JavaScript CoG Kit: Grid Abstractions for JavaScript

CyberAide Grid Abstractions for JavaScript
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In this paper we present a JavaScript Grid abstraction
In this paper, we describe a service oriented architecture and
framework. It is based upon abstractions that have been
Grid abstraction framework that allows access to the Grid
proven to be useful in the Grid community and are the result
through JavaScript. The framework can integrate with other
of research activities from the Java CoG Kit [1]. However, we
Web 2.0 technologies and allows for development of new
are enhancing the previous approach with a number of
components through an application interface. Moreover, our
advanced services as well as targeting explicitly JavaScript on
framework includes easy to use server side features to enable
the client side as the language of choice. Through the
the creation of advanced Grid services that are accessible
framework we can integrate with a variety of Grid
through JavaScript. Hence, the availability of our framework
Middleware and obtain access to the Grid Fabric. However, in
simplifies not only the development of new services, but also
this paper we focus primarily on the integration with Globus
the development of advanced client side Grid applications
and SSH as used on the TeraGrid [3]. We are able to expose
that can be accessed through Web browsers. We demonstrate
Grid services through Web clients with the help of a
this ability by providing a mechanism to develop Grid
JavaScript API. Using the JavaScript API, Grid users and
workflows through JavaScript with the help of a client side
developers obtain a convenient way to access a Grid in
graphical user interface defined in JavaScript. Overall, Grid
JavaScript. One of the advantages of the JavaScript API is that
developers will have another tool at their disposal that
we can integrate with a large number of commodity libraries
available in JavaScript to go beyond the use of Grid
cyberinfrastructure related software while simultaneously
technologies. Hence, we leverage of from data-structure
delivering advanced interfaces and integrating social services
libraries, social networking, and communication libraries to
for the scientific community.
enable Web 2.0 programming features to build a commodity
Keywords: JavaScript, Grid Computing, Workflow, CoG Kit,
toolkit based on JavaScript.
Grid Abstractions, Web 2.0.
Grid middleware such as the Java CoG Kit, Globus, or even
The framework is organized as a layered architecture and
simply using SSH. Meanwhile it exposes the Grid services via
contains several components. We depict the most important
a standard Web Services to Web clients. It allows the use of a
components of our architecture in Figure 1 and explain them
personal queue management mechanism that keeps track of
in more detail.
all jobs and workflows submitted to the Grid in a more
First, our Web Client API provides a high level-programming
convenient form that a Grid middleware toolkit allows.
interface to the Grid, a Grid workflow system, and a Grid
Hence, we classify our framework as Grid upperware.
using specific Graphical User Interfaces. Hence, while using
Additionally, we are developing a collaborative queue
this API our user community can develop portals specifically
management service through which Grid users can share their
targeted to Grids while being able to develop GUIs.
workflows and now execute them collaboratively.
Furthermore, we can easily provide functionalities such as
Third, our framework contains a number of support Services
workflows, job browsing, editing, submitting and execution
that coordinate user account management, and system status
status querying.
Second, we are conducting all interaction to the backend Grid
Next, we describe each of the components in more detail.
or cyberinfrastructure through a mediator service. Through a
mediator service we interact with the underlying grid
services, which are deployed as Web services. Additionally, a
mediator provides a persistent service allowing users to keep
track of their jobs and tasks on the Grid. It only requires
simple X509 certificate authentication.
Because each TeraGrid user has access to a login node, we can
host the mediator on one of these nodes, as by default each
TeraGrid user will have access to such a node as it is part of
the user account management of TeraGrid. The result is that
the client has a zero install base if we use our Web2.0 API.
Fig.1. System Architecture
Figure 2 depicts a high-level interaction diagram with the
Grid through a mediator to illustrate its functionality. The
interaction with a mediator service is carried out through the
JavaScript API. Internally, the mediator service is responsible
for communicating with Grid services through underlying
HTTP over SSL/TLS. Message level security based on WSSecurity [12] may be integrated to enforce end-to-end security.
