NEW MEXICO OFFICE OF THE STATE ENGINEER DAM SAFETY BUREAU EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN FORM March 23, 2011 The Office of the State Engineer (OSE) rules and regulations for dams requires each owner of a jurisdictional dam classified as significant or high hazard potential to prepare an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) ( New Mexico Administrative Code). These plans must be prepared, maintained, and exercised for immediate defensive action to prevent or minimize property damage, injury, or loss of life due to an emergency-flooding situation. The model EAP is provided to assist the Dam Owner in preparing an EAP that complies with State requirements. The format has been reviewed by the State Office of Emergency Management but may require further modification in the emergency response areas to comply with the needs of the Local (city or county) Emergency Management Official. The Dam Owner and the Local Emergency Official must assess whether the attached format is sufficient for the site-specific conditions associated with the dam or whether additional information must be incorporated to prepare an appropriate EAP. Alternate formats require documentation indicating the change is required by the Local Emergency Official. The OSE website provided below contains checklists for the EAP Preparer and the Professional Engineer to document coordination with the Local Emergency Official. The coordination checklists must accompany an EAP submitted to the OSE for review and acceptance. This model EAP is available for download at the OSE website listed below. The Dam Owner is encouraged to review the OSE paper “Emergency Action Plans for Dams”. The paper gives additional guidance for each section of the EAP. The dam breach analysis report must be submitted to the OSE for review and approval prior to submitting the EAP to the Local Emergency Official to review and approve. The evacuation map should not be prepared and submitted to the Local Emergency Official until the OSE has approved the inundation maps from the dam breach analysis report. It is the responsibility of the Dam Owner to update the EAP with correct contact information. The Dam Owner must also coordinate with the local emergency official to periodically exercise the EAP so that it may be effectively implemented if an emergency situation occurs at the dam. The local emergency official may choose to organize one generic exercise to address several dams in their jurisdiction. The EAP must be submitted in a 3-ring binder with dividers and tabs. Areas of the EAP shaded in yellow are brought to the attention of the EAP Preparer and must be customized or completed and the yellow shading removed. If there are any questions regarding preparation of an EAP for a specific dam or suggested revisions to this form, please contact the OSE Dam Safety Bureau at (505) 827-6122. DO NOT INCLUDE THIS PAGE WITH THE FINAL EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN (EAP) ROCK CREEK DAM OSE File No. D-XXX DeBaca County, New Mexico Rock Creek Irrigation District Copy ____ of _____ EAP CERTIFICATIONS DAM OWNER’S CERTIFICATION [Use the following certification if owner is an individual and not a corporation political subdivision of the state then delete this statement] I, Joe Black, being first duly sworn, upon my oath, state that I have read and examined the accompanying Emergency Action Plan and know the contents and representations therein for Rock Creek Dam and all that is shown herein is done with my free consent and in accordance with my wishes and state that the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ______________________________________ Joe Black Date Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of __________________ , 20__. _______________________________ Notary public My commission expires ____________ (SEAL) [Use the following certification if owner is a corporation or political subdivision of the state and not an individual owner, then delete this statement] I, Joe Black , being first duly sworn, upon my oath, state that I am the Chairman of the Rock Creek Irrigation District, a political subdivision duly organized under the laws of the state of New Mexico, that the accompanying Emergency Action Plan , for Rock Creek Dam were made under authority of the board of directors of said political subdivision and that, in their behalf, I have read and examined the statements and representations and all that is shown herein is done with their free consent and in accordance with their wishes and state that the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. _____________________________________ Joe Black, Chairman Date Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of __________________ , 20__. _______________________________ Notary public My commission expires ____________ (SEAL) Page i ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATION I, Mike Brown , hereby certify that I am a professional engineer licensed in the state of New Mexico, qualified in civil engineering; that the accompanying emergency level determination (step 2), expected actions (step 4), evacuation maps, inundation maps and metadata documentation of the Emergency Action Plan for Rock Creek Dam were prepared by me or under my supervision; that the accompanying emergency level determination (step 2), expected actions (step 4), evacuation maps, inundation maps and metadata documentation of the Emergency Action Plan are in compliance with the Dam Design, Construction and Dam Safety Regulations (19.25.12 NMAC) and that the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. , License number: 1000000 , (SEAL) Mike Brown Date: ______________ Page ii __(Local Entity)___________ EMERGENCY OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the accompanying Emergency Action Plan for Rock Creek Dam has been duly examined by me and accepted for filing on the _____ day of _____________________, 20__. __(Official’s signature)_____________________ Print Official’s Name Print Official’s Title Page iii DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURTY CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the accompanying Emergency Action Plan for Rock Creek Dam has been duly examined by me and accepted for filing on the _____ day of _____________________, 20__. __(Official’s signature)_____________________ Print Official’s Name Print Official’s Title Page iv STATE ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the accompanying Emergency Action Plan for Rock Creek Dam has been duly examined by me and accepted for filing on the _____ day of ___________________, 20__. __________________________________ State Engineer Page v Insert Side Tab Here “” ”Table of Contents” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx TABLE OF CONTENTS BASIC EAP DATA 1 EAP OVERVIEW 2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3 FIVE STEP EAP PROCESS 1. EVENT DETECTION 5 2. EMERGENCY LEVEL DETERMINATION 6 GUIDANCE FOR DETERMINING THE EMERGENCY LEVEL 7 EXAMPLES OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 8 3. NOTIFICATION AND COMMUNICATION 10 NOTIFICATION FLOW CHARTS 13 OTHER EMERGENCY SERVICES CONTACTS 16 4. EXPECTED ACTIONS 17 EMERGENCY LEVEL 1 17 EMERGENCY LEVEL 2 18 EMERGENCY LEVEL 3 20 5. TERMINATION 21 EAP REVIEW, REVISION AND EXERCISE 22 RECORD OF COPY HOLDERS 23 REVISIONS AND UPDATES 24 CONCURRENCES 25 APPENDIXES: FORMS, GLOSSARY, MAPS, AND SUPPORTING DATA APPENDIX A: A-1 Contact Checklist A-2 “Unusual or Emergency Event Log” Form A-3 “Dam Emergency Situation Report” Form A-4 Optional: Other Forms required by the Local Emergency Official A-5 Glossary of Terms 27 28 29 30 31 APPENDIX B: B-1 Resources Available B-2 Location and Vicinity Map B-3 Evacuation Map B-4 Residents/Businesses/Highways at Risk B-5 Inundation Map B-6 Map Metadata B-7 Profile of Dam along Outlet Conduit B-8 Plan View of Dam B-9 Reservoir Elevation-Area-Volume, Outlet and Spillway Capacity 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page vi Insert Side Tab Here “Basic EAP Data” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx BASIC EAP DATA PURPOSE: The purpose of this EAP is to reduce the risk of human life loss and injury and to minimize property damage during an unusual or emergency event at Rock Creek Dam. POTENTIAL IMPACTED AREA: See “Evacuation Map” Tab (Appendix B-3) and “People at Risk” Tab (Appendix B-4) 6 houses: o 4 on the south side of the Sierra Vista subdivision in south east Rock City o 2 outside city limits: 1 on south side of Rock Creek, south of Rock City 1 on east side of Highway 44 approx. 