaken and the relevant assessment decisions by completing the East Riding Wide Diploma Consortium Sampling Plan, Mark and Moderation Sheet and by submitting a Moderation Evaluation form to the Lead Assessor. These documents can be found on the Diploma Handbook website. The Domain Assessor will feedback to the assessor on awarding of criteria, accuracy, feedback to learner and grading decision. If remedial action is needed, this will be discussed and allocated a timeframe of review. The Domain Assessor will follow up any action recommended ensuring high quality standards are being met and maintained. The Domain Assessor will sign off any assessment decisions once satisfied and will notify the Lead Assessor appropriately. Plagiarism It is the responsibility of the delivery staff and assessors to explain what constitutes plagiarism in their courses and the seriousness of the issue. Awarding body regulations on plagiarism will be followed. All coursework must be authenticated as original by the learner and the assessor. The Delivery Centre cannot authenticate work it does not believe to be original. If an assessor suspect’s plagiarism has taken place it must be acted upon. The Domain Assessor should be informed in the first instance who will in turn inform the Lead assessor and the person named in section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ at the home school. The separate Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty procedures should be adhered to outlined in appendix A. If plagiarism is detected early enough it may be possible to submit a replacement assignment (subject to controlled conditions), but none of the work which contributed to the misconduct must be submitted. If plagiarism is discovered at a late stage and the work of a learner cannot be authenticated then no mark should be given for that work and no work will be submitted for that unit or part of a unit. Where possible a meeting with the student should take place and the learner will be informed of the appeals procedure. A letter will go to the learner and to their parents via the Home Centre. The Home Centre will be responsible for keeping a copy on file. Assessment deadline policy Learners who fail to complete work by the agreed deadline will be required to provide evidence of extenuating circumstances e.g. doctor’s certificate. Failure to do so may result in student’s failure to meet all criteria required to pass the course. Internal appeals In the event of a learner wishing to make an appeal against an assessment decision, the following steps outlined below must be followed: Within 3 days learner must contact the assessor to arrange an informal meeting to discuss the assessment decision. If learner is still dissatisfied, then appeal to the Domain Assessor. This will allow the learner to put forward reasons why his / her assignment should be re-assessed. This should be done within 3 days of meeting with the assessor. The assignment will be reassessed by the Domain Assessor who will provide the learner with feedback within one working week. Tracking Record keeping Lead Delivery Staff are required to record student marks on the East Riding Wide Diploma Consortium tracking sheet within two weeks of the Domain Assessor's sign-off, External moderation or external marks and grades being awarded. This document can be found on the Diploma Handbook website. This sheet should then be e-mailed to the named contact in the home school (identified in section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for their records. 5.9 Personal, learning and thinking skills and work experience confirmations Approach The consortium policy for personal, learning and thinking skills and work experience confirmations is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body personal, learning and thinking skills and work experience confirmations guidelines. The delivery, assessment, monitoring and recording of personal, learning and thinking skills is the responsibility of the Principal Learning Line Lead, Lead Delivery Partner and all delivery staff The Line Lead will ensure that the personal, learning and thinking skills are sufficiently identified and planned for in the Delivery Plans and that they are given sufficient teaching time to ensure that the skills are delivered, used and identified and assessed and evaluated. The Lead Delivery Partner will ensure that there is timely identification, monitoring and evaluation of the personal, learning and thinking skills and that these are documented sufficiently by both the learner and the teacher. All evidence of personal, learning and thinking skills use and evaluation should be collated into a portfolio by the learner and delivery staff to support the final assessment of the learner’s achievement and progression. Confirmation of personal, learning and thinking skills achievement and appropriate record keeping is the responsibility of the Lead Delivery Partner. Each Lead Delivery Partner will complete the PLTS completion form and e-mail it to the named contact in the home school identified in section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ who will then confirm this achievement for each learner on DAS. Confirmation of work experience achievement and appropriate record keeping is the responsibility of the home centre. The named contact in the home school identified in section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ who will then confirm this achievement for each learner on DAS. Task Date task must be completed Lead Delivery Partner complete PLTS completion form for each learner and to collate the evidence to support it. 30th April Home school to confirm PLTS and Work Experience for each learner on DAS 30th April 5.10 Timetabled exams in Principal Learning Approach The consortium policy for time tabled exams in Principal Learning is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body guidelines. Timetabled written exams will take place at the home centre, unless specialist equipment/resources are needed for the written exam and in this case it would probably require all learners to sit the exam at one centre. The centre where the exam is to be taken needs to make the entries. Agreements to the contrary will be taken by the Line Lead and Lead Delivery Partner, who will communicate these to the exams office in learners’ home centres. 5.11 Finance: awarding body fees Approach The consortium policy for awarding body fees is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body guidelines. Awarding body charges, where applicable, will follow where the entry has been made. More information regarding awarding body fees can be found on their individual websites. The Exams Officers are responsible for managing transactions between centres. 5.12 Special consideration Approach The consortium policy for special consideration is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body special consideration guidelines. Where special consideration claims are required for a single assessment on behalf of a number of learners, the centre where the assessment takes place would need to inform the centres where the entry was made. Home centres will inform the assessment centre of any individual known issues that may impact on a student's performance and the home centre will make the application in liaison with the Lead Delivery Partner. 5.13 Results Approach The consortium policy for results is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body results guidelines. Results for all qualifications achieved by all learners studying for the Diploma will be credited to their home centre. Where results for qualifications and units are of interest to centres other than those that receive them, they will be communicated to the other centre. The individual responsible for communicating these results to other centres is the exams officer – see section 5.3 To celebrate achievement in year ten the home school is to download and print off a Progress Report from DAS for each leaner which will document their achievement so far. Copies are then to be given to the leaner on GCSE results day, sent to the Lead Assessor, and held for use in monitoring and recording at the home school. The individual responsible for communicating these results is the exams officer – see section 5.3 5.13 Enquiries about results Approach The consortium policy for enquiries about results is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body guidelines. Where fees are required for enquires about results these fees are to be paid by the home centre. The individual, responsible for coordinating enquiries about results to all parties, by line of learning are the exams officer at each centre – see section 5.3