Climate Change list of resources accessible through Unitec library

Climate Change list of resources accessible through Unitec library
Adger, W. N., & ebrary Inc. (2006). Fairness in adaptation to climate change.
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Aerts, J. C. J. H., Droogers, P., & ebrary Inc. (2004). Climate change in contrasting
river basins adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment.
Wallingford, OX, UK ; Cambridge, MA, USA: CABI Pub. E-Book - access
through the catalogue
Ainley, D. G., & ebrary Inc. (2002). The Adélie penguin bellwether of climate change.
New York: Columbia University Press. E-Book - access through the
Antarctic Ecosystems: Environmental Contamination, Climate Change, & Human
Impact. Springer Science & Business Media B.V. / Books. E-Book - access
through the catalogue
Beneath the Hot Air: New Government Data Expose the Truth Behind President
Bush's Global Warming Plan. National Wildlife Federation. E-Book - access
through the catalogue
Berger, J. J. (2000). Beating the heat : why and how we must combat global warming.
Berkeley, Calif.: Berkeley Hills Books. Call Number: 363.738747 BER Mt
Albert, Main Library
Bosselmann, K., Fuller, J., Salinger, M. J., & New Zealand Centre for Environmental
Law. (2002). Climate change in New Zealand : scientific and legal
assessments. Auckland, N.Z.: New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law.
Call Number: 363.738740993 BOS Main Library, Mt Albert
Bouille, D., Jochem, E., Sathaye, J. A., & ebrary Inc. (2000). Society, behaviour, and
climate change mitigation. Dordrecht ; New York: Kluwer Academic
Publishers. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Brown, L. (2006). Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a planet under stress and a civilisation in
trouble. New York: W.A. Norton & Co. Call number: 333.7 BRO Building 1,
Mt Albert + another copy on order
Brown, L. (2008). Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to save civilisation. New York: Earth Policy
Institute. Not held @ Unitec
Brown, N., & ebrary Inc. (2001). History and climate change a Eurocentric
perspective. London: Routledge. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Burroughs, W. J., & ebrary Inc. (2001). Climate change a multidisciplinary approach.
Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press. E-Book - access
through the catalogue
Chapman, R. B., Boston, J., & Schwass, M. (2006). Confronting climate change :
critical issues for New Zealand. Wellington [N.Z.]: Victoria University Press.
Call number: 363.738740993 CON Main Library, Mt Albert
Coral Reefs & Climate Change: Last Straw for a Threatened Ecosystem. National
Wildlife Federation. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Cox, J. D., & ebrary Inc. (2002). Climate crash abrupt climate change and what it
means for our future. Washington, D.C.: Joseph Henry Press. E-Book - access
through the catalogue
Dauncey, G. (2001). Stormy weather : 101 solutions to global climate change.
Philadelphia, Pa. Call number: 363.7387 DAU Main Library, Mt Albert
Depledge, J. (2005). The organization of global negotiations constructing the climate
change regime. Sterling, VA: Earthscan. E-Book - access through the
Dessler, A. E., & Parson, E. (2006). The science and politics of global climate change
: a guide to the debate. Cambridge, UK ; New York: Cambridge University
Press. Call number: 363.73874 DES Main Library, Mt Albert
Dietz, T., Ruben, R., Verhagen, A., & ebrary Inc. (2004). The impact of climate
change on drylands with a focus on West Africa. Dordrecht ; Boston, Mass.:
Kluwer Academic. E-Book - access through the catalogue
DiMento, J. F., & Doughman, P. (2007). Climate change : what it means for us, our
children, and our grandchildren. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Call number:
363.73874 CLI Building 1 Library, Mt Albert
Dorfman, E. (2008). Melting point : New Zealand and the climate change crisis.
Auckland, N.Z.: Penguin. Call number 363.7387 DOR Main Library &
Building 1 Library, Mt Albert
Dorland, C., Drunen, M. A. v., Lasage, R., & ebrary Inc. (2006). Climate change in
developing countries results from the Netherlands climate change studies
assistance programme. Wallingford: Cabi. E-Book - access through the
Dyer, G. (2008). Climate wars. Carlton North, Victoria: Scribe.
ebrary Inc. (1989). Ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, and climate change
proceedings of a joint symposium by the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and
Climate and the Committee on Global Change, Commission on Physical
Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council.
Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. E-Book - access through the
ebrary Inc. (2001). Climate change science an analysis of some key questions.
Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. E-Book - access through the
ebrary Inc. (2002). Abrupt climate change inevitable surprises. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press. E-Book - access through the catalogue
ebrary Inc. (2003). Understanding climate change feedbacks. Washington, D.C.:
National Academies Press. E-Book - access through the catalogue
ebrary Inc. (2004). Implementing climate and global change research a review of the
Final U.S. Climate Change Science Program Strategic Plan. Washington,
D.C.: National Academies Press. E-Book - access through the catalogue
ebrary Inc. (2005a). Radiative forcing of climate change expanding the concept and
addressing uncertainties. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. EBook - access through the catalogue
ebrary Inc. (2005b). Review of the U.S. climate change science program's synthesis
and assessment product on temperature trends in the lower atmosphere.
Washington, DC: National Academies Press. E-Book - access through the
ebrary Inc., & National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Metrics for Global
Research Change. (2005). Thinking strategically the appropriate use of
metrics for the climate change science program. Washington, D.C.: National
Academies Press. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Firor, J., Jacobsen, J., & ebrary Inc. (2002). The crowded greenhouse population,
climate change, and creating a sustainable world. New Haven: Yale
University Press. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Flannery, T. (2006). We are the weather makers. The story of global warming.
Melbourne. Not held @ Unitec (Available from Waitakere Public Libraries
551.6 FLA)
Fry, C. (2008). The impact of climate change: the world's greatest challenge in the
twenty-first century. London: New Holland. Not held @ Unitec (Available
from Waitakere Public Libraries 363.73874 FRY)
Gillespie, A., & Burns, W. C. G. (2000). Climate change in the South Pacific :
impacts and responses in Australia, New Zealand, and small island states.
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Call Number: 551.699 CLI Main
Library, Mt Albert
Global Warming Today. EIN Publishing. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Gore, A. (2006). An inconvenient truth: the planetary emergency and what we can do
about it. Emmaus, PA: Rodale. Call number: 363.73874 GOR Waitakere
Gore, A., & Melcher Media. (2006). An inconvenient truth : the planetary emergency
of global warming and what we can do about it. Emmaus, Pa.
London: Rodale Call number: 363.73874 INC Waitakere course reserve DVD
Hardy, J. T. (2003). Climate change : causes, effects, and solutions. Chichester:
Wiley. Call number: 551.6 HAR Main Library, Mt Albert
Harré, N., & Atkinson, Q. D. (2007). Carbon neutral by 2020 : how New Zealanders
can tackle climate change. Nelson, N.Z.: Craig Potton Publishing. Call
number: 363.738740993 CAR Main Library, Mt Albert
Harvey, L. D. D. (2000). Global warming : the hard science. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Call number: 363.73874 HAR Main Library, Mt Albert
Healey, J. (2000). Global warming. Balmain, N.S.W.: Spinney Press. Call number:
363.73874 GLO Main Library, Mt Albert
Helm, D. (2005). Climate-change policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Call
number: 363.738747 CLI Main Library, Mt Albert
Henson, R. (2006). The rough guide to climate change. London: Rough Guides. Not
held @ Unitec
Hodges, H. F., Reddy, K. R., & ebrary Inc. (2000). Climate change and global crop
productivity. Wallingford, Oxon, UK ; New York, NY: CABI Pub. E-Book access through the catalogue
Hoffman, A. J., & Pew Center on Global Climate Change. (2006). Getting ahead of
the curve corporate strategies that address climate change. Arlington, VA:
Pew Center on Global Climate Change.
Houghton, J. (2004). Global warming: the complete briefing (3rd ed.). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. Not held @ Unitec (have earlier editions)
Huq, S., Klein, R. J. T., Smith, J. B., & ebrary Inc. (2003). Climate change, adaptive
capacity and development. London: Imperial College Press. E-Book - access
through the catalogue
IPCC. (2007a). Climate change 2007: mitigation of climate change. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. Not held @ Unitec
IPCC. (2007b). Summary for policy makers. In Climate change 2007: synthesis
report. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Not held @ Unitec
Johansen, B. E., & ebrary Inc. (2002). The global warming desk reference. Westport,
Conn.: Greenwood Press. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Kniveton, D. R., McLaren, S. J., & ebrary Inc. (2000). Linking climate change to land
surface change. Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. E-Book access through the catalogue
Kok, M. T. J. (2002). Global warming and social innovation the challenge of a
climate-neutral society. London ; Sterling, VA: Earthscan. E-Book - access
through the catalogue
Kolbert, E. (2006). Field notes from a catastrophe : man, nature, and climate change
(1st U.S. ed.). New York: Bloomsbury Pub. Call number: 363.73874 KOL
Main Library, Mt Albert
Kovats, S., & ebrary Inc. (2000). Climate change and stratospheric ozone depletion
early effects on our health in Europe. Copenhagen: World Health
Organization Regional Office for Europe. E-Book - access through the
Lovelock, J. (2006). The revenge of Gaia. London: Allen Lane. Call number: 304.2
LOV Main Library, Mt Albert
Lynas, M. (2007). Six degrees: our future on a hotter planet. London: Harper Collins.
Call number: 363.73874 LYN Main Library, Mt Albert
Maslin, M. (2004). Global warming: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. Not held @ Unitec
McKibbin, W. J., Wilcoxen, P. J., & ebrary Inc. (2002). Climate change policy after
Kyoto a blueprint for a realistic approach. Washington, D.C.: Brookings
Institution Press. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Michaels, P. J., & Balling, R. C. (2000). The satanic gases : clearing the air about
global warming. Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute. Call number: 363.73874
MIC Main Library, Mt Albert
Mitchell, A. (2008). Research. Australia: Pier 9. Not held @ Unitec
Monbiot, G. (2006). Heat: the new politics to stop the planet burning. London: Allen
Lane. Call number: 363.738745 MON Main Library, Mt Albert
Murray, P. (2007). Our Earth : global warming the evidence. Australia: Murray
Books. Call number: 363.73874 MUR Main Library, Mt Albert
Nebojša N., & Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Working Group III.
