14/11/2007 sc Thoughts on LHeC: A 70 GeV (e-) X 7 TeV (p) Collider At a luminosity of 10^33 cm-2s-1 SCENARIO: Linac-Ring Collider energies: Electron: 70 GeV Proton: 7 TeV Collider luminosity: 1033 cm-2s-1 Assumptions about collision: in the linac-ring scenario, all geometric and dynamical beam-beam effects at collision are ignored. Luminosity is simply calculated as the product of the intensities of the colliding bunches normalized to the collision overlap cross-sectional area and enhanced by the collision repetition rate – nothing else, no geometrical or dynamical form factors have been applied. Assumptions about the proton beam : By the time the electron-proton collider is built, the injector chain of the LHC complex is assumed to have been upgraded so that an intensity of 1.7X1011 protons per bunch can be supported in the LHC ring. The proton beam emittance is assumed to be 0.5 nanometre in each plane, vertical and horizontal. The horizontal and vertical beta* are assumed to be 0.25 meters (25 cms.) each, according to the upgraded IP parameters at ATLAS and CMS planned by 2012 via newly designed quadrupole triplets. Bunch spacing of beams in the proton ring is 25 nanoseconds. Assumptions about the electron beam: Electron beam optics and bunch spacing are exactly matched to the proton beam with round beams at the IP with spot sizes of approximately 11 microns X 11microns colliding every 25 nanoseconds. Electron beam intensity is kept at a value consistent with the required` luminosity (approx. 2X108 per bunch) Electron beams are provided by a superconducting CW linac, either of the ILC type at 1.3 GHz modified from ‘pulsed’ to ‘CW’ operation, as envisaged at the Cornell facility or of the Jefferson lab type at 1.5 GHz ready for CW operation to start with. Both versions are assumed to be able to support CW currents of a few milliamps (already demonstrated at Jlab). COMMENTS: The CW electron beam power in this scenario is modestly high: about 50 MW. Assuming that in a superconducting microwave structure most of the power fed into the structure goes to establish the electromagnetic fields and into the beam in contrast to room temperature structures where only approximately 50% is available for this purpose (the other half lost in heating the structure walls) and taking into account a CW klystron wallplug to RF power overall efficiency of 50% including all waveguide and other losses, the linac power consumption is expected to be in the range of 100 MW. Provision for this extra site power will have to be made if nothing but a straight forward CW linac option is used brute force. POTENTIAL for INNOVATIVE USE of ENERGY RECOVERY towards ENHANCED LUMINOSITY, REDUCED POWER and SYNERGY with OTHER CERN PROGRAMS: To reduce the energy demand, one can imagine using energy recovery with two opposing linacs, the spent bunches from one after collision traversing the opposing linac in 180 degrees out of phase, allowing the linacs to recover the energy spent in the acceleration of the opposing bunches. Taking into account the energy lost at the low energy beam dump depending on the energy at which the beams are dumped, the overall energy efficiency, minus the dump energy, can be as high as 99.5 %, based upon demonstrated routine recovery at a few milliamps at a few hundreds of MeV energy achieved at JLab. Potentially the luminosity can be higher, first by a simple factor of two due to the two linacs and suitable arrangement of IPs, second due to the large capacity of added linac current possible with energy recovery, potentially by an additional factor of 10. The linacs for LHeC could fit synergistically with other possible CERN programs e.g. future electron-positron colliders, etc. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths Simple collision optics and dynamics Potentially higher eventual luminosity by a factor of 10 No interference with LHC ring No synchrotron radiation and cryogenic worries Possibility of expansion into higher energies Possibility of multiple IPs Weaknesses: No one has ever built a linac-ring collider to date, so there is the risk of the unknown Additional linac power needed on site Additional space for linacs on site If power not affordable, need to rely on innovative energy recovery technology which is a risk, pending further R&D Energy recovery will double the cost of the linacs Energy recovery of the type needed for the collider – namely two opposing linacs --- is sufficiently different from existing tested prototypes or envisaged future ones, that a detailed conceptual and technical development is warranted. Opportunities: Tremendous opportunity for an innovative collider Opportunity to enhance the ultimate reach in luminosity Opportunity to expand into an electron-positron collider Opportunity to broaden European possibilities via an expanded CERN portfolio with circular and linear accelerators on site for hadrons and leptons, including possibilities into neutrinos physics. Threats: Ring-ring collider option is straight forward and conventional, implementable in a decade, though it will be ultimately limited by its energy and luminosity reach. Possible long development time.