Predator`s Gold - Scholastic New Zealand

Predator’s Gold
Philip Reeve
It is two years since Hester Shaw and Tom Natsworthy escaped from the
ruins of London. The two eke out a living ferrying supplies between traction
cities on their airship, the Jenny Haniver. Hester has never been happier. That
is, until she and Tom pick up Professor Pennyroyal, explorer, adventurer and
alternative historian. Pennyroyal is not what he seems. Blinkoe, who he owes
money to, is pursuing him. Blinkoe, realising that Pennyroyal escaped on the
Jenny Haniver, a ship wanted by the Green Storm, sees a way that he can
make some money by reporting the airship’s location. Tom and Hester find
themselves fleeing from the aviators of the Green Storm and just when it
seems that all hope is lost, they come across the famous ice city Anchorage.
But Anchorage is in trouble itself. Most of its population has been wiped out
by a terrible plague, and a young Margravine named Freya is determined to
reach the Dead Continent - America. When Tom, Hester and Pennyroyal turn
up, Freya believes that it is a sign from the Ice Gods. Who better to lead
Anchorage safely to America than Pennyroyal – the legendary explorer who
has written books about his adventures there.
Tom loves life on Anchorage. He was born in London and enjoys the feel of a
city moving under his feet once more. Freya also loves having Tom in
Anchorage and the two soon begin flirting with each other, much to Hester’s
despair. When Hester catches the two of them kissing she leaves the city and
sells their course to the predator city Arkangel. But Hester is not interested in
predator’s gold. All she wants in payment is an assurance that Tom will make
it out alive.
Hester is then kidnapped by Blinkoe, who takes her to the headquarters of the
Green Storm, where Sathya, Anna Fang’s young protégée, is trying to
resurrect Fang as a stalker. Meanwhile Tom, who has been captured by Caul
and the enigmatic lost boys, is sent by Uncle to penetrate the Green Storm’s
headquarters. Thinking that he will be able to rescue Hester Tom agrees to
the plan, but he too is captured. Will Hester and Tom be able to escape or will
they both be killed? Can Anchorage escape from Arkangel or will it be
dismantled in the underbelly of the famous predator city? Even if Anchorage
does escape, what will happen when Freya finds out that Pennyroyal is lying
about his adventures in America and her city is headed straight for the
Text Type____________________________________________
Predator’s Gold is the sequel to Mortal Engines, the novel where Reeve
introduced the reader to the concept of Municipal Darwinism and Traction
cities. Predator’s Gold is a fast-paced adventure fantasy that once again
follows the adventures of Hester Shaw and Tom Natsworthy.
The story immediately engages the reader and Hester and Tom move from
one dangerous and exciting situation to another. Both characters are realistic
and well developed. Hester is a particularly strong and courageous heroine
who often takes the leadership and decision-making role - traditionally the
domain of male characters.
Reeve’s writing is detailed and full of imagery. It is easy for the reader to
make the leap of imagination needed to believe in a world where cities move
on tracks and the strong demolish the weak.
Themes include love, loyalty, bravery, leadership, lies and deception, standing
up for what you believe in and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
Sharing the Novel_____________________________________
The novel can be covered in 5 shared sessions and 4 independent reading
sessions. It has been divided up as follows: Chapters 1 and 2 (pp. 3-17),
Chapters 3-10 (pp. 18-81), Chapters 11-21 (pp. 82-180), Chapters 22-28 (pp.
181-243) and Chapters 29-35 (pp. 247-316).
During the shared sessions encourage students to ask questions and make
predictions. Have them define words that they are unsure of and discuss the
setting and the concept of Municipal Darwinism. Students should note how
characters are developed in the novel and be able to identify major themes
and messages.
Introducing the Text____________________________________
Study the front cover of the novel and read the blurb.
 Describe the illustration on the cover. What is happening? What does
the illustration suggest about the setting of the story? What atmosphere
is evoked? Who do you think the two characters on the front are?
 What is a predator? Why do you think the novel is called Predator’s
 Make notes about what you already know about the story. Formulate 3
questions that you would like answered about the story.
Teacher reads Chapters 1 and 2 (pp. 3-17) aloud to the class. Students follow
along in their books.
