Ethics application 2nd Draft

Otago Polytechnic Ethics/Research
Application Form 2011
General Instructions for Applicants
There are 3 sections to this application form, see below for instru ctions about
which sections you need to complete
If you are a first time applicant we suggest you also read the detailed instructions
in Joint Ethics Grant Application Appendix 1 General Instructions.docx
Applicants Seeking Ethical Approval:
Complete Section 1 and 2 of the application form
Applications must be submitted to:
Otago Polytechnic Research Ethics Committee Secretary: Alex Morales-Garcia
(Sections 1 & 2, in hardcopy)
Otago Polytechnic Research Ethics Committee:
(Sections 1 & 2, in a single Word document format)
Otago Polytechnic Treaty Compliance c/- Kaitohutohu: Khyla Russell (Sections 1 & 2)
For assistance with filling out this form contact:
Alex Morales-Garcia ext 8119
Applicants Seeking a Research Grant:
Complete Section 1 and 3 of the application form
Applications (one hard copy with signatures and one electronic copy) must be submitted to:
 Otago Polytechnic Research Administrator: Alex Morales (Sections 1 & 3)
 Otago Polytechnic Treaty Compliance c/- Kaitohutohu: Khyla Russell (Sections 1 & 3)
For assistance with filling out this form contact
Research Co-ordinator, Jenny Aimers ext 8407
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Application Form 2011
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Section 1 – General Information
(to be completed by all applicants)
Sarah Stewart
Educational Development Centre
Phone (office & mobile)
Postal Address
Forth St, Dunedin
Title of Project
Mind the gap: Developing a digital repository of resources to support reflective teaching and
Total $ amount requested from the Committee
Commencement Date
Completion Date
Lay Summary of Project
Please make this jargon-free so it can be understood by someone not from your discipline
This project aims to develop an open access repository of video resources that can be used
by staff developers and teachers to support and enhance their teaching in adult learning
contexts of Aotearoa/New Zealand:
The resources will provide information about how to improve teaching practice as well as
provide examples of how this is done. Annotations will be provided to guide the use of the
video resources. Once we know what resources are available, we will be able to make
recommendations about if and what resources need to be made to fill any gaps in
knowledge in a future project.
The research aims of this project are:
To evaluate the potential effectiveness of a digital repository of video resources that can be
used to support the development of teaching and learning;
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To identify existing video resources that support teaching and learning, and make
recommendations about videos that could be made to fill gaps in a future project.
This project is being managed and led by Otago Polytechnic and funded by Ako Aotearoa.
Research Question and objectives
What you hope to achieve by this research
The research questions are:
What was the staff developers’ experience of using the wiki?
How will staff developers use the wiki to support, guide and enhance teaching in adult
learning contexts of Aotearoa/New Zealand in the future?
What type of video resources are missing, if any, and could be developed in the
Background, Justification and Literature Review
Link the literature to your own project. Explain why the project is needed and how your project fits into the local,
national or international context for your discipline
AKO Aotearoa’s Southern Educational Developers Group have identified a need to build a
repository of digital resources that can be shared and used for supporting reflective teaching
and learning. Staff developers recognize that they are not very good at collaborating and/or
sharing resources which means the wheel is often reinvented around New Zealand and
there is no consistency in how staff developers support the development of teaching
This project focuses on teaching and learning as a reflective practice which is key to the
meaningful professional development of teachers (Sunal et al, 2001). This project will
provide a mechanism for reviewing video resources to give teachers the opportunity to
observe a range of teaching practices, make conclusions about what works and what is
not good practice (Sharpe, 2004; Greenwood & Te Aika, 2008). The video resources will
support teachers to think more deeply about themselves as teachers (Steinart et al, 2006).
The teacher will be able to implement the learning from this reflective practice activity into
his/her teaching practice which is likely to improve knowledge and skills (Garet et al,
2001). This project contributes the AKO vision by providing resources to teachers that are
easily accessed and that will support them to improve their teaching practice. The intended
outcome will be to improve the learner’s educational experience and outcomes.