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
Internally, the mediator service is developed using either JAXWS[10] from Java SE 6, or Axis2 [4] from Apache. However,
in our current release however we focus on Axis. The Java
Fig.2. Role of the mediator between the client and the Grid
infrastructure and to provide functionality dealing with Grid
security, job submission, workflow management, and file
2.1 Role of the Web Client in the Architecture
transfers. We are able to perform proxy credential delegation
The Web client provides the elementary functionality to
for users so the users don’t have to authenticate themselves
access the Grid through a portal user interface.
every time they access Grid services during a login session.
The JavaScript APIs expose several essential Grid services,
We have integrated our service with the myProxy Server from
such as:
TeraGrid as to allow TeraGrid users immediate access to the
Users can create jobs, as well as workflows on the client
TeraGrid users.
The meiator can be divided into two deployed parts to
Users can submit jobs for execution or to shared queues
improve security. The two parts can communicate with each
that can be maintained by multiple users.
other using Web Service architecture or Remote Method
Invocation (RMI) approach. The first part works as a web
Users can query and monitor the status of various jobs.
service agent and forwards calls to the web services to the
2.2 Role of the Mediator Service in the Architecture
other part, which could be behind a firewall to tighten
As the name indicates, the mediator service behaves as an
intermediate service between web client and the underlying
2.3 Role of Support Services in the Architecture
Grid services. It hides much of the complexity of the Grid
The support services enable user account management and
functionality and allows for the deployment and integration
job execution status. This includes the following:
of resources where the installation of Grid middleware is not
possible. Furthermore, it provides a persistent collaborative
User account information and access to a certificate
authority maintained in a secure database or directory
environment for users to share workflows.
and a mapping between the Web portal user name and
The mediator is based on standard web service technologies
the actual Grid Distinguished Names (DNs).
and mediates all function calls and communication patterns
between the client and the appropriate cyberinfrastructure
Grid status is maintained to allow access of downtime
and availability of registered Grid services.
backends. The connection to the mediator is secured through
the functionality needed for many users. This includes task,
The system design is based on Object-oriented model and
job, workflow, and queue management. To obtain the status,
Service-oriented architecture [8],[9],[14]. Entities in the system
each of the APIs provide a convenient method to query the
are all objects, while a service-oriented architecture is used to
status of a task, job, workflow, or queue. Authentication
expose these objects and allow for interaction that enables a
methods are provided to allow the simple access of the
service-oriented distributed object architecture. The benefit of
services through the APIs. A list of the essential APIs is
this approach is that it enables distributed objects to be loosely
provided in the appendix. With the help of these APIs it is
coupled while accessing them through standard web service
possible to develop simple AJAX style applications indicated
technologies. Using this approach, we are mostly concerned
in Figure 3. Here we illustrate the execution of a job while
about contracts of objects rather than reimplementing often
depicting the interactions between the Web client (though its
used patterns in regards to them.
API) and the backend Grid service.
Furthermore, as long as we keep the contract between entities,
changes on implementation of one part would not affect other
parts of the system. Hence we can execute changes on objects
interactions. Although JavaScript is not a statically typed
language, it does not provide a general mechanism for
defining a class or object-type definition [15]. However, it is a
JavaScript that behave, in many ways like classes in Java.
Fig.3. The use of the client APIs to authenticate, submit jobs and
Hence we will use the term JavaScript classes throughout the
query the execution status
3.1.2 Security Issue on JavaScript and Client Side Session
3.1 Web Client
Since the HTTP protocol is stateless, we need to maintain the
We discuss client side APIs and discuss security issues.
user’s status on the client’s side during a session. The status is
3.1.1 Essential Subset of the API
kept in a cookie, which includes user related information and
One of the most important APIs for many users will be the
any session specific information.
definition of APIs in JavaScript dealing with job files, and
We tried to keep as little sensitive data as possible on the
security management. Based on the lessons we learned from
client to minimize the security risk as we are exposed to
the Java CoG Kit, we designed APIs in JavaScript that address
malicious users and Web pages providing opportunities for
writing to a web page. In this way, even if the malicious code
potential JavaScript related attacks.
