CV - Center for Cognitive Science

Charles R. Gallistel
Born: May 18, 1941
Marital Status: Married to Rochel Gelman, December 21, 1969
Children: Adam Hirshel, June 28, 1975
Academic History
Stanford University, A.B., 1963
Yale University, Ph.D., 1966
Professional Experience
2000: Professor (II) of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Rutgers University
2002- 2010: Co-Director, Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science
1989- 2000: Professor of Psychology, UCLA (now Emeritus)
1989- 2000 : Member of the Interdisciplinary Degree Program in
Neuroscience, UCLA
1988-1989: Bernard L. & Ida E. Grossman Term Professor, U. Pennsylvania
1983-1989: Member of the Graduate Group in Neuroscience, U Pennsylvania
1981-1984: Chair, Department of Psychology, U Pennsylvania
1979-1983: Member of the Graduate Group in Biology, U. Pennsylvania
1976-1989: Professor, Department of Psychology, U. Pennsylvania
1966-1976: Assistant Professor - Associate Professor, U. Pennsylvania
Member National Academy of Sciences (USA) 2002
Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 2001
William James Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science 2006
Fellow, Society of Experimental Psychologists
Warren Medal of the Society of Experimental Psychologists 2006
Hebb Award from Division 6 of the American Psychological Association 2011
Fellow, Sage Mind Institute, UC, Santa Barbara, Mid May-June, 2008
Schlossberg Lecture, Brown, 2010
Teuber Lecturer MIT 2006
Blackwell Lectureship, University of Maryland, Nov 2003
APA Distinguished Scientist Lecturer (MPA, May 2004)
MacEachern Lectureship, University of Alberta, Oct. 1997
James McKeen Cattell Fund Sabbatical Award '95-'96
Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1984-1985
Chair Section J (Psychology) AAAS (1995)
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
National Administrative Posts and Memberships
Publication Board, Psychonomic Society, 2002 - 2009
American Psychological Society Advisory Board 2001 – 2004
Member Physiology, Behavior and Neuroscience Study Section, NIMH (1996-1998)
Co-chair Basic Behavioral Processes Sub-Committee of NIMH Basic Behav.
Sciences Task Force, 1993
Founding coeditor of Current Directions in Psychological Science (1991-1995)
Chair, Publication Board, Psychonomic Society (1987-1989)
Chair, Animal Res. Comm., Fed. of Behav., Psychol., and Cog. Sciences(1986 - 1989)
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Editorial Board of Cognition (1991- 2006)
Member, American Psychological Society
Member, Society for Neuroscience
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Gallistel, C. R. (1972) The experimental study of the mind. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
(Lecture notes and readings for an introductory psychology course with 1,000
Gelman, R., & Gallistel, C. R. (1978) The child's understanding of number. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press. 260 pp
Gallistel, C. R. (1980) The organization of action: A new synthesis. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 432 pp
Gallistel, C. R. (1990) The organization of learning. Cambridge, MA: Bradford Books/MIT
Press. 648 pp
Gallistel, C. R. (1991), Editor: Animal Cognition. Special Issue of Cognition put out as book
by MIT Press. 203 pp
Gallistel, C.R., & Gibbon, J. (2002) The symbolic foundations of conditioned behavior.
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Gallistel, C.R. (2002) Editor Stevens’ handbook of experimental psychology, Volume 3:
Learning, motivation and emotion. New York, Wiley.
Gallistel, C.R., & King, A. (2009) Memory and the computational brain: Why cognitive science
will transform neuroscience . New York: Blackwell/Wiley
Journal Articles & Chapters [R =refereed journal]
Gallistel, C. R. (1964) Electrical self-stimulation and its theoretical implications.
Psychological Bulletin,R 61, 23-34.
Gallistel, C. R. (1966) Motivating effects in self-stimulation. Journal of Comparative and
Physiological Psychology,R 62, 95-101.
Gallistel, C. R. (1967) Intracranial stimulation and natural reward: Differential effects of
trial spacing. Psychonomic Science-R, 9, 167-168.
Gallistel, C. R. (1969) The incentive of brain stimulation reward. Journal of Comparative
and Physiological Psychology,R 69, 713-721.
Gallistel, C. R. (1969) Self-stimulation: Failure of pretrial stimulation to affect rats'
electrode preference. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 69, 722-729.
Gallistel, C. R., Rolls, E. T., & Green, D. (1969) Neuron function inferred from behavioral
and electrophysiological estimates of refractory period. Science,R 166, 1028-1030.
Gallistel, C. R. (1969) Comments on Panksepp, et al. Psychonomic Science-R, 16, 25-26.
Gallistel, C. R., & Beagley, G. W. (1971) The specificity of brain stimulation reward.
Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 76, 199-205.
Gallistel, C. R., & Beagley, W. K. (1971) Versatile behavior monitoring technique for
rodents. Physiology and Behavior-R, 7, 273-276.
Gallistel, C. R. (1973) Self-stimulation: The neurophysiology of reward and motivation.
In J. A. Deutsch (Ed.), The physiological basis of memory. New York: Academic Press.
pp. 175-267
Reid, L. D., Hunsicker, J. P., Kent, E. W., Lindsay, J. L., & Gallistel, C. R. (1973) The
incidence and magnitude of the priming effect in self-stimulating rats. Journal of
Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 82, 286-293.