The benefits of freely sharing these video resources are that everyone has access to them,
which supports sustainability of time and finance. Because this resource is an open
education resource, people will continue to have the ability to add resources to the wiki
once the project ends making it a “living” and sustainable resource. Staff developers
themselves often work in isolation, so belonging to a COP in which ideas and resources
are shared will provide support in their practices as they themselves support teachers
(Wenger, 1998). The process of both sharing and building this resource has potential to
provide a supplementary support mechanism for teacher development throughout New
Design and Methodology
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Describe the methodology you will use in the project. Argue the appropriateness of the design for your project
aims. In Ethics applications this will be used to evaluate the integrity of your consent
Staff developers from the Southern Hub of Ako Aotearoa have designed and developed a
collaborative wiki where video resources will be collated and annotated. The videos will be
categorised according to the Graduate Profiles/Outcome Statements in the AKO “Taking
Stock” report (AKO, 2010). Staff developers from all over New Zealand, and all areas of
adult education including polytechnics, universities and IOTOs will be invited to contribute
videos and links to online videos. Once the wiki has been populated a general invitation will
be sent to teachers in higher education to view and make use of the wiki. This invitation will
include ongoing contribution to the wiki,even after the ‘Mind the Gap’ project is complete.
The digital repository/wiki will be evaluated and the gaps in video resources identified using
a survey incorporating an online questionnaire (Appendix One) and a focus group (Appendix
Staff developers and teachers who access the wiki either as collaborators or readers will be
invited to complete a questionnaire which will be attached to the wiki. The data will be
generated will be transferred by electronic transmission into the research database and
analysed using basic frequency statistical analysis. The survey will be anonymous so there
will be a slight risk of bogus responses. However, it is unlikely this will be a problem as the
participants will come from a small, targeted area. The questionnaire will be administered
via the wiki in order to capture “casual” passers-by, as well as the participants who are
specifically invited to take part. The survey methodology has been chosen because it is easy
to administer and will gather the greatest number of responses. It will give a broad picture of
views and ideas and provide a basis for further development work in the future (Birley &
Moreland, 1998).
The staff developers from the Southern Hub of Ako Aotearoa will be invited to take part in a
focus group that will discuss the potential effectiveness of the wiki and identify gaps in video
resources. The discussion will be facilitated using a number of semi-structured questions to
guide discussion. The discussions will be recorded and analysed according to themes (Del
Rio-Roberts, 2011). The process will be a confidential one.
AKO. (2010). Taking stock. Christchurch, New Zealand: AKO.
Birley, G., & Moreland, N. (1998). A practical guide to academic research. Wellingbourgh,
Northants: Kogan Page.
Del Rio-Roberts, M. ( 2011). How I learned to conduct focus groups. Qualitative Report, 16, 1,
Garet, M., Porter, A., Desimone, L., Birman, B., Yoon, KS. (2001). What makes professional
development effective? Results from a national sample of teachers. American Educational
Research Journal, 38, 4, 915-945.
Greenwood, J., & Te Aika, L-H. (2008). Teaching and learning for success for Maori in tertiary
settings. Retrieved June 13, 2011, from
Robinson, V., Hohepa, M., Lloyd, C. (2009). School leadership and student outcomes:
identifying what works and why best evidence synthesis. Retrieved June 13, 2011, from
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Sharpe, R. (2004). How do professionals learn and develop? Implications for staff and
educational developers. In P. Kahn & D. Baume (Eds.). Enhancing staff and educational
development (pp. 132-153). London: Routledge Falmer.
Steinert, Y., Mann, K., Centeno, A., Dolmans, D., Spencer, J., Gelula, M., Prideaux, D. (2006).
A systematic review of faculty development initiatives designed to improve teaching
effectiveness in medical education: BEME Guide No.8. Retrieved June 13, 2011, from
Sunal, D., Hodges, J., Sunal, C., Whitaker, K. et al. (2001). Teaching science in higher
education: Faculty professional development and barriers to change. School Science and
Mathematics, 101, 5, 246-258.
Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice. Learning as a social system. Retrieved June 13,
2011, from
Treaty of Waitangi and acknowledgement of Māori knowledge
How are you acknowledging the Treaty, Maori knowledge and/or facilitating the participation of Māori
participants. If you think your project has any implications for Māori you should consult with the Kaitohutohu,
Dr Khyla Russell, for advice before you submit your application
This research is aimed at staff developers and teachers in a generic sense – participants will
not be asked to identify their ethnicity. However, a copy of this proposal will be sent to Dr
Russel for her comments and advice.
The wiki that is developed as an outcome of this project will be openly accessible to all,
including Maori teachers. The collaborative functionality of the wiki will allows Maori teachers
to translate the wiki into Te Reo if they so desire. Attention will be paid to seeking video
resources that support Maori teaching and learning resources. There are two categories for
video resources that deal to Maori teaching and learning: 'Maori Learners' and 'Maori
Teaching Pedagogy’ (AKO, 2010). Advice will be sought about suitability of resources placed
on the wiki for Maori from Kate Timms-Dean and Ron Bull who are members of the TITU
team and the Educational Development Centre at Otago Polytechnic. .
Other participation issues
How are you going to deal with inclusion and exclusion of issues related to specific communities e.g. people with
disabilities or people from other cultures
We do not anticipate any inclusion or exclusion issues because the project participants are
all staff developers and teachers with access to the Internet and computers, and are most
likely to have English as their first language. The collaborative functionality of the wiki will
allow anyone to view the wiki and contribute to it if they so wish.
Outline the time frame you are proposing for all the stages of your project
Completion of wiki and invitation to staff developers in New Zealand to contribute to wiki
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once ethics approval has been obtained. July 2011
Online survey goes live once ethics approval obtained – to remain open for one month. July
Wiki development report to Ako Aotearoa. July 30th 2011
Focus group August 2011
Final report submitted to Ako Aotearoa for peer review 30th September
Response to Ako Aotearoa peer review process 15th November
Project completion 30th November 2011
Health and Safety
Provide evidence that any health and safety issues will be dealt with in a satisfactory manner. You may need to
consult with the Occupational Health and Safety Advisor (extn 8340) in this regard
Not applicable
Name of Supervisor, Referee or Consultant (where relevant):
Terry Marler
Position of Supervisor, Referee or Consultant:
Manager, EDC, Otago Polytechnic
What benefits will this research bring to Otago Polytechnic?
(insert x in pale blue boxes if applicable):
A research output will be generated from this project
Journal article (which journals will you submit to?)
The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
Exhibition (which gallery?)
Design object (where will it be displayed?)
Book/Book chapter (who will be the publisher?)
Conference presentation/Proceedings (which conference?)
Ascilite 2012 education conference.
Other (please specify)
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The project will contribute to the overall development of the research environment or research
culture (please specify how)
This project will model educational collaboration that can be followed by educators and researchers
both in Otago Polytechnic and throughout New Zealand. The resource that the project will generate
will be a ‘living’ wiki that educators and researchers can continue to add to and use for reflective
practice long after the project has ended – this highlights to the wider research and educational
community the importance of using sustainable and open education resources, processes and
The project will give other staff and/or students opportunities to gain research skills or experience
(please explain how this will be facilitated)
Is this study related to enrolment at another institution?
If ‘yes’,which:
Does your project require ethical approval?
If you require ethical approval and have previously had this approved please tick here
Tick box:
Is this application for (x more than one box as applicable):
Ethical Approval (Complete Sections 1 & 2)
Funding (Complete Sections 1 & 3)
I understand that I will need to supply each committee with a brief report at the conclusion of the research.
Signed .................................................................................................................................................................
