Dragons - Days of Wonder

All dragons have a few things in common no matter their species:
After Lore council make up is declared with a dragon in it three rounds of blind bidding are carried out
Each round an amount of lore is written down by each player and then declared. Each new round of bidding
can not be less than the precceding ones.
Who won the biding:
Player with dragon on Lore council: Deploy dragon as normal however it will not be available to command
until the number of lore tokens on the creatures card equals the amount bid OR the other player attacks it
(note spells that can not damage it eg mist of terror will not activate it)
Player with out the dragon on the lore council.
The deragon is deplyed and can be commanded from turn one as any other unit. Once the number of lore
tokens on the dragons card equals the amount bid the dragon will leave the battlefield (but doesn’t count
towards victory conditions)
At any point during a players turn they may put any number of Lore from their pool onto the dragons card
Nobody with any sense ever trusts a dragon, therefore the dragon may never assist in providing support
(e.g. for purposes of becoming Bold) to friendly units.
Uchronian dragons have wings and may fly over friendly or enemy units instead of moving 1 hex along the
ground. It costs 1 Lore per hex from the owner's Lore reserve for the dragon to fly up to 4 hexes. The dragon
may fly over terrain and both enemy and friendly units. It may not end its movement in the same hex as
another unit.
Landmark feature available to all dragons
A hill, swamp or forest hex may be designated the dragon's lair. Whilst in this hex the dragon may only be
attacked by a Hero/ Heroine, or a unit identified by the scenario as containing a Hero/ Heroine. The dragon's
lair is a cave in the hill that hides a hoard of gold. If an enemy unit occupies this hex the enemy gain 1 victory
banner. The banner is lost if the unit later moves away or is destroyed.
The dragon will fight with +1dice (after terrain mods) to defend or retake it and attackers will be at -1 dice
when attacking a dragon sat on its lair to take into account additional defences/ difficult terrain used by
Species fall into two main divisions, the chromatic Eastern dragons and the coloured dragons of the
Banner colour: Blue (possibly red?)
Movement: 1 hex, or fly (see below)
Retreat: 1 hex/flag
Weapon: tooth, claw, and tail
Damage: 3 dice
Bonus strike: yes
Special powers and characteristics:
Generates its own Lore: 1 lore per figure removed, can store 3 lore.
Lightning Strike
2 Lore: this attack doesn’t add to creatures lore tokens.
Range 3 hexes
2d vs Green
3d vs Blue
4d vs Red
(The better quality the unit the more metal armour/ weapons they have....)
Banner colour: Blue (possibly red?)
Movement: 1 hex, or fly (see below)
Retreat: 1 hex/flag
Weapon: tooth, claw, and tail
Damage: 3 dice
Bonus strike: yes
Special powers and characteristics:
Generates its own lore 1/ figure destroyed or Lore rolled in Melee combat, can store three lore.
Range 2 hexes
Does a 2d attack and traps targeted unit as per giant spiders Web, targeted unit freed in the same manner.
Banner colour: red (counts as 2 levels of Lore council)
Movement: 1 hex, or fly (see below)
Retreat: 1 hex/flag
Weapon: tooth, claw, and tail
Damage: 4 dice
Bonus strike: yes
Special powers and characteristics:
Uchronian Golden dragons are ancient, powerful beings will only be killed if hit by 2 criticals in one battle, or
1 Critical from a magical source i.e. the play of Cleric or Wizard cards, or units whose attack capabilities
have been enhanced by the play of such cards that turn, e.g. units enhanced by the play of Mass Might. This
power costs the Dragon no Lore tokens.
Roll 3 additional dice in combat at any target within 2 hexes. This attack is in addition to, and is rolled
immediately after resolving, the Dragon's normal attack. The Dragon need not attack adjacent targets with its
firebreathing attack. Bonus strikes hit. This attack costs the Dragon 4 Lore tokens that must be saved by the
Dragon from Lore rolled in its attacks, in the same way that the Spider can save Lore for its attacks.
Background: Uchronian Golden Dragons are immensely powerful ancient beings. They are almost
unstoppable by a regular army, and only an army with a Wizard or Cleric has a realistic chance of defeating
one. The Dragon's capabilities and characteristics take into account spells cast by the Wizard or Cleric prior
to the battle designed to curb its power. Hence the Dragon has only 4 dice in attack, and must expend some
effort to breath fire.
Banner colour: Blue
Movement: 3 hexs
Retreat: 1 hex/flag
Weapon: tooth, claw, and tail
Damage: 3 dice
Bonus strike: yes
Special powers and characteristics:
Generates its own lore 1/ figure destroyed or Lore rolled in Melee combat, can store three lore.
Acid Attack
1 Lore: do a 2d attack, all additional battles targeted unit participates in (including battle back) roll a 1d attack
after they have rolled.
Gas Cloud
3 Lore: create new terrain feature Gas Cloud, doesn't block LOS, no movement cost but any unit moving
through takes a 2d attack, any unit ending their move in the cloud takes a 3d attack. Any unit in the cloud
when created takes a 3d attack.
Banner colour: Blue
Movement: 1 hex, or fly (see below)
Retreat: 1 hex/flag
Weapon: tooth, claw, and tail
Damage: 3 dice
Bonus strike: yes
Special powers and characteristics:
Uchronian Blue dragons have armoured scales. They ignore one hit against them per attack.
Roll 2 additional dice in combat at any target within 2 hexes. This attack is in addition to, and is rolled
immediately after resolving, the Dragon's normal attack. The Dragon need not attack adjacent targets with its
firebreathing attack. Bonus strikes hit. This attack costs the Dragon 3 Lore tokens that must be saved by the
Dragon from Lore rolled in its attacks, in the same way that the Spider can save Lore for its attacks.
Background: Uchronian Blue Dragons are powerful ancient beings. The Dragon's capabilities and
characteristics take into account ambient spells cast by both sides prior to the battle designed to enhance or
curb its power.
Nazgul / Black Dragon
Banner colour: Red
Movement: 1 hex, or fly (see below)
Retreat: 1 hex/flag
Weapon: tooth, claw, and tail
Damage: 4 dice
Bonus strike: yes
Special powers and characteristics:
These Creatures have wings and may fly over friendly or enemy units instead of moving 1 hex along the
ground. It costs to fly as below paid from the owner's Lore reserve. They may fly over terrain and both enemy
and friendly units. It may not end its movement in the same hex as another unit.
Number of hexes Lore cost
The unit that the Creature is facing takes an automatic flag in addition to any that are rolled, any adjacent
enemy units also affected by the number of flags rolled.
They can never provide support to friendly units
These creatures love the fear that they induce as a result they are loathed to join the fray too soon delaying
their engagement as long as possible, only by paying extra Lore can they be cajoled into quicker advance