Comprehension Chapters 1 and 2 (pp. 3-17)________________
What is Freya’s title? Where does she live? What has happened to the
majority of people in her city?
What is unusual about the city of Anchorage?
Who is on the Steering Committee? What is the committee’s role?
Why does Arkangel pose a threat to Anchorage?
Where does Freya decide to direct her city?
Name Hester and Tom’s airship. How do the pair make a living?
What is the name of the Arkangel’s attack ship? What are the men who
disembark offering gold in exchange for?
Who is Piotr Masgard?
Who is Pennyroyal? Describe what he looks like. What does he want
from Hester and Tom?
What evidence is there to suggest that this story is set in the future?
What do you think traction cities are? Why would someone have
invented cities that are mobile? What do you think the Great Hunting
Ground is? What is Municipal Darwinism?
Describe Freya. What difficulties does she face now that many of her
citizens have died? Do you think she is an effective leader? Justify
your answer.
Students read Chapters 3-10 (pp. 18-81) independently before the next
shared session.
Comprehension Chapters 3-10 (pp. 18-81)_______________
How does Pennyroyal introduce himself to Hester and Tom? What was
Chudleigh Pomeroy’s opinion of Pennyroyal?
Why is Mr Blinkoe trying to locate Pennyroyal? Why do you think that
Blinkoe is so excited when he finds out that Pennyroyal has left on the
Jenny Haniver?
How does Tom feel about having Pennyroyal aboard? How does
Hester feel? Why do their attitudes differ so much?
Summarise the story that Pennyroyal tells Tom about the Dead
Continent. What excuse does he give Tom for not returning there?
Why is Hester so worried when she sees the attack formation? Why
have she and Tom been so careful to avoid the Anti-Traction league?
Who are the Green Storm?
Why is Hester suspicious of Professor Pennyroyal?
Explain how Tom manages to evade the Green Storm. How does the
Jenny Haniver become damaged?
What city does Hester spot from the flight deck that offers them hope?
Why is Freya so excited when she learns that Pennyroyal is in
Describe Anchorage. How has the city changed over the years? How
are so few people able to keep the city working?
Who do you think is spying on the citizens of Anchorage?
Why are Tom and Hester surprised when they meet Freya? Why does
Hester feel insecure around her?
Why is Mr Scabious concerned about telling Tom and Hester
Anchorage’s course?
 What position does Freya appoint Pennyroyal to?
Where do the Fox Spirits take Blinkoe and his wives? What proposal does the
Commander make Blinkoe?
Why do you believe that Freya and Smew are trying so hard to
maintain royal traditions? Why does Hester believe that their efforts are
foolish? At times Freya’s behaviour changes. How and why does it
Why does Freya make the decision to try and reach the Dead
Continent? What risks are involved? What will the benefits be? How
does Pennyroyal react when Freya informs him of the plan? Does his
reaction surprise you? Explain your answer.
How do Tom and Hester’s attitudes towards life in Anchorage
differ? How could these differences cause problems in their
What is a Wunderkammer? What sorts of things does Freya’s
Why do you think being in Anchorage and meeting Freya makes
Tom question his feelings for Hester?
Students read Chapters 11-21 (pp. 82-180) independently before the next
shared session.
Comprehension Chapters 11-21 (pp. 82-180)_____________
Why does Hester want to explore Anchorage’s engine district? What
does she discover there? Why is Scabious so concerned when he finds
her there?
Who does Scabious mistake Hester for? What is Hester’s view on
Who is “haunting” Anchorage? Who sent them and why are they there?
What is “the first rule of burgling”?
Why doesn’t Tom spend much time with Hester in the hangar?
Why does Pennyroyal enjoy his role as chief navigator so much?
Why is Tom beginning to doubt Pennyroyal’s credibility?
Which predator city is pursuing Anchorage? Why does Windolene Pye
decide to stop Anchorage? What course of action does Freya finally
decide on?
Why is Caul so reluctant to decouple with Anchorage when he realises
that the city is in danger of being eaten?
Where is Hester during the chase?
Why does Hester return to the Winter Palace? What does she see in
the Wunderkammer? How does she feel about her discovery?
What do you think that the “terrible idea” Hester comes up with is?
Who else saw Tom and Freya kiss? Why does he believe that Tom is a
fool? Why does he feel so strongly that he must tell Tom that Hester is
How does Tom feel when he realises that Hester has gone? Why do
you think Pennyroyal is so concerned when he realises that Hester has
taken the Jenny Haniver?
Why does Skewer take over leadership of the ship?
Who does Scabious think that the “ghost” is?
Where does Hester flee? Why is Blinkoe so excited to see her?
What information does Hester provide Masgard? Why do you think she
does this? What is her price?
Who kidnaps Hester? Where does he take her?
Who is the Commander of the Green Storm?
Who does Sathya believe that Hester’s father is? Why is Hester so
upset about this?
What does Sathya believe happened to Anna Fang? How does she
believe that Hester can help make amends?
What has Dr Popjoy done to Anna Fang? Why does he believe that
she can be same as she once was?
Describe Hester’s first encounter with Anna.
Why does Skewer believe that Tom should be killed?
What does Tom confront Pennyroyal about?
What startling discovery does Tom make that jeopardises the Lost
Boys’ mission?
What mission does Uncle give the Lost Boys?
How do the lost boys capture Tom? Who sees him being kidnapped?
Describe Caul. Why is he so affected by watching the people aboard
Anchorage? Why does he feel guilty about liking the “Drys”?
Why is Hester so convinced that there is no green hunting ground
beyond the ice? Why doesn’t she voice her concerns to Tom? Do you
believe her concerns are valid? Why/ why not?
Who do you think would be a better partner for Tom – Freya or Hester?
Explain your reasons.
Why do you think Uncle wants the lost boys to capture Tom?
Make a prediction about what will happen next in the story.
Students read Chapters 22-28 (pp. 181-243) independently before the next
shared session.
Comprehension Chapters 22-28 (pp. 181-243)_______
Describe the Screw Worm.
Why does Anchorage chase the Screw Worm? Why is it forced to
abandon the chase? How does the Screw Worm evade capture?
Why would Caul rather be “a Lost Boy than a boring Dry”?
Where do the lost boys take Tom? Describe Tom’s first encounter with
Uncle. How does Uncle treat Skewer? Why does he treat him like this?
Why does Uncle want Tom to try and break into Rogues’ Roost? Why
does Tom agree to his plan?
Explain Sathya’s relationship with Anna Fang. Why does Hester feel
some sympathy for her?
Why do you think Sathya had Blinkoe killed?
Why is Sathya tempted to let Hester escape?
Why is Masgard so eager to capture Anchorage?
What difficulties has Wrasse run into trying to set up surveillance at
Rogues’ Roost?
Describe what happens to Tom when he tries to break into Rogues’
Roost. How do the Lost Boys use the confusion created by Tom’s
capture to their advantage? Why don’t the Lost Boys try and rescue
Why does Tom’s arrival make Hester look so bad?
Why does Caul decide to push the red buttons? What do the red
buttons activate?
Why does Wrasse decide to storm Rogues’ Roost despite the fact that
the explosions were detonated prematurely? How does Wrasse feel
when he sees the stalker that Uncle wants him to steal?
How is the stalker able to escape?
How does Anna react when she sees Tom? Why does Anna attack
Why does the stalker let Tom and Hester escape?
Why does Hester want to catch up with Anchorage so desperately?
What do you think she and Tom will do to try and save the city when
they get there?
Who is the new leader of the Green Storm? What does this leader
have planned for the organisation?
Caul sets the explosives off early in order to save Tom’s life. Why do
you think he cares about Tom so much? What are the possible
consequences of his actions?
Describe Hester. How does she react in a crisis? What qualities does
she possess? How do you feel about her decision to sell Anchorage’s
course to Arkangel? What would you have done in her position?
Why does Popjoy have so much difficulty making the stalker Fang
behave and have memories like the real Anna had? What
characteristics do humans have that are difficult for machines to
replicate? What ethical dilemmas surround trying to bring someone
who has died back to life?
Hester cannot bring herself to tell Tom that she sold Anchorage’s
course to Arkangel. How do you think Tom would have reacted if
Hester did confess?
What dangers does the Stalker Fang pose to others?
Predict what will happen next in the story.
Students read Chapters 29-35 (pp. 247-316) independently before the next
shared session.
Comprehension Chapters_29-35 (pp. 247-316)______________
What punishment does Caul receive when he returns to Grimsby?
What does Uncle tell Caul about Anna Fang? Why was he so
determined to kidnap her? Do you think Caul’s punishment is justified?
Explain your answer.
Who frees Caul? Why does he do it? Where does he tell Caul to go?
What do you think he gives him?
What does Freya catch Pennyroyal doing? What shocking revelation
does she come to?
What is the Clear Air Turbulence? How does Freya think that
Anchorage was located? Who is really responsible?
Why does Freya decide to try and outrun Arkangel?
How do the Arkangel’s troops get onto Anchorage?
Why does Hester believe that it is too dangerous for her and Tom to
head for the Hundred Islands? Why does she believe that Anchorage is
no place for her?
Who do Hester and Tom discover hiding in the harbour master’s
house? What news does he give them? How was he able to avoid
Where does Masgard keep the prisoners? What does he tell the
prisoners will happen to them if they resist?
Why does Hester set fire to the Clear Air Turbulence?
How does Freya feel when she realises that it was Hester who sold
Anchorage’s course? Describe the altercation between Freya and
Hester. Why doesn’t Hester kill Freya when she has the opportunity?
Why does Hester insist that Tom wait for her in the Wunderkammer?
How does Hester feel after she kills the sentry? Why does she feel this
What is the ancient war-cry of Anchorage?
What instructions does Hester give Scabious when she sends him to
the engine district?
Why does Hester insist that Freya remain behind?
Where does Hester find Masgard? Why does she believe that he is a
“rich city boy who enjoyed playing pirates”? What happens to
How is Tom injured?
How does Pennyroyal escape?
What does Scabious believe is the “only hope” for Anchorage?
How does Scabious react when Freya tells him that Pennyroyal was
lying about America? Why does he react this way?
How is Arkangel defeated? Why doesn’t Anchorage suffer the same
What happened to Pennyroyal?
What was the fate of Arkangel?
Why doesn’t Freya tell anyone that it was Hester who sold their course
to Arkangel?
 What document does Caul bring onto Anchorage? Why is this
document so important?
 Why does Anchorage work so hard to build propellers?
 Describe the atmosphere in the city during the last weeks of the
 Why does Freya want Hester to stay?
 What exciting news does Windolene Pye give Hester?
What does Freya see when she looks over the balcony at the land?
Describe Gargle. How is he not what he seems? What motivates him?
Why does he rescue Caul? What are his plans for the future?
How has Freya changed throughout the book? What has brought about
these changes?
What sort of person is Pennyroyal? Why didn’t he admit his lie right
from the start? How does his selfish behaviour put Anchorage in
jeopardy? How do you feel about his actions at the end of the story?
Do you believe that Hester atones for her betrayal by her actions and
bravery when rescuing Anchorage? Explain your answer.
Identify the climax in the story.
Discuss a main theme in the story. Why is this theme important?
Writing – Write the first Chapter of Professor Pennyroyal’s new book
Predator’s Gold.
Web Page – Design a web page advertising Predator’s Gold. Include a
headline, brief plot summary and comment on the characters and themes of
the story. Include visual images and symbols that represent the story. You
may wish to include a menu bar and other information such as a bibliography
on the author.
Character – Realistic characters are 3-dimensional and have both good and
bad characteristics. Hester Shaw is a complicated character who behaves
one way with Tom and another way when she is taking on the role of
Valentine’s daughter. On a piece of paper draw a picture of Hester’s face.
Rule a line down the middle. On one side list her positive traits; on the other
list her negative traits.
Character – Freya’s character changes and develops during the course of the
story. Write a paragraph explaining how she changes and explain the reasons
for these changes.
Glossary – Imagine that you are a historian explaining to a class the concept
of Municipal Darwinism. Make a list of 10 important concepts/ideas presented
in the story and explain what they mean.
Writing – Write an epilogue for the story.
Drama – Choose an exciting scene from the story and write a script for it.
Remember to include a list of character and stage directions. Practise your
play and present it to the class.
Character – Formulate 5 questions and answers for Tom Natsworthy.
Teacher Notes by Vicki Gyde