Only recycle paper that has been used on both sides.
Collect all paper that has been printed on one side and re-use it for printing in
draft or for scrap message pads.
If unavoidable, print emails and draft copies on paper that has been printed on
one side.
Where possible print 2 pages or more to a sheet using the multi-page print
Where possible PDF documents and email them.
Where possible ensure that all photocopying and publications are produced on
double-sided format on recycled paper.
Aim to purchase paper and envelopes that have a 100% recycled content. TBC
Choose minimally packaged products or ask our suppliers to supply products in
less packaging.
Print draft copies and documents for internal use using the “draft” quality option.
Use “press seal” envelopes instead of “peel & seal” ones.
Use window envelopes instead of address labels where possible.
Where possible print smart stamps straight on to the envelope.
Avoid purchasing disposable catering products such as paper plates.
Make use of resource centres and charities that re-use computers, furniture and
other materials from businesses.
Think before you bin! Can it be re-used? Can it be recycled? For example,
packaging for items such as tea bags, sandwiches etc can often be recycled.
Ask the cleaner to separate out materials that can be recycled from bins
collected in the offices.
In addition to recycling paper, glass, cardboard and plastic bottles collect printer
toners, drinks cartons, cans, fluorescent light tubes and batteries for recycling.
Close the ”loop” and buy recycled products wherever possible.
Ensure taps are turned off fully – a 5mm stream of water wastes 528,000 litres
of water a year.
Use tap water at events where possible. It takes 54 litres of water to produce 1
litre of bottled water! (Michael Meacher – Water Conference 2006)
Fill the kitchen sink/basin with water before washing cups instead of letting the
tap run.
Filling the kettle to the brim wastes power as well as water – only boil as much
water as is needed for cups of tea or coffee.
Keep an eye out for leaks.
Make sure windows and doors are closed when heating is on.
Use the auto controls to set the heaters to come on about 15 minutes before
you normally arrive, remembering to keep the door closed. Use the manual
over ride to keep the heaters on during the day, remembering to switch back to
auto when you leave at night.
When purchasing appliances such as fridges ensure they have a European
Energy Rating of A.
Use energy-efficient, compact fluorescent lamps and slimline tubes wherever
Use energy efficient bulbs for task/desk lamps wherever possible.
Use natural daylight wherever possible.
If there is more than one bank of lights in the room, consider whether you need
all sets switched on.
Switch off lights when area not in use i.e. lunch break, meetings.
Switch off lights in areas not in constant use (particularly kitchen & toilets). It is
always better to switch off lights however short the time period.
Switch off all lights at night. Lighting a typical office overnight wastes enough
energy to heat water for 1,000 cups of tea!
Office Equipment
Consider the energy efficiency of any new products purchased. When
purchasing equipment look for the USEPA “Energy Star” standard or similar.
Where possible use the photocopier for large print runs as this is more energy
efficient than printing large volumes.
Enable the power down/power save feature on all computers. Equipment
automatically enters a low power mode after a pre-set amount of time.
Switch off monitor when not in use (including lunchtimes or when away from
desk for meetings etc). These use twice the energy of PCs. Screen savers do
not save energy.
Switch off computers and monitor at night. Switching computers off at nights
and weekends can reduce their energy consumption by 75% per year. If the
monitor is switched off and standby options are activated, energy consumption
can be reduced by 90% per year.
Activate energy saving mode where available on printers and fax machines,
Switch off the photocopier when not in use. A photocopier left on overnight
uses enough energy to make over 5,000 A4 copies.
Switch off all printers at night. By switching laser printers off in the evenings
and at weekends, energy consumption can be reduced by 75%.
At night switch off at the wall any equipment such as hand dryers, heaters and
water heaters that have a standby light. If the standby light is glowing then it is
using energy.
Unplug chargers and transformers when not in use. When a charger is plugged
in without being attached to a device it is still converting energy. If chargers for
devices such as mobile phones and MP3 players were unplugged when not in
use, the UK could save enough electricity each year to power 115,000 homes.
Use sustainable transport for business journeys where possible.
Aim for 70% of all business journeys to be made by sustainable means.