
Stanley Keith Runcorn
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Stanley Keith Runcorn—Bibliography
(With G.D. Rochester and C.C. Butler.) An example of meson production in lead. Nature 159, 227-228.
(With S. Chapman.) The radial variation of the Earth's magnetic field. Proc. Phys. Soc. A61, 373-382.
The experimental determination of the geomagnetic radial variation. Phil. Mag. 41, 783-791.
(With A.C. Benson, A.F. Moore and D.H. Griffiths.) Measurements of the variation with depth of the
main geomagnetic field. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A244, 113-151.
The Earth's core. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 35, 49-63.
(With K.M. Creer and E. Irving.) The direction of the geomagnetic field in remote epochs in Great
Britain. J. Geomagn. Geoelect. 6, 163-168.
(With A. A. Day.) Polar wandering: some geological, dynamical and palaeomagnetic aspects. Nature
176, 422-426.
Palaeomagnetism of sediments from the Colorado plateau. Nature 176, 505-506.
Recent progress in the theory of the main geomagnetic field. Sci. Prog. Lond. 43, 13-27.
The electrical conductivity of the Earth's mantle. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 36, 191-198.
Rock magnetism - geophysical aspects. Phil. Mag. 4, 244-291.
On the interpretation of stellar magnetic fields. Vistas Astr. 1, 323-329.
The Earth's magnetism. Scient. Am. 152-162.
The permanent magnetization of rocks. Endeavour 14, 152-159.
Palaeomagnetic survey in Arizona and Utah: preliminary results. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 67, 301-316.
Palaeomagnetic comparisons between Europe and North America. Proc. Geol. Soc. Can. 8, 77-85.
Magnetization of rocks. In Handbuch der Physik 47, 470-497. Springer, Berlin.
Palaeomagnetism, polar wandering and continental drift. Geol. Mijnbouw 18, 253-256.
The present status of theories of the main geomagnetic field. Geol. Mijnbouw 18, 347-349.
(With C.D. Campbell.) Magnetization of the Columbia river basalts in Washington and Northern
Oregon. J. geophys. Res. 61, 449-458.
Experiments on the displacement of the ultra-violet absorption edge of olivine at high pressure. J. appl.
Phys. 27, 598-602.
(With N.D. Opdyke.) New evidence for reversal of the geomagnetic field near the Pliocene-Pleistocene
boundary. Science 123, 1126-1127.
(With N.D. Opdyke.) Remanent magnetization of lava flows in Northern Arizona. Plateau 29, 1-5.
Applications of the remanent magnetization of rocks. Geophys. Prospect. 4, 221-225.
(With D.W. Collinson, K.M. Creer and E. Irving.) Palaeomagnetic investigations in Great Britain, I. The
measurement of the permanent magnetization of rocks. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A250, 73-82.
(With E. Irving.) II. Analysis of the palaeomagnetism of the Torridonian sandstone series of North West
Scotland. 83-99.
The sampling of rocks for palaeomagnetic comparison between the continents. Phil. Mag. Suppl. 6, 169176.
(With P.M. Dubois, E. Irving, N.D. Opdyke and M.R. Banks.) The geomagnetic field in Upper Triassic
times in the United States. Nature 180, 1186-1187.
(With K.M. Creer and E. Irving.) Geophysical interpretation of palaeomagnetic directions from Great
Britain. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A250, 144-156.
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. Plateau 31, 40-47.
Paleomagnetism. J. Alberta Soc. Pet. Geol. 5, 140-144.
(With K.M. Creer.) Palaeomagnetic results from different continents and their relation to the problem of
continental drift. Annls. Geophys. 14, 492-501.
On the theory of the geomagnetic secular variation. Annls. Geophys. 15, 87-92.
On the hypothesis that the main geomagnetic field for parts of geological time has been that of a
geocentric axial multipole. J. Atmos. and terr. Phys. 14, 167-174.
(With N.D. Opdyke.). Palaeomagnetism and ancient wind directions. Endeavour 18, 26-34.
On the Permian climatic zonation and palaeomagnetism. Am. J. Sci. 257, 235-240.
(With D.W. Collinson.) Polar wandering and continental drift: evidence from palaeomagnetic
observations in the United States. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 71, 915-958.
(With N.D. Opdyke.) Wind directions in the western United States in the late Paleozoic. Bull. Geol. Soc.
Am. 71, 959-971.
The palaeomagnetic poles for the lower Jurassic of Europe. Geophys. J. 3, 367-373.
Climatic change through geological time in the light of the palaeomagnetic evidence for polar
wandering and continental drift. Q. Jl. R. met. Soc. 87, 282-313.
Continental drift. Research (Lond.) 15, 103-108.
Towards a theory of continental drift. Nature 193, 311-314.
Palaeomagnetic evidence for continental drift and its geophysical cause. In Int. Geophys. Ser. Vol. 3, 140.
Convection in the Moon. Nature 195, 1150-1151.
Convection currents in the Earth's mantle. Nature 195, 1248-1249.
Runcorn 2
Convection theory of continental drift. J. geophys. Res. 67, 1655.
The evolution of the Moon's interior. J. geophys. Res. 67, 3594.
Palaeomagnetic methods of investigating polar wandering and continental drift. Spec. Publ. Soc. Econ.
Paleont. Min. 10, 47-54.
A new mechanism for convection in the mantle and continental accretion. Nature 197, 582-583.
(With A.E.M. Nairn.) Palaeoclimates. Nature 198, 535-536.
Satellite gravity measurements and convection in the mantle. Nature 200, 628-630.
Recent palaeomagnetic results from the U.S.A. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 44, 33.
The secular variation in the Pacific. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 44, 39.
Convection currents and continental drift. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 44, 104-105.
Satellite gravity measurements and a lamina viscous flow model of the Earth's mantle. J. geophys. Res.
69, 4389-4394.
Measurement of planetary electric currents. Nature 202, 10-13.
Changes in the Earth's moment of inertia. Nature 204, 823-825.
The connection between palaeomagnetism and palaeoclimates. In Problems in Palaeoclimatology, (ed.
A.E.M. Nairn) pp. 191-199. London: Interscience.
Palaeowind directions and palaeomagnetic latitudes. In Problems in Palaeoclimatology, (ed. A.E.M.
Nairn) pp. 409-419. London: Interscience.
The interpretation of low harmonies in the geopotential. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 45, 34.
Paleomagnetic results from Precambrian sedimentary rocks in the western United States. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Am. 75, 687-704.
A growing core and convecting mantle. In Isotopic and cosmic chemistry. Pp. 321-340. Amsterdam:
North Holland Publ. Co.
Palaeomagnetic comparisons between Europe and North America. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A258, 111.
Changes in the convection pattern in the Earth's mantle and continental drift: evidence for a cold origin
of the Earth. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A258, 228-251.
(With A.M. Coode.) Satellite geoid and the structure of the Earth. Nature 205, 891.
Geophysics and Palaeoclimatology. Q. Jl. R. met. Soc. 91, 257-267.
Corals as palaeontological clocks. Scient. Am., 26-33.
(With E. Irving and L. Molyneux.) The analysis of the remanent intensities and susceptibilities of rocks.
Geophys. J. 10, 451-482.
Rock magnetism. Sci. Prog. Lond. 54, 467-482.
Satellite gravity observations and convection in the mantle. Special paper, Geol. Survey Canada, 364372.
Some new palaeomagnetic measurements in the western United States. Trans. Am geophys. Un. 47, 80.
Low harmonics of the geoid and convection in the Earth's mantle. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 47, 184.
Changes in the moment of inertia of the Earth as a result of a growing core. In The Earth-Moon System,
pp.82-92. New York: Plenum Press.
Middle Devonian day and month. Science 154, 292.
The magnetization of rock samples. In Methods in Palaeomagnetism (ed. S.K. Runcorn, K.M. Creer,
D.W. Collinson) pp. 163-171. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Statistical discussion of magnetization of rock samples. As above, pp. 329-339.
The anisotropy of magnetization of rocks. As above, pp. 353-359.
Palaeowind directions. In International Dictionary of Geophysics (ed. S.K. Runcorn), pp. 1172-1173,
Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Convection in the Moon and the existence of a lunar core. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A296, 270-284.
(With B.M. Gray.) The figure of the Moon. In Mantles of the Earth and terrestrial planets (ed. S.K.
Runcorn), pp.165-173, London: Interscience.
A palaeontological measurement of the rate of retreat of the Moon from the Earth. In Mantles of the
Earth and terrestrial planets (ed. S.K. Runcorn), pp. 225-228, London: Interscience.
The problem of the figure of the Moon. As above, pp. 425-430.
Convection in the planets. As above, pp. 513-524.
On the rotation of Jupiter. In Magnetism and the Cosmos (ed. W.R.Hindmarsh, F.J. Lowes, P.H.
Roberts and S.K. Runcorn.), pp. 365-377. New York: Elsevier.
Wandering continents. In The Earth's mantle, (ed. T.F. Gaskell), pp. 475-492, London: Academic Press.
Interpreting the gravitational fields of the Earth and Moon by convection. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 48,
Planetary magnetic fields as a test of the dynamo theory. Geophys. J. 15, 183-189.
(With M.H. Shrubsall.) The figure of the Moon. Phys. Earth planet. Int. 1, 317-325.
Fossil bivalve shells and the length of the month and year in the Cretaceous. Nature 218, 459.
The palaeomagnetic vector field. In The Earth's crust and upper mantle, Geophysical Monograph No.
13, publ. Am. geophys. Un., pp. 447-457.
Runcorn 3
(103) 1971
(107) 1972
(112) 1973
(120) 1974
(124) 1975
Convection in the mantle. In The Earth's crust and upper mantle. Geophysical Monograph No.13, publ.
Am. geophys. Un. pp. 692-698.
The geoid and selenoid. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 50, 119.
(With L. Molyneux.) Components of telluric currents in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Trans. Am.
geophys. Un. 50, 137.
A palaeontological method of testing the hypothesis of a varying gravitational constant. In The
application of modern physics to the Earth and planetary interiors (ed. S.K. Runcorn), pp. 47-51.
London: Interscience.
Tidal friction and time. Science 163, 1227.
Palaeontological measurements of the changes in the rotation rates of the Earth and Moon and of the
rate of retreat of the Moon from the Earth. In Palaeogeophysics (ed. S.K. Runcorn) pp. 17-23. London:
Academic Press.
Magnetic variation deep sounding of the lunar surface. In Electromagnetic exploration of the Moon, pp.
127-133. Baltimore: Mono Book Corp.
Marine life and the rotation rates of the Earth and Moon. In The Sea 4, pp. 759-763. New York: Wiley
(With D.W. Collinson, W. O'Reilly, M.H. Batley, A. Stephenson, J.M. Jones, A.S. Manson and P.W.
Readman.) Magnetic properties of Apollo 11 lunar samples. Proc. Apollo 11 Lunar Sci. Conf. 3, 23692387.
Lunar dust. Sci. J. 6, 27-32.
(With D.W. Collinson, W. O'Reilly and A. Stephenson.) Magnetic properties of lunar samples. The
Moon 1, 498-504.
The figure of the Moon. The Moon 1, 505.
(With D.W. Collinson, W. O'Reilly, A. Stephenson, M.H. Battey, A.J. Manson and P.W. Readman.)
Magnetic properties of Apollo 12 lunar samples. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A325, 157-174.
(With L. Molyneux, M. Richards and R. Strens.) Earth currents and the geomagnetic field. Trans. Am.
geophys. Un. 52, 193.
(With D.W. Collinson, W. O'Reilly and A. Stephenson.) The origin of NRM of Apollo lunar samples
and the internal dynamics of the Moon. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 52, 265.
Continental drift and applied geophysics. Geoexploration 9, 149-153.
Evidence on the deeper planetary interiors. Phys. Earth planet. Int. 6, 100-102.
Dynamical processes in the deeper mantle. Tectonophysics 13, 623-637.
(With D.W. Collinson, A. Stephenson and A.J. Manson.) Magnetic properties of Apollo 14 rocks and
fines. Proc. 3rd Lunar Sci. Conf. 3, 2343-2361.
Fossil magnetic fields. In From plasma to planet, pp. 373-377. Nobel Symposium 21, Stockholm.
Core-mantle coupling and the Earth's rotation. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 53, 606-607.
(With S. Hofmann.) The shape of the Moon. In IAU Symp. No.47 (ed. H.C. Urey and S.K. Runcorn), pp.
22-31. Dordrecht: Reidel.
(With D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson.) Magnetic properties of Apollo 15 and 16 rocks. Proc. 4th
Lunar Sci. Conf. 3, 2963-2976.
Polar wandering and continental drift. In Implications of continental drift to the earth sciences (ed. S.K.
Runcorn and D.H. Tarling), pp. 995-997. London: Academic Press.
(With C.P. Sonett.) Electromagnetic evidence concerning the lunar interior and its evolution. The Moon
8, 308-334.
On the implications of the shape of Mars. Icarus 18, 109-112.
The geophysical consequences of Professor Lyttleton. Nature 241, 521-523.
A new theory of lunar magnetism. Science 180, 636-638.
(With N.D. Watkins and P.J. Smith.) A comparison between earth science University systems in Britain
and the United States. In Comments on Earth science: geophysics, pp. 77-81. London: Gordon &
(With D.W. Collinson.) Lunar magnetic field palaeointensity determinations on Apollo 11, 16 and 17
rocks. Proc. 5th Lunar Sci. Conf. 3, 2859-2871.
On the origin of mascons and moonquakes. Proc. 5th Lunar Sci. Conf. 3, 3115-3126.
On the forces not moving lithospheric plates. Tectonophysics 21, 197-202.
Some aspects of the physics of the Moon. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A336, 11-33.
On the interpretation of lunar magnetism. Phys. Earth planet. Int. 10, 327-335.
Palaeontological and astronomical observations on the rotational history of the Earth and Moon. In
Growth rhythms and the history of the Earth's rotation (ed. G. Rosenberg and S.K. Runcorn) pp. 285291. New York: John Wiley.
An ancient lunar magnetic dipole field. Nature 253, 701-703.
Solid state convection and the mechanics of the Moon. Proc. 6th Lunar Sci. Conf. 3, 2943-2953.
(With D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson.) On changes in the intensity of the ancient lunar magnetic
field. Proc. 6th Lunar Sci. Conf. 3, 3049-3062.
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(130) 1976
(134) 1977
(143) 1978
(147) 1979
(154) 1980
(158) 1981
(162) 1982
(168) 1983
(With M.L. Goldstein.) Lunar magnetism. Nature 258, 175-176.
Inferences concerning the early thermal history of the Moon. Proc. 7th Lunar Sci. Conf. 3, 3221-3228.
Mechanism of plate movements. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 57, 1002.
A physical interpretation of Bullen's compressibility-pressure hypothesis. In The physics and chemistry
of minerals and rocks (ed. R.G. Strens), pp. 245-257. London: John Wiley.
(With D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson.) On the intensity of the ancient lunar magnetic field. Proc.
7th Lunar Sci. Conf. 3, 3373-3382.
Convection in Mercury. Phys. Earth planet. Int. 15, 131-134.
The lunar dynamo. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 58, 737.
(With L.M. Libby and W.F. Libby.) Primaeval melting of the Moon. Nature 270, 676-681.
(With D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson.) Magnetic characteristics of Luna 16 and 20 samples. Phil.
Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A284, 151-156.
(With D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson.) Intensity and origin of the ancient lunar magnetic field. Phil.
Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A285, 241-247.
Interpretation of lunar potential fields. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A285, 507-516.
Physical processes involved in recent activity within the Moon. Phys. Earth planet. Int. 14, 330-332.
Early melting of the Moon. Proc. 8th Lunar Sci. Conf. 1, 463-469.
(With D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson.) Paleointensity estimates from lunar samples 10017 and
10020. Proc. 8th Lunar Sci. Conf. 1, 679-687.
(With D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson.) Rock magnetic and palaeomagnetic studies on Luna 24
samples. In Mare Crisium: the view from Luna 24, pp. 701-709. New York: Pergamon Press.
The origin of lunar palaeomagnetism. Nature 275, 430-432.
The ancient lunar core dynamo. Science 199, 771-773.
On the possible existence of superheavy elements in the primeval Moon. Earth planet. Sci. Lett. 39,
An iron core in the Moon generating an early magnetic field. Proc. 10th Lunar Sci. Conf. 3, 2325-2333.
Crust-mantle relation in plate tectonics. In The rediscovery of the Earth (ed. Motz-Lloyd), pp. 197-202.
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
The geophysical interpretation of changes in the length of the day and polar motion. In Time and the
Earth's rotation (ed. D. McCarthy-Dennis), pp. 301-306. Dordrecht: Kluwe.
Palaeontological data on the history of the Earth-Moon system. Phys. Earth planet. Int. 20, 1-5.
(With L.M. Libby and W.F. Libby.) The possibility of superheavy elements in iron meteorites. Nature
278, 613-617.
Earth-Moon distance in geophysical past. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 60, 236.
(With D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson.) Inferences from lunar paleomagnetism. Trans. Am. geophys.
Un. 60, 298.
Lunar paleomagnetism and superheavy elements in the early Moon. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 61, 79-80.
Some comments on the mechanism of continental drift. In Mechanisms of continental drift and plate
tectonics (ed. S.K. Runcorn and P.A. Davies), pp. 193-198. London: Academic Press.
Lunar polar wandering. Proc. 11th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 3, 1867-1877.
Mechanism of plate tectonics: mantle convection currents, plumes, gravity sliding or expansion?
Tectonophysics 63, 297-307.
Wegener's theory: the role of geophysics in its eclipse and triumph. Geol. Rdsch. 70, 784-793.
Lunar polar wandering. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 62, 591.
Lunar paleomagnetism and its implications. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 62, 944.
(With D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson.) Palaeomagnetism and planetology. Phys. Earth planet. Int.
24, 205-217.
Lunar palaeomagnetism. In The comparative study of the planets (ed. A. Coradini and M. Fulchignoni),
pp. 291-294. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Mantle convection and the geoid. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 63, 907.
Lunar paleomagnetism and primeval satellites in the Earth-Moon system. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 63,
Lunar magnetism and its implications. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 63, 1294.
The role of the core in irregular fluctuations of the Earth's rotation and the excitation of the Chandler
wobble. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A306, 261-270.
Primeval displacement of the lunar pole. Phys. Earth planet. Int. 29, 135-147.
Lunar palaeomagnetism and its implications. Adv. Space Res. 2, 21-29.
(With L.J. Srnka.) Probing the lunar interior. Nature 301, 15-16.
(With S.M. Cisowski, D.W. Collinson, A. Stephenson and M.D. Fuller.) A review of lunar
palaeointensity data and implications for the origin of lunar magnetism. Proc. 13th Lunar Plan. Sci.
Conf. J. geophys. Res. 88 Supplement, A691-A704
Lunar paleomagnetism, polar displacements and primeval lunar satellites. Proc. 14th Lunar Plan. Sci.
Conf. 2, 658-659.
Runcorn 5
(175) 1984
(181) 1985
(186) 1986
(188) 1987
(191) 1988
(194) 1989
(197) 1990
(199) 1991
(200) 1992
(202) 1993
(207) 1994
(210) 1996
Lunar magnetism, polar displacements and primeval satellites in the Earth-Moon system. Nature 304,
The paleomagnetism and primeval satellites of the Moon. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 64, 256.
The primeval satellite system of the Moon. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 64, 746.
(With L.M. Libby and L.H. Levine.) Systematics of quasi-stellar object spectra. Astr. J. 89, 311-315.