To be completed by your Head of School/Manager
Please insert x in pale blue box as applicable (you may select more than one):
This research project is consistent with the Research Plan of this Department
This research project is approved to be part of the staff member’s workload/duties
I am acting as a supervisor or referee for this research proposal
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I am aware of this research project but it is being conducted outside of the School/Department’s Research
A supervisor has been approved for this project
Note: When your application is ready for submitting print down to here for your Manager/HoS to sign.
Do you need Ethics approval? Go on to complete Section 2 – Ethics
Section 2 Ethics Application 2009.docx
Do you need Research Funding? Go on to complete Section 3 – Research
Section 3 Research Grant Application.docx
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Section 2 - Ethics
We acknowledge some of the format may initially seem complex: the forms are arranged like this to
avoid duplication of effort for people making applications to both the Research Ethics and the
Research Grants Committee.
Application for Ethics Approval
Please ensure that you have read through the entire application form and the Otago Polytechnic Guidelines on
Ethical Practices in Research Ethical Guidelines before writing your application. You will find particularly useful
the sections ‘Completing the Category A Application Form’, ‘Advice for new researchers’, and ‘Principles governing
ethical approval’.
Please use this format when preparing your application.
Do not omit any headings or sub-headings.
Procedures in which research participants will be involved
1. Participants will be invited to read wiki and collaborate by adding video
resources, annotating them and making comments about their usefulness in the
development of teaching/learning practice
2. Visitors to the wiki will be invited to complete an anonymous online survey
about their experience of using the wiki and how they think they will use it in
supporting teachers to reflect on their practice (Appendix One). The online
questionnaire will become available once ethics approval has been received and
will remain open for approximately one month depending on when the ethics
approval is received and how quickly we can recruit participants to the project.
3. The staff developers of the Southern Hub of Ako Aotearoa will be invited to
participate in a face-to-face focus group to explore how effective they think this
wiki will be and the gaps in resources that they have identified. This focus group
will be part of the regular Southern Hub quarterly meeting (Appendix Two).
Procedures for handling information and material produced in the course of the research including raw
data and final research report(s)
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1. The survey data will be sent electronically to the researchers’ database. Only
Sarah Stewart and Terry Marler will have access to the raw data.
2. The recording of the focus group will be analysed using thematic analysis. Only
Sarah Stewart and Terry Marler will have access to the raw data. A draft report
containing the analysis will be sent to the participants for checking before it is
added to the official report.
A final research report will be submitted to Ako Aotearoa because Ako is the
project funder. The report will be published on the Ako website and disseminated
in Ako communications. The report will be disseminated to participants and adult
education institutions throughout New Zealand, attached to the project wiki and
also be submitted for publication in professional journals and at education
Procedures for sharing information with research participants
1. Participants in the survey will be given the opportunity to give the researchers
their email addresses so the research report can be sent to them on an individual
basis. All email addresses will be kept confidential and not used for any other
purpose. Otherwise, participants will be able to access the report on the project
wiki and Ako website – it will be up to them to monitor the websites for news of
when it is released.
2. As participants of the focus group will be part of the process of developing the
final report, they will be cognisant of all information. They will be emailed a final
report when it is complete.
Arrangements for storage and security, return, disposal or destruction of data
The data will be stored on a password-protected computer during the research
period. Then it will be stored on a flashdrive and stored for 5 years as per Otago
Polytechnic policy.
The data will have no identifying features. However, if participant chooses to
identify themselves their details will be kept anonymous in any research reports or
Recruitment and access to participants
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1. Participants will be invited to join the wiki project as soon as ethics approval
has been granted. Participants of the survey will be:
 Staff developers of the Southern Hub of Ako Aotearoa who are already
taking part in this project.
 Staff developers from the rest of New Zealand who are aligned with Ako
Aotearoa - their contact details will be acquired from Ako Aotearoa.
 Staff developers and interested parties from adult education institutions
throughout New Zealand – the invitations will be ‘snowballed’ via personal
and virtual networks.
