SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCES AND ARTS DEAN'S GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP 2009-10 The Dean of the College of Applied Sciences and Arts will award two $2,000 graduate student scholarship for the 2009-10 academic year. Eligible departments/schools are: Health Science Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism Management Journalism and Mass Communications Justice Studies Kinesiology Library and Information Science Nursing Nutrition, Food Science, and Packaging Occupational Therapy Social Work Criteria 1. Award winners must have a minimum SJSU grade point average of 3.5 2. In addition to meeting scholastic standards the applicant must: not be graduating in the semester the award is given (Spring 2010) have completed at least 15 units in the graduate program have not won the scholarship before March 5th April 12th May 3rd IMPORTANT DATES! Applications due to College Office (MH 433) by 5:00 p.m. Applicants notified of award status Dean’s Awards reception for scholarship recipients, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. TO APPLY, COMPLETE THE CHECK LIST BELOW: Write or type your student ID number on each and every page. Complete Part A of the application form. Complete Part B of the application form. Do not write your name on Part B. Attach a copy of the most recently completed semester's grade report and transcript from SJSU (MySJSU printout is acceptable). Required: One letter of recommendation. Give a copy of Part A of the application to the person you ask for a letter of recommendation. Turn in packet (parts A and B, with all required documentation by March 5, 2010, at 5:00 p.m., to MH 433, attention: Theresa Marquez An electronic version of this application packet can be found at Page 1 of 4 COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCES AND ARTS DEAN'S GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM: PART A STUDENT ID #: NAME: LOCAL STREET ADDRESS: APT. NO.: CITY: ZIP: LOCAL PHONE NUMBER: ( ) CELL PHONE NUMBER: ) ( EMAIL ADDRESS: I swear that to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in the attached application for the College of Applied Sciences and Arts Dean's Graduate Scholarship is accurate, and that I will be enrolled as a graduate student in CASA during the 2009-2010 academic year. I also waive my right to see my recommendation letter. Signature: Date: (Applicant's signature) Include this form with your application. Give a copy of this form to the person you ask for a recommendation. INSTRUCTIONS for SCHOLARSHIP RECOMMENDATION LETTER Please submit your scholarship recommendation letter for the student named above on a separate page. DO NOT MENTION THE APPLICANT'S NAME IN THE BODY OF THE RECOMMENDATION TO ALLOW FOR ANONYMOUS REVIEW (acceptable to reference student ID#). The recommendation letter is confidential and cannot be reviewed by the applicant and the letter must be signed by the recommender. Attach your copy of Part A to the recommendation letter. Recommendations are due by noon on Friday, March 5, 2010. RECOMMENDER'S NAME: RELATIONSHIP TO APPLICANT: Mail or fax the student recommendation by noon Friday, March 5, 2010 to: Theresa Marquez San Jose State University College of Applied Sciences and Arts One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192-0049 Fax: 408.924.2901 Page 2 of 4 COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCES AND ARTS DEAN'S GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM: PART B Student ID #: Social Security #: Academic Major: Place of Employment: Hours Worked Per Week: Expected Date Of Graduation: UNITS COMPLETED GRADE POINT AVERAGE At SJSU: ______________ (minimum of 15 required) At SJSU: ______________ Please answer the following questions, while observing the word limits provided. Type or print legibly. 1. Describe how this scholarship will benefit you? (75 words or less) 2. List organizations, committees, volunteer activities, and projects in which you participate, including offices held. (75 words or less) Page 3 of 4 COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCES AND ARTS DEAN'S GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM: PART B 3. Briefly describe your personal accomplishments and/or responsibilities that were not mentioned in question #2. Also, list scholarships or honors received. (75 words or less) 4. Outline your personal and professional, short and long-term goals, and how SJSU can assist you in attaining these goals. (50 words or less) 5. Please add any additional pertinent information that would help us evaluate your application. (50 words or less) RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: THERESA MARQUEZ, MH 433 BY 5:00 P.M., FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 2010 Page 4 of 4