ARMSTRONG ATLANTIC STATE UNIVERSITY MEMORANDUM To: University Curriculum Committee From: Phyllis Panhorst Catalog Editor and Committee Secretary Date: January 15, 2010 Re: Agenda – January 20, 2010 The University Curriculum Committee will meet at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 20 in University Hall 282. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER Glenda Ogletree APPROVAL OF MINUTES – November 18, 2009 ITEMS I. College of Education A. Early Childhood Education (no items) B. Health and Physical Education 1. Create the following course: PEHM 3100 – Outdoor Lifetime Activities 2-0-2 Prerequisite: None Description: Instruction in techniques, safety practices, rules, strategies, and equipment necessary for instruction in outdoor activities. Activities may include aquatics, archery, backpacking, camping, cycling, fishing, hiking, orienteering, ropes course, and group development activities. Field trips to allow student participation in select activities and an additional fee may be required. 2 Rationale: The creation of this course content permits the department to address a content standard for health and physical education programs established by the Professional Standards Commission. Additionally, completion of this course will prepare students to teach required content in outdoor education and aquatics. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT: Major Department: Health and Physical Education Can Course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum Number of Credit Hours: 2 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture 2. Create the following course: PEHM 3200 - Motor Development and Learning 3-V-3 Prerequisite: None Description: Principles of motor control, motor development, and motor learning as they relate to the acquisition of fundamental locomotion and manipulative skills will be examined. Students will learn and apply motor behavior theories and concepts in the process of the acquisition of motor skills in a physical education setting. A directed field experience is required. Rationale: The creation of this course will enhance student preparation for content specific certification tests in health and physical education. Moreover, the addition of this class allows us to address content standards for health and physical education established by the Professional Standards Commission and the National Association of Sport and Physical Education. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT: Major Department: Health and Physical Education Can Course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum Number of Credit Hours: 3 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture/Lab 3. Create the following course: PEHM 3050 – Techniques in Team Sports 3-V-3 Prerequisite: none Description: Analysis, demonstration, and application of basic skills and techniques necessary for instruction in soccer, softball, field hockey, football, 3 volleyball, basketball, and team handball. A directed field experience is required. Rationale: Currently, team sports content is covered in PEHM 2701 and 2702. However, the team sports addressed in health and physical education content standards may be covered during one intensive course. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT: Major Department: Health and Physical Education Can Course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum Number of Credit Hours: 3 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture/Lab 4. Add prerequisites for the following course: PEHM 4701 Elementary School Health and Physical Education Curriculum and Methods Prerequisite: Admission to candidacy in the Department of Health and Physical Education and PEHM 3200. Rationale: Since PEHM 4701 is an upper level course during which students teach in the schools, it is imperative that they are first accepted as candidates in the College of Education to ensure that they have completed field-specific content. Additionally, after completing PEHM 3200, students will be prepared to design developmentally appropriate physical education instructional lessons for their students, meeting an expectation in PEHM 4701. Effective Term: Fall 2010 5. Change the title and description of the following course: PEHM 4000 Fitness Theory and Nutrition and Assessment 2-0-2 Prerequisites: None Description: Information related to fitness principles and theories, along with methodology utilized in fitness assessment and testing. Healthy nutritional practices and information will be introduced. Directed field experiences may be required. Rationale: Nutrition content is being taken from PEHM 4000 and will be covered in PEHM 3000 to permit a more detailed study of fitness theory and assessment, which is not currently possible since PEHM 4000 is a two hour course. Effective Term: Fall 2010 6. Change the description of the following course: PEHM 2283 Kinesiology Prerequisite: none 2-1-2 4 Description: Role of skeletal muscles in producing body movements through the application of the laws of mechanical physics. An interdisciplinary approach to the science of human movement. Topics include applied principles of biomechanical analysis of movement-based sports activities. Rationale: The new description more accurately reflects the inclusion of movement concepts in the course. Effective Term: Fall 2010 7. Modify Program of Study for the Bachelor of Science in Education in Health and Physical Education B. ............................................................. ...Major Field Courses 58 hours EDUC 3100 – Technology Applications for Teachers EDUC 3200 – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment EDUC 3300 - Educating Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom PEHM 2701 - Outdoor Team Sports PEHM 2702 - Indoor Team Sports PEHM 3000 - Current Health Education Issues PEHM 3050 – Techniques in Team Sports PEHM 3090 – Basic Games, Dance & Rhythmic Activities PEHM 3100 – Outdoor lifetime activities PEHM 3200 - Motor Development and Learning PEHM 3500 - Exercise Physiology PEHM 3700 - Individual and Dual Sports PEHM 4000 – Fitness Theory and Nutrition PEHM 4090 – Health Education Topics PEHM 4100 – Adaptive Physical Education PEHM 4500 – Management and Operations of Physical Education and Sports Programs PEHM 4701 - Elementary School Health and Physical Education Curriculum and Methods