passes the input validation, it could do no harm to the client
The JavaScript security issue has two consequences. From
the client side’s point of view, the script from server side
3.2 Mediator Service
should not harm the client side; while from the server’s side,
The application logic communicates with the mediator to the
we need to limit the potential harm a client can do.
underlying Grid services, and wraps the services into Web
Two policies are enforced by most browsers to deal with
services. Instead of just being a gateway service, the mediator
this issue. The first is sandboxing, which means the script files
contains also advanced functionality as part of the services
from server can only be executed in a restricted environment
offered. One example of this functionality is the management
which has no impact in the client system; the second is same-
of jobs (with the help of the CoGQueue) by a group of
origin policy, which assures that script from a certain server
scientists rather than an individual. The interactions between
can only access resources from the same origin.
the mediator service, the support services and the Web client
The policies do improve security, however other potential
are conducted through Web service invocations.
problems still exist. One issue is that it restricts web
application’s functionalities. By default JavaScript code cannot
3.2.1 Web Services
access the client side local file system, which makes some
We use Java to develop and deploy the web services. We
operations like file upload impossible. The good news is there
could implement the web Service Endpoint Implementation
are some ways to circumvent this issue. One way is that by
(SEI) class by using annotation mechanism provided by Java
using signed scripts the JavaScript code can escalate its
SE 6. JAX-WS provides wsgen [2], a convenient tool that can
privilege based on the trust from the client. Another way is
generate all the artifacts required for web service deployment
combining with the use of protocol Form-based File Upload in
from a Java SEI class. An alternative method to accomplish
HTML, which is described in RFC1867 [17]. In such ways we
this is using tools provided by Axis 2. Deploying the web
solve the file upload problem. Another issue is that various
service in some web container like Apache/Tomcat or Java SE
attacks exist targeting the same-origin policy. Cross-site
6’s built-in Httpserver will expose the web service to the client
Scripting (XSS)[6] is a typical attack that violates the same-
origin policy. Cross-site Request Forge (XSRF)[7] is another
Security is obtained through a HTTPS connection and
kind of similar attack. No panacea to deal with these attacks,
message level security based on WS-Security [12]. Users need
while set of rules need to be considered during the
development [13, 7]. The basic rules are to always validate the
username/password provided to them. Furthermore, all
user’s input at server side, even if it is being performed in the
messages coming from the client are semantically checked for
client side; and to escape meaningful HTML characters before
altered or malicious scripts.
3.2.2 Application Logic Layer
decisions about this resource need to be made in an ad-hoc
The application logic layer utilizes the Java CoG Kit API to
fashion in order to address the most important situation.
interact with the underlying Grid infrastructure. The actual
Besides just managing single jobs in the queue we also intend
call to the Java CoG Kit API is embedded in a web service and
to manage entire workflows. As workflows are a superset of
exposed indirectly through a JavaScript API.
jobs, we will therefore refer to shared workflows instead of
The application logic layer includes proxy credential
single jobs. Our shared workflow service provides user-based
delegation and authentication via the myProxy service
access control allowing ownership of workflows by individual
available in most Grid environments such as the TeraGrid
users as well as group based access control through
[11]. As long as a user stores his/her credential on a myProxy
membership defined in an access control list or the inclusion
server, the user can retrieve the credential by providing the
in an explicit group.
username and passphrase used when generating the proxy
credential. Thus the user delegates the application server to
communicate with the underlying Grid infrastructure during
the user session, without the need to authenticate each time
when submitting a job or query status of a submitted job.
