MAP D-PHASE WG-HEU: Hydrology and End Users Working Group MAP D-PHASE User Questionnaire 2 Dear MAP D-PHASE user By answering our first questionnaire you expressed the wish to participate in the MAP D-PHASE project. With this second questionnaire we want to fix some details about how your participation in D-PHASE will look like. You will find detailed information about the project on the following web site: If any questions arise whilst answering this questionnaire, don't hesitate to ask your MAP D-PHASE contact person (this is the person being member of the D-PHASE WG Hydrology and End Users you got this questionnaire from). Please return via e-mail to X.Y (for instance Evelyne Richard, Roberto Ranzi , Christoph Hegg, Uwe Ehret, Matjaz Mikos) and cc to Roberto Ranzi ( and to Christoph Hegg ( Name, Institution, Address: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Tick one of the following three boxes: □ I am a “hydrological modeller”, using meteorological information to operate hydrological forecasting models. Check if the indications in Annex 3 (tables 1 to 4) are complete and correct, and if not please add an entry or correct the information. □ I am a “hydrological forecaster”, using meteorological or hydrological information provided by MAP D-PHASE to generate hydrological forecasts. Check if the indications in Annex 3 (tables 1 to 4) are complete and correct, and if not please add an entry or correct the information. □ I am an “end user”, using meteorological and / or hydrological information provided by MAP D-PHASE for decision support. Check if the indications in Annex 3 (tables 1 to 4) are complete and correct, and if not please add an entry or correct the information. 2. I need information for the following impact area(s): Name of the Name of the basin geographical coordinate (latitude, basin outlet station longitude in degrees and hundredths ) Area of the basin (km²) If possible please add shape file to this questionnaire when submitting it 3. Tick one of the following two boxes and specify in Annex 1 if necessary: □ □ I need meteorological information only I need meteorological and hydrological information 4. Tick box below and specify in Annex 2 if applicable: □ I want an alarm / alarms to be issued if specific conditions / thresholds have been reached in my impact areas (If yes, please specify in Annex 2). The actual alarm status will be shown on the visualisation platform. No active alarms are pushed to users by MAP D-PHASE, but only passive ones, through the visualisation platform. 5. Tick box below (acceptance of commitment to provide feedback): □ By participating in MAP D-PHASE I accept the duty to use the additional information which will be provided by the project through the data interface and/or displayed on the visualization platform and to give feedback on whether and why / why not this additional information was helpful (Details will be given in the Implementation Plan). 6. By ticking one of the two boxes below I accept the data policy of MAP D-PHASE that all data delivered to the data platform can be used within the framework of the project (e.g., for verification purposes), but only for activities related to research: □ □ After the end of MAP D-PHASE this data can be made available to the scientific community in general without any restrictions. In other words the data will be considered as ‘Required’ according to the MAP data policy. After the end of MAP D-PHASE this data can only be used with my agreement. In other words the data will be considered as ‘Supplemental’ according to the MAP data policy. 7. Tick box below (mailing list) and specify (necessary for legal reasons): □ I agree to be included in the mailing list of MAP D-PHASE users to get additional information about the project and about how to actively participate in the project. Please include all following mails into your mailing list. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (Add additional lines if necessary) Thank you for completing this questionnaire. We are looking forward to collaborate with you in the context of the MAP D-PHASE Project. Roberto Ranzi, Christoph Hegg Co-chairs of MAP D-PHASE WG HEU ANNEX 1 to question 3 of MAP D-PHASE User Questionnaire 2 I would like to receive the following information for the impact area ____________________________________: Parameter Site Spatial resolution Total precipitation averaged over the basin (mm) Gridded total precipitation Runoff forecast Whole area Whole area Basin outlet .......... (Please add a row for every parameter) Data source Areal average Temporal resolution 12 h 2 km point 1h 10' MeteoSchweiz Hydrological survey MeteoSchweiz ANNEX 2 to Question 4 of the MAP-DPHASE User Questionnaire 2 For the impact area ____________________________ I want the following alarms to be issued Parameter Areal total precipitation averaged over the basin (mm) Runoff (Please add a row for every alarm) Site Oglio Basin Spatial resolution Areal average Temporal resolution 12 h Threshold 50 mm Sarnico Point - 50 m3/s ANNEX 3: Annex of MAP D-PHASE Implementation plan for information and verification (cf. Pt 2 of Questionnaire) Table 1: Participating institutions (not including indirect contributions from the COPS, THORPEX, Meteorisk, and COST 731 communities). Contributions are categorised according to components of the end-to-end forecasting system, i.e. atmospheric models (a), hydrological models (h), nowcasting tools (n), observational data (o), meteorological and/or hydrological forecasters (mf, of), and end users (e). Type Name Contact person Contributions Comments National / Regional Weather Service MeteoSwiss F. Ament U. Germann P. Ambrosetti aLMo (a); Swiss radar nowcast (n); forecasters (mf) CNMCA G. Frustaci L. Torrisi A. Terzo ??? EuroLM (a); nowcasting procedures (n); extra soundings (o); radar data (o) National Weather Centre and Meteorological Competence Centre for Civil Protection ARPA-SIM A. Montani D. Cesari NN NN COSMO-LEPS (a); LAMI (a); TopKapi (h); radar data (n or o?) Also Functional Centre for Civil Protection ARPA Piemonte R. Cremonini Radar nowcast (n) ARPAL-CFMI-PC M. Corazza F. Giannoni MOLOCH (a); DRIFT (h) APAT G. Monacelli & S. QBOLAM (a) Mariani Italian National Environment Agency; also Competence Centre for hydro-geological risk for Civil Protection Météo-France Y. Seity AROME (a) Collaboration with U Paul Sabatier DWD M. Denhard M. Denhard LMK (a) micro-PEPS (a) ZAMG Y. Wang ALADIN-Austria (a) UK Met Office K. Mylne K. Mylne K. Mylne MOGREPS (a); global EPS (a); post-event simulations with Unified Model (a) INM J. García-Moya SREPS (a) Environment Canada S. Gravel GEM-LAM (a) Also Functional Centre for Civil Protection Collaboration with ALADIN-LACE Type Name Contact person Contributions State authority Hochwasservorhersag ezentralen Iller/Lech, Kempten (D) and Isar, Weilheim (D) U. Ehret LARSIM (h) University ETHZ B. Ahrens C. Schär PREVAH (h); process studies on atmospheric predictability EPFL F. Jordan Routing System II IST-SUPSI S. Seno Lago Maggiore sea level prediction (h) U Brescia R. Ranzi DIMOSOP (h) U Trento D. Zardi D. Zardi Post-event simulations with a hydrological model (h); process studies U Aquila-CETEMPS R. Ferretti R. Ferretti MM5 (a); WRF (a) CIMA A. Parodi N. Rebora Post-event simulations with LAMI (a); RainFARM: post-event stochastic downscaling of deterministic and probabilistic atmospheric model outputs for hydrological purposes Collaboration with ARPA-SIM U Paul Sabatier E. Richard Post-event simulations with AROME (a) and MesoNH (a) Collaboration with Météo-France U Hohenheim H.