 Staff developers and interested parties from adult education institutions
throughout the world – the invitations will be ‘snowballed’ via virtual
2. Participants of the focus group who are staff developers of the Southern Hub of
Ako Aotearoa who are already taking part in this project. This group has quarterly
meetings as a matter of course. Travel and refreshment expenses are paid for by
Ako Aotearoa. Time is proved by the developers’ employers.
Obtaining informed consent
1. The participants of the survey will be conferring their implied consent to the
research by submitting their answers to the questionnaire.
2. Participants of the focus group have informally given their consent as they have
agreed to be part of this overall project and been part of developing the project.
However, they will be asked to sign a consent form before they take part in the
focus group.
Anonymity and/or confidentiality
1. The data collected from the survey will have no identifying features. Any
information reported in connection to the survey will be anonymous. However, any
identifying information that a participant volunteers provides will not be disclosed
in the research report ie all data reported will be anonymous.
2. The data collected from the focus group will be kept confidential ie all data will
be reported in a way that readers cannot identify the participant. However,
participants will be given the choice of whether they stay anonymous or not. If
they choose to stay anonymous, they will be given pseudonyms. NB: There is a
possibility that readers can identify participants even if they choose to use
pseudonyms because the project has been closely aligned with the Southern Hub
and people know who the Southern Hub are. The project has been developed
using open online processes with a project page that clearly identifies who we
are: Participants will be reminded
of this in the consent form.
Potential harm to participants and how this will be managed
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As far as can be ascertained, there is no potential harm to the participants.
Potential harm to researcher(s) and how this will be managed
As far as can be ascertained, there is no potential harm to the researchers
1.10. Potential harm to the Polytechnic and how this will be managed
As far as can be ascertained, there is no potential harm to Otago Polytechnic
1.11. Participant’s right to decline to take part or withdraw
Taking part in this research is completely voluntary.
1. Once the participants have submitted their answers to the questionnaire they
will be unable to withdraw from the study.
2. Participants in the focus group will be able to withdraw up to the time the data
is analyzed. During the focus group participants may ask for the recorder to be
turned off. However, if the group does not agree to do this, the participant is free
to leave the room. Participants be part of the process of editing the final research
report so may ask for specific details pertaining to themselves to be removed up
until the time the final report is signed off by the project group.
1.12. How the information will be used
1. The open access repository of video resources will be available to all teachers.
This repository will become a one -stop shop for staff developers and teachers
who will be able to use the resources to improve their teaching practice. Because
this resource is an open education resource, people will continue to have the
ability to add resources to the wiki once the project ends making it a “living” and
sustainable resource.
2. The research report will be disseminated to adult education institutions
throughout New Zealand:
 To raise the profile of the wiki
 To inform educators about how to collaborate in a community of practice
using online tools and open access processes.
3. The report will be presented at conferences and submitted for publication in
education journals.
1.13. Conflict of interest / Conflict of roles
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There is one potential conflict of roles: Sarah Stewart is the researcher and also
an active participant in the project. In order to make sure she does not influence
the direction of the focus group discussions, she will not take part in the focus
group. Another member of the project group will facilitate the conversation. Sarah
will write a separate reflection on her role in the project and how she felt the
project process worked.
1.14. Other ethical concerns, e.g. sources of funding
The project is being funded by Ako Aotearoa however there are no requirements
or dictates that cause ethical concerns.
The only legal considerations that the researchers are aware of is the copyright of
videos placed on the wiki. The majority of videos referenced will be via Internet
link ie the wiki will contain a link to a video which is hosted on another website
such as YouTube. However, if they are not in the public domain, the project
leader will ensure that all copyright rules are adhered to before the videos are
made available on the wiki.
Ethics Committees
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Professional Codes
None at this stage
Forms and Appendices to be included
Include here the other forms and appendices you have prepared as part of your application.
(Remember that the whole application is to be submitted as a single Word document.)
Suggestions as to information you might include:
 Approval email (note) from the Interim Treaty Compliance Committee
 Letters of permission to access specific information or employees
 Letter of invitation to participate
 Reminder letter to return survey
 Letter saying you have enough people
 Confidentiality agreements that e.g. your transcriber will sign
 The participant information form (see sample form attached; if you choose to use
it, edit it as necessary to make it consistent with the information already provided
in your application)
 The consent form (see sample form attached; if you choose to use it, edit it as
necessary to ensure it is consistent with the information already provided in your
 The survey form participants will complete
 The recruitment poster
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Appendix One Questionnaire
Educational Development Centre
Forth Street, Private Bag 1910
Dunedin, New Zealand
Telephone +64 (0)3-479 6041
Facsimile +64 (0)3 471 6870
Project title Mind the gap. Developing a digital repository of resources to support reflective
teaching and learning
General Introduction
We are the AKO Aotearoa, New Zealand, Southern Educational Developers Group
represented by Sarah Stewart who is the project’s researcher. We are mindful that at times
we work in isolation which means we often re-invent the wheel and we have identified a need
to build a repository of video resources that can be shared and used for supporting reflective
teaching and learning in adult learning contexts.
We have developed a collaborative wiki of video resources that can be shared and we would
like to invite you to contribute any videos that you think will help teachers in adult education to
develop their teaching practice: Hopefully this wiki will
become a ‘living’ and sustainable resource that will support you as you support teachers to
develop their teaching practice.
We would also like to invite you to complete this survey which will tell us what you think about
the ‘Mind the gap’ wiki. We would be very grateful for your feedback which will help us to
maintain the wiki and identify if further work in this area is required.
What is the aim of the project?
The aim of this project is to find out what you think about the ‘Mind the gap’ wiki. In particular we
would like to know:
What was your experience of using the wiki?
How do you think you will use the wiki in the future?
What types of video resources are missing and could be developed in the future?
How will potential participants be identified and accessed?
You have been asked to complete this survey for one of these reasons:
You have accessed the ‘Mind the gap’ wiki
You have been identified by Ako Aotearoa as a staff developer in adult education in New
You have been identified as a staff developer or someone interested in the development
of teaching and learning.
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What will my participation involve?
Should you agree to take part in this project you will be asked to:
 Work your way around the wiki and read/look at the resources provided
 Contribute to the development of the wiki by adding a video or link to a video, and
making a comment about why you think the video will be useful to teachers in reflecting
on their teaching practice
 Complete this questionnaire which will take 10-15 minutes.
By submitting your answers to this survey you are giving your implied consent to this project.
How will confidentiality and/or anonymity be protected?
This survey is anonymous. However, if you identify yourself in any way, your details will be kept
strictly confidential.
What data or information will be collected and how will it be used?
Demographic information will be collected as well as information about your experience and
views of the ‘Mind the gap” wiki. Results of this project may be published but any data included
will in no way be linked to any specific participant without prior consent.
You may request a copy of the results of the project which will be sent to you via email, or you
can access the report when it is available at:
The results of the project will be presented as a report to Ako Aotearoa and disseminated
throughout New Zealand via Ako Aotearoa communication processes. The research report will
also be disseminated via conference presentations and journal articles.
Data Storage
The data collected will be securely stored in such a way that only the researcher, Sarah Stewart
will have access to it. At the end of the project any personal information will be destroyed for
any raw data on which the results are based. This will be retained in secure storage for a period
of five years, after which it will be destroyed.
Can participants change their minds and withdraw from the project?
You can decline to participate without any disadvantage to yourself of any kind. You can refuse
to answer any particular question. You can withdraw from the survey any time until the time you
submit your answers.
What if participants have any questions?
If you have any questions about the project, either now or in the future, please feel free to
contact Sarah Stewart:
Address: Educational Development Centre
Otago Polytechnic
Forth Street, Private Bag 1910
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Dunedin, New Zealand
Phone: 0800 762 786 ext 8360
This questionnaire will be accessible until xxxx.
This project has been reviewed and approved by the Otago Polytechnic Research Ethics
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Survey Questions
1. In what type of institution do you work?
Other [comment]
2. What is your MAIN occupation or role? (Click only one answer)
Staff developer
Other [comment]
3. What country do you live in? [comment, or a list]
4. How did you hear about the "Mind the gap" wiki? [1 answer only]
Personal invitation, face-to-face
Personal invitation, by email
Personal invitation, by Twitter
Personal invitation, by Facebook
Group page on the Ako website
Via my PLN on Twitter
Via my PLN on Facebook
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Came across the wiki whilst browsing on the Internet
Other [comment]
5. Where were you when you visited the 'Mind the gap' wiki? [1 answer only]
Educational institution where I am studying
Public library
Internet cafe
In transet, using mobile device ?)
Other [comment]
6. How would you rate the information about the 'Mind the gap' project?
Very clear
Not very clear
Extremely unclear
7. How would you rate the information about how to use the wiki?
Very clear
Not very clear
Extremely unclear
8. Did you know what a wiki was before you visited the 'Mind the gap' wiki?
9. Have you ever edited a wiki before visiting the 'Mind the gap' wiki?
10. Did you add a video or link to a video on the wiki?
a. Yes ( if yes, go to question 13. )
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b. No ( if yes, go to question. 18 )
13. How easy was it to find your way around the wiki?
Very easy
Not very easy
14. How easy was it to edit the wiki?
Very easy
Not very easy
15. How useful were the categories when it came to adding a video?
Very useful
Not very useful
16. How easy was it to think of an annotation to go with the video?
Very easy
Not very easy
17. How easy was it to think of a comment to go with the video?
Very easy
Not very easy
18. If you didn't edit the wiki, what were the reasons? (Choose as many as
you like)
I do not have the appropriate computer skills
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I do not have the appropriate access to a computer
I do not have the appropriate access to the Internet
I did not understand what the project was about
I think the project has no value or merit
I did not understand what to do
I found it too hard to edit the wiki
I did not have enough time
I had no video to contribute
I had a video but did not know which category to add it to
I had a video but could not think of an annotation
I had a video but could not think of a comment to leave
I did not want to identify myself in an open online environment
I do not have the confidence to contribute to a wiki
Other [comment]
19. What do you need to be able to be able to contribute to the wiki? (Choose as many as you
More information about the project
Face-to-face briefing about the project
Training to improve my computer skills
Training on how to use a wiki
Other [comment]
20. What changes do you suggest need to be made to the wiki? [paragraph box]
21. How do you think you will use the wiki in the future? [paragraph box]
22. What video resources do you feel are missing? In other words, what area(s) of teaching and
learning practice could be enhanced by a video which is not in the wiki? [paragraph box]
Please write your email address here if you would like us to send you a copy of the survey
report when it is completed. (Your email will be kept completely confidential and not be used for
any other purpose). [comment box]
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Application Form 2011
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Appendix Two Focus group
Educational Development Centre
Forth Street, Private Bag 1910
Dunedin, New Zealand
Telephone +64 (0)3-479 6041
Facsimile +64 (0)3 471 6870
Project title Mind the gap. Developing a digital repository of resources to support reflective
teaching and learning
General Introduction
The AKO Aotearoa’s Southern Educational Developers Group have developed a collaborative
wiki of video resources that can be shared and used for supporting reflective teaching and
As a member of this group, you are invited to join a focus group discussion exploring how you
felt about the process of developing the wiki and how you will use it in the future. We will also
discuss what gaps you feel there are and what type of videos need to be made in the future, if
What is the aim of the project?
The aim of this project is to find out what you think about the ‘Mind the gap’ wiki. In particular we
would like to know:
What was your experience of using the wiki?
How do you think you will use the wiki in the future?
What types of video resources are missing and could be developed in the future?
How will potential participants be identified and accessed?
You have been invited to take part in this research because you are a member of the AKO
Aotearoa’s Southern Educational Developers Group.
What will my participation involve?
Should you agree to take part in this project you will be asked to:
 Attend a focus group which will take place during one of the regular Southern
Educational Developers Group meetings – this focus group will take approximately 1
 Discuss your experiences of using the wiki, how you will use it in the future and what
gaps you think there are, if any. The discussion will be facilitated by a group member and
based on a series of semi-structured questions.
 Agree to have your conversation recorded and integrated into a research report.
 Take part in the editing of the research report and review the final report before it is sent
to Ako Aatearoa.
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You will be asked to give your consent by signing a consent form before the start of the focus
How will confidentiality and/or anonymity be protected?
All material collected during the course of the focus group will be kept confidential. Raw data will
be coded for the purposes of analysis. Only pseudonyms will be used in the project reports and
publications and any information which could potentially identify participants will be excluded.
However, you will need to be mindful that you could still be identified through the project’s
website and the open processes we have used throughout this project:
What data or information will be collected and how will it be used?
The information collected will be the discussion generated in the focus group which will consist
of your opinions of the ‘Mind the gap’ project. The results of the project will be presented as a
report to Ako Aotearoa and disseminated throughout New Zealand via Ako Aotearoa
communication processes. The research report will also be disseminated via conference
presentations and journal articles. As a member of the group you will automatically be sent a
copy of the final research report.
Data Storage
The data collected will be securely stored in such a way that only the researchers will have
access to it. At the end of the project any personal information will be destroyed . Any raw data
on which the results are based will also be destroyed at completion of the project, and only
results will be retained in secure storage for a period of five years, after which it will be
Can participants change their minds and withdraw from the project?
You can decline to participate without any disadvantage to yourself of any kind. If you choose to
participate, you may withdraw from the project at any time, without giving reasons for your
withdrawal. You can also withdraw any information that has already been supplied until analysis
of the transcript commences. You can also refuse to answer any particular question during the
focus group, and ask for the audio to be turned off at any stage. However, if the group requests
that the audio remains on, you are free to leave the room
What if participants have any questions?
If you have any questions about the project, either now or in the future, please feel free to
contact Sarah Stewart:
Address: Educational Development Centre
Otago Polytechnic
Forth Street, Private Bag 1910
Dunedin, New Zealand
Phone: 0800 762 786 ext 8360
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Application Form 2011
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This project has been reviewed and approved by the Otago Polytechnic Research Ethics
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Application Form 2011
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Educational Development Centre
Forth Street, Private Bag 1910
Dunedin, New Zealand
Telephone +64 (0)3-479 6041
Facsimile +64 (0)3 471 6870
Consent Form for project called:
Mind the gap. Developing a digital repository of resources to support reflective teaching and
I have read the information sheet concerning this project and understand what it is about. All
my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I understand that I am free to request
further information at any stage. I know that:
 My participation in the project is entirely voluntary;
 I am free to withdraw at any time without giving reasons and without any disadvantage;
 The data (including audio tapes) will be destroyed at the conclusion of the project. Only
results will be retained in secure storage for five years after which they will be destroyed.
 The results of the project will be published in a project report and may be published in a
journal article and/or used at a presentation in an academic conference, but my anonymity /
confidentiality will be preserved.
 I know I can withdraw any information I provide to the researchers up until they have started
to analyse the recording of the focus group session.
I agree to take part in this project under the conditions set out in the Information Sheet.
............................................................................................................. (signature of participant)
............................................................................................................. (date)
............................................................................................................. (signature of researcher)
This project has been reviewed and approved by the Otago Polytechnic Ethics
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Application Form 2011
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Questions for focus group
1. In what type of institution do you work?
2. What is your MAIN occupation or role?
3. How do you feel about taking part in the ‘mind the gap’ project?
4. What aspects of the collaboration processes worked well for you?
5. How could the collaboration processes have been improved?
6. What was your experience of using the wiki?
7. How do you think you will use the wiki in the future?
8. What types of video resources are missing and could be developed in the future?
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Application Form 2011
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