3.2.3 Collaborative Queue Management
As part of our JavaScript framework, we are working
towards delivering a new service to the user community. One
of these services, requested by some of our users is an ad-hoc
Fig.4. A scenario for shared workflows in our ad-hoc queue
collaborative queue management service. In contrast to
traditional batch queues that are maintained by system
As we internally employ an object oriented model we also
administrators, our service is instantiated and maintained by
have defined a number of objects and associated services for
the users as part of a qausi ad-hoc virtual organization. The
dealing with queue management. Important objects are the
users regulate access to the queue and can determine
SharedQueue itself and the object SharedWorkflow. The later
priorities collaboratively. This is important if limited
allows an object representing a workflow to be executed as
resources are available and collaborative means are necessary
part of the shared queue. These objects are
to determine the priorities and an assignment to the resource
SharedQueue ::= (unique object ID,
is governed by policy instead of automatic scheduling system.
This is especially useful in emergency situations where
compute resources may need to be controlled carefully and
queuObjects, …)
objects, are general objects that can be shared in the queue.
Although we have a general object model, for this paper
we focus on sharing workflows (and jobs).
SharedWorkflow ::= (unique object ID,
locked, for modification indicates whether or not this
workflow is being edited by some user.
status, is an object that reports on the status of the
workflow. It consists of a number of individual status
messages for each job. The overall status of a workflow
can be determined by association of a status evaluation
Workflow Object, …),
function. However, it is beyond the scope of this paper.
type, is the object’s type. It could be system executable, a
where the attributes are defined as follows:
shell, python, or ruby script; or a CoG Kit Karajan
workflow to name just a view.
label, is a field to store useful information to identify the
object through a simple lookup. A label is user defined.
Workflow Object, represents the actual workflow.
unique object ID, an unique identification associated with
3.3 Support Services
Support Services are used to store the information that is
namespace for unique ids for jobs and workflows to allow
necessary to access Grids by a user though the use of a
for easier bookkeeping.
number of databases in order to deal with persistent states
owner, the person created the queue. Only the owner can
and objects in cyberaide. One of them is the account
management database, another one is a database to keep track
of the users submitted jobs. We are in the process of adding
workflow. Ownership can be reassigned.
information such as those to improve resource utilization. For
In addition to these common attributes (we have designed
example, we are integrating with other useful information
internally an object for it), we have the following additional
such as information from QBETS[5] services used in Teragrid.
The information is obtained on the mediator service side,
accessControlList, defines the users that have access to the
through requests from a query or automatic update
job and can reassign the priorities.
notifications that listens and responds to information query
accessControlPolicy, defines the policy that governs how
requests through a common web service interface.
priorities and the access to the queue is governed.
to the client via a handler. To show the client side interaction
We have developed a prototype of the system that handles job
we refer to the screenshot in Figure 7.
submission and job status queries from a web client. It also
4.3 Status Query
contains a client side GUI-based environment to mange and
Users can check state of the submitted workflows by
edit the jobs/workflows. The services are currently integrated
specifying the workflow ID, or obtain the status of all
into Axis2 and Tomcat as part of a standard web service.
previously submitted workflows. Figure 8 depicts the result
Authentication is conducted via the TeraGrid myProxy server.
from a status query. In future we will develop more colorful
Although our focus is not to create a workflow GUI, the
and easy to understand GUI components such as a status
problem of defining one in JavaScript is used as a test case to
verify our design and to identify limitations due to its
complexity on the client side. At this time we did not focus on
the beauty of the graphical components, but instead on testing
In this paper we presented the JavaScript Grid abstraction
the functionality of our framework.
framework. It provides a client side web application, through
which Grid users can conduct job and workflow management
4.1 Job Construction and Workflow Composition
including submission and monitoring. We have outlined our
The prototype uses the Java CoG Kit on the server side to
methodology for sharing workflows. The web services-based
provide workflow and job submission support. On the client
application takes advantage of easy deployment and provides
side workflows are assembled in the Karajan workflow
interoperability through WS technologies and standards. Thus
language, and then the workflows are passed on to the server
we have introduced a new and convenient tool for accessing
to be executed. The GUI widget provides a straight-forward
Grids through JavaScript.
way to define a job through the Karajan workflow language.