-S. Bauer MM5 (a) and/or WRF (a) U Vienna R. Steinacker M. Dorninger VERA analysis (for assimilation) Real-time model validation (online monitoring) Collaboration with Austro Control (ACG) U Ljubljana J. Rakovec Post-event simulations with COAMPS (a) and/or AROME (a) Collaboration with Meteorological Office of Environmental Agency of Slovenia Ch. Hegg & M. Zappa PREVAH (h) Research institution WSL Comments Collaboration with WSL (M. Zappa) Real-time application conditioned to availability of funds in 2006; otherwise selected event-based and postprocessing of flood events Type EUMETNET Name Contact person Contributions Comments ISAC-CNR S. Davolio MOLOCH (a) Collaboration with ARPAL-CMIRL and SAR DLR C. Keil Real-time model validation of COSMO-LEPS (online monitoring) Collaboration with ARPA-SIM FZK IMK-IFU J. Werhahn A. Marx H. Kunstmann MM5 (a) WRF (a) WaSIM (h) SRNWP M. Denhard PEPS (a) EUCOS J. Caughey Extra observations (o) Table 2: Participating atmospheric models (limited-area ensemble prediction systems and high-resolution deterministic models). Model1 Mesh-size Number Number (ensemble [km, of grid of vertical size) (degrees)] points levels (S-N, W-E) limited-area COSMOensemble LEPS (16) prediction MOGREP systems S (24) Forecast Initial range time(s) [h] [UTC] 40, -170 -16, -12.5 132 37.5, 177.5 none Institution 432, 720 SREPS (20) 27 (0.25) 164, 384 GEM-LAM (???) 10 (???) PEPS 7 (0.0625) 560, 960 none 35, -30 42 00, 06, 12, 18 EUMETNET 35 SRNWP microPEPS 2 (0.02) 500, 650 none 40, 4 36 00, 12 DWD 7 (0.0625) 2.2 (0.02) 325, 385 350, 520 43.0, -170 43.0, -170 -9.75, -16 -4, -5.7 72 18 00, 12 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 MeteoSwiss 101 2988 1845 32.5, -170 -24.0, -5.0 30 00, 12 32.5, -170 32.5, -170 -25, -8.5 -21.925, -3.5 72 48 00, 12 00, 12 40 potential problems MD3 COPS4 25 (0.22) LAMI 12 ARPA-SIM 272 -22.49, -46.98 36 06, 18 UK Met Office 39 24, -65 00, 12 INM 49 72 Environmen ? t Canada 45 60 CNMCA 2.8 (0.025) 770, 518 7 (0.0625) 319, 299 2.8 (0.025) 532, 447 40 40 ARPA-SIM For the high-resolution deterministic models, the coarser-resolution driving model(s) are also listed (if their output is provided). For formulae used, see below. 3 Output for MAP D-PHASE domain (43 to 50 N, 2 to 18 E) 4 Output for COPS domain (47.25 to 50 N, 6 to 10.5 E) 2 Tape space [GB]2 258, 306 EuroLM? ITA-LM 1 Position of lower left corner [rlat, rlon]; italic for unrotated grid 10 (0.09) highaLMo resolution deterministi c models 40 Position of rotated Npole [lat, lon]; ‘none’ for unrotated grid 149 ? 780 CIN 489 101 1233 780 Model1 Mesh-size Number Number (ensemble [km, of grid of vertical size) (degrees)] points levels (S-N, W-E) Position of rotated Npole [lat, lon]; ‘none’ for unrotated grid Position of lower left corner [rlat, rlon]; italic for unrotated grid Forecast Initial range time(s) [h] [UTC] Tape space [GB]2 potential problems MD3 COPS4 hindcast CIMA s only LM LMK 2.8 (0.025) 461, 421 40, -170 -5.0, -5.0 18 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 2.2 (0.02) 242, 320 none 43.3, 5.4 24 or 36 12 (?) 2.2 (0.02) 194, 200 45, -171 -1.93, -1.99 36 12 MOLOCH MOLOCH 5 Institution MM5 and WRF 1 () QBOLAM 33 (0.3) 11 (0.1) 36 98, 162 210, 386 Nested into the 12 UTC run, starting at forecast time +12h. 51.5, -167.5 51.5, -167.5 -13.2, -24.3 -9.9, -18.3 60 48 DWD ? 1912 1180 ISAC-CNR ? 283 0 ? 142 0 ARPALCFMI-PC GRIB1 (check with ARPAL!); only subset of TIGGE list only 3-hourly; only subset of TIGGE list; sub-domain (check with ISAC!) University of ? l’AquilaCETEMPS 12 005 APAT 1 38 24 GRIB1 (check with ARPAL?); only subset of TIGGE list; sub-domain (check with ISAC?) Model1 Mesh-size Number Number (ensemble [km, of grid of vertical size) (degrees)] points levels (S-N, W-E) AROME6 (0.1) (0.04) 221, 281 160, 216 46 41 Position of rotated Npole [lat, lon]; ‘none’ for unrotated grid Position of lower left corner [rlat, rlon]; italic for unrotated grid Forecast Initial range time(s) [h] [UTC] none none 34.57, -11 43.2, 5.3 54 30 ??? 45, 55 73, 77 49, 57 37, 28 none none none none 54 (0.52) 18 (0.16) 6 (0.06) 2 (0.02) 48, 56 64, 64 49, 49 43, 43 9.6 (???) 