(2000). Special report on emissions scenarios : a special report of Working
Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. Call number: 363.73874 SPE Main Library, Mt
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee to Review the U.S. Climate Change
Science Program's Synthesis and Assessment Product 5.2., ebrary Inc., &
National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Atmospheric Sciences and
Climate. (2007). Review of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program's
synthesis and assessment product 5.2, "Best practice approaches for
characterizing, communicating, and incorporating scientific uncertainty in
climate decision making". Washington, DC: National Academies Press. EBook - access through the catalogue
New Zealand Climate Change Programme., & New Zealand. Ministry for the
Environment. (2001). Impacts report : climate change impacts on New
Zealand. Wellington, N.Z.: Ministry for the Environment. Call number:
551.6993 IMP Main Library, Mt Albert
Niles, J. O., Rosencranz, A., Schneider, S. H., & ebrary Inc. (2002). Climate change
policy a survey. Washington, DC: Island Press. E-Book - access through the
Page, E. (2006). Climate change, justice and future generations. Northampton, MA:
Edward Elgar. Call number: 363.7387456 PAG Main Library, Mt Albert
Rabe, B. G., & ebrary Inc. (2004). Statehouse and greenhouse the stealth politics of
American climate change policy. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution
Press. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Ravindranath, N. H., Sathaye, J. A., & ebrary Inc. (2002). Climate change and
developing countries. Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. EBook - access through the catalogue
Reid, S. J. (2000). Ozone and climate change : a beginner's guide. Australia
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers ;
Overseas Publishers Association. Call number: 363.7387 REI Main Library, Mt
Renowden, G. (2007). Hot topic : global warming and the future of New Zealand.
Auckland, N.Z: AUT Media. Call number: 363.738740993 REN Main
Library, Mt Albert
Roaf, S., Crichton, D., & Nicol, F. (2005). Adapting buildings and cities for climate
change : a 21st century survival guide. Oxford: Elsevier Architectural. Call
number: 720.47 ROA Main Library, Mt Library
Romm, J. (2007). Hell and high water: global warming - the solution and the politics
- and what we should do. New York: William Morrow. Not held @ Unitec
(Available from Waitakere Public Libraries 363.73874 ROM)
Root, T., Schneider, S. H., & ebrary Inc. (2002). Wildlife responses to climate change
North American case studies. Washington, D.C. ; London: Island Press. EBook - access through the catalogue
Skodvin, T., & ebrary Inc. (2000). Structure and agent in the scientific diplomacy of
climate change an empirical case study of science-policy interaction in the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer
Academic Publishers. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Spence, C. (2005). Global warming : personal solutions for a healthy planet. New
York: Palgrave Macmillan. Call number: 363.738748 SPE Main Library, Mt
Spratt, D., & Sutton, P. (2008). Climate code red: the case for emergency action.
Carlton North, Victoria: Scribe. Not held @ Unitec
Sweet, W. (2006). Kicking the carbon habit : global warming and the case for
renewable and nuclear energy. New York: Columbia University Press. Call
number: 333.794 SWE Main Library, Mt Albert
Sweet, W., & ebrary Inc. (2006). Kicking the carbon habit global warming and the
case for renewable and nuclear energy. New York: Columbia University
Press. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Unfavorable Tide: Global Warming, Coastal Habitats & Sportfishing in Florida.
National Wildlife Federation. E-Book - access through the catalogue
Walker, G., & King, D. (2008). The hot topic: how to tackle global warming and still
keep the lights on. London: Bloomsbury. Call number: 363.738740993 REN
Main Library, Mt Albert
Ward, P. (2007). Under a green sky: global warming, the mass extinctions of the past
and what they can tell us about our future. New York: Smithsonian books.
Not held @ Unitec (Available from Waitakere Public Libraries 577.276
Weart, S. R. (2003). The discovery of global warming. Cambridge, Mass. ; London:
Harvard University Press. Call number: 551.6 WEA Main Library, Mt Albert
Williams, L. O. (2002). An end to global warming (1st ed.). Boston: Pergamon.
World Bank. Global Environment Coordination Division. (1995). The World Bank
and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Washington, D.C.:
Global Environment Coordination Division World Bank. Call number: 551.6
WOR Main Library, Mt Albert
Wratt, D. S., New Zealand Climate Change Programme, New Zealand Meteorological
Service, & New Zealand. Ministry for the Environment. (1991). Climate
change The consensus and the debate. Wellington: New Zealand
Meteorological Service. Call number: 551.525 CLI Main Library, Mt Albert
Yamin, F. (2005). Climate change and carbon markets a handbook of emission
reduction mechanisms. London ; Sterling, VA: Earthscan. E-Book - access
through the catalogue