Barry, F. E., Walters, M. S. & Gallistel, C. R. (1974) On the optimal pulse duration in
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electrical stimulation of the brain. Physiology and Behavior,R 12, 149-154.
Gallistel, C. R., Stellar, J. R., & Bubis, E. (1974) Parametric analysis of brain stimulation
reward in the rat. I: The transient process and the memory-containing process.
Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 87, 848-860.
Edmonds, D., Stellar, J. R., & Gallistel, C. R. (1974) Parametric analysis of brain
stimulation reward in the rat, II: Temporal summation in the reward system. Journal
of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 87, 860-870.
Edmonds, D., & Gallistel, C. R. (1974) Parametric analysis of brain stimulation reward in
the rat, III: The effect of performance variables on the reward summation function.
Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 87, 876-884.
Gallistel, C. R. (1974) Note on temporal summation in the reward system. Journal of
Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 87, 885-886.
Stellar, J. R., & Gallistel, C.R. (1975) Runway performance of rats for brain-stimulation or
food reward: Effects of hunger and priming. Journal of Comparative and Physiological
Psychology,R 89, 590-599.
Gallistel, C. R. (1975) Motivation as central organizing process: The psychophysical
approach to its functional and neurophysiological analysis. In J. Cole & T.
Sonderegger (Eds.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Vol. 22, Lincoln, Neb.:
University of Nebraska Press. pp. 183-250
Matthews, G. G., & Gallistel, C. R. (1975) Bilateral interaction in single units driven by
MFB self-stimulation electrodes. Physiology and Behavior,R15, 543-549.
Gallistel, C. R. (1976) Spatial and temporal summation in the neural circuit subserving
brain stimulation reward. In A. Wauquier & E. T. Rolls (Eds.), Brain stimulation
reward-. Amsterdam: North Holland. pp. 97-99
Edmonds, D., & Gallistel, C. R. (1977) Reward vs. performance in self-stimulation:
Electrode-specific effects of AMPT on reward in the rat. Journal of Comparative and
Physiological Psychology, 91, 962-974.
Gallistel, C. R., Karreman, G. A., & Reivich, M. (1977) [14.C]- 2-Deoxyglucose uptake
marks systems activated by rewarding brain stimulation. Brain Research Bulletin, R2,
Norman, M. F., & Gallistel, C. R. (1978) What can one learn from a strength-duration
experiment? Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 18, 1-27.
Gallistel, C. R. (1978) Self-stimulation in the rat: Quantitative characteristics of the
reward pathway. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 92, 977-998.
Gallistel, C. R. (1980) From muscles to motivation. American Scientist, 68, 398-409.
Gallistel, C. R., Shizgal, P. & Yeomans, J. (1981) A portrait of the substrate for selfstimulation. Psychological Review,R 88, 228-273.
Gallistel, C.R. (1981) Subcortical stimulation for motivation and reinforcement. In M. M.
Patterson & R. Kesner (Eds.), Electrical stimulation techniques.. New York: Academic
Press. pp. 142-171
Gallistel, C. R. (1981) Bell, Magendie, and the proposals to restrict the use of animals in
neurobehavioral research. American Psychologist,R 36, 357-360.
Gallistel, C. R., Boytim, M., Gomita, Y., & Klebanoff, L. (1982) Does pimozide block the
reinforcing effect of brain stimulation? Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, R 17,
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Gallistel, C. R. (1981) Precis of Gallistel's "The organization of action" & Matters of
Principles: Responses to the Open Peer Commentary. The Behavioral and Brain
Sciences, 4, 609-619 & 639-650.
Wassermann, E. M., Gomita, Y., & Gallistel, C. R. (1982) Pimozide blocks reinforcement
but not priming from MFB stimulation in the rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and
Behavior, R 17, 783-787.
Gomita, Y., & Gallistel, C. R. (1982) Effects of reinforcement- blocking doses of pimozide
on neural systems driven by rewarding stimulation of the MFB: A 14C-2Deoxyglucose analysis. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior,R 17, 841-845.
Gallistel, C. R., Piner, C. T., Allen, T. O., Adler, N. T., Yadin, E., & Negin, M. (1982)
Computer assisted analysis of 2-DG- autoradiographs in behavioral neurobiology.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews,R 6, 409-420.
Gallistel, C. R., Nichols, S. (1983) Resolution-limiting factors in 2-deoxyglucose
autoradiography. I. Factors other than diffusion. Brain Research,R 267, 323-333.
Yadin, E., Guarini, V., & Gallistel, C. R. (1983) Unilaterally activated systems in rats selfstimulating at sites in the medial forebrain bundle, medial prefrontal cortex, or
locus coeruleus. Brain Research,R 266, 39-50.
Gallistel, C. R. (1983) Self-stimulation. In J. A. Deutsch (Ed.), The physiological basis of
memory (2d Ed.). New York: Academic Press. pp. 270-349
Gallistel, C. R., Davis, A. J. (1983) Affinity for the Dopamine D2 receptor predicts
neuroleptic potency in blocking the reinforcing effect of MFB stimulation.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, R 19, 867-872.