1 mile south of Rock City 3 businesses on east side of Highway 44 south of Rock City: o Larry’s Music Shop, Moe’s Carwash and Josie’s Coffee Shop 3 Highways: o Interstate 40 and NM State Roads 44 & 66 DAM DESCRIPTION: Dam Owner: Rock Creek Irrigation District Major Property Owner: Built: 1962 Latitude: _________ Longitude:____________ Hazard Classification: High State Identification: D-999 Height: 55 feet Length: 1800 feet Storage: 560 acre-feet Drainage Area: 9.5 square miles See detailed design data in B-7, B-8 and B-9 of “Appendix B” Tab. DIRECTIONS TO DAM: (See Location and Vicinity Map in B-2 of Appendix B) Rock Creek Dam can be accessed by traveling south 1.2 miles on NM Highway 44 from the Interstate 40 interchange south of Rock City; turn right (west) on a gated dirt road that goes directly to the left abutment of the dam. Keys for the lock on the gate are available from the Irrigation District Manager at 523 Second Street, Rock City, NM. Note that a portion of this road is within the dam break floodplain and the valley below the dam may be flooded. An alternate route to the dam is available approximately 0.5 miles south of Rock Creek on Highway 44; turn right on a ungated dirt road that goes to the right abutment of the dam. Note that Highway 44 may be inundated or the bridge may be damaged so access to this alternate route may have to be accessed from Highway 44 south of the dam. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 1 Insert Side Tab Here “EAP Overview” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN OVERVIEW STEP 1: Event Detection DETECT EVENT ASSESS SITUATION DETERMINE EMERGENCY LEVEL STEP 2: Emergency Level Determination STEP 3: Notification and Communication EMERGENCY LEVEL 1 EMERGENCY LEVEL 2 EMERGENCY LEVEL 3 Unusual Event; Slowly Developing Potential Dam Failure Situation; Rapidly Developing Urgent; Dam Failure is Imminent or in Progress NOTIFY NOTIFY NOTIFY Level 1 Lists Level 2 Lists Level 3 Lists SAVE DAM STEP 4: Expected Actions STEP 5: Termination and Follow-up Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County MONITOR Protective Actions SAVE PEOPLE Evacuate TERMINATION & FOLLOW-UP Page 2 Insert Side Tab Here “Roles and Responsibilities” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES DAM OWNER REPRESENTATIVE Responsible for monitoring dam and identifying potential problem (see “Step 1: Event Detection” Tab) As soon as an emergency event is observed or reported, immediately determine the emergency level (see “Step 2: Level Determination” Tab) o Emergency Level 1: Unusual event, slowly developing o Emergency Level 2: Potential dam failure situation, rapidly developing o Emergency Level 3: Dam failure is imminent or in progress Immediately notify the personnel in the order shown on the notification flow chart for the appropriate level (see “Step 3: Notification Flow Charts” Tab). Implement expected actions to prevent the dam from failing (see “Step 4 Expected Actions” Tab). Emergency Remedial Actions not identified in Step 4 require verbal approval from Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau if time permits. Provide updates of the situation to the Local Emergency Official to assist them in making timely and accurate decisions regarding warnings and evacuations. Review and update the EAP annually, coordinate the EAP exercise and provide copies of the revised EAP to all record copy holders of the EAP LOCAL EMERGENCY Official Maintain communication with media When a Emergency Level 1 occurs, review the EAP and respond in accordance with local emergency response plan When a Level 2 situation occurs: Prepare emergency management personnel for possible evacuations, in accordance with local emergency response plan, that may be needed if a Level 3 situation occurs When a Level 3 situation occurs: o Alert the general public of the emergency o Immediately close roads and evacuate people located within the evacuation area (see “Evacuation Map” Tab) Participate in annual review and update of the EAP INCIDENT COMMANDER When a Level 2 situation occurs: Prepare local law enforcement personnel for possible evacuations that may be needed if a Level 3 situation occurs When a Level 3 situation occurs: o Initiate warnings and order evacuation of people at risk downstream of the dam o Notify local law enforcement to carry out the evacuation of people and close roads within the evacuation area (see “Evacuation Map” Tab) o Decide when to terminate the emergency DAM OWNER’S ENGINEER Advise dam owner on emergency level determination if time permits Advise dam owner on remedial actions to take if Level 1 or Level 2 event occurs Advise Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau of current condition and obtain verbal approval of proposed remedial action if time permits Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 3 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx OFFICE OF THE STATE ENGINEER – DAM SAFETY BUREAU Approve remedial actions to take if Level 1 event occurs and if time permits Approve unanticipated remedial actions to take if Level 2 event occurs and if time permits Advise New Mexico Office of Emergency Management on status at dam Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 4 Insert Side Tab Here “Event Detection” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx THE FIVE-STEP EAP PROCESS STEP 1 - EVENT DETECTION This step describes the detection of an unusual or emergency event and provides information to assist the dam owner in determining the appropriate emergency level for the event. Unusual or emergency events may be detected by: Observations at or near the dam by the dam owner, government personnel (local, state, or federal), visitors to the dam, or the public. Evaluation of instrumentation data. Earthquakes felt or reported in the vicinity of the dam. Forewarning of conditions, which may cause an unusual event or emergency event at the dam. For example, a severe weather or flash flood forecast. See “Guidance for Determining the Emergency Level” table (Page 7) for assistance in evaluating specific events to determine if they are unusual or potential emergency situations. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 5 Insert Top Tab Here “Emergency Levels” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx STEP 2 – EMERGENCY LEVEL DETERMINATION After an unusual or emergency event is detected or reported, the Irrigation District Manager or the Manager’s alternate is responsible for classifying the event into one of the following three emergency levels: Emergency Level 1; Non-emergency, unusual event, slowly developing: This situation is not normal, but has not yet threatened the operation or structural integrity of the dam, but possibly could if it continues to develop. Owner’s Engineer shall be contacted to investigate the situation and recommend actions to be taken. Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau shall be contacted and advised of the situation. The Dam Owner shall obtain Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau approval of any action to be taken that is not identified in Step 4, Expected Actions. The condition of the dam must be closely monitored, especially during storm events, to detect any development of a potential or imminent dam failure situation. The Local Emergency Official must be informed if it is determined that the conditions may possibly develop into a worse condition that may require emergency actions. Emergency Level 2; Potential dam failure situation, rapidly developing: This situation may eventually lead to dam failure and flash flooding downstream, but there is not an immediate threat of dam failure. The Local Emergency Official shall be notified of this emergency situation and placed on alert. The dam owner must closely monitor the condition of the dam and periodically report the status of the situation to the Local Emergency Official. If the dam condition worsens and failure becomes imminent, the Local Emergency Official must be notified immediately of the change in the emergency level to evacuate the people at risk downstream. The dam owner must contact their engineer to evaluate the situation and recommend remedial actions to prevent failure of the dam. The dam owner must obtain Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau’s verbal approval of any recommended action that is not identified in Step 4, Expected Actions, if time permits and initiate remedial repairs (local resources that may be available – see B-1 in Appendix B). Time available to employ remedial actions may be hours or days. [Optional: Emergency Level 2 is also applicable when flow through the earth spillway may to result in flooding of downstream areas and people near the channel could be endangered. Emergency services should be on alert to initiate evacuations or road closures if the flooding increases.] Emergency Level 3; Urgent - Dam failure is imminent or in progress: This is an extremely urgent situation when a dam failure is occurring or obviously is just about to occur and cannot be prevented. Flash flooding will occur downstream of the dam. [Optional: This situation is applicable when flow through the earth spillway is causing downstream flooding of people and roads or potential flow through the spillway will cause downstream flooding of people and roads.] This situation is also applicable when additional warning time is needed to alert and evacuate the public even though dam failure may still be prevented. The Local Emergency Official must be contacted immediately so emergency services can begin evacuations of all at-risk people and close roads as needed (see “Evacuation Map” Tab). See following pages for guidance in determining the proper emergency level for various situations. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 6 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx GUIDANCE FOR DETERMINING THE EMERGENCY LEVEL Event Earth Spillway Flow Concrete Lined Spillway Flow Embankment Overtopping Situation Emergency Level Reservoir water surface elevation at spillway crest or spillway is flowing with no active erosion X Spillway flowing with active gully erosion X Optional: Reservoir water surface elevation is X ft. below the spillway crest and water level continues to rise, flooding people downstream is anticipated X Spillway flowing with an advancing headcut that is threatening the control section Optional: Spillway flow that will flood people downstream Spillway flow exceeds historic discharge X X X Spillway flow is causing damage to the spillway or overtopping spillway retaining walls X Spillway is failing X X X Reservoir level is X ft. below the top of the dam Water from the reservoir is flowing over the top of the dam New seepage areas in or near the dam Embankment Cracking New cracks in the embankment greater than 1/4-inch wide without seepage Embankment Movement Visual movement/slippage of the embankment slope Instruments Instrumentation readings beyond predetermined values X X X X X X X X X X Damaged or broken outlet valve with no immediate impacts to the functioning of the dam X Damaged or broken outlet valve that resulted in an uncontrolled release of water which may cause flooding X Damaged or broken outlet valve that will result in an uncontrolled release and will flood people downstream X Measurable earthquake felt or reported on or within 50 miles of the dam X X X X X X X X Seepage New seepage areas with cloudy discharge or increasing rate of flow Seepage with discharge greater than X gallons per minute and cloudy discharge Sinkhole Mechanical Earthquake Observation of new sinkhole in the reservoir area or on the embankment Rapidly enlarging sinkhole Cracks in the embankment with seepage Sudden or rapidly proceeding slide of the embankment slopes Earthquake resulting in visible damage to the dam or appurtenances Earthquake resulting in uncontrolled release of water from the dam Security Threat Sabotage / Vandalism Verified bomb threat that, if carried out, could result in damage to the dam Detonated bomb that has resulted in damage to the dam or appurtenances Damage to dam or appurtenances with no impacts to the functioning of the dam Damage to dam or appurtenances that has resulted in seepage flow Damage to dam or appurtenances that has resulted in uncontrolled water release Emergency level 1: Non-emergency, unusual event, slowly developing Emergency level 2: Potential dam failure situation, rapidly developing Emergency level 3: Urgent, dam failure is imminent or in progress Estimated time needed by Local Responders to notify occupants closest to the dam is X minutes Estimated time needed by Local Responders to evacuate the closest occupants is X minutes Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 7 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx EXAMPLES OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS The following are examples of conditions that constitute an emergency situation at the dam. Adverse or unusual conditions that can cause the failure of a dam are typically related to aging or design and construction oversights. Extreme weather events that exceed the original design conditions can cause significant flow through the spillway or overtopping of the embankment. However, accidental or intentional damage to the dam may also result in emergency conditions. The conditions have been grouped to identify the most likely emergency level condition. The groupings are provided as guidance only. Not all emergency conditions may be listed and the dam owner is urged to use conservative judgment in determining whether a specific condition should be defined as an emergency situation at the dam. Pre-existing Condition on this Dam: There has been a small seepage area near the downstream toe on the north side of the outlet conduit. This was first noticed in 1985 but has not changed since that time. EARTH SPILLWAY FLOWS Emergency Level 2 - Potential Dam Failure Situation; Rapidly Developing 1. Erosion or head cutting of the spillway is occurring but the rate does not appear to threaten a breach of the spillway crest that would result in an uncontrolled release of the reservoir. 2. Optional: Flow through the earth spillway may cause flooding that could threaten people, homes, and/or roads downstream from the dam. Emergency Level 3 – Urgent; Dam Failure is Imminent or in Progress 1. Significant erosion or head cutting of the spillway is occurring at a rapid rate and a breach of the control section appears to be imminent. 2. Optional: Flow through the earth spillway is causing flooding that is threatening people, homes, and/or roads downstream from the dam. CONCRETE LINED SPILLWAY FLOWS Emergency Level 2 - Potential Dam Failure Situation; Rapidly Developing 1. Flow through the spillway is causing damage to the spillway or overtopping the spillway retaining walls. 2. Optional: Flow through the spillway may cause flooding that could threaten people, homes, and/or roads downstream from the dam. Emergency Level 3 – Urgent; Dam Failure is Imminent or in Progress 1. Flow has damaged the spillway and failure is progressing at a rapid rate. A breach of the spillway is imminent or in progress. 2. Optional: Flow through the spillway is causing flooding that is threatening people, homes, and/or roads downstream from the dam. EMBANKMENT OVERTOPPING Emergency Level 2 - Potential Dam Failure Situation; Rapidly Developing 1. The reservoir level is within X ft. of the top of dam and is projected to continue to rise. Emergency Level 3 – Urgent; Dam Failure is Imminent or in Progress 1. The reservoir level has exceeded the top of the dam. Flow is occurring over the embankment. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 8 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx SEEPAGE AND SINKHOLES Emergency Level 2 - Potential Dam Failure Situation; Rapidly Developing 1. Cloudy seepage or soil deposits are observed at seepage exit points or from internal drain outlet pipes. 2. New or increased areas of wet or muddy soils are present on the downstream slope, abutment, and/or foundation of the dam, and there is an easily detectable and unusual increase in volume of downstream seepage. 3. Significant new or enlarging sinkhole(s) or settlement of the dam is observed. 4. Reservoir level is falling without apparent cause. 5. The following known dam defects are or will soon be inundated by a rise in the reservoir: Sinkhole(s) located on the upstream slope, crest, abutment, and/or foundation of the dam; or Transverse cracks extending through the dam, abutments, or foundation. Emergency Level 3 – Urgent; Dam Failure is Imminent or in Progress 1. Rapidly increasing cloudy seepage or soil deposits at seepage exit points to the extent that failure appears imminent or is in progress. 2. Rapid increase in volume of downstream seepage to the extent that failure appears imminent or is in progress. 3. Water flowing out of holes in the downstream slope, abutment, and/or foundation of the dam to the extent that failure appears imminent or is in progress. 4. Whirlpools or other evidence exists indicating that the reservoir is draining rapidly through the dam or foundation. 5. Rapidly enlarging sinkhole(s) are forming on the dam or abutments to the extent that failure appears imminent or is in progress. 6. Rapidly increasing flow through crack(s) eroding materials to the extent that failure appears imminent or is in progress. EMBANKMENT MOVEMENT AND CRACKING Emergency Level 2- Potential Dam Failure Situation; Rapidly Developing 1. Settlement of the crest, slopes, abutments and/or foundation of the dam, which may eventually result in breaching of the dam. 2. Significant increase in length, width, or offset of cracks in the crest, slopes, abutments, and/or foundation of the dam that may eventually result in breaching of the dam. Emergency Level 3 – Urgent; Dam Failure is Imminent or in Progress 1. Sudden or rapidly proceeding slides, settlement, or cracking of the embankment crest, slopes, abutments, and/or foundation, and breaching of the dam appears imminent or is in progress. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 9 Insert Side Tab Here “Communication” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx STEP 3 – NOTIFICATION AND COMMUNICATION NOTIFICATION: After the emergency level has been determined, the people on the following notification flowchart for the appropriate emergency level shall be notified immediately. COMMUNICATION: Emergency Level 1: Non-emergency, Unusual Event; Slowly Developing: The Irrigation District Manager and the Dam Owner’s Engineer must contact the Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau. Describe the situation, recommendations by the Engineer and request approval of any action to be taken. If the conditions may possibly develop into a worse condition that may require emergency actions the following message may be used to help describe the situation to the Local Emergency Official: “This is _____(Identify yourself; name, position, etc.) We have a Level 1 emergency condition at Rock Creek Dam that is located 2 miles south of Rock City. The condition is considered a non-emergency at this time. Our engineer is on site and we are coordinating activities with the Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau. [Describe the situation] We are monitoring the situation in case conditions change to an emergency condition. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 10 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Emergency Level 2: Potential Dam Failure Situation; Rapidly Developing: The following message may be used to help describe the emergency situation to the Local Emergency Official: “This is _____(Identify yourself; name, position, etc.) We have an emergency condition at Rock Creek Dam that is located 2 miles south of Rock City. We have activated the Emergency Action Plan for this dam and are currently under emergency level 2 [Describe the situation] We are implementing predetermined actions to respond to a rapidly developing situation that could result in dam failure. Please prepare to evacuate the area as shown on the evacuation map in the emergency action plan. We will advise you as soon as the situation is resolved or if the situation gets worse. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 11 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Emergency Level 3: Urgent; Dam Failure is Imminent or in Progress: The Local Emergency Official must be contacted immediately and the area evacuated (see “Evacuation Map” Tab). The following actions must be taken: 1. Call the Local Emergency Official. Be sure to say, "This is an emergency". They will call other authorities and the media and begin the evacuation. The following message may be used to help describe the emergency situation to emergency management personnel: “This is an emergency. This is _____(Identify yourself; name, position, etc.) Rock Creek Dam that is located 2 miles south of Rock City is failing and the downstream area must be evacuated immediately. Repeat, Rock Creek Dam is failing; evacuate the area shown on the evacuation map immediately. [Describe the situation] We have activated the Emergency Action Plan for this dam and are currently under emergency level 3 2. Do whatever is necessary to bring people in immediate danger to safety (anyone on the dam, directly below the dam or boating on the reservoir). 3. Keep in frequent contact with the Local Emergency Official to keep them up-to-date on the condition of the dam. They will tell you how you can help to handle the emergency. 4. If all means of communication are lost: (1) try to find out why, (2) try to get to another radio or telephone that works, or (3) get someone else to try to reestablish communications. If these means fail, handle the immediate problems as well as you can, and periodically try to reestablish contact with the Local Emergency Official. The following prescript message may be used as a guide for the Rock City Emergency Services Personnel to communicate the status of the emergency with the public: “Attention: This is an emergency message from the____________. Listen carefully. Your life may depend on immediate action. Rock Creek Dam located 2 miles south of Rock City is failing. Repeat. Rock Creek Dam located 2 miles south of Rock City if failing. If you live in or near this area, proceed immediately to high ground away from the valley. Do not travel on Highway 44 south of Rock City or return to your home to recover your possessions. You cannot outrun or drive away from the flood wave. Proceed immediately to high ground away from the valley. Repeat Message Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 12 Insert Top Tab Here “Notification Flow Charts” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx EMERGENCY LEVEL 1 NOTIFICATION NON-EMERGENCY: UNUSUAL EVENT, SLOWLY DEVELOPING DAM OWNER Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager 505-515-1234 (Office) 505-515-5678 (Home) 505-515-9012 (Cell) 1 2 3 2 OWNER’S ENGINEER OFFICE OF THE STATE ENGINEER Brown Engineering Dam Safety Bureau Mike Brown, P.E. 505-827-6111 (Office) DeBaca County Official 505-555-4321 Office 505-555-1234 (Office) 505-555-5678 (Home) 505-555-9012 (Cell) 505-476-9635 (NMOEC 24-hr Duty Off) 505-555-8765 Cell Note: 1, 2, 3, etc. denotes call sequence Legend: Calls by Owner Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County See “Step 3” Tab for prescripted messages LOCAL EMERGENCY OFFICIAL See “Emergency Service Contacts” Tab for contact information for back-ups to the persons shown above and other emergency personnel Page 13 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx EMERGENCY LEVEL 2 NOTIFICATIONS EMERGENCY EVENT: POTENTIAL DAM FAILURE SITUATION, RAPIDLY DEVELOPING DAM OWNER Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager 505-515-1234 (Office) 505-515-5678 (Home) 505-515-9012 (Cell) 1 OWNER’S ENGINEER Brown Engineering 2 OFFICE OF THE STATE ENGINEER Dam Safety Bureau Mike Brown, P.E. 505-827-6111 (Office) 505-555-1234 (Office) 505-555-5678 (Home) 505-555-9012 (Cell) 505-476-9635 (NMEOC 24-hour No.) NM Emergency Operations Center 24-Hour Duty Officer 505-476-9635 Note: 1, 2, 3 etc. denotes call sequence Legend: Calls by Owner Second Level Calls Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County National Weather Service xxx-xxx-xxxx See “Step 3” Tab for prescripted messages 3 LOCAL EMERGENCY OFFICIAL 505-555-4321 Office 505-555-8765 Cell Local Law Enforcement 505-555-XXXX NM Highway Patrol Dispatcher 505-555-XXXX Other Identified Party See “Emergency Service Contacts” Tab for contact information for back-ups to the persons shown above and other emergency personnel Page 14 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx EMERGENCY LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATIONS URGENT EVENT: DAM FAILURE IS IMMINENT OR IN PROGRESS DAM OWNER Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager 505-515-1234 (Office) 505-515-5678 (Home) 505-515-9012 (Cell) 505-515-9012 (Cell) 1 2 LOCAL EMERGENCY OFFICIAL OFFICE OF THE STATE ENGINEER 505-555-XXXX Office 505-555-XXXX Cell Dam Safety Bureau 505-827-6111 (Office) Local Law Enforcement 505-555-XXXX NM Highway Patrol Dispatcher 505-555-XXXX 505-476-9635(EOC 24-hour No.) Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County OWNER’S ENGINEER Brown Engineering Mike Brown, P.E. 505-555-1234 (Office) 505-555-5678 (Home) 505-555-9012 (Cell) N.M. Emergency Operations Center 24-hour Duty Officer 505-476-9635 National Weather Service xxx-xxx-xxxx Note: 1, 2, 3, etc. denotes call sequence Legend: Calls by Owner Second Level Calls 3 See “Step 3” Tab for prescripted public announcement messages See “Emergency Service Contacts” Tab for contact information for back-ups to the persons shown above and other emergency personnel Page 15 Insert Side Tab Here “Emergency Services Contacts” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx EMERGENCY SERVICES CONTACTS Agency / Organization Principal Contact Address DeBaca County Commissioners DeBaca County Road Department DeBaca County Conservation District DeBaca County Conservation District DeBaca County Conservation District DeBaca County Sheriff Landowner of Rock Creek Dam New Mexico Dept. of Transportation New Mexico Highway Patrol Rock City Emergency Management Coordinator Rock City Fire Department Gloria Brown Chair Max Gray Supervisor John Jordon * District Manager Mary James * District Secretary Mike Blain * Board Chair 336 Highway 66 Rock City. NM 973 Ninth Street Rock City, NM 523 Second St. Rock City, NM 523 Second St Rock City, NM 523 Second St Rock City, NM 336 Highway 66 Rock City, NM R.R. #2 Rock City, NM 539 Center Street Dry Gulch, NM 299 First Ave. Dry Gulch, NM Rock City Police Henry Martin Bryon Babcock Bill Dobson District Engineer Richard Barnell Jeff Powers 121 Main Street Rock City, NM Harry James 336 Maple Street Rock City, NM Red Jones 336 Maple Street Rock City, NM Office Telephone No. Alternate Telephone Numbers 505-555-3719 505-555-4496 505-555-2309 505-555-2309 505-555-2309 505-555-1287 407-559-6679 (H) 405-665-1176 (C) 407-559-2387 (H) 405-472-8731 (C) 407-559-6699 (H) 405-665-4432 (C) 407-559-3377 (H) 407-665-1973 (C) 407-559-9922 (H) 407-665-4499 (C) 505-555-6622 505-555-8274 505-555-4411 505-555-3856 505-555-2299 * Back-up to primary contact Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 16 Insert Top Tab Here “Expected Actions” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx STEP 4 – EXPECTED ACTIONS If the Police or Sheriff receives a 911 call regarding observations of an unusual or emergency event at the dam, they must immediately contact the Rock Creek Irrigation District office. After the Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager determines the emergency level, the following actions must be taken. The Dam Owner must contact their engineer for technical consultation. The Dam Owner must contact the Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau to be made aware of the situation and be advised of any action taken. Emergency remedial actions outside the scope of activities listed below require Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau approval, if time permits. Emergency Level 1: Non-emergency, Unusual Event; Slowly Developing: A. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must inspect the dam. At a minimum, inspect the full length of the upstream slope, crest, downstream toe, and downstream slope. Also check the reservoir area, abutments, and downstream channel for signs of changing conditions. If increased seepage, erosion, cracking or settlement are observed, immediately report the observed conditions to your Engineer and the Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau; refer to the “Guidance for Determining the Emergency Level” Table (Page 7) for the appropriate event level for the new condition and recommended actions. B. Record all contacts that were made on the “Contacts Checklist” Form (see A-1, Appendix A). C. Record all information, observations, and actions taken on the “Event Log” Form (see A-2, Appendix A). Note the time of changing conditions. Document the situation with photographs and video, if possible. D. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must contact their Engineer and request an investigation of the situation and recommended corrective actions. E. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must contact the Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau and must advise of the situation, what action is being proposed and obtain approval. F. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager will advise the Local Emergency Official if it is determined that the condition may possibly develop into an Emergency Level 2 condition. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 17 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Emergency Level 2: Potential Dam Failure Situation; Rapidly Developing: A. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must contact their Engineer and the Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau to report the situation and, if time permits, request technical assistance from the Owner’s Engineer to investigate the situation and recommend corrective actions. Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau’s approval of any emergency remedial action outside the scope of activity listed below is required, if time permits. B. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must contact the Local Emergency Official to inform him that the emergency action plan has been activated and if current conditions get worse, an emergency situation may require evacuation. Preparations must be made for possible road closures and evacuations. C. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must provide updates to the Local Emergency Official to assist in making timely decisions concerning the need for warnings, road closures and evacuations. D. If time permits, the Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must inspect the dam. At a minimum, inspect the full length of the upstream slope, crest, downstream toe, and downstream slope. Also check the reservoir area, abutments, and downstream channel for signs of changing conditions. If piping, increased seepage, erosion, cracking or settlement are observed, immediately report the observed conditions to their Engineer; refer to the “Guidance for Determining the Emergency Level” Table (Page 7) for the appropriate event level for the new condition and recommended actions. E. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must record all contacts that were made on the “Contact Checklist” Form (see A-1, Appendix A). F. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must record all information, observations, and actions taken on the “Event Log” Form (see A-2, Appendix A). Note the time of changing conditions. Document the situation with photographs and video if possible. G. If time permits, the emergency remedial actions listed below must be taken as appropriate. Emergency Remedial Actions If time permits, the following emergency remedial actions must be considered for Emergency Level 2 conditions. Immediate implementation of these remedial actions may delay, moderate, or prevent the failure of the dam. The remedial actions listed below do not require Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau approval prior to implementing the action. Several of the listed adverse or unusual conditions may be apparent at the dam at the same time, requiring implementation of several modes of remedial actions. Close monitoring of the dam must be maintained to confirm the success of any remedial action taken at the dam. Time permitting, any remedial action must be developed through consultation with the Owner’s Engineer and the Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau. See “Resources Available” (see B-1, Appendix B) for sources of equipment and materials to assist with remedial actions. Embankment Overtopping 1. If the water level in the reservoir is no longer rising, place sandbags along low areas of the top to reduce the likelihood of flow concentrating during minor overtopping. 2. Cover the weak areas of the top of the dam and downstream slope with riprap, sandbags or other materials to provide erosion-resistant protection. Spillway Discharge 1. Optional: Completely close the gate to the reservoir inlet. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 18 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Seepage and Sinkholes 1. Open outlet gate to lower the reservoir level as rapidly as possible to a level that stops or decreases the seepage to a non-erosive velocity. If the gate is damaged or blocked, pumping or siphoning may be required. 2. Continue lowering the water level at a safe drawdown rate until the seepage stops. 3. If the entrance to the seepage origination point is observed in the reservoir (possible whirlpool) and is accessible, attempt to reduce the flow by plugging the entrance with readily available materials, including hay bales, bentonite, soil or rock fill, or plastic sheeting. 4. Cover the seepage exit area(s) with several feet of sand/gravel to hold fine-grained embankment or foundation materials in place. Alternatively, construct sandbag or other types of ring dikes around seepage exit areas to retain a pool of water, providing backpressure and reducing the erosive nature of the seepage. 5. Prevent vehicles and equipment from driving between the seepage exit points and the embankment to avoid potential loss from the collapse of an underground void. Embankment Movement 1. Open outlet gates and lower the reservoir to a safe level at a rate commensurate with the urgency and severity of the condition of the slide or slump. Draining the reservoir may be required. If the gate is damaged or blocked, pumping or siphoning may be required. 2. Repair settlement of the crest by placing sandbags or earth and rock fill materials in the damaged area to restore freeboard. 3. Stabilize slides on the downstream slope by placing a soil or rock fill buttress against the toe area of the slide. Earthquake 1. Immediately conduct a general overall visual inspection of the dam. 2. Perform field survey to determine if there has been any settlement and movement of the dam embankment, spillway and low level outlet works. 3. Drain reservoir if required. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 19 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Emergency Level 3: Urgent; Dam Failure is Imminent or in Progress: A. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must immediately contact the Local Emergency Official, the Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau and the Owner’s Engineer. B. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must do whatever is necessary to bring people in immediate danger to safety. This includes anyone on the dam, directly below the dam, or boating on the reservoir. C. The Local Emergency Official shall lead the efforts to carry out warnings, road closures and evacuations of people at risk downstream from the dam (see “Evacuation Map” Tab). D. Emergency Management services personnel shall alert the general public and immediately evacuate at-risk people and close roads, as necessary E. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must maintain continuous communication and provide the Local Emergency Official with updates of the situation to assist him in making timely decisions concerning warnings and evacuations. F. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must record all contacts there were made on the “Contact Checklist” Form (see A-1, Appendix A). G. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must record all information, observations, and actions taken on the “Event Log” Form (see A-2, Appendix A). Note the time of changing conditions. H. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must document the situation with photographs and video, if possible. I. Assure personnel monitoring the dam are following safe procedures. Everyone must stay away from any failing structures and out of the potential breach inundation areas. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 20 Insert Side Tab Here “Termination” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx STEP 5 – TERMINATION Whenever the EAP has been activated, an emergency level has been declared, all EAP actions have been completed, and the emergency is over, the EAP operations must eventually be terminated and follow-up procedures completed. Termination Responsibilities The Local Emergency Official or Incident Command is responsible for terminating EAP operations and relaying this decision to the Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager. It is then the responsibility of each person to notify the same group of contacts that he or she notified during the original event notification process to inform those people that the event has been terminated. Prior to termination of an Emergency Level 3 event that has not caused actual dam failure, the Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau will inspect the dam or require the inspection of the dam to determine whether any damage has occurred to the dam that could potentially result in loss of life, injury, or property damage. Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau may require the dam owner to implement operating restrictions and other corrective action. If it is determined that conditions do not pose a threat to people or property, the Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau will advise the Local Emergency Official of the situation at the dam. Termination of the emergency is the decision of the Local Emergency Official or Incident Command. The “Dam Safety Emergency Situation Report” (see A-3, Appendix A) shall be completed by the Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager to document the emergency event and all actions taken. A copy of the “Dam Safety Emergency Situation Report” shall be mailed to the Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau and the Local Emergency Official. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 21 Insert Side Tab Here “EAP Review, Revision & Exercise” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx EAP REVIEW, REVISION AND EXERCISE EAP Annual Review The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must review and, if needed, update the Emergency Action Plan at least once each year. The EAP Annual Review will include the following: Calling all of the contacts on the three notification charts in the EAP to verify that the phone numbers and persons in the specified positions are current. The EAP will be revised if any of the contacts have changed. Contacting the Local Emergency Official and law enforcement agency to verify the phone numbers and persons in the specified positions. In addition, the Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must ask if the person contacted knows where the EAP is kept and if he or she understands his or her responsibilities as described in the EAP. Calling the locally available resources (see B-1, Appendix B) to verify that the phone numbers, addresses, and services are current. Revisions The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager is responsible for updating the EAP documents. The EAP document held by the Rock Creek Irrigation District is the master document. When revisions occur, the Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must provide the revised pages and a revised revision summary page to all official EAP document holders. The document holders are responsible for revising their outdated copy of the respective document(s) whenever revisions are received. Outdated pages shall be immediately discarded to avoid any confusion with the revisions. EAP Periodic Exercise The Rock Creek Irrigation District must host and facilitate an Exercise or test of the EAP. A table top exercise will be scheduled every 2 to 3 years with a function exercise scheduled at least once every five years. The tabletop exercise will consist of a meeting conducted at the Rock Creek Irrigation District office. Attendance must include the Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager, key irrigation district staff members, owner’s engineer, local emergency official, at least one representative of the local law enforcement agency, and others with key responsibilities listed in the EAP. Other organizations that may be involved with an unusual or emergency event at the dam are encouraged to participate. Meeting participants may visit the dam during the tabletop exercise to familiarize themselves with the dam site before the exercise begins. The tabletop exercise will begin with the facilitator presenting a scenario of an unusual or emergency event at the dam. The scenario will be developed prior to the exercise. Once the scenario has been presented, the participants will discuss the responses and actions that they would take to address and resolve the scenario. The facilitator will control the discussion, ensuring realistic responses and developing the scenario throughout the exercise. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must complete an Event Log, as they would during an actual event. A functional exercise is similar to a tabletop exercise except the exercise takes place in a stress-induced environment with time constraints to better evaluate the workability of the EAP. After the tabletop exercise, the five sections of the EAP will be reviewed and discussed. Mutual aid agreements and other emergency procedures can be discussed. The Rock Creek Irrigation District Manager must prepare a written summary of the Periodic Test and revise the EAP as necessary. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 22 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx RECORD OF HOLDERS OF CONTROL COPIES OF THIS EAP Copy Number 1 2 Organization Include mailing address Dam Owner ________________________ Rock City, NM 88008 Owner’s Engineer ________________________ Rock City, NM 88008 3 Local Emergency Official 4 Other Local Stakeholders 5 Office of the State Engineer Dam Safety Bureau P.O. Box 25102 Santa Fe, NM 87505 6 7 8 Person Receiving a Copy NM Homeland Security P.O. Box ____________ Santa Fe, NM 87508 National Weather Service (Local Office - __________________) ________________________ ____________, NM XXXXX National Weather Service _________________ River Forecast Center ________________________ __________, XX 78123 9 10 Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 23 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx RECORD OF REVISIONS AND UPDATES Revision Number Date Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Revisions Made By Whom Page 24 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx CONCURRENCES (Omit if not required by the Local Emergency Official) By my signature, I acknowledge that I, or my representative, have reviewed this Emergency Action Plan and concur with the tasks and responsibilities assigned herein for my organization. ORGANIZATION SIGNATURE & DATE 1. ____________________________ __________________________________ Signature Organization _______________ Date Printed Name and Title: _______________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________ __________________________________ Signature Organization _______________ Date Printed Name and Title: _______________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________ __________________________________ Signature Organization _______________ Date Printed Name and Title: _______________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________ __________________________________ Signature Organization _______________ Date Printed Name and Title: _______________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________ __________________________________ Signature Organization _______________ Date Printed Name and Title: _______________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________ __________________________________ Signature Organization _______________ Date Printed Name and Title: _______________________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________ __________________________________ Signature Organization _______________ Date Printed Name and Title: _______________________________________________________________ Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 25 Insert Side Tab Here “Appendix” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx APPENDIXES FORMS, GLOSSARY, MAPS, AND SUPPORTING DATA APPENDIX A A-1 Contact Checklist A-2 Unusual or Emergency Event Log Form A-3 Dam Emergency Situation Report Form A-4 Optional: Other Forms required by Local Emergency Official A-5 Glossary of Terms APPENDIX B B-1 Resources Available B-2 Location and Vicinity Map B-3 Evacuation Map B-4 Residents/Businesses/Highways at Risk B-5 Inundation Map B-6 Metadata Documentation for EAP Maps B-7 Plan View of Dam B-8 Profile of Dam along Outlet Conduit B-9 Reservoir Elevation-Area-Volume, Outlet and Spillway Capacity Data Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 26 Insert Side Tab Here “Appendix A” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix A-1 Contact Checklist (Completed by the Dam Owner during the emergency) Date: _________________ Dam Name: Rock Creek Dam County: DeBaca The following contacts must be made immediately after the emergency level is determined (See Pages 6-9 for guidance to determine the appropriate emergency level for a specific situation). The person making the contacts must initial and record the time of the call and who was notified for each contact made. See the “Notification Charts” Tab for critical contact information and “Emergency Contacts” Tab for contact information for other possible emergency services. Emergency Level 1 (see Page 13) Person Contacted Time Contacted Contacted By ____ Owner’s Engineer _____________ ____________ _____________ ____ OSE Dam Safety _____________ ____________ _____________ ____ Local Emergency Official _____________ ____________ _____________ Emergency Level 2 (see Page 14) Person Contacted Time Contacted Contacted By ____ Owner’s Engineer _____________ ____________ _____________ ____ OSE Dam Safety _____________ ____________ _____________ ____ Local Emergency Official _____________ ____________ _____________ Emergency Level 3 (see Page 15) Person Contacted Time Contacted Contacted By ____ Local Emergency Official _____________ ____________ _____________ ____ OSE Dam Safety _____________ ____________ _____________ ____ Owner’s Engineer _____________ ____________ _____________ Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 27 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix A-2 Unusual or Emergency Event Log (Completed by the Dam Owner during the emergency) Dam Name: Rock Creek Dam County: DeBaca When and how was the event detected? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Weather conditions: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ General description of the emergency situation: _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Emergency level determination: ______________ Made by: ______________________________ Actions and Event Progression Date Time Action/Event Progression Taken By Report prepared by: _______________________________________ Date: _______________ Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 28 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx APPENDIX A-3 Dam Emergency Situation Report (Completed by the Dam Owner following the termination of the emergency) Dam Name: Rock Creek Dam OSE Dam ID No.:D-999 Dam Location: Rock City, DeBaca County, Rock Creek Date: _______________________________ Time: _________________________________________ Weather Conditions: _________________________________________________________________ General Description of Emergency Situation: ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Area(s) of Dam Affected: ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Extent of Dam Damage: _______________________________________________________________ Possible Cause(s): ___________________________________________________________________ Effect on Dam’s Operation: ____________________________________________________________ Initial Reservoir Elevation: __________________________ Time: _____________________________ Maximum Reservoir Elevation: ______________________ Time: _____________________________ Final Reservoir Elevation: __________________________ Time: _____________________________ Description of area flooded downstream/damages/injuries/loss of life: ___________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Other Data and Comments: ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Observer’s name and telephone number: _________________________________________________ Report Prepared by: ________________________________ Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Date: ______________ Page 29 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix A-4 Other Forms Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 30 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx APPENDIX A-4 Glossary of Terms ABUTMENT - That part of the valley side against which the dam is constructed. The left and right abutments of dams are defined with the observer looking downstream from the dam. ACRE-FOOT - A unit of volumetric measure that would cover one acre to a depth of one foot. One acre-foot is equal to 43,560 cubic feet or 325,850 gallons. APPURTENANT STRUCTURE - Ancillary features of a dam such as inlets, conduits, outlets, spillways, conduits, etc. BERM - A nearly horizontal step (bench) in the sloping face of the dam. BOIL - A disruption of the soil surface due to water discharging from below the surface. Eroded soil may be deposited in the form of a ring (miniature volcano) around the disruption. BREACH - An opening through the dam that allows draining of the reservoir. A controlled breach is an intentionally constructed opening. An uncontrolled breach is an unintended failure of the dam. CONDUIT - A closed channel (round pipe or rectangular box) that conveys water through, around, or under the dam. CONTROL SECTION - A usually level segment in the profile of an open channel spillway above which water in the reservoir discharges through the spillway. CREST OF DAM - See “top of dam”. CROSS SECTION - A slice through the dam showing elevation vertically and direction of natural water flow horizontally from left to right. Also, a slice through a spillway showing elevation vertically and left and right sides of the spillway looking downstream. DAM - A man-made barrier constructed across a watercourse or off-channel for the purpose of storage, control or diversion of water. DAM FAILURE - The uncontrolled release of a dam’s impounded water. DRAIN, TOE or FOUNDATION or BLANKET - A water collection system of sand and gravel and typically pipes along the downstream portion of the dam to collect seepage and convey it to a safe outlet. DRAINAGE AREA (WATERSHED) - That geographic area on which all rainfall flows into the dam. DRAWDOWN - The lowering or releasing of the water level in a reservoir over time or the volume lowered or released over a particular period of time. EMERGENCY - A condition that develops unexpectedly, endangers the structural integrity of the dam and/or downstream human life and property, and requires immediate action. EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN (EAP) - A formal document identifying potential emergency conditions that may occur at the dam and specifying preplanned actions to minimize potential failure of the dam or minimize failure consequences including loss of life, property damage, and environmental impacts. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 31 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx EVACUATION MAP - A map showing the geographic area downstream of a dam that should be evacuated if it is threatened to be flooded by a breach of the dam or other large discharge. FILTER - Layers of sand and gravel in a drain that allow seepage through an embankment to discharge into the drain without eroding the embankment soil. FREEBOARD - The vertical distance between the spillway crest and the lowest point of the dam crest not including camber. GATE, SLIDE or SLUICE or REGULATING - An operable, watertight valve to manage the discharge of water from the dam. GROIN - The area along the intersection of the face of a dam and the abutment. HAZARD - A situation that creates the potential for adverse consequences such as loss of life, property damage and environmental impacts. HEIGHT, DAM- The vertical distance between the lowest point along the top of the dam and the lowest point at the downstream toe which usually occurs in the bed of the outlet channel. HYDROGRAPH, INFLOW or OUTFLOW or BREACH - A graphical representation of either the flow rate or flow depth at a specific point above or below the dam over time for a specific flood occurrence. INCIDENT COMMANDER - The highest predetermined official available at the scene of an emergency situation. INSTRUMENTATION - An arrangement of devices installed into or near dams that provide measurements to evaluate the structural behavior and other performance parameters of the dam and appurtenant structures. INUNDATION AREA or MAP - The geographic area downstream of the dam that would be flooded by a breach of the dam or other large discharge. The inundation map is used to develop the evacuation map. LENGTH OF DAM - The length along the top of the dam between the abutments. NOTIFICATION - To immediately inform appropriate individuals, organizations, or agencies about a potentially emergency situation so they can initiate appropriate actions. OPERATOR - The person or position in a company or organization, who is responsible for a dam’s operation and surveillance. OUTLET WORKS (PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY) - An appurtenant structure that provides for controlled passage of normal water flows through the dam. PIPING - The progressive destruction of an embankment or embankment foundation by internal erosion of the soil by seepage flows. PROBABLE MAXIMUM PRECIPITATION (PMP) or FLOOD (PMF) - The theoretically greatest precipitation or resulting flood that is meteorologically feasible for a given duration over a specific drainage area at a particular geographical location. RESERVOIR - The body of water impounded or potentially impounded by the dam. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 32 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx RIPRAP - A layer of large rock, precast blocks, bags of cement, or other suitable material, generally placed on an embankment or along a watercourse as protection against wave action, erosion, or scour. RISK - A measure of the likelihood and severity of an adverse consequence. SEEPAGE - The natural movement of water through the embankment, foundation, or abutments of the dam. SLIDE - The disrupted movement of a mass of earth down a slope on the embankment or abutment of the dam. SPILLWAY (AUXILIARY or EMERGENCY) - The appurtenant structure that provides the controlled conveyance of excess water through, over, or around the dam. SPILLWAY CAPACITY - The maximum discharge the spillway can safely convey with the reservoir at the maximum design elevation. SPILLWAY CREST - The lowest level at which reservoir water can flow into the spillway. TAILWATER - The body of water immediately downstream of the embankment at a specific point in time. TOE OF DAM - The junction of the downstream face of an embankment with the ground surface TOP OF DAM (CREST OF DAM) - The elevation of the uppermost surface of an embankment, which can safely impound water behind the dam. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 33 Insert Side Tab Here “Appendix B” Insert Side Tab Here “Resources” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix B-1 Resources Available Locally Available Equipment, Labor, and Materials The Irrigation District has the following resources that can be utilized in the event of an emergency: two front-end loaders two backhoes one track hoe two graders two dump trucks a sand borrow pit a clay borrow pit Other locally available resources include: Heavy Equipment Service & Rental: Sand & Gravel Supply: Ready-Mix Concrete Supply Bob’s Dozer Service 134 Elm Street Rock City, NM 505-555-XXXX Kern’s Sand and Gravel R.R. 2 Rock City, NM 505-555-XXXX Burnett Concrete Co. 231 Sixth Street Dry Gulch, NM 505-555-XXXX Tiller Construction Co. 405 Second Street Dry Gulch, NM 505-555-XXXX Renfro Sand Products 334 Aston Ave. Spring Lake, NM 505-555-XXXX Pumping Contractor: Diving Contractor: Sand Bags A to Z Rental 569 Seventh Street Rock City, NM 505-555-XXXX Steve White 2201 56th Street Johnstown, NM 505-555-XXXX A to Z Rental 5643 Water Street Johnson, NM 575-555-XXXX Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 34 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix B-2 Location and Vicinity Maps Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 35 Insert Top Tab Here “Evacuation Map” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix B-3: EVACUATION MAP Evacuations zones are based solely on flood waters from the watershed above Rock Creek Dam. Tributary flows below the dam were not considered. Actual flood conditions may differ. Evacuation Areas Area 1 (13 Residences and 3 Businesses) South of the Santa Fe Railroad East of Highway 44 West of County Road 2100 North of County Road 1100 Area 2 (No Residences) South of County Road 1300 East of County Road 2300 West of Highway 44 North of Rock Creek Dam Major Road Closures to Non-emergency Vehicles Highway 44 Southbound lanes at County Road 1300 Northbound lanes at County Road 1100 Interstate 40 Eastbound lanes at Highway 44 Westbound lanes at County Road 2000 Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 36 Insert Top Tab Here “People at Risk” For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix B-4 Residents/Businesses/Highways at Risk A major flood caused by a sudden breach of the dam could inundate six homes, three businesses, three highways and the sewer line crossing NM State Road 66. These homes and businesses are marked on the evacuation map. Floodwaters will reach the first home approximately 15 minutes after a dam failure. House/ Business No.* Resident/Bus. Address Phone No. Distance Dstrm. from dam (feet) Max Water Depth above 1st floor (feet) Velocity of flow (cfs) 1 Fred & Ethel James 10300 132nd St. 555-3425 5,000 5.4 10 B-2 Larry’s Hardware 3214 Chestnut 555-3296 11,400 0.8 6 B-3 Lori’s Boutique 2288 Farm Road 555-3395 11,600 2.6 6 B-4 Bill’s Coffee Shop 1455 Sugar St. 555-8822 11,800 4.8 6 5 Terry & Ann Smith 4812 Chestnut 555-3399 13,600 3.0 3 6 Amos Hill 5500 Apple Road 555-2266 14,000 3.2 3 7 Allen & Ruth Jones 4814 Chestnut 555-3888 13,800 1.2 3 8 Mike & Carol Green 4902 Chestnut 555-0937 14,000 2.4 3 9 Stephanie Evans 4910 Chestnut 555-1111 14,200 0.5 3 2,000 7.9 12 Interstate 40 10,000 3.4 6 NM State Rd 66 11,200 3.4 6 11,200 3.4 6 NM State Rd 44 Rock City WWTP State Rd 44 555-6578 * See Appendix B-3; Evacuation Map Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 37 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix B-5 Inundation Map Inundation zones are based solely on flood waters from the watershed above Rock Creek Dam. No contributing tributary flow is considered. Methods, procedures and assumptions used to develop the flooded areas, the limits of the flooding shown and flood wave travel times are approximate and should only be used as a guideline for establishing evacuation zones. Actual areas inundated will depend on the actual failure conditions and may differ from areas shown. Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 38 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix B-6 Metadata Documentation for EAP Maps (Completed by the Professional Engineer) Identification Information Map Title: Geographic Area Covered: Rules for Use: Last Update Date: Data Quality Information Software Model(s) (Version(s) Units of Measure: Description of Storm Event(s) (Include citation of reports used to develop storm events) Starting Reservoir Elevation Source of Cross Section Data (USGS topo maps, survey data, DEM) Accuracy of Cross Section Data (40 ft contours, survey grade, etc) Source of Reservoir Data (Estimate from USGS topo, detailed survey, original design) Accuracy of Reservoir Data (Rough estimate, detailed survey, etc) Other Engineer Assumptions (Range of Mannings n, contributing flows below the dam, spillway discharge, etc.) Engineer (Firm and contact information) Modifications (summary of modifications to maps, dates and who mad modifications) Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 39 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix B-7 Plan View of Dam Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 40 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix B-8 Profile of Dam along Outlet Conduit Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 41 For Official Use Only Revision No. ___ xx/xx/20xx Appendix B-9 Reservoir Elevation-Area-Volume and Outlet and Spillway Capacity ROCK CREEK DAM Elevation Feet 1682 1684 1686 1688 1690 1692 1694 1696 Outlet 1697 1698 1700 1702 1704 1706 1708 1710 Emer. Spill. 1712 1714 1716 1718 1720 1720.2 Reservoir Surface Area, acres 0.0 0.3 2.0 3.7 8.6 15.9 18.7 23.5 Reservoir Storage Acre-feet 0.0 0.3 2.5 8.2 20.5 45.0 79.6 121.8 Spillway Discharge Cfs 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.2 31.1 40.8 49.3 62.0 71.4 86.7 98.6 146.7 175.4 247.3 337.4 448.7 582.1 740.2 925.5 0.00 45 46 82 87 92 97 102 115.0 129.9 145.3 160.7 178.8 180.6 1139.1 1384.0 1659.2 1965.2 2304.7 2340.6 108 516 2090 4437 7763 7937 Maximum Outlet Discharge = 30 cfs Maximum Spillway Discharge = 2340 cfs Rock Creek Dam, DeBaca County Page 42