Geodynamic implications of short time scale changes in the geomagnetic dynamo. Trans. Am geophys.
Un. 65, 203.
Evidence for a primeval satellite system around the Moon. Trans. Am. Geophys. Un. 65, 232.
(With J.R. Baumgardner.) 3-D numerical results for lunar mantle convection. Trans. Am. geophys. Un.
65, 1093.
The primeval axis of the rotation of the Moon. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A313, 77-83.
(With L.L. Hood, C.P. Sonett and L.J. Srnka.) Lunar magnetism - discussion and reply. Nature 307,
(With D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson.) Lunar paleomagnetism: core dynamo and the primeval
satellite system. Trans. Am geophys. Un. 66, 253.
Mantle convection: heresy to orthodoxy. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 66, 380.
(With D.W. Collinson, S.K. Chowdhary and A. Stephenson.) The origin and implications of lunar
paleomagnetism. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 66, 946.
Solid state convection in Venus. Trans. Am geophys. Un. 66, 1075.
Geodynamic implications of short time scale changes in the geomagnetic dynamo. Phys. Earth planet.
Int. 41, 73-77.
Early developments of paleomagnetism and geomagnetism. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 67, 926.
Solid state convection in the Earth and planets. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 67, 1194.
(With J. Baumgardner.) Time history calculations of convection in the lunar mantle. Trans. Am.
geophys. Un. 68, 1344.
(With D.W. Collinson, S.K. Chowdhary and A. Stephenson.) Further investigations into lunar
palaeointensity determinations. Phys. Earth planet. Int. 49, 133-141.
The Moon's ancient magnetism. Scient. Am. 257, 60-68.
Concluding remarks at Conference "The solar system - chemistry as a key to its origin", University of
Newcastle upon Tyne. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A325, 619-622.
Geophysical observations over the last few millennia and their implications. In Secular solar and
geomagnetic variations in the last 10,000 years (ed. F.R. Stephenson and A.W. Wolfendale), pp. 479488. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Lunar palaeomagnetism and the origin of the Moon. In The physics of the planets: their origin,
evolution and structure (ed. S.K. Runcorn), pp. 273-293, London: Wiley.
The physics of the Moon and Mars. Adv. Space Res. 10, 17-24.
(With R.J. Edge, M.J. Gross, R.M. Hill and M. Oldham.) Fifth force investigations in Britain. Trans.
Am. geophys. Un. 70, 598.
An appraisal of lunar palaeomagnetic data. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 70, 600.
(With J. Baumgardner.) The effect of convection in the lunar mantle on the present lunar figure. Trans.
Am. geophys. Un. 71, 1276.
(With D.E. Winch.) Annual variation in ocean circulation. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 71, 1401.
Geomagnetism and the Earth's rotation. In New approaches in geomagnetism and the Earth's rotation.
(ed. S. Flodmark), pp. 117-130. Singapore: World Science Press.
(With 15 authors.) 150 years of magnetic observatories: recent researches on world data. Survs.
Geophys. 13, 47-88.
Polar paths in geomagnetic reversals. Nature 356, 654-656.
Geomagnetic reversal transitions and the D" layer. Expl. Geophys. 24, 135-137.
(With D.E. Winch.) Geomagnetic observatory data and ocean circulation. Expl. Geophys. 24, 139-143.
Old palaeomagnetism and future trends. Expl. Geophys. 24, 203-206.
Seismic tomography and its interpretation. Trans. Am geophys. Un. 74, 76.
Some reflections on solid state convection in the mantles of the Earth, Moon and terrestrial planets. In
Flow and creep in the solar system: observations, modelling and theory (eds. S.K. Runcorn and D.B.
Stone), pp. 67-82. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Raymond Hide's magnetic musings. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 75, 73-74.
VGPs during reversals: preferred paths? Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 75, 196.
The early magnetic field and primeval satellite system of the Moon: clues to planetary formation. Phil.
Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A349, 181-196.
The formation of the lunar core. Geochim. cosmochim. Acta 60, 1205-1208.
Runcorn 6