Gallistel, C. R., Karras, D. (1984) Pimozide and amphetamine have opposing effects on
the reward summation function. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior,R 20, 73-77.
Cheng, K., & Gallistel, C. R. (1984) Testing the geometric power of an animal's spatial
representation. In H. Roitblat, T.G. Bever and H. Terrace (Eds.), Animal Cognition .
pp. 409-423. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Sax, L. D., Gallistel, C. R. (1984) Temporal integration in self-stimulation: A paradox.
Behavioral Neuroscience,R 98, 467-478.
Gallistel, C. R. (1985) Motivation, intention and emotion: Goal directed behavior from a
cognitive-neuroethological perspective. In M. Frese & J. Sabini (Eds.), Goal directed
behavior: The concept of action in psychology. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates. pp. 48-65
Gallistel, C. R. & Tretiak, O. (1985) Microcomputer systems for analyzing 2deoxyglucose autoradiographs. In R. R. Mize (Ed.), The microcomputer in cell and
neurobiology research. New York: Elsevier. pp. 389-409
Campbell, K. A., Evans, G., & Gallistel, C. R. (l985) A microcomputer-based method for
physiologically interpretable measurement of the rewarding efficacy of brain
stimulation. Physiology and Behavior, R 35, 395-403.
Gallistel, C. R., Gomita, Y., Yadin, E., & Campbell, K. A. (1985) Forebrain origins and
terminations of the medial forebrain bundle metabolically activated by rewarding
stimulation or by reward- blocking doses of pimozide. The Journal of Neuroscience,R
5, 1246-1261.
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Gallistel, C. R. (1986) The role of the dopaminergic projections in MFB self-stimulation.
Behavioral Brain Research,R 20, 313-321.
Yanovski, J. A., Adler, N. T., & Gallistel, C. R. (1986) Does the perception of reward
magnitude of self- administered electrical brain stimulation have a circadian
rhythm? Behavioral Neuroscience,R 100, 888-893.
Gallistel, C. R. & Freyd, G. (1987) Quantitative determination of the effects of
catecholaminergic agonists and antagonists on the rewarding efficacy of MFB
stimulation. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, R 26, 731-742.
Warazynski, M., Stellar, J. R., & Gallistel, C. R. (1987) Reward saturation in medial
forebrain bundle self-stimulation. Physiology and Behavior,R 41, 585-593.
Gallistel, C. R. (1988) Determining the quantitative characteristics of a reward pathway.
In M. L. Commons, R. M. Church, J. R. Stellar, & A. R. Wagner (Eds.), Quantitative
Analyses of Behavior. Vol. 7: Biological determinants of reinforcement. Hillsdale, N. J.:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp. 1-30.
Gallistel, C. R. (1988). Effect of catecholaminergic drugs on the substrate for medial
forebrain bundle reward. In M. Sandler, A. Dahlström, & R. H. Belmaker (Ed.),
Progress in catecholamine research Part B: Central aspects (pp. 469-472). New York: A.
R. Liss.
McEachron, D. L., Gallistel, C. R., Eilbert, J. L., & Tretiak, O. J.. (1988) The analytic and
functional accuracy of a video densitometry system. Journal of Neuroscience
Methods,R 25, 63-74.
Margules, J., & Gallistel, C. R. (1988) Heading in the rat: Determination by
environmental shape. Animal Learning and Behavior,R 16, 404–410.
Gallistel, C. R. (1989) Animal cognition: the representation of space, time and number.
Annual Review of Psychology, 40, 155-189.
Eilbert, J. L., Gallistel, C. R., & McEachron, D. L. (1990) The variation in user drawn
outlines on digital images: Effects on quantitative autoradiography. Computerized
Medical Imaging and Graphics,R 14, 331-339.
Gallistel, C. R. (1990), Guest Editor: Animal Cognition, Cognition (Special Issue), 37, Nos.
1-2. Also put out as book by MIT Press (1991)
Gallistel, C. R. (1990) Representations in animal cognition: An introduction. Cognition,
37, 1-22.
Gallistel, C. R., & Gelman, R. (1990). The what and how of counting. Cognition,R 34(2),
Gallistel, C. R., & Gelman, R. (1991) Subitizing: The preverbal counting process. In W.
Kessen, A. Ortony & F. Craik (Eds.) Memories, thoughts and emotions: Essays in honor
of George Mandler. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 65-81
Gallistel, C. R., Brown, A., Carey, S., Gelman, R., and Keil, F. (1991) Lessons from animal
learning. In R. Gelman & S. Carey (Eds.) The epigenesis of mind. Hillsdale, NJ:
Erlbaum. pp. 3-37
Sax, L. and Gallistel, C. R. (1991) Characteristics of spatiotemporal integration in the
priming and rewarding effects of MFB stimulation. Behavioral Neuroscience R, 105,
Gallistel, C. R., Leon, M., Waraczynski, M., & Hanau, M. (1991). The effect of current on
the maximum possible reward. Behavioral Neuroscience, R 105, 901-912.
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Gallistel, C. R., & Leon, M. (1991). Measuring the subjective magnitude of brain
stimulation reward by titration with rate of reward. Behavioral Neuroscience, R105,
Gallistel, C. R. (1992). Classical conditioning as a non-stationary, multivariate time series
analysis: A spreadsheet model. Behavioral Research Methods, Instruments, and
Computers,R 24, 340-351
Gallistel, C. R., & Gelman, R. (1992) Preverbal and verbal counting and computation.
Cognition,R 44, 43-74
Gallistel, C. R. (1992). Classical conditioning as an adaptive specialization: A
computational model. In D. L. Medin (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivation
Vol. 28. New York: Academic Press. pp. 35-68
Leon, M., & Gallistel, C. R. (1992). The function relating the subjective magnitude of
brain stimulation reward to stimulation strength varies with site of stimulation.
Behavioural Brain Research,R 52, 183-193
Gallistel, C. R. (1993) A conceptual framework for the study of numerical estimation and
arithmetic reasoning in animals. In S. T. Boysen & E. J. Capaldi (Eds.) The
development of numerical abilities: Animal and human models. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates. pp. 211-224.
Mark, T. A., & Gallistel, C. R. (1993) Subjective reward magnitude in self-stimulation as
a function of stimulating train duration and strength Behavioral Neuroscience, R 107,
Mark, T. A., & Gallistel, C. R. (1994). The kinetics of matching. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes,R 20, 79-95
Simmons, J., & Gallistel, C. R. (1994). The saturation of subjective reward magnitude as a
function of current and pulse frequency. Behavioral Neuroscience,R 108, 151-160
Gallistel, C.R. (1994) Foraging for Brain Stimulation: Toward a Neurobiology of
Computation. Cognition, R 50, 151-170
Gallistel, C.R. (1995) The Replacement of General Purpose Theories with Adaptive
Specializations. In M.S. Gazzaniga, Ed. The Cognitive Neurosciences. Cambridge, MA.
MIT Press. pp. 1255-1267.
Gallistel, C.R. (1994) Space and Time. In N.J. Mackintosh (Ed.) Animal learning and
cognition. Handbook of perception and cognition. (pp. 221-253) New York: Academic
Gallistel, C. R. (1994) Elementary and complex units of behavior. In G. d'Ydewalle, P.
Eelen, & P. Bertelson (Eds.) International perspectives on psychological science. Vol. 2.
The state of the art. Hillsdale, NJ: LEA, pp. 157-175
Gallistel, C. R. (1995) Is LTP a Plausible Basis for Memory. In J.L. McGaugh, N. M.
Weinberger & G. Lynch (Eds.) Brain and memory : modulation and mediation of
neuroplasticity. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 328-337
Gallistel, C. R. (1996) The perception of time. In K. A. Akins (Ed.) Perception.. [vol. 5 of
Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science] New York: Oxford University Press. pp.
King, A.P., & Gallistel, C.R. (1996) Multiphasic neuronal transfer function for
representing temporal structure. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and
Computers,R 28, 217-223.
Gallistel, C.R., Leon, M., Lim, B.T., Sim, J.C., Waraczynski, M. (1996) Destruction of the
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MFB caudal to the site of stimulation reduces rewarding efficacy but destruction
rostrally does not. Behavioral Neuroscience,R 110, 766-790.
Gallistel, C. R., & Cramer, A. E. (1996). Computations on metric maps in mammals:
Getting Oriented and choosing a multi-destination route. Journal of Experimental
Biology,R 199, 211-217.
Cramer, A.E., & Gallistel, C.R. (1997) Vervet monkey as traveling salesman. Nature,R
387(6632), 464-464
Gibbon, J., Malapani, C., Dale, C. L., Gallistel, C.R. (1997) Toward a Neurobiology of
Temporal Cognition: Advances and Challenges. Current Opinion in
Gallistel, C.R. (1998) Symbolic processes in the brain: The case of insect navigation: . In
& D. Scarborough S. Sternberg (vol. eds.) Methods, models, and conceptual issues.. Vol.
4 of Invitation to cognitive science. (D. Osherson, series ed.). Cambridge, MA MIT
Press. pp. 1-51.
Simmons, J. A., Ackerman, R. F., & Gallistel, C. R. (1998). MFB lesions fail to structurally
and functionally disconnect the VTA from many ipsilateral forebrain nuclei:
Implications for the neural substrate for brain stimulation reward. Journal of
Neuroscience, R 18(20), 8515-8533.
Leon, M. I., & Gallistel, C. R. (1998). Self-stimulating rats combine subjective reward
magnitude and subjective reward rate multiplicatively. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes,R 24, 265-277
Gallistel, C. R. (1998). The modular structure of learning. In M. S. Gazzaniga & J.S.
Altman (Eds.), Brain and mind: Evolutionary perspectives, (Vol. 5, pp. 56-71).
Strasbourg: Human Frontiers Science Program.
Whalen, J., Gallistel, C. R., & Gelman, R. (1999). Non-verbal counting in humans: The
psychophysics of number representation. Psychological Science. R , 10, 130-137
Gallistel, C. R. (2000) The replacement of general-purpose learning models with
adaptively specialized learning modules. In M.S. Gazzaniga, Ed. The Cognitive
Neurosciences. 2d ed. (1179-1191) Cambridge, MA. MIT Press.
Gallistel, C. R. (1999). Coordinate transformations in the genesis of directed action. In B.
M. Bly & D.E. Rumelhart (Eds.), Cognitive science. (pp. 1-43) San Diego, CA:
Gallistel, C. R., & Gibbon, J. (2000) Time, rate and conditioning. Psychological ReviewR,
107, 289-344
Gallistel, C.R., & Gelman, R. (2000)Non-Verbal Numerical Cognition: From the Reals to
Integers. Trends in the cognitive sciencesR 4, 59-65
Brannon, E.M., Wusthoff, C.J., Gallistel, C.R., & Gibbon, J. (2001) Numerical subtraction
in the pigeon: Evidence for a Linear Subjective Number Scale. Psychological Science, R
12, 238-243
Gallistel, C. R. and J. Gibbon (2001). Computational versus associative models of simple
conditioning. Current Directions in Psychological Science, R 10, 146-150.
Gallistel, C. R., Mark, T. A., King, A. P., & Latham, P. E. (2001). The Rat Approximates
an Ideal Detector of Changes in Rates of Reward: Implications for the Law of Effect.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, R 27, 354-372
Gallistel, C.R., Mark, T.A., King, A., Latham, P. (2002) A Test of Gibbon's Feed-Forward
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Model of Matching. Learning and MotivationR, 43, 46-62.
Cordes, S., Gelman, R., & Gallistel, C. R. (2001). Variability signatures distinguish verbal
from nonverbal counting for both large and small numbers. Psychological Bulletin
and Review, R 8, 698-707.
Gallistel, C. R. (2002). Frequency, contingency and the information processing theory of
conditioning. In P. Sedelmeier & T. Betsch (Eds.), Etc. frequency processing and
cognition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 153-171
King, A.P., McDonald, R.V., Gallistel, C.R. (2001) Screening for mice that remember
incorrectly. International journal of comparative psychology, R 14, 232-257.
Gallistel, C.R. (2002) The principle of adaptive specialization as it applies to learning and
memory. In R.H. Kluwe, G. Lüer, F. Röser (Eds) Principles of learning and memory
Berlin: Birkhäuser. pp. 250-280.
Gallistel, C. R. (2003). Conditioning from an information processing perspective.
Behavioural Processes R 62, 89-101.
Fairhurst, S., & Gallistel, C. R. (2003). Temporal landmarks: proximity prevails. Animal
Cognition, R 6(2): 113-120.
Gallistel, C. R., King , A., McDonald, R. (2004) Sources of variability and systematic
error in mouse timing behavior. Journal of the Experimental Psychology: Animal
Behavior Processes, R 30(1), 3-16.
Gallistel, C. R., Balsam, P. D., & Fairhurst, S. (2004). The learning curve: Implications of a
quantitative analysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, R 101(36), 1312413131.
Gelman, R., & Gallistel, C.R. (2004) Language and the origin of numerical concepts.
Science, R 306, 441-443
Gallistel, C.R., & Gelman, R. (2005) Mathematical cognition. In K. Holyoak & R.
Morrison. Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. New York: Cambridge
University Press (pp. 559-588)
Gallistel, C.R. (2005) Deconstructing the law of effect. Games and Economic Behavior. R
52(2), 410-423
Gallistel, C.R., Gelman, R., & Cordes, S. (2005) The cultural and evolutionary history of
the real numbers. In S. Levinson, & P. Jaisson (Eds.) Culture and evolution.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 247-278
Cheng, K., & Gallistel, C.R. (2005) Shape parameters explain data from spatial
transformations: Comment on Pearce et al. (2004) and Tomassi & Polli (2004).
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, R 31(2), 254-259
Balci, F. & Gallistel, C.R. (2006) Cross-Domain Transfer of Quantitative Discriminations:
Is it All a Matter of Proportion? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, R 13,636-642.
Papachristos, E. B., & Gallistel, C.R. (2006) Autoshaped Head Poking in the Mouse: A
Quantitative Analysis of the Learning Curve. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of
Behavior, R 85, 293-308.
Balsam, P. D., Fairhurst, S., & Gallistel, C.R. (2006) Pavlovian contingencies and
temporal information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, R
Gallistel, C.R. (2006) The nature of learning and the functional architecture of the brain.
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In Q. Jing, et al (Eds) Psychological Science Around the World, vol 1. Proceedings of the
28th International Congress of Psychology. Sussex: Psychology Press. pp. 63-71
Gallistel, C.R. (2007) L'apprentissage de matières distinctes exige des organes distincts.
In J. Bricmont & J. Franck (Eds) Cahier n° 88: Noam Chomsky. Paris: L'Herne. Pp. 181187. [English translation:” Learning Organs”, available on website]
Gallistel, C.R., King, A.P., Gottlieb, D., Balci, F., Papachristos, E.B., Szalecki, M.,
Carbone, K.S. (2007). Is matching innate? Journal of the Experimental Analysis of
Behavior,R 87, 161-199.
Cordes, S., King, A.P., & Gallistel, C.R. (2007) Time left in the mouse. Behavioural
Processes, R 74, 142-151.
Leslie, A., Gallistel, C.R., & Gelman, R. (2007) Where integers come from. In P.
Carruthers (Ed) The innate mind: foundations and future. Oxford: Oxford University
Cordes, S., Gallistel, C.R., Gelman, R., & Latham, P. (2007) Nonverbal arithmetic in
humans: Light from noise. Perception & Psychophysics, R 69,1185-1203
Gallistel, C.R. (2008) Learning and memory. In G.O. Mazur (Ed) Thirty year
commemoration to the life of A.R. Luria. New York: Semenenko Fdtn. pp. 49-61
Gallistel, C.R. (2009) The foundational abstractions. In Piattelli-Palmirini, M, Uriagereka,
J., & Salaburu, P. (Eds) Of minds and language: A dialogue with Noam Chomsky in
the Basque country. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 58-73
Balci, F., Papachristos, E.B., Gallistel, C.R., Brunner, D., Gibson, J., Shumyatsky, G.P.
(2008) Interval timing in the genetically modified mouse: A simple paradigm. Genes,
Brains & Behavior R, 7. 373
Gallistel, C.R. (2008) Learning and representation. In R. Menzel (Ed) Learning theory and
behavior. Vol 1 of Learning and Memory - A Comprehensive Reference. 4 vols (J.
Byrne, Ed). Oxford: Elsevier. pp/ 227-242.
Leslie, A., Gelman, R., & Gallistel, C.R. (2008) The generative basis of natural number
concepts. Trends in Cognitive Science,R 12(6), 213-218
Cordes, S. & Gallistel, C.R. (2008) Intact interval timing in circadian CLOCK mutants.
Brain Research,R 1227, 120-127.
Gallistel, C.R. (2008) The neural mechanisms that underlie decision making. In P.W.
Glimcher, C.F. Camerer, E. Fehr, & R.A. Poldrack (Eds) Neuroeconomics: Decision
making and the brain. New York, Elsevier/Academic. Pp. 419-424
Balsam, P.D., & Gallistel, C.R. (2009) Temporal maps and informativeness in associative
learning. Trends in NeurosciencesR, 32(2), 73-78
Durgin, F.H., Akagi, M., Gallistel, C.R., Haiken, W. (2009) The precision of human
odometery. Experimental Brain Research, 193(3), 429-436
Balci, F., Allen, B. D., Frank, K., Gibson, J., Gallistel, C. R., & Brunner, D. (2009).
Acquisition of timed responses in the peak procedure. Behavioral ProcessesR, 80, 6775.
Gallistel, C.R. (2009) The importance of proving the null. Psychological ReviewR, 116(2),
Balci, F., Freestone, D., Gallistel, C.R. (2009) Risk assessment in man and mouse.
Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesR, 106(7), 2459-2463
Gallistel, C. R., King, A. P., Daniel, A. M., Freestone, D., Papachristos, E. B., Balci, F., et
Gallistel Vita 2/18/16
Page 11
al. (2010). Screening for learning and memory mutations: A new approach. Acta
Psychologica SinicaR, 41(1).
Balsam, P. D., M. R. Drew, & Gallistel, C.R. (2010). " Time and Associative Learning."
Comparative Cognition & Behavior ReviewsR, 5: 1-22.
Gallistel, C.R. (2011) Mental magnitudes. In S. Dehaene & E. Brannon,Eds. Space, time
and number in the brain: Searching for the foundations of mathematical thought. New
York: Elsevier. pp. 3-12.
Gallistel, C.R. (2011) Prelinguistic thought. Language learning and developmentR, 7, 253-262
Ward, R, Gallistel, C.R., Jensen, G., Richards, V.L., Fairhurst, S., Balsam, P.D. (2012)
Conditional Stimulus Informativeness Governs Conditioned Stimulus—
Unconditioned Stimulus Associability.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal
Behavior ProcessesR, doi: 10.1037/a0027621
Gallistel, C. R. (2012). Extinction from a rationalist perspective. Behavioural ProcessesR ,
90, 66-88
Gallistel, C.R., & Matzel, L.D. (in press 2012) The neuroscience of learning: Beyond the
Hebbian synapse. Annual Review of Psychology,
Hagan,E.H., Chater, N., Gallistel, C.R., Houston, A., Kacelnik, A., Kalenscher, T., Nettle,
D. Oppenheimer, D., & Stephens, D.W. (2012, in press) Decision making: What can
evolution do for us? Group I Report. In Evolving the Mechanisms of Decision Making:
Toward a Darwinian Decision Theory. Strüngmann Forum
Gallistel, C.R. (in press 2012) Machinery of cognition. In In Evolving the Mechanisms of
Decision Making: Toward a Darwinian Decision Theory. Strüngmann Forum
Kheifets, A. & Gallistel, C.R. (2012, in press) Mice take calculated risks. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences
Gallistel, C. R. (1968) Review of Arthur Koestler's The ghost in the machine. Psychology
Today, 2(5), 14-15.
Gallistel, C. R. (1978) The irrelevance of past pleasure. Comment on Bindra's "How
adaptive behavior is produced: a perceptual- motivational alternative to response
reinforcement." The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 59-60.
Gallistel, C. R. (1981) A dualist manifesto. Review of J. C. Eccles' The human psyche. In
Contemporary Psychology, 26, 437-438.
Gallistel, C. R. (1983) The importance of behavior in behavioral physiology. The
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6, 751-752.
Gallistel, C. R. & Cheng, K (l985) A modular sense of place? Comment on Fodor's "The
modularity of mind". The Behavioral and Brain Sciences-, 8, 11-l2.
McEachron, D. L., Gallistel, C. R., & Hand, P.J. (1987) Technical Comment: Testing the
primary assumption of sequential double labeling with 2-deoxyglucose. Science,
238, 1587.
Gallistel, C. R. (1988) Counting versus subitizing versus the sense of number.
(Commentary on Davis & Pérusse's Animal counting). Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
11, 585-586.
Gallistel, C.R. (1993) Homeostatic conditioning: Review of Learning and Physiological
Regulation by B.R. Dworkin. Science, 262, 445.
Gallistel Vita 2/18/16
Page 12
Gallistel, C.R. (1994) Interview with Randy Gallistel. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 6,
174-179. Reprinted under title "Neurons and Behavior" in M.S. Gazzaniga (Ed.)
Conversations in the cognitive neurosciences.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press., 1997. pp.
Gallistel, C.R. (1998) Behaviourism, methodological and theoretical. In Routledge
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge
Gallistel, C. R. (1998) Learning. In Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London:
Gallistel, C. R. (1998) Review of Gazzaniga’s The mind’s past in the July-August issue of
The American Scientist, 84(4),
Gallistel, C.R. (1999) [Review of] Reinforcement learning. Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 11, 126-130. (book review)
Gallistel, C. R. (1999) Animal navigation. In R.A. Wilson & F. C. Keil (Eds.) The MIT
Encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences . (24-26) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
(encyclopedia entry)
Gallistel, C.R. (1999) Can a decay process explain the timing of conditioned responses?
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior , 71, 264-271 (invited commentary)
Gallistel, C.R. (1999) Review of The Nature of Cognition (R. Sternberg, Ed.) Science, 285:
Gallistel, C.R.,, Brannon, E.M., Gibbon, J., Wusthoff, C.J. (2001) Response to Dehaene.
Psychological Science, 12, 247.
Gallistel, C.R. (2001) Mental Representations, Psychology of. International encyclopaedia
of the social and behavioural sciences. N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes (Eds.) New York:
Elsevier. pp 9691-9695
Gallistel, C.R. (2001) Hierarchical Organization of Behavior. In International encyclopaedia
of the social and behavioural sciences. N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes (Eds.) New York:
Gallistel, C.R. (2002) Language and spatial frames of reference in mind and brain. Trends
in Cognitive Science, 6, 321-322.
Gallistel, C.R. (2002) Conception, perception and the control of action: Reply to Majid.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences,6, 504.
Gallistel, C. R. (2003) Time has Come. Neuron, 38, 1-2 [Commentary, preview]
Gallistel, C.R. (2004) More direction needed. Review of Representing Direction in Language
and Space. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8(3), 97.
Gallistel, C.R. (2008) Dead reckoning, cognitive maps, animal navigation and the
representation of space: An introduction. In M.E. Jeffries & W.K Yeap, Editors.
Robot and cognitive approaches to spatial mapping. New York: Springer
Gallistel, C. R. (2006). Dopamine and reward: Comment on Hernandez et al. (2006).
Behavioral Neuroscience, 120(4), 992-994.
Gallistel, C. R., (2007) Commentary on Le Corre & Carey, Cognition 105(2), 439-445
Gallistel, C.R. (2007) Flawed foundations of associationism? Comment on Machado and
Silva. American Psychologist, 62, 682-685
Gallistel, C.R. (2010) Review of Carey’s “The Origin of Concepts” in Lingua, 121, 308-312
Gallistel, C. R. (2011). Contingency in learning. In N. M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the
sciences of learning. New York: Springer. Chap 135
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Page 13
Gallistel, C. R. (2012). On rationalism and optimality: Responses to the Miller and Nevin
Commentaries. Behavioural Processes, 90, 87-88
Gallistel, C. R. (2012). On the evils of group averaging: Commentary on Nevin’s
“Resistance to extinction and behavioral momentum”. Behavioural Processes, 90,
Other Papers from My Laboratory
Yeomans, J. S. (1979) The absolute refractory periods of self- stimulating neurons. Physiology
and Behavior, 22, 911-919.
Yeomans, J. S., Matthews, G. G., Hawkins, R. D., Bellman, K., & Doppelt, H. (1979)
Characterization of self-stimulation neurons by their local potential summation properties.
Physiology and Behavior, 22, 921-929.
Matthews, G. (1978) Strength-duration properties of single units driven by electrical
stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus in rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 3, 171-174.
Stellar, J. R., & Heard, K. (1976) Aftereffects of rewarding lateral hypothalamic brain
stimulation and feeding behavior. Physiology and Behavior, 17, 865-867.
Waraczynski, M. A., & Kaplan, J. M. (1990). Frequency-response characteristics provide a
functional separation between stimulation-bound feeding and self-stimulation. Physiology
and Behavior, 47, 843-851.
Campbell, K. A. (1990). Plasticity in the propagation of hippocampal stimulation-induced
activity: A :14C:2-deoxyglucose mapping study. Brain Research, 520, 199-207.
Cheng, K. (1986). A purely geometric module in the rat's spatial representation. Cognition, 23,
Gottlieb, D. A. (2008). Is the number of trials a primary determinant of conditioned responding?
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 34(2), 185–201.
Invited Talks (last 5 years)
Invited Talk to the Behavioral Neuroscience Seminar, Cambridge University. "Is
Matching an Innate Policy" 1/9/06
William James Award Lecture, Association for Psychological Science, New York,
May 26, 2006. "Matching"
Invited talk at Conference on Statistical Learning, Rochester University, June 2, 2006.
"The nature of memory."
Invited talk at Workshop on The New Cognitive Science, Konrad Lorenz Institute,
Vienna, Austria, June 18, 2006. "How cognitive science will transform
Invited lecture in the course, Mind and Language: An encounter with Noam
Chomsky, San Sebastian, Spain, June 20, 2006. "Foundational abstractions."
Invited talk to the Neuroscience and Behavior program at SUNY Stony Brook, "How
cognitive science will transform neuroscience." 9/14/06
Invited talk to the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society, " Is matching innate?"
Philadelphia, PA. 9/16/06
Teuber Lecture “Memory in the computational brain: How cognitive science will
transform neuroscience.” MIT Dec 8, 2006
Gallistel Vita 2/18/16
Page 14
Banquet speaker at Grand Challenges in Neural Computation. Santa Fe, NM 2/1821/07: “Memory in the computational brain.”
Keynote address to the annual meeting of the European Cognitive Science Society,
Delphi, Greece, 5/24/07. “Information in ‘Associative’ Learning”
NSF - SLC workshop on Language. Washington, DC 9/7/07 “Sweet Silent Thought”
Invited talk at Workshop on the Neural Basis of Timing, Yale, 9/24/07.
“Information, Temporal Pairing & Temporal Learning”
Colloquium, NYU Psychology, 12/4/07 “Risk assessment in man and mouse.”
Featured speaker, Neuroeconomics, Decision Making and the Brain, NYU,
1/11/2008. “Does profit drive matching?”
Colloquium, Stanford Psychology, 02/20/08 “How Cognitive Science Will
Transform Neuroscience”
Talk as part of APS Delegation Conference at Institute of Psychology, Beijing
03/24/08. “Risk Assessment in Man and Mouse”
Invited talk to conference on Neural Basis of Learning and Decisions in Rodents,
Janelia Farms, VA 04/06/08, “Risk Assessment in Man and Mouse.”
Four SAGE lectures at UC Santa Barbara 5/19/08 “Risk assessment in man and
mouse; 5/28/08, “Information theoretic analysis of associative learning”; 6/2/08
“ Repealing the law of effect: Is profit relevant?”; 6/23/08 “Why cognitive
science will transform neuroscience.”
Invited talk at SQAB, Chicago: “The motor hierarchy.” 5/24/08
Invited Talk and Princeton Sloan-Swartz Mtg “Information in ‘associative’ learning”
Invited symposium presentation. Measuring Behavior Conference, Maastricht, NL,
“Fully automated 24/7 behavioral screening for mutations in targeted cognitive
mechanisms in the mouse.” 8/28/08
Invited Lecture at University of MD Cog Sci Program “Risk Assessment in Man and
Mouse” 9/11/08
Invited lecture to the U Penn Center for Cognitive Neuroscience “Risk assessment in
man and mouse” 10/14/08
Invited talk “Informativeness: A unifying principle” in the Symposium “Time and
Time Again” at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Chicago,
Invited talk to Yale Neurobiology group “Memory and the Computational Brain: Why
Cognitive Science Will Transform Neuroscience” Yale, 12/05/08
Invited talk to SUNY Downstate Medical Center Neural & Behavioral Science Seminar,
“Informativeness: A unifying principle”, 01/12/09
Invited Lecture: Champalimaud Institute, Lisbon, “Timing, Temporal Pairing, and
Informativeness in Associative Learning” 5/14/09
Invited Lecture: Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa. “Timing, Temporal Pairing,
and Informativeness in Associative Learning” 5/18/09
Invited Seminar at Yale, 1/22/10 “Memory and the computational brain”
Invited talk to the Phenoscale Meeting in Genoa, Italy, 2/4/10 “Data Analysis”
Challenges and Solutions”
Schlossberg Lecture, Brown University, 5/5/10 “Memory and the Computational
Gallistel Vita 2/18/16
Page 15
Colloquium at Johns Hopkins Psychology, 5/31/10 “ The Perception of Probability”
Keynote Address at Attention and Performance XXVI, Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay,
France, 7/6/10. “Mental Magnitudes”
Workshop at Magdeburg, "Reinforcement, memory and the computational brain"
Invited address at Decade of the Mind meeting, "Memory and the computational
brain", Singapore, 10/20/2010
Invited talk at Cognitive and Neural Sciences meeting