
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
Screening Team Leader Instructions
For Training Secondary Screeners
Materials needed for Secondary Screener training:
Training Packet
 Team Leader demonstration forms (2 profiles)
 Screening Practice Pre-filled out Intake Forms (3 different profiles)
 Secondary Screening Tool (Form 2B-1)
 Advanced Screening Algorithm (Form 2B-2)
 Letter of Referral (Form 2B-3)
Training Materials
 Pens (wet erase if you have laminated materials)
Step 1: Hand out training packets to each person.
Step 2: Explain the goal of this team.
Secondary Screener Goal: Using the provided tool and algorithm, decide which (if
any) medication each person on the intake form can get. Ask clarifying questions
and answer client questions to the best of your ability. Contact your Team Lead or,
if available, medical oversight personnel with any questions you are unable to
Important notes: This is not a medical position even if you have a medical background please use the screening tools provided! They have been created to address specific (high
risk) contraindications and give the course of action that will cause the least damage.
If a client comes into the POD with a Dispense Assist form with an “X” in the
upper left corner they should fill out a hand-written form and go through the
Secondary Screening process. In some cases our screening outcomes can be
more favorable to these individuals.
Step 3: Demonstrate to Secondary Screeners how to use the Secondary Screening Tool
(form 2B-1) and Advanced Screening Algorithm (form 2B-2) to determine which
medication each person should get:
A. Start by explaining that the Secondary Screening Tool (form 2B-1) can be used
for each person on the intake form to determine:
1) Which medication they should receive (Step 1 of the tool) OR
2) Which page of the Advanced Screening Algorithm (form 2B-2) to use to
determine which medication/course of action they should receive or follow
B. Using Secondary Screener Demo 1, show how to use the tools to screen the
family. Step by step instructions are on pages 2-4 and your team members
should have copies of the Demonstration intake form and tools in their Training
Version 2
Updated: April 2014
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
Secondary Screener Demo 1 (answers not shown in training packet):
Have your team take out the Demo 1 intake form and each tool as it is needed starting
with the Secondary Screening Tool (form 2B-2). For ease of training the Demo Intake
form has been incorporated into the tools so you have answers without shuffling papers.
Secondary Screening Tool
Step 1: Screen people with limited or no medical issues and decide which medication they need:
For each person:
A) If no checkmarks in first two white
columns of section 2:
Initial Doxy column in the For Clinic
Use Only section indicating they should
receive Doxy.
Shoen and Kissyn Jr do not have checkmarks so Doxy column should be initialed
B) If there are checkmarks in either of
the first two columns but no
checkmarks in shaded columns check
weight of each person with a checkmark:
Kissyn and Shoen Jr. do have
checkmarks so go to Step 2
Step 2: Screen remaining people. These people have more complex medical issues:
A) If they are Allergic to Doxy
(pregnant OR not):
Use PAGE 1 of the Advanced Screening
Algorithm (form 2B-2) to determine
which medication they need
Shoen Jr. is allergic to doxy. Determine which medication he gets before going
on to Kissyn. (see next page)
B) If they are NOT Allergic to Doxy but
are Pregnant:
Use PAGE 2 of the Advanced Screening
Algorithm (form 2B-2) to determine
which medication they need
Version 2
Updated: April 2014
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
Secondary Screening Algorithm (form 2B-2) – this form uses a series of yes and no
questions to lead you to the best option for clients with more complex responses on the
intake. Note: The numbers after the “ASK” and “TELL” are references to the translation
document that you may have to use for non-english speakers. This will be covered at
the end of the training.
Shoen Jr.
* Note: Take a minute to point out the “Actor Notes” at the bottom of this
Demonstration Intake Form. Demonstration and practice intake forms that
lead you to ask the client a question have these notes to take the place of a
real person giving a real answer.
Version 2
Updated: April 2014
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
Letter of Referral (form 2B-3) – this for is used for people who can not take either of the
medications available at the POD. Fill in appropriate information and which, if any,
medication was given. Then check the appropriate boxes. The first section is for people
who are allergic to Doxy and the second section is for pregnant women. It is ok to have
more than one box checked.
Shoen Tell Jr.
Version 2
Updated: April 2014
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
Final step. Return to the Secondary Screening tool to figure out which page of the
Advanced Screening Algorithm should be used for Kissyn. Because she is pregnant
but NOT allergic to doxy use Page 2 of form 2B-2. (remember the “Actor Notes”)
Answers Review (Demo 1):
Shoen and Kissyn Jr. – We used form 2B-1 to identify that they should get Doxy,
Shoen Jr – Used form 2B-1 to determine need to use page 1 of form 2B-2 to identify
that he needs a letter of referral to get a liquid form of Cipro.
Kissyn – Used form 2B-1 to determine need to use page 2 of form 2B-2 to identify
that she should get Doxy because she is unable to swallow pills. She also
got a letter of referral to get a liquid version of Cipro as soon as possible.
Version 2
Updated: April 2014
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
Secondary Screener Demo 2:
Use this Demo as a group exercise where you and your team work through the process
together. Answers below:
Answers (Demo 2):
Sarah - Doxy, Tim – Doxy (Dispensers will give crushing instructions), Kate – Cipro
Dem - Use form 2B-1 to determine need to use page 1 of form 2B-2 to identify that
he gets cipro because his history of seizure is only childhood febrile
Step 4: Have responders screen the practice Intake forms and determine which medication
each person should receive and complete the forms by initialing the appropriate boxes.
Step 5: Review forms and allow time for questions and answers.
Version 2
Updated: April 2014
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
Answers (Practice 1):
Actor Notes: Mickey is VERY allergic and has regular seizures that have been
known to increase with certain medications
Answers (Practice 2):
Actor Notes: Morticia IS pregnant and VERY allergic, Wednesday gets a little itchy when
given Doxy
Version 2
Updated: April 2014
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for
Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
Section 7: Practice and Demonstration
Answers (Practice 3):
Actor Notes: Edward is VERY allergic to Doxy and could stop taking Tizanidine.
Non-English speakers and translation materials:
Secondary screening is the only position in the POD that has to verbally interact with the client in
order to complete their task. For this reason all the questions that a Secondary Screener needs to
ASK the client and all the information to TELL the client has been coded to the translation sheets.
For example “ASK – 1” on page 2 of the Advanced Screening Algorithm matches with “ASK – 1”
on the translation sheets. If you have to use the translation sheets, please note that the language used
throughout the document is “this person has/is” so you will need to point to the name of the person
on the Intake Form.
If a client is not able to read in their native language, and there isn’t another person in their group
who can, then you need to get a translator in person or via phone.
Version 2
Updated: April 2014