Next steps include the implementation and integration of
A user only needs to select workflow elements from a panel in
more features in regards to collaborative queue management.
order to integrate them into the workflow specification
We also plan to investigate and support other workflows and
window and define the dependencies between jobs. We depict
other authentication methods.
our client side workflow composition tools in Figures 5 and 6.
4.2 Job Execution
We leave this section out to preserve anonymity. The final
When the construction of a workflow is finished, it can be
version will have this section included. NSF NMI supports the
submitted for execution. The web client will invoke the server
project. We like to thank Andrew Younge for his valuable
side through regular web service calls. Once the workflow
arrives at the server, it will be executed with the help of the
Java Cog Kit. A specific workflow ID is assigned and returned
Fig.7. Job submission
Fig.8. Job status query
Fig.5. Workflow element definition
Java cog kit. Web Pages. Available from World Wide Web:
Jax-ws wsgen document. Web Page. Available from World Wide
The Globus Alliance. Globus toolkit. Web Page. Available from
World Wide Web:
Fig.6. Workflow dependency construction
APACHE. Apache axis2. Web Page. Available from World Wide
J. Brevik D. Nurmi, R. Wolski and G. Obertelli. Qbets: Batch queue
prediction system. Presented at TeraGrid 07’ Conference. Available
G.A. Di Lucca, A.R. Fasolino, M. Mastoianni, and P. Tramontana.
The Internet Engineering Task Force. Form- based file upload in html.
Identifying cross site scripting vulnerabilities in web applications. In
Web page, November 1995. Available from World Wide Web:
Web Site Evolution, 2004. WSE 2004. Proceedings. Sixth IEEE
International Workshop on, pages 71–80, 11 Sept. 2004.
Nenad Jovanovic, Engin Kirda, and Christopher Kruegel. Preventing
cross site request forgery attacks. In Securecomm and Workshops,
2006, pages 1–10, Aug. 28 2006-Sept. 1 2006.
Yih-Cheng Lee, Chi-Ming Ma, and Shih-Chien Chou. A service-
The appendix includes some more details about a selected
oriented architecture for design and development of middleware. In
number of APIs for our Cyberinfrastructure targeted
Software Engineering Conference, 2005. APSEC ’05. 12th Asia-
Pacific, page 5pp., 15-17 Dec. 2005.
Xiaolin Lu. An investigation on service-oriented architecture for
A.1 Job Management
constructing distributed web gis application. In Services Computing,
An elementary class within the API is the Class Executable that
2005 IEEE International Conference on, volume 1, pages 191–
197vol.1, 11-15 July 2005.
is an abstraction for all executable entities such as jobs or
SUN Microsystems. Java api for xml web services (jax-ws). Web
workflows. Internally we can assign a provider (a concept
Page. Available from World Wide Web:
developed as part of the Java CoG Kit) to map the execution
onto a resource. As our focus in this paper is to demonstrate a
OASIS. Web services security v1.0 (ws-security 2004). Web Page,
non-trivial function, we are focusing on our workflow related
A.2 Workflow Management
Jayamsakthi Shanmugam and M. Ponnavaikko. A solution to block
The class KarajanWorkflow is used to manage a Karajan
cross site scripting vulnerabilities based on service oriented
workflow. A Karajan workflow can contain more than one job.
architecture. In Computer and Information Science, 2007. ICIS 2007.
And it supports hierarchical workflow, which means a
6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on, pages 861–866, 11-13
July 2007.
workflow can be a “job” in another workflow. The most
A. Uyar, W. Wu, H. Bulut, and G. Fox. Service-oriented architecture
important JavaScript functions include:
for a scalable videoconferencing system. In Pervasive Services, 2005.
addJob (name, job) – A new job is added to the workflow.
deleteJob (name) – The job with the specified jobname is
ICPS ’05. Proceedings. International Conference on, pages 445–448,
11-14 July 2005.
ECMA International. Standard ecma-262 ECMAscript language
deleted. This also includes dependencies the job was
specification, 3rd edition. Web page. December 1999. Available from
associated with.
listJobs ( ) – List all jobs in a workflow.
searchByName (name) – Search job by its name.
addDependency (parent, child) – Adds a dependency
workflow with the name specified by parameter.
between the child and the parent, meaning that the parent
A.4 Authentication
jobparent is executed before the child.
The class Authenticator provides an easy interface to
authentication from the client side. The function authenticate()
dependency between the parent and the child.
uses at this time a standard HTTPS connection to a backend
We have more methods available, but they are beyond the
service. Attributes are used to communicate the necessary
scope of this paper.
information back to the server such as the duration for
creating a valid proxy certificate. To communicate with our
A.3 Queue and Set Management
Axis prototype we use a simple username password
Queue management is handled in a class called WFQueue. It
authentication scheme to relay the certificate authentication
contains a queue of executable objects that have no
via a myProxy server.
dependency with each other. They are executed one after
another. In addition, we have a WFSet that is similar to a
A.5 Workflow Status
Queue, but does not pose any order of execution of the objects
in the
The class WorkflowQuery is used to query state of workflows
that the user submitted to execute. It has the following
addWorkflow (name, workflow) – Add the workflow
JavaScript functions:
specified by parameter to a workflow queue or set.
removeWorkflowByIndex (index) – Remove a workflow
query () – Get state of all workflows submitted by the
according to parameter index from the queu or set.
searchByName (name) – Return the index of the
removeWorkflowByName (name) – Remove a workflow
query (workflowID) – Get state of specified workflows
submitted by the user.
with name specified by parameter name from the queue
A.6 JS CoG API and Abstrction API
or set.
The class CoGClass uses internally the above classes to do the
clearAll ( ) – Remove all workflows in the queue or set.
workflow submission and result query. It has the following
Note that in the following context, we use the name
“workflow” to indicate all the kinds of Executable objects,
authenticate() function will be called. For example, if we
whether they’re instance of some workflows like Karajan or an
use HTTPS as provider, then a username/password
executable scripts.
authentication will be carried out.
execute (Executable, resources) – Submit a workflow to
listByType (queueID, provider) – List all the workflows’
server side to execute. The resources specify necessary
metadata with the specified type, say, Karajan workflow,
resources associated with the jobs.
from the specified queue.
transfer (from, to) – transfer data from “from” to “to”.
query () – Get the state of all workflows that were
specified workflow’s status. It could be edited by other
submitted to execute by the user.
user or not.
query (workflowids[]) – Get the state of the specified
Class WorkflowQueue deals with the interactions between the
listQueues () – List all the queues that the user are
obtainWriteToken (queueID, sharedWorkFlowID) – The
editWorkflow (queueID, sharedWorkFlowID) – The user
with other users. If the queuename exists and the user has
privilege to access that queue (he is a participants of that
queue), the server side program will extract info from the
Executable object and construct objects to insert into the
queue; otherwise the server side program will construct a
new queue with that name, and set the user as the owner
of the queue.
remove (queueID, sharedWorkFlowID) – The owner of a
workflow can remove it. List (queueID); list all workflows’
metadata shared in the queue.
Figure 1: Cyberaide login window
listParticipants (queueID) – List all the participants of the
Update the workflow when complete editing.
add (queuename, Executable) – Submit a workflow into
the server side’s queue to store it for future use or share
grantAccess (queueID, userlist) – The owner of a queue
can give some other users access privilege to the queue.
will try to obtain the write token and then to edit the
user try to obtain the write token.
client and the server side. It has the following functions:
Download the workflow to client side to browse.
workflows that were submitted to execute by the user.
getStatus (queueID, sharedWorkFlowID) – Query the
listByName (queueID, username) – List the workflows’
metadata owned by a user from one queue.
Figure 5: Cyberaide transfer
Figure 2: Cyberaide job submisison
Figure 3: Cyberaide shell
Figure 4: Cyberaide dashboard panel