Eco 340: Critical Review Assignment & Rubric

Eco 340
Critical Review of a research paper
25 percent of your grade
Due: November 23rd
Write a critical review of an applied research paper in a publication geared toward undergraduate research
such as: The park place economist or Issues in Political Economy
The article can be on any microeconomic subject you choose, but it must contain empirical (statistical)
analysis. The purpose of the assignment is:
 to expose the student to actual economic research,
 Familiarize students with the presentation of statistical analysis of empirical work
 Enhance critical thinking skills,
 enhance written communication skills.
The article must be submitted to me (during office hours) for approval on or before September 19th. When
choosing an article, look for the following:
 A topic you are interested in
 A table that has regression results
 A decent bibliography (this is a good place to start your literature review)
Each student must do a different article, so feel free to submit early
The written critique should contain the following sections:
 A brief description of the research problem. Review of the literature, and give a description of this
article’s contribution (what makes this article different from its predecessors)
 A brief description of the theoretical model and expected signs(some papers may omit the theory)
 A description of the data, and associated problems, weaknesses or limitations.
 A description of the results, and problems in interpretation.
 An overall conclusion regarding the study accounting for: data problems, modeling problems, and
or problems in interpretation. In short, are the conclusions reached by the writers strongly
supported by the research?
The entire critique must be well organized, and free of plagiarized material, and typographical or
grammatical errors.
The article must be submitted using the format suggested by the guide for authors of articles submitted to
Issues in Political Economy
It must be submitted with hard copies of all articles referenced with the referenced portion highlighted.
The critique must also be submitted in electronic format (by e-mail or using the digital drop box on
Tip: Researchers usually don’t “invent the wheel” when they do research. Read every article in the
bibliography. One should jump out as very similar to the student version. It may even have a similar title.
Your job is essentially to compare and contrast the student version with the “professional” version.
Description of
the research
review of the
literature, and a
description of
this article’s
Distinguished A
Student clearly
demonstrates a
thorough understanding
of the problem and the
context within the
literature. Multiple
sources cited beyond
the original articles’
Description of Student clearly
the theoretical demonstrates a
model and
thorough understanding
of the theoretical and
methodology empirical methods and
compares them to
techniques used by
other authors.
A description of Student describes the
the data, and
data used, its strengths
and weaknesses
compared to data used
weaknesses or by other authors.
Proficient B
Basic C
Student understands the Student understands Student understands
problem and the context the problem but not the problem but not
within the literature.
the context within the context within
One or two sources
the literature. No
the literature. No
cited beyond the
articles cited
articles cited.
original articles’
beyond the original
Student clearly
demonstrates a
thorough understanding
of the theoretical and
empirical methods no
comparison to other
Student does not
demonstrate a clear
understanding of
either the theory or
the methodology.
Student describes data Student describes
used, and compares it to data without
other research, but not comparison to other
its strengths and
weaknesses compared
to data used by other
A description of Student gives a clear, Student gives a good
Student gives an
the results, and fair and accurate
assessment of the
assessment without
problems in
assessment of the
article, minimal
comparison to other
interpretation. article compared to
comparison to other
And conclusion others in the field
Student makes few
Student makes one or Student makes
significant grammatical two significant errors repeated errors
or typographical errors. per page. Most
many sentences
Sentences are well
sentences are well
need revision
constructed and clear. constructed, but about
Few revisions would be one per page is unclear
necessary for
or convoluted
Student followed the
Student followed most Student followed
IPE guidelines.
of the IPE guidelines
some of the
Student does not
demonstrate an
understanding of
theoretical or
Student describes
the data little
critique of its
strengths or
weaknesses and no
comparison to other
Little or no critical
Student made no
obvious attempt to
rewrite or
Student made no
attempt to follow
the IPE format.