Instruction Plan -Grade 5 Literacy For Core French

Instructional Plan – Literacy in Core French
Name / Grade: 5
Time Frame: 3-4 weeks
Enduring Understandings
(What do I want my students to know and be able to do)
Big Idea: Friendship
Enduring understanding: students will be able to
read/write/discuss their ideas on Friendship using
simple sentences, appropriate vocab, grammar and
language conventions
Focused Expectations and Curriculum Links
(Purposeful connections to comprehension strategies/text forms/genres/content areas highlighted in the English
Literacy Block can be made allowing students to transfer skills learned in L1 to L2)
FSL Curriculum expectations: OE 1 2 3 4
Reading Strategy Focus: demonstrating understanding (mots-amis/mots connus/images
L1.4 demonstrating understanding / 1. 6 extending understanding 1.8 evaluating
Genre/Writing Focus: poster
Vocabulary/Language Conventions Focus: adj .agreement (avoir/etre/er verbs)
Other curriculum area connections: n/a
Critical Question
(Critical questions engage students in an inquiry of the ‘big ideas /
enduring understandings—using the Why/How rather than
Comment est-ce que les amis influencent nos vies ?
Culminating Tasks (How will my students demonstrate their learning)
Present un ami/personage
(teacher has modeled presenting the ours grincheux/frisson along the way)
Read Aloud/Modeling/Think Alouds
Related to inquiry question;
Comment est-ce qu’un ami peut changer/influencer ta vie?
Create a labeled poster of an ideal friend/personnage
Use information from written response to complete poster.
Gradual Release of Responsibility - Reading
Shared Reading
Guided Practice
(identifying a specific strategy, explaining why, how, when students will use it, showing
how to do it, thinking aloud while demonstrating)
*be sure to include resources and materials used
(Thinking aloud, modeling, leading the discussion, explaining, involving students)
(usually in small groups, students use the
strategy while the teacher observes,
scaffolds, clarifies, gives feedback, and
encouragement )
Gros Ours Grincheux (teachers may need to summarize/reword using known vocab dependent the
needs of the class)
-thinking aloud/modeling strategies to gain global comprehension of text/visuals/mots amis/mots
connus (foret/remarque/occupe/interieur/chasse)
Qui est-tu – Chapter 4 Tes amis (GB+ en action) (teachers may need to summarize/reword using known vocab)
Modeling and thinking aloud/interacting with students to highlight the verbs- ie; nous and ons ending / mots amis /
mots connus
(small group work)
Les Amis
Some literal questions to build
comprehension and a final
--Pourquoi est-il important de bien connaître
les amis?Comment est-ce que les amis sont
Sentence starters…Les amis sont
importants parce que….
Small group guided support based on
instructional level of text and / or strategy
Teacher models how to present ours to the class orally
Frisson se fait un ami (teachers may need to summarize/reword using known vocab)
- shared reading focus as well as mentor text for poster activity
Teacher/students share in the presentation of Frisson …. Voila Frisson.. Il est … Il aime… Il a ….
Des amis fideles (GB+ en action) Chapter 1-2
Des amis fidèles Chapter 3-4
Teacher/students – focus er verbs/etre as well as the ideas of activities friends do together
Shared practice
Gros Ours Grincheux
Build vocab – les mots d’amitié -Qu’est-ce que c’est un ami ? --- (anchor charts) Sentence starter-Un ami est une personne qui…../
Un ami est…(Comment est-ce que le mouton est un vrai ami de l’ours grincheux et pourquoi ??)
Des amis fideles (GB+ en action) Chapter 1-2
Anchor chart for activity verbs – pictorially represented
Shared practice
Qui est-tu
Qu’est-ce que tu fais avec ton ami? --- answering Nous ……. To create an anchor chart of what you can do with
a friend
Frisson se fait un ami
-Comment est-ce le chien est important pour Frisson ?
Des amis fidèles Chapter 3-4
Quelles sont des qualités necessaires/importantes des amis ? Comment est-ce qu’on choisit un ami ?
Independent Practice
Student does and teacher observes and
monitors and plans for future instruction
Des amis fidèles Chapter 5
Quelle sorte d’amitié est importante pour toi
et pourquoi ?
Assessment Strategies / Opportunities
(Ask…what do my students already know…what do my students already know how to do?) Assess during learning (Ask…how will I know my students are learning…how can I provide students with meaningful feedback…how will I respond if they are not
learning…how can I differentiate to ensure learning?) Formative: teacher observation/ timely descriptive feedback
Use of conferencing, immediate feedback, personalized coaching
Gradual Release of Responsibility - Writing
(identifying a specific vocabulary, language convention, text form, genre, explaining why, how,
when students will use it, showing how to do it, thinking aloud while demonstrating)
Modeled Writing
Mentor text poster– Frisson
Comment est-ce le chien est important pour Frisson ? Think aloud and deconstruct the shared
reading response through a writing lens looking at adj/verbs/vocab
Teacher writes about a personal friend.
(Thinking aloud, modeling, leading the discussion, explaining, involving students)
Shared Writing
Anchor chart of Poster and components of a poster
Why Frisson is an ami ideal?
Assessment Strategies / Opportunities
Assess after learning (Ask…how will I determine the level of my students’ learning?) Related to content standards, performance standards, and learning skills.
Use of rubrics, exemplars, observation / anecdotal based on specific criteria…
Timely descriptive
Guided Writing
Un poster de
mouton f’rom
qu’un ami
ta vie?