UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN SYDNEY Office for Learning and Teaching Australian Awards for University Teaching _____________________________________________________________________________________ Information for Applicants Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning Important Dates 2 April, 2012 18 June, 2012 2 July, 2012 3 July, 2012 20 July, 2012 Dean of School endorsed Expressions of Interest (EOI) submitted to Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Dean of School endorsed full application submitted to Office of the Pro Vice Chancellor (Education) via OLT Liaison Group meets to consider applications Applicant advised of outcome of OLT Liaison Group consideration OLT Closing Date for submission of full application under Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning Number awarded up to 12 nationally across seven categories Value $25,000 each Background Program Awards recognise learning and teaching support programs and services that make an outstanding contribution to the quality of student learning and the quality of the student experience of higher education. The programs and services that receive Program Awards must have demonstrated their effectiveness through rigorous evaluation and will set benchmarks for similar activities in other institutions. The seven Program Award categories are: 1. Widening participation 2. Educational partnerships and collaborations with other organisations 3. The first-year experience 4. Flexible learning and teaching 5. Innovation in curricula, learning and teaching 6. Postgraduate education 7. Services supporting student learning Nominations for Program Awards are assessed equally on the evidence provided in relation to the following four selection criteria which will be given equal consideration. : 1. Distinctiveness, coherence and clarity of purpose 2. Influence on student learning and student engagement 3. Breadth of impact 4. Concern for equity and diversity In assessing nominations against the four selection criteria, the assessors, the Standing Committee and the Strategic Advisory Committee will take into account: a. evidence of the effectiveness of the program in formal and informal evaluation b. the degree of creativity, imagination or innovation c. evidence of the sustained effectiveness of the program. Application Information Prospective applicants for an Award for Programs that Enhance Learning under the Australian Awards for University Teaching program are advised to familiarise themselves with the criteria and guidelines outlined in the 2012 Australian Awards for University Teaching Nomination Instructions and Supporting Information Process 1. Ensure that you are eligible for nomination. Send your Expression of Interest (EOI) to the relevant Associate Pro Vice Chancellor Education/Manager after obtaining the endorsement of your Dean of School/Director. After submission of the Expression of Interest: 2. The Associate Pro Vice Chancellor Education will meet to consider all EOIs received and will make recommendations on those staff who will be invited to submit a full application. In the case of a Divisional Unit nomination, the Director will make this decision. The University is permitted to submit only one nomination under each category, though a program may be nominated in a partnership or collaboration with more than one institution. 3. The Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor Education/Director will advise you of the outcome of your EOI. If you are invited to submit a full application, the Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor Education/Director will provide advice on the support available to you to assist in completion of the application. If you are not invited to submit a full application, the Associate Pro Vice Chancellor Education/Director will provide you with written feedback. Information for staff who are invited to submit a full application : 4. Ensure all selection criteria are clearly articulated in your application and prepared in accordance with OLT Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning Guidelines. Applicants are urged to obtain feedback from other relevant colleagues from their School, TDU and Associate Pro Vice Chancellor, Education or during the preparation of their application and prior to final submission. 5. Complete the full application and send it electronically to your Dean of School for endorsement. 18/6/2012) (due: 6. Forward the full application and endorsement to the Office of the Pro Vice Chancellor, Education via by the date outlined on the ‘UWS Process and Timelines for OLT Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning’ for consideration by the UWS OLT Liaison Group. (due: 25/6/2012) The Office of the Pro Vice Chancellor, Education will advise you, relevant Dean of School and Associate PVC ED/Directors of the outcome of their consideration. If the OLT Liaison Group, is of the view that your application should not be submitted to OLT in its present form, the PVC Education will provide you with written advice on the reasons for the Group’s decision. 7. Following amendment (if necessary), submit a PDF copy of the final application and any supporting documentation to the Associate PVC ED/Manager (Due 9/7/2012), who will review the application, and forward to the Pro Vice Chancellor, Education (Due 11/7/2012) via 8. The Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education arranges for the VC’s signature and any other endorsement required, submits the application to the OLT, advises that the application has been submitted, enters application information into the UWS OLT Applications Register, and advises you of the receipt of your application by OLT. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Expression of Interest in Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning Page 2