270, 300 100, 100 180, 180 220, 250 MM5 60 (0.56) 15 (0.14) 3.75 (0.04) 1.25 (0.01) GEM-LAM 6 none none none 9 (0.09) 3 (0.03) 1 (0.01) Unified Model potential problems 00 00 MétéoFrance -7 106 CAPE, CIN 95 hindcast University s only Paul Sabatier MM5 and/or WRF ALADINAustria Tape space [GB]2 MD3 COPS4 AROME WRF Institution 36 36 36 24 24 24 00, 12 00, 12 00, 12 University of 16 Hohenheim 55 272 34.08, -7.02 42.10, 2,72 46.88, 10.18 47.30, 10.85 72 72 60 60 00, 12 00, 12 00, 12 00, 12 FZK IMKIFU none none none none 34.79, -7.40 42.07, 3.66 46.33 ,9.37 47.27, 10.49 72 72 60 60 00, 12 00, 12 00, 12 00, 12 FZK IMKIFU none (centred at 46.26, 17.0) 48 00, 12 ZAMG 1 20 11 12 2451 GRIB1 (check with FZK!); sub-domain (check with FZK!) 0 standard MM5 output; only subset of TIGGE list 1 15 10 22 0 standard WRF output; only subset of TIGGE list 95 60 hindcast UK Met s only Office Environmen AROME runs on a Lambert projected grid with a mesh-size of 2.5 km with (309, 309) grid points centred at (46.39N, 9.6E). The specifications given in this table refer to the GRIB output on a regular lat/lon grid. The respective numbers for the driving model (ALADIN-France) are 9.5 km, (300, 300), and (?, ?), respectively. 7 Data not provided, unless someone explicitly asks for it. Model1 Mesh-size Number Number (ensemble [km, of grid of vertical size) (degrees)] points levels (S-N, W-E) 2.5 (0.0225) 433, 420 Position of rotated Npole [lat, lon]; ‘none’ for unrotated grid Position of lower left corner [rlat, rlon]; italic for unrotated grid 42.37, -165.81 39.52, 3.10 Forecast Initial range time(s) [h] [UTC] Institution Tape space [GB]2 MD3 COPS4 24 00 (?) t Canada 388 242 potential problems Table 3: Participating hydrological models (check table 2 and annex 4 for available atmospheric models). Driving model8 Model Impact area ensemble hydrological models PREVAH Lago Maggiore (CH) ETHZ/WSL deterministic hydrological models PREVAH Canton of Glarus (upper Linth catchment, CH) WSL Routing System II Canton of Wallis (upper Rhone catchment, CH) EPFL Lago Maggiore sea level prediction Lago Maggiore (CH, I) IST-SUPSI TopKapi Reno River and Secchia River in EmiliaRomagna region (I) ARPA-SIM DRIFT Liguria (I) ARPAL-CMIRL DIMOSOP Oglio and Mella (in connection to the end users). Selected catchments in the Lago Maggiore region (pending for real time applications) (I) U Brescia LARSIM Iller, Lech, and Isar catchments Hochwasservorhersageze ntralen Iller/Lech, 8 Forecast range [h] If not driven by an atmospheric model, specify input data (e.g., nowcasting tool, observational data, etc.) Initial time(s) [UTC] Institution (Bavaria, D) Kempten (D) and Isar, Weilheim (D) Table 4: Participating forecasters / end user pairs (each end user is alerted by his or her forecaster, only, i.e. there may be more than one end user per forecaster but there is only one forecaster per end user). Forecaster End user Impact area Data providers9 WSL (?) Ticino water management agency Lago Maggiore (CH) PREVAH (ETHZ/WSL) WSL (?) Glarus natural hazards management agency Canton of Glarus (upper Linth catchment, CH) PREVAH (WSL) EPFL (?) Canton of Wallis Canton of Wallis (upper Rhone catchment, CH) Routing System II (EPFL) IST-SUPSI (?) Regional civil protection agency Lago Maggiore (CH, I) Lago Maggiore sea level prediction (IST-SUPSI) ARPA-SIM Emilia-Romagna Functional Centre for Civil Protection Reno River and Secchia River in Emilia-Romagna region (I) TopKapi (ARPA-SIM) ARPAL-CMIRL Liguria Functional Centre for Civil Protection Liguria (I) DRIFT (ARPAL-CMIRL) U Brescia (?) Consorzio dell’Oglio (Oglio River Water Authority) Oglio and Mella (in connection to the DIMOSOP (U Brescia) end users). Selected catchments in the Lago Maggiore region (pending for real time applications) (I) Hochwasservorhersagezentralen Iller/Lech, Kempten (D) and Isar, Weilheim (D) Regional civil protection authorities Iller, Lech, and Isar catchments (Bavaria, D) 9 Data providers may provide data (model data, nowcasting data, and observational data) and/or alerts. LARSIM (Hochwasservorhersagezentralen Iller/Lech, Kempten (D) and Isar, Weilheim (D)) ANNEX 4: Domains of high-resolution deterministic meteorological models used in MAP D-PHASE (the computational domains of ensemble prediction systems are typically much larger than the indicated MAP D-PHASE domain).