PEHM 4702 - Middle School Health and Physical Education Curriculum and Methods PEHM 4703 - Secondary School Health and Physical Education Curriculum and Methods PEHM 4750 - Internship II - Student Teaching Rationale: The content covered by PEHM 4500 is now addressed in PEAT 2100, PEHM 2500, PEHM 4710, PEHM 4702, and PEHM 4703. Effective Term: Fall 2010 C. Middle and Secondary Education (no items) D. Special and Adult Education (no items) II. College of Health Professions A. Communication Sciences and Disorders 1. Change the prerequisites for the following course: CSDS 3400 Speech Science 5 Prerequisite: Admission to the Communication Sciences and Disorders program CSDS 2230 or Permission of Department Head Rationale: The content of this course is of interest to students in various disciplines. This change allows student outside of the major to enroll in the course that have adequate knowledge of phonetics and the anatomy of the speech and hearing mechanism. Effective Term: Fall 2010 2. Change the prerequisites for the following course: CSDS 3410 - Introduction to Audiology Prerequisite: Admission to the Communication Sciences and Disorders program CSDS 2230 or Permission of Department Head Rationale: The content of this course is of interest to students in various disciplines. This change allows student outside of the major to enroll in the course that have adequate knowledge of the anatomy of the speech and hearing mechanism. Effective Term: Fall 2010 3. Change the prerequisites for the following course: CSDS 3420 Language Disorders Prerequisite: CSDS 3150 CSDS 2240 Rationale: CSDS 3150 has been renumbered to CSDS 2240 Effective Term: Spring 2010 4. Change the prerequisites for the following course: CSDS 3430 - Organically Based Communication Disorders Prerequisite: CSDS 3150 CSDS 2240 Rationale: CSDS 3150 has been renumbered to CSDS 2240 Effective Term: Spring 2010 5. Change the prerequisites for the following course: CSDS 3450 - Articulation Disorders Prerequisite: CSDS 3150 CSDS 2240, CSDS 2250 Rationale: CSDS 3150 has been renumbered to CSDS 2240. CSDS 2250 (Phonetics) provides content in phonetic transcription that is vital for the successful completion of the course which requires transcription of disordered speech. Effective Term: Fall 2010 6 6. Change the prerequisites for the following course: CSDS 4140 - Augmentative & Alternative Communication Prerequisite: CSDS 3150 CSDS 2240 Rationale: CSDS 3150 has been renumbered to CSDS 2240 Effective Term: Spring 2010 7. Change the name and co-requisite for the following course: CSDS 4210 - Senior Seminar in Communication Sciences and Disorders Co-requisite: CSDS 4450 Rationale: The content of this course will vary. As the topic changes, it may be of interest to students in various disciplines. This change allows student outside of the major to enroll. In addition, CSDS 4450 (Practicum in Speech Language Pathology) is not required for successful completion of the course. The new title better reflects the course content and availability to non-majors. Effective Term: Fall 2010 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Dental Hygiene (no items) Health Sciences (no items) Medical Technology (no items) Nursing (no items) Physical Therapy (no items) Radiologic Sciences (no items) Respiratory Therapy (no items) III. College of Liberal Arts (no items) IV. College of Science and Technology A. Biology 1. Create the following courses: a. BIOL 2400 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology 3-0-3 Prerequisite: BIOL 1107 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1107H (minimum grade of C) Description: An introduction to cell structure and biochemistry. Topics may include gene regulation; bioenergetics; catalysis; cellular metabolism; cell evolution; genetic engineering; protein synthesis, structure and function. Rationale: We currently have a two-course sequence that includes BIOL 2500 and BIOL 3000. BIOL 2500 is a two-credit course and BIOL 3000 is a four-credit course. As part of restructuring the major, we are changing both courses in the sequence to three-credit classes. The combined content will remain essentially the same. BIOL 2500 will be replaced by BIOL 2400. 7 Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT: Major Department: Biology Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 3 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture Course equivalent: BIOL 2500 b. BIOL 4100 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory 0-6-2 Prerequisite: BIOL 3000 (minimum grade of C) and CHEM 2101 Description: Laboratory research techniques in cell and molecular biology, with emphasis on data analysis, written and oral presentation. Rationale: Course is being created to serve as a requirement for the Cell and Molecular Biology track within the Biology major. Modern Biology Laboratory is being eliminated, which frees up substantial teaching load to teach this course. No new faculty are needed to staff this class. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT Major Department: Biology Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 2 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Laboratory c. BIOL 4500 Bioinformatics and Biotechnology 3-0-3 Prerequisite: BIOL 3000 (minimum grade of C) Description: Utilization of databases and software for the analysis of DNA and protein information. Production of products and services using biological materials. Rationale: Course is being created to serve as a requirement for the Cell and Molecular Biology track within the Biology major. This course includes critical content that is not taught in other courses. Elimination of other courses will yield the faculty teaching load needed to staff this course. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT Major Department: Biology Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 3 8 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture d. BIOL 4600 Ichthyology 3-3-4 Prerequisite: BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or 1108H (minimum grade of C) Description: Anatomy, physiology, behavior, ecology, and evolution of fishes. Laboratories may include field trips to regional habitats for observation and collection of fishes. Rationale: This course has been offered six times in the past seven years as a Special Topics class. It is being expanded into a standard lecture/laboratory format. It will be an important component of the Marine Biology and General Biology tracks within the Biology major. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT Major Department: Biology Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 4 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture and Laboratory e. BIOL 4801 Senior Seminar in General Biology 1-0-1 Description: Library/online research, oral presentations and discussion of articles from the primary literature in biology. Open only to students in the last two semesters of their undergraduate program. Rationale: This senior seminar is designed for students completing the General Biology Track within the Biology major. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT Major Department: Biology Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 1 Grading Mode: S/U Instruction Type: Lecture Course equivalent: BIOL 4800 f. BIOL 4802 Senior Seminar in Marine Biology 1-0-1 Description: Library/online research, oral presentations and discussion of articles from the primary literature in marine biology. Open only to students in the last two semesters of their undergraduate program. 9 Rationale: This senior seminar is designed for students completing the Marine Biology track within the Biology major. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT Major Department: Biology Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 1 Grading Mode: S/U Instruction Type: Lecture Course equivalent: BIOL 4800 g. BIOL 4803 Senior Seminar in Cell and Molecular Biology 1-0-1 Description: Library/online research, oral presentations and discussion of articles from the primary literature in cell and molecular biology. Open only to students in the last two semesters of their undergraduate program. Rationale: This senior seminar is designed for students completing the Cell and Molecular Biology track within the Biology major. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT Major Department: Biology Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 1 Grading Mode: S/U Instruction Type: Lecture Course equivalent: BIOL 4800 2. Change the course title, prerequisites, course description, and hours for the following course: BIOL 4950 Internship I V-V-3 0-6-3 Prerequisite: permission of instructor or department. Description: Experiential learning opportunity Biological project sponsored by the Biology Department or an outside agency. Project selected, supervised, evaluated by faculty advisor and department head in consultation with outside agency. May be used to count only toward free electives. May be repeated once for additional credit. Rationale: Course description is changed to more accurately reflect content. Effective Term: Fall 2010 10 CURCAT Major Department: Biology Can course be repeated for additional credit? Yes Maximum number of credit hours: 6 Grading Mode: S/U Instruction Type: Practicum 3. Change the course title, course description, and hours for the following course: BIOL 4910 Research I V-V-3 0-(3-9)-(1-3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor or department Description: Assigned research activity directed by a faculty member in the department, or at an appropriate outside facility. literature search, field/and or laboratory investigation and presentation (oral and written) of results. Project to be approved by the faculty member or external supervisor and department head. Must have three biology major courses at the 3000+ level and a B average in biology courses and overall work. May be taken for 1, 2 or 3 credit hours. Upon approval, 3 credit hours of research can substitute for a Biology elective in any track within the major. If repeated for additional credit, up to 3 hours may be used as free electives. Rationale: Currently students are limited to one or two research experiences which must be for 3 credit hours. Greater flexibility in the number of research hours taken by students for credit will be advantageous to faculty and students alike, and the ability to conduct research for credit in multiple semesters is highly advantageous for students. Students will be able to count any combination of research experiences that add up to 3 credit hours as a biology elective in the major. Research taken in excess of three credit hours will count toward free electives in the major. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT Major Department: Biology Can course be repeated for additional credit? Yes Maximum number of credit hours: 6 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Laboratory 4. Delete the following courses: a. BIOL 2500 Principles of Modern Biology 2-0-2 Rationale: We currently have a two-course sequence that includes BIOL 2500 and BIOL 3000. BIOL 2500 is a two-credit course and BIOL 3000 is a four-credit course. As part of restructuring the major, BIOL 2500 will be replaced by BIOL 2400 and BIOL 3000 is being changed to a three-credit course. The combined content will remain essentially the same. 11 Effective Term: Fall 2010 b. BIOL 3010 Modern Biology Laboratory 0-4-1 Rationale: This course is being replaced in the major by BIOL 4100 Effective Term: Fall 2010 c. BIOL 3230 Anatomy of the Seed Plants 3-3-4 Rationale: This course has not been taught since at least 2000-01. Effective Term: Fall 2010 d. BIOL 4090 Molecular Biology 1-8-4 Rationale: This course is being replaced in the major by BIOL 4100. Effective Term: Fall 2010 e. BIOL 4450 Morphology of Vascular Plants 3-3-4 Rationale: This course has not been taught since at least the 2000-01 academic year. Effective Term: Fall 2010 f. BIOL 4800 Senior Seminar 1-0-1 Rationale: With the creation of three tracks in the Biology major, new senior seminar sections will be created for each track. Effective Term: Fall 2010 g. BIOL 4960 Internship II V-V-3 Rationale: Changing the course description for Internship I makes this additional catalog entry unnecessary. Effective Term: Fall 2010 h. BIOL 4920 Research II V-V-3 Rationale: Changing the course description for Research I makes this additional catalog entry unnecessary. Effective Term: Fall 2010 12 5. Change the prerequisites for the following courses: a. BIOL 1108 Principles of Biology II 3-3-4 Prerequisite BIOL 1107 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1107H (minimum grade of C) b. BIOL 1108 Honors Principles of Biology