Santa Clara River - Hydraulic Analysis Report Introduction Santa Clara River is located in the unincorporated areas of Ventura County, California. The study was performed for 39.34 miles of the stream. The extent of the stream is from the confluence with the Pacific Ocean to county boundary. The channel is a regular natural channel. The entire study reach area is mostly agricultural except for downstream portion on left over bank which is urban. Structure Data There are 9 bridge crossings and 1 inline weir along Santa Clara River in Ventura County. Width of the bridge opening, low-chord and high-chord measurements were obtained from the field reconnaissance. As-built plans provided by Ventura County were used to obtain additional information. The structure information for all these structures was obtained from as-built plans and general measurements during field reconnaissance. Further information on the shape and type of the structures was obtained from photographs taken during field reconnaissance. Name of Crossing New Hall Bridge Torrey Road Chambersburgh Road S Mountain Road Los Angeles Avenue Ventura Blvd Union Pacific RR Victoria Avenue Harbor Blvd Data Source Field Data As-Builts from County As-Builts and HEC-RAS model from County Hec-RAS model from County Hec-RAS model from County Hec-RAS model from County HEC-2 Hec-RAS model from County As-Builts from County Terrain Data LIDAR data was provided by Ventura County Watershed Protection District. The data was in the form of mass points (each point was attributed with latitude, longitude and elevation), with a horizontal datum of NAD 1983 with projection of “State Plane California V FIPS 0405 Feet” and the vertical datum is “NAVD 88”. Projected mass points were used to create a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) for the areas surrounding the stream. 2-foot, 5-foot and 10-foot contours were generated from the TIN. Imagery Color imagery was purchased from Geo-Community for Ventura County, CA. The Imagery was collected in 2005, as mentioned in the metadata. Streamline and Flow Paths The streamline for the main stream was delineated using aerial imagery and 2-foot contour data. Bank stations were first created with 20-feet offset on each side of the stream. These stations were later adjusted in the hydraulic model based on 10-percent water surface elevation and aerial imagery. Santa Clara Hydraulic Analysis Report 02/15/2008 1 Flowpath lines were created with a 50 feet offset on both sides of the stream in GeoRAS. Cross Section Generation A total of 21 TINs were used in a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) to cut 154 cross-sections in Ventura County and 5 cross-sections in Los Angeles County. Other GIS Layers In addition to the River, Bank lines, Flowpaths, and Xscutlines layers, the following layers have been generated in Geo-RAS for the hydraulic model: Bridge Lateral Structures Levee Ineffective Flow Areas Landuse Manning’s Roughness Coefficient (n) Calculations Manning’s coefficient values were determined for each cross section using the Cowan (1956) procedure outlined in “Guide for Selecting Manning’s Roughness Coefficients for Natural Channels and Floodplains”(Authors: G.J. Arcement and V.R. Schneider, USGS Water supply Paper 2339). Photographs taken during field reconnaissance were used in conjunction with the aerial images to estimate Manning’s coefficients for the channel portion of the cross section. For overbank areas, land-use classification data was developed from the aerial imagery. Polygons were digitized for different landuses, which were attributed with the corresponding Manning’s n values. Manning’s n ranged from 0.02 to 0.08 for the channel and 0.016 to 0.11 for the overbanks. (See attached computation table) HEC-RAS Project PLANS: The name of the project is Santa_Clara.prj o o o o With Levee Plan (p01, g01, f01) WO_Lev_and_Lateral_Str_Along_Gonzales_rd (p02, g02, f02) Without Levee and Floodway Plan (p03, g02, f03) SCR Overflow South of Gonzales Road (p04, g03, f04) Discharge Point Locations Hydraulic modeling was performed using 22 discharge change locations starting from the mouth to the upstream point at Ventura/Los Angeles county boundary. Discharges at Montalvo and County line were obtained from Ventura County, and the additional discharges were calculated using the discharge transfer technique. A discharge flow change location shapefile is provided for this stream. See the hydrology report for the discharge change table. The table below provides the reduced discharges resulting from optimization of lateral structures in Plan 02. These discharges were used in Plan 03. 22 23 RS 19944 18391 100Yr 224154 216950 10Yr 74152 74152 Santa Clara Hydraulic Analysis Report 50Yr 174679 174198 500Yr 331652 298889 fw_red 224154 216950 02/15/2008 2 24 25 26 27 16954 15610 13347 11659 213500 74152 199954 74152 197985 74152 195535 75062 195518 75062 28 11169 (231576) (75062) 29 10126 194922 75062 30 8849 194456 75062 31 2033 194456 75062 Discharges in parenthesis are actual discharges 173971 170321 169638 169846 169846 (176873) 169720 169660 169660 276005 230145 225852 220861 220625 (380364) 219055 217805 217805 213500 199954 197985 195535 195518 194922 194456 194456 Plan 1: With-Levee Plan A natural run was performed using a hydraulic model with 10 structures and 22 discharge change locations. Bank stations were modified in the hydraulic model by moving them to the 10-year water surface elevation. Cross-sections were oriented perpendicular to the contours. In HEC-RAS, the maximum limit for the number of points in a cross-section is 500. Hence the crosssections were filtered using the cross-section point filter option in HEC-RAS. Levees were digitized using topographic data, information from the County and effective flood insurance maps. Lateral structures were placed on top of the levees to account for the overtopping discharge and providing more accurate water surface elevations for the with-levee scenario. Critical depth is used as the downstream starting condition because the Mean higherhigh water elevation at the mouth of Santa Clara River was 4.54 ft (NOAA Tide station in Santa Barbara, CA, Station ID: 9411340), which was less than the 10percent annual chance critical water surface elevation at the most downstream crosssection. A multiple profile run was performed using 10%, 2%, 1% and 0.2% annual chance discharges. Sub-critical flow regime was used for this plan. Plan 2: Without Levee and Lateral Structure Along Gonzales Road The geometry used for with-levee plan was used; however the levee option and lateral structures from Plan 01 were removed. Levees along the downstream portion of the river were replaced with ineffective flow areas. A multiple profile run was performed using 10%, 2%, 1% and 0.2% annual chance discharges. It was observed that the 1% annual chance flood was flowing into a different watershed, along Gonzales Road, starting from approximately 3.3 miles from the mouth. Santa Clara Hydraulic Analysis Report 02/15/2008 3 Lateral structures were placed along Gonzales road, starting from approximately 6300 ft east of the intersection of Patterson Drain and Gonzales Road. They extended towards the mouth, to a point where, when optimized, no more overtopping occurs. The 0.2% annual chance flood did not converge, but when checked, the flow upstream of the lateral structure was equal to the sum of the flow exiting the lateral structure and the downstream flow. Flow in Santa Clara River will be reduced at all the cross-sections which cross the lateral structures. Plan 3: Without-Levee and Floodway Plan The same geometry as Plan 02 was used here; however, the lateral structures were not optimized. Instead, reduced discharges resulting from Plan 02 were used (see table in the ‘Discharge Point Location’ section) The 1% annual chance profile from the without-levee scenario was used to perform the floodway analysis. As a first attempt, the floodway run was performed with reduced discharges for the 1% annual chance profile and full discharge for the floodway profile. However, this resulted in surcharges more than the allowable value of 1.00 ft. Therefore, the final floodway run used reduced discharges for both the 100-year and floodway profile. Sub-critical flow regime was used for this plan. Plan 4: SCR Overflow South of Gonzales Road A separate geometry file was created for the area south of Gonzales Road. The discharges for the overflow were obtained by subtracting the reduced discharges from the actual discharges in Santa Clara River (see table below). An approximate flood zone designation was selected for the area south of Gonzales Road to represent the extent of flood hazard due to the overflow from Santa Clara River. A detailed hydraulic analysis was not performed because, not all the interactions within the watershed are known. RS 16139 14645 13676 12231 8989 100-yr 5183 12387 31352 36041 36058 Results / Mapping The water surface elevations obtained from the “with levee” scenario will be used to plot BFEs for the main stream. Santa Clara Hydraulic Analysis Report 02/15/2008 4 The water surface elevations from the without-levee plan will be used to plot BFEs for the overbanks. The overflow area south of Gonzales Road will be designated as an approximate Zone A. Santa Clara Hydraulic Analysis Report 02/15/2008 5