apostolic praise 101 syllabus - Apostolic Praise School of Music

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Course Description:
AP 101 is a three month course that covers notes, major scales, major and minor chords, passing
chord church vamps, dominant 7ths, major 7ths, minor 7ths, suspended 2 chords, substitution
chords, basic piano fills and runs, and the Musical Roman Numeral System.
Each week the student receives their lesson material on Monday, including their homework
assignments, and also several tracks of music so that they can hear what the songs are supposed
to sound like.
Course Objective:
To teach the students the notes, major scales, major and minor chords, dominant 7ths, major
7ths, minor 7ths, suspended 2 chords, substitution chords, and all of the corresponding inversions
that go along with these chords. Also, to teach the students passing chord vamps and the
Musical Roman Numeral System and how to play by ear using it. The student will also know
many church songs by the time he/she finishes this course. The student will also be taught
several basic fills and runs and how to use them in songs.
Recommended Curriculum: Apostolic Praise Book 1 “A Crash Course in Piano”
($24 including shipping)
Lesson 1: Notes, Half/Whole Steps,
Major Scales, Major / Minor Chords,
Key of C Exercise Songs 1-4
Lesson 2: Create Your Own Songs in C,
Musical Roman Numeral System Intro,
“Anointing” and “Surround Me” in C
Lesson 3: Key of C Inversions, Passing
Chord Vamps, “Can’t Nobody” and
“Jesus On the Mainline” in C
Lesson 4: Key of F Exercise Songs 1-4,
Create Your Own Songs in F,
“Anointing” and “Surround Me” in F,
Broken Chord Fill.
Lesson 5: Key of F Inversions, Passing
Chord Vamps, “Can’t Nobody” and
“Jesus On the Mainline” in F, Dominant
7th Chord Exercise Song 1 in C
Lesson 6: Key of G Exercise Songs 1-4,
Create Your Own Songs in G,
“Anointing” and “Surround Me” in G,
Octave Chord Fill
Given on March 1 - Due on March 9th
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Lesson 7: Key of G Inversions, Passing
Chord Vamps, “Can’t Nobody” and
“Jesus On the Mainline” in G, Minor 7th
Exercise Song 2 in C
Lesson 8: Suspended 2 Chords Exercise
Song in C, Substitution Chords, and
“Blessed Be Your Name” in C with Sub
Lesson 9: Major 7ths Exercise Song 1 in
C, Suspended 2 Chords in F, Dominant
7ths and Minor 7ths in F, “Here I Am to
Worship” in F with Sub Chords
Lesson 10: “Substitution Chords in F,
Major 7ths in F, “Surround Me” in F
with Substitution Chords
Lesson 11: Suspended 2 Chords in G,
Dominant 7ths and Minor 7ths in G
Lesson 12: Substitution Chords in G,
Major 7ths in G, “Surround Me” in G
with Substitution Chords
Given on April 26 - Due on May 4th
*There will also be supplemental homework assignments given every week that must be turned in
by the following Tuesday at 12:00 (Eastern Time).