II 3-3-4 Prerequisite BIOL 1107 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1107H (minimum grade of C) and admission to the honors program, or permission of instructor. c. BIOL 2010 Microbiology 3-3-4 Prerequisite BIOL 1107 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1107H (minimum grade of C) d. BIOL 2020 Survey of the Kingdoms Plantae and Fungi 3-3-4 Prerequisite BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1108H (minimum grade of C) e. BIOL 3150 Horticulture Prerequisite BIOL 2020 (minimum grade of C) 3-3-4 f. BIOL 3200 Taxonomy and Identification of Flowering Plants Prerequisite BIOL 2020 (minimum grade of C) 3-3-4 g. BIOL 3300 Entomology 3-3-4 Prerequisite BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1108H (minimum grade of C) h. BIOL 3310 Invertebrate Zoology 3-3-4 Prerequisite BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1108H (minimum grade of C) i. BIOL 3580 Histological Technique 1-8-4 Prerequisite BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1108H (minimum grade of C) j. BIOL 3600 Salt Marsh Ecology Prerequisite BIOL 2020 (minimum grade of C) 3-3-4 k. BIOL 3920 Parasitology 3-4-4 Prerequisite: BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1108H (minimum grade of C) l. BIOL 3770 Development and Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates 3-6-4 Prerequisite: BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1108H (minimum grade of C) 13 m. BIOL 4200 Mammalian Physiology Prerequisite: BIOL 3000 (minimum grade of C) and either BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1108H (minimum grade of C) 3-0-3 n. BIOL 4550 Biology of Marine Organisms 3-3-4 Prerequisite: BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1108H (minimum grade of C) o. BIOL 4750 Tropical Field Biology 3-4-4 Prerequisite: BIOL 2010 (minimum grade of C) and BIOL 2020 (minimum grade of C) and BIOL 3020 (minimum grade of C) and permission of instructor. Rationale: For a-o above, the language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. Effective Term: Fall 2010 p. BIOL 3470 Environmental Restoration 3-3-4 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor, CHEM 1212 and either BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1108H (minimum grade of C) Rationale: Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. The need for instructor’s permission is unnecessarily complicating enrollment. Effective Term: Fall 2010 q. BIOL 3520 Medical Microbiology 3-0-3 Prerequisite: BIOL 2010 (minimum grade of C) and BIOL 2500 2400 (minimum grade of C) and CHEM 1211. Rationale: Prerequisite reflects deletion of BIOL 2500 and creation of BIOL 2400. Effective Term: Fall 2010 r. BIOL 3700 Genetics Prerequisite: BIOL 2500 2400 (minimum grade of C) 3-3-4 Rationale: Prerequisite reflects deletion of BIOL 2500 and creation of BIOL 2400. Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. Effective Term: Fall 2010 s. BIOL 4010 Evolution 3-0-3 Prerequisite: BIOL 2010 (minimum grade of C) and BIOL 2020 (minimum grade of C) and BIOL 2500 2400 (minimum grade of C) 14 Rationale: Reflects deletion of BIOL 2500 and creation of BIOL 2400 in this proposal. Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. Effective Term: Fall 2010 t. BIOL 4150 Plant Physiology 3-3-4 Prerequisite: BIOL 2010 2020 (minimum grade of C) and BIOL 2500 and BIOL 3000 (minimum grade of C) Rationale: BIOL 2020 (Survey of the Kingdoms Plantae and Fungi) is more appropriate than BIOL 2010 (Microbiology) as a prerequisite for Plant Physiology. BIOL 2500 is already a prerequisite for BIOL 3000. Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. Effective date: Fall 2010 u. BIOL 4210 Comparative Physiology 3-0-3 Prerequisite: BIOL 2010 (minimum grade of C) and BIOL 2500 and BIOL 3000 (minimum grade of C) Rationale: BIOL 3000 and BIOL 2500 were both listed as prerequisites, but because BIOL 2500 (now BIOL 2400) is a prerequisite for BIOL 3000, it does not need to be included. Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. Effective Term: Fall 2010 v. BIOL 4220 Endocrinology 3-0-3 Prerequisite: BIOL 2010 (minimum grade of C) and BIOL 2500 and BIOL 3000 (minimum grade of C) Rationale: BIOL 3000 and BIOL 2500 were both listed as prerequisites, but because BIOL 2500 (now BIOL 2400) is a prerequisite for BIOL 3000, it does not need to be included. Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. Effective Term: Fall 2010 w. BIOL 4310 Applied Microbiology 3-3-4 Prerequisite: BIOL 2010 (minimum grade of C) and BIOL 2500 and BIOL 3000 (minimum grade of C) Rationale: BIOL 3000 and BIOL 2500 were both listed as prerequisites, but because BIOL 2500 (now BIOL 2400) is a prerequisite for BIOL 3000, it does not need to be included. Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. Effective Term: Fall 2010 15 x. BIOL 4460 Phytoplankton Ecology 3-3-4 Prerequisite: BIOL 2020 (minimum grade of C), or permission of instructor Rationale: Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. The need for instructor’s permission is unnecessarily complicating enrollment. Effective Term: Fall 2010 6. Change the hours, prerequisites, and course description for the following courses: a. BIOL 3000 Cell Biology 4-0-4 3-0-3 Prerequisite: BIOL 2500 2400 (minimum grade of C) Prerequisite or corequisite: CHEM 1211 Description: Evolution of cells from prokaryotic and from unicellular to multicellular. Structure of membranes, organelles, and cytoplasmic background, mitosis, meiosis, and the cell division cycle. Structure and evolution of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Topics may include protein structure and function, membranes, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, cell trafficking, endocytosis, cell cycle and cell signaling. Rationale: BIOL 3000 is being changed to a three-credit course. Because BIOL 2500 will be replaced by BIOL 2400, this is the appropriate prerequisite. Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT Major Department: Biology Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 4 3 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture b. BIOL 4320 Environmental Microbiology 4-0-4 3-3-4 Prerequisite: BIOL 2010 (minimum grade of C) and BIOL 2500 and BIOL 3000 (minimum grade of C). Description: Principles and applications of environmental microbiology. Topics include habitat and community ecology; biogeochemical cycles; biodegradation; pollution control; resource recovery; soil, water and waste management. Lab research project with oral and written presentations required. Principles of microbial ecology that may include biogeochemical cycling, symbiotic relationships, and microbial life in various terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Laboratory will cover methods to study the diversity, phylogeny, and metabolism of Bacteria and Archaea. 16 Rationale: BIOL 3000 and BIOL 2500 were both listed as prerequisites, but because BIOL 2500 (now BIOL 2400) is a prerequisite for BIOL 3000, it does not need to be included. Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. This course has recently been revitalized after not being taught for many years. The current course description has been altered to reflect the content of the updated course. Student learning would be better served if the course included a laboratory component rather than maintaining it as a 4 credit lecture course. This change would prevent the course from becoming the only 4 credit upper Biology class that did not have a lab. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT Major Department: Biology Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 4 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture and Laboratory 7. Change the course title, prerequisites, and course description for the following course: a. BIOL 3020 Vertebrate Zoology 3-3-4 Prerequisite: BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or 1108H (minimum grade of C) Description: A survey of the animal kingdom. Taxonomy, natural history, development, evolution, structure and physiology of animals. Origin, evolution, diversity, and biology of vertebrate animals. Laboratories emphasize vertebrate structure and function. Rationale: Course title and description are being changed to reflect actual course content. Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. Effective Term: Fall 2010 8. Change the prerequisites and course description for the following course: BIOL 3750 Natural History of the Vertebrate Animals 3-4-4 Prerequisite: BIOL 1108 (minimum grade of C) or BIOL 1108 H (minimum grade of C) Description: Life histories, taxonomy, evolution, and adaptations of vertebrate animals with emphasis on identification and examination of local vertebrates through field oriented labs. Life history and functional biology of major vertebrate groups. Emphasis on behavioral, reproductive and feeding adaptations using case studies. Labs focus on field identification of native species. 17 Rationale: Course description is being changed to reflect actual course content. Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. Effective Term: Fall 2010 9. Change the course title and prerequisites for the following course: BIOL 4510 Modern Principles of Molecular Development 3-0-3 Prerequisites: BIOL 1108 and BIOL 2500 and BIOL 3000 (minimum grade of C) Rationale: BIOL 2500 (now BIOL 2400) is a prerequisite for BIOL 3000, and therefore does not need to be included as a prerequisite. Also, the emphasis in the class no longer requires BIOL 1108 as a prerequisite. Language is changed to reflect requirement for a C or better in prerequisites. The change in course title reflects the emphasis on molecular mechanisms of development that is taught in the course. Effective Term: Fall 2010 10. Modify the Program for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Biology and create the following tracks: A. General Requirements Core Areas A, B, C, D, and E………………………………………………42 hours Biology majors are required to take MATH 1113 in core area A and CHEM 1211, CHEM 1212 and MATH 2200 in core area D. Area F……………………………………………………………………….18 hours BIOL 1107- Principles of Biology I or BIOL 1107H Honors Principles of Biology I BIOL 1108- Principles of Biology II or BIOL 1108H Honors Principles of Biology II BIOL 2010- Microbiology BIOL 2400- Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology BIOL 2500- Modern Biology CHEM 1211 and 1212 (and labs)- Principles of Chemistry I, II (unless taken to satisfy area D, in which case Biology 2010 and 2020 must be substituted) CHEM 2101- Organic Chemistry I Physical Education……………………………………………………………3 hours B. Major Field Courses……………………………………………………….47 hours BIOL 2010- Microbiology (If used to satisfy area F, add a four credit hour elective from biology) BIOL 2020- Survey of the Kingdoms Plantae and Fungi (If used to satisfy area F, add a four credit hour elective from biology) BIOL 3000- Cell Biology BIOL 3010- Modern Biology Laboratory BIOL 3020- Zoology BIOL 3700- Genetics 18 BIOL 4200- Mammalian Physiology BIOL 4700- General Ecology BIOL 4800- Senior Seminar Total of 18 credit hours from categories 1-3, with at least one 3 credit hour course chosen from each of categories 1 and 2. Category 1: Cell/Molecular/Physiology BIOL3520- Medical Microbiology BIOL 4000- Cancer Biology BIOL 4090- Molecular Biology BIOL 4310- Applied Microbiology BIOL 4400- Virology BIOL 4510- Modern Principles of Development BIOL 4650- Immunology Category 2: Botany BIOL 3150- Horticulture BIOL 3200- Taxonomy and Identification of Flowering Plants BIOL 3230- Anatomy of the Seed Plants BIOL 4150- Plant Physiology BIOL 4450- Morphology of Vascular Plants BIOL 4460- Phytoplankton Ecology Category 3: Other BIOL 3300- Entomology BIOL 3310- Invertebrate Zoology BIOL 3470- Environmental Restoration BIOL 3580- Histological Technique BIOL 3600- Salt Marsh Ecology BIOL 3750- Natural History of Vertebrate Animals BIOL 3770- Developmental and Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates BIOL 3920- Parasitology BIOL 4550- Biology of Marine Organisms BIOL 4010- Evolution BIOL 4210- Comparative Physiology BIOL 4200- Endocrinology BIOL 4320- Environmental Microbiology BIOL 4550- Biology of Marine Organisms BIOL 4750- Tropical Field Biology BIOL 4910, -20- Research I and II (only one research course may be counted as a major elective) BIOL 4950, -60- Internship I and II (only one internship may be counted as a major elective) BIOL 4970- Special Topics (only two special topics may be counted as major electives) C. Related Field Courses…………………………………………………..4-12 hours CHEM 2101/2010L- Organic Chemistry I Up to 8 credit hours from the following: CHEM 2102/2102L- Organic Chemistry II 19 CHEM 3300- Instrumental Analysis CHEM 3801- Biochemistry I CHEM 3802- Biochemistry II MATH 1161- Calculus I PHYS 1111/1111L- Introductory Physics I PHYS 1112/1112L- Introductory Physics II PHYS 2211/2211L- Principles of Physics I PHYS 2212/2212L- Principles of Physics II D. Electives………………………….…………………..sufficient to make 123 hours Students are encouraged to take elective courses which will broaden their educational experience. Track I: General Biology B. Major Field Courses………………………………………………….35-40 hours Required Courses (16 hours) BIOL 2020- Survey of the Kingdoms Plantae and Fungi BIOL 3000- Cell Biology BIOL 3700- Genetics BIOL 4700- General Ecology BIOL 4801- Senior Seminar in General Biology Elective Courses (19-24 hours) Choose one of the following: BIOL 4150- Plant Physiology BIOL 4200- Mammalian Physiology BIOL 4210- Comparative Physiology Choose one of the following: BIOL 3470- Environmental Restoration BIOL 3600- Salt Marsh Ecology BIOL 4320- Environmental Microbiology BIOL 4460- Phytoplankton Ecology BIOL 4750- Tropical Field Biology Choose two of the following: BIOL 3520- Medical Microbiology BIOL 4000- Cancer Biology BIOL 4010- Evolution BIOL 4100- Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory BIOL 4220- Endocrinology BIOL 4310- Applied Microbiology BIOL 4400- Virology BIOL 4500- Bioinformatics and Biotechnology BIOL 4510- Molecular Development BIOL 4650- Immunology Choose two of the following: BIOL 3020- Vertebrate Zoology 20 BIOL 3150- Horticulture BIOL 3200- Taxonomy and Identification of Flowering Plants BIOL 3300- Entomology BIOL 3310- Invertebrate Zoology BIOL 3750- Natural History of Vertebrate Animals BIOL 3770- Developmental and Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates BIOL 3920- Parasitology BIOL 4550- Biology of Marine Organisms BIOL 4600- Ichthyology C. Related Field Course……………………………………………………….1 hour CHEM 2101L- Organic Chemistry I Lab D. Electives……………………………………………………………….19-24 hours Select free electives to bring total of 3000+ course work to at least 39 hours. Track II: Marine Biology B. Major Field Courses………………………………………………..….35-36 hours Required Courses (20 hours) BIOL 2020- Survey of the Kingdoms Plantae and Fungi BIOL 3000- Cell Biology BIOL 3700- Genetics BIOL 4700- General Ecology BIOL 4550- Biology of Marine Organisms BIOL 4802- Senior Seminar in Marine Biology Elective Courses (15-16 hours) Choose one of the following: BIOL 4150- Plant Physiology BIOL 4200- Mammalian Physiology BIOL 4210- Comparative Physiology Choose one of the following: BIOL 3020- Vertebrate Zoology BIOL 3310- Invertebrate Zoology BIOL 3750- Natural History of Vertebrate Animals Choose two of the following: BIOL 4320- Environmental Microbiology BIOL 3200- Taxonomy and Identification of Flowering Plants BIOL 4460- Phytoplankton Ecology BIOL 4750- Tropical Field Biology BIOL 4600- Ichthyology C. Related Field Courses………………………………………………..….9 hours CHEM 2101L- Organic Chemistry I Lab PHYS 1111/1111L- Introductory Physics I or PHYS 211/2211L- Principles of Physics I MATH 1161- Calculus I (If taken in core area A, then substitute with either MATH 2072; MATH 3932; PHYS 1112/1112L or PHYS 2212/2212L) 21 D. Electives……………………………………………………………..15-16 hours Select free electives to bring total of 3000+ course work to at least 39 hours. Track III: Cell and Molecular Biology B. Major Field Courses…………………………………………………..26-29 hours Required Courses (13 hours) BIOL 3000- Cell Biology BIOL 3700- Genetics BIOL 4100- Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory BIOL 4500- Bioinformatics and Biotechnology BIOL 4803- Senior Seminar in Cell and Molecular Biology Elective Courses (13-16 hours) Choose one of the following: BIOL 4150- Plant Physiology BIOL 4200- Mammalian Physiology BIOL 4210- Comparative Physiology Choose one of the following: BIOL 3020- Vertebrate Zoology BIOL 3300- Entomology BIOL 3310- Invertebrate Zoology BIOL 3750- Natural History of Vertebrate Animals BIOL 3920- Parasitology Choose two of the following: BIOL 3520- Medical Microbiology BIOL 4000- Cancer Biology BIOL 4010- Evolution BIOL 4220- Endocrinology BIOL 4310- Applied Microbiology BIOL 4320- Environmental Microbiology BIOL 4400- Virology BIOL 4510- Molecular Development BIOL 4650- Immunology C. Related Field Courses………………………………………………..…16 hours CHEM 2101L- Organic Chemistry I Lab CHEM 2102/2102L- Organic Chemistry II CHEM 3801- Biochemistry PHYS 1111/1111L- Introductory Physics I or PHYS 2211/2211L- Principles of Physics I PHYS 1112/1112L-Introductory Physics II or PHYS 2212/2212L- Principles of Physics II D. Electives……………………………………………………………..15-18 hours Select free electives to bring total of 3000+ course work to at least 39 hours. 22 Total Semester Hours E. Regent’s Test and Exit Exam 123 hours Rationale: The proposed change to the Biology major creates tracks that provide new opportunities for students wishing to concentrate in either cell and molecular biology or in marine biology. The General Biology Track is available for students whose interests are not focused in one of these two areas within the discipline. All three tracks are well suited to the strengths of departmental faculty, and the Marine Biology Track takes advantage of the proximity of the Armstrong Atlantic State University campus to the Atlantic Ocean and coastal estuaries, and is therefore a great fit for this university and department. For the creation of this track, we are modifying existing courses and packaging them so that they provide significant exposure to the field of marine biology. Although the Biology major is expanded to make new options available for our students, it actually is simplified by this proposal. Our current structure is very difficult for students and advisors to understand as they navigate through the major’s check sheet. This structure spells out requirements in a much more comprehensible fashion. The new major also will reduce bottlenecks that have stifled our students’ progress through the major. The proposed major requires fewer Biology courses of students than does our current major. This yields greater free elective hours for our students, giving them the ability to complete a minor in another discipline without having to exceed 123 hours overall. Previously, students wishing to add a minor to their Biology major would have to take at least an extra semester’s worth of work. This is a trend that is consistent with Biology programs at other universities (e.g. Kennesaw State University and North Georgia College and State University) Decreasing the number of Biology courses required of our students also will make a positive impact on course scheduling and faculty teaching loads. Course offerings will become predictable; enabling us to produce a two-year schedule that includes all departmental courses being taught on at least an every-other-year schedule. Some courses that have experienced bloated enrollments should also contract down to more reasonable sizes. Implementation of this major should not impact other departments; our estimate is that in comparison to the current major, approximately the same number of students will need to take courses in allied disciplines of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Effective Term: Fall 2010 B. Chemistry & Physics 1. Change the following courses: a. PHYS 1111 INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS I PHYS 1111K INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS I (3-0-3) (3-3-4) 23 Prerequisite: MATH 1113 with a grade of C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: PHYS 1111L Description: Introductory mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves using elementary algebra and trigonometry including laboratory investigation of the concepts of mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT Major Department: Chemistry & Physics Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 4 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture-Laboratory Course equivalent: PHYS 1111/1111L b. PHYS 1112 INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS II (3-0-3) PHYS 1112K INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS II (3-3-4) Prerequisite: PHYS 1111K (minimum grade of C) and PHYS 1111L (minimum grade of C). Prerequisite or Corequisite: PHYS 1112L Description: Introductory electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics using elementary algebra and trigonometry including laboratory investigation of the concepts of electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT: Major Department: Chemistry & Physics Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 4 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture-Laboratory Course equivalent: PHYS 1112/1112L c. PHYS 2211 PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS II (3-0-3) PHYS 2211K INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS II (3-3-4) Prerequisite: MATH 1161 (minimum grade of C) Prerequisite or Corequisite: PHYS 2211L Description: Introductory mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves using elementary differential calculus including laboratory investigation of the concepts of mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT: 24 Major Department: Chemistry & Physics Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 4 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture-Laboratory Course equivalent: PHYS 2211/2211L d. PHYS 2212 PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS II (3-0-3) PHYS 2212K INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS II (3-3-4) Prerequisite: PHYS 2212K (minimum grade of C) and PHYS 2211L (minimum grade of C) and MATH 2072 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PHYS 2211L Description: Introductory electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics using elementary differential calculus including laboratory investigation of the concepts of electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT: Major Department: Chemistry & Physics Can course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum number of credit hours: 4 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture-Laboratory Course equivalent: PHYS 2212/2212L Rationale: We are currently teaching these courses as “Studio Physics” with the lecture and lab scheduled together. Combining the lecture/lab descriptions into one will facilitate scheduling and registering, as students would register for one course instead of two that have to be coupled at registration. This would also clarify the assignment of the one grade for the course including the lab for which the lab would be used as 25% instead of assigning separate grades. Laboratory inclusion statements have been placed at the end of each new course description. We are also requesting a minimum grade of C in MATH 1161 because the understanding of MATH 1161 concepts are expected to be applied to PHYS 2211. 2. Delete the following courses: PHYS 1111L INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS I LAB (0-3-1) PHYS 1112L INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS II LAB (0-3-1) PHYS 2211L PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS I LAB (0-3-1) PHYS 2212L PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS II LAB (0-3-1) Rationale: The above laboratory courses are being incorporated into a stand alone studio course and the grading will be incorporated in the course as a single grade. 25 Effective date: Fall 2010 3. Change the following course title: PHYS 3802 INTERMEDIATE MODERN PHYSICS INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM MECHANICS Rationale: This title more accurately conveys the content covered in the course as conveyed in the course description. In the physics discipline, the title with quantum mechanics is more appropriate for this upper level course. Effective date: Fall 2010 C. Information, Computing, and Engineering 1. Create the following course: CSCI 5990U/G SPECIAL TOPICS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Undergraduate Prerequisites: announced with the topic Graduate Prerequisites: announced with the topic Description: Selected new topics in computer science. V-V-(1-4) Rationale: Allows courses to be offered covering topics not currently covered by upper level computer science courses. The special topics course is needed at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Undergraduate students will enroll in CSCI 5990U and graduate students will enroll in CSCI 5990G. Graduate students will be required to work on a project and deliver a final report or paper. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT: Major Department: Information, Computing, and Engineering (Computer Science) Can Course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum Number of Credit Hours: 4 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture Equivalent course: CSCI 5990U is equivalent to CSCI 4990 2. Delete the following course: CSCI 4990 Special Topics in Computer Science V-V-(1-4) Rationale: Course is no longer needed with creation of CSCI 5990U. Effective Term: Fall 2010 3. Change the Course Number and Description of the following Course CSCI 2201 CSCI 3301 UNIX AND SECURE WEB DEVELOPMENT Prerequisite: CSCI 1301 3-0-3 26 Description: Thorough introduction to the UNIX operating system. UNIX commands, editors, documentation, and file system. Shells, rediredion redirection, filters, pipes, and job control. Compile/edit/debug cycle under UNIX. Install and administer a UNIX system and deploy a secure Web server. Program Develop dynamic Web applications using technologies such as PHP and SQL databases and the LAMP stack. Performance tuning and hands Hands-on study of UNIX and Web application security vulnerabilities. Rationale: The course has evolved from the original proposed course and the topics are more appropriate at the junior level. Effective Term: Fall 2010 CURCAT: Major Department: Information, Computing, and Engineering (Computer Science) Can Course be repeated for additional credit? No Maximum Number of Credit Hours: 3 Grading Mode: Normal Instruction Type: Lecture Equivalent Course: CSCI 2201 4. Modify Program of Study for the Bachelor of Science of Computer Science PROGRAM FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE A. General Requirements Core Areas A, B, C, D, E ......................................................................................... 42 hours Computer science majors are required to take MATH 1113 in core area A and MATH 1161 in core area D. Area F ........................................................................................................................ 18 hours One semester hour excess for MATH 1161 from core area D and one semester hour of an approved lower division elective. One semester hour of approved lower division elective CSCI 1301 - Introduction to Programming Principles CSCI 1302 - Advanced Programming Principles CSCI 2410 - Data Structures and Algorithms CSCI 2070 - Ethical Considerations in Computer Science CSCI 2620 - Discrete Structures for Computer Science MATH 2072 - Calculus II Physical Education ...................................................................................................... 3 hours B. Major Field Courses .............................................................................................. 39 36 hours CSCI 2070 - Ethical Considerations in Computer Science CSCI 2410 - Data Structures and Algorithms CSCI 2201 - UNIX and Secure Web Development CSCI 2490 - Object-Oriented Programming in C++ CSCI 3201 - Computer Organization and Architecture I 27 CSCI 3202 - Computer Organization and Architecture II CSCI 3301 - UNIX and Secure Web Development CSCI 3321 - Introduction to Software Engineering Concepts CSCI 3330 - Comparative Languages CSCI 3341 - Introduction to Operating Systems CSCI 3510 - Theory of Computation CSCI 3720 - Database Systems Two courses in one of the following tracks: Software Track CSCI 5220U - Networks CSCI 5322U - Advanced Software Engineering CSCI 5520U - Rapid Java Application Development Systems Track CSCI 5220U - Networks CSCI 5342U - Advanced Operating Systems CSCI 5343U - Systems Programming Under UNIX Six additional semester hours from 5000 level computer science courses Three additional semester hours from 4000 and 5000 level computer science courses. C. Related Field Courses ....................................................................................... 15-23 hours ENGL 3720 - Business and Technical Communication STAT 3211 - Statistics Applications I One of the following: MATH 2160 - Linear Algebra STAT 3222 - Statistics Applications II MATH 3411 - Differential Equations MATH 3460 - Mathematical Modeling and Optimization Introduction to Operations Research MATH 3480 - Optimization and Graph Theory CSCI 5610U - Numerical Analysis (If used here, may not also be counted as major field course.) One of the following CAC approved science sequences (unless taken to meet core area D): BIOL 1107 and 1108 - Biology I, II (and labs) CHEM 1211 and 1212 - Principles of Chemistry I, II (and labs) PHYS 2211/2211L and 2212/2212L - Principles of Physics I, II (and labs) At least six additional semester hours from BIOL 1107, BIOL 1108, CHEM 1211, CHEM 1212, PHYS 2211, PHYS 2212, or any science or engineering course having BIOL 1108, CHEM 1212, or PHYS 2212 as a prerequisite. D. Free Electives .......................................................................................................... 0-6 hours D. Free Electives .......................................................................................................... 1-9 hours Total Semester Hours 123 hours E. Regents’ Test and Exit Exam Rationale: In area A General Requirements, Area F, there are two instances of “One semester hour of approved lower division elective”. The second instance must have been a typo that somehow made it through the curriculum process. With this second statement in, there are 19 rather than 18 hours in Area F. It is in the current catalog and should be removed. 28 In area B, Major Field Courses, the tracks are removed. Removing the tracks will offer students more flexibility in their upper division coursework and allow them to take electives in areas that support their career goals. This is a national trend in computer science programs. The remaining changes in Area A General Requirements, Area F; Area B, Major Field Courses; Area C Related Fields Courses; and Area D Free Electives are to fix an issue with transfer students that took the algebra based physics sequence to satisfy core area D. They would be required to take 125 hours (including 3 PE hours), which exceeds the maximum allowed. To correct this: three hours are removed from area B Major Courses , one hour is added to area D free electives, two courses are switched between areas A and B, and MATH 2160 is removed from Area C related Fields Courses. This corrects the credit hour issue and ensures students will meet at least 39 upper division hours for the degree. Effective Term: Fall 2010 D. Mathematics (no items) E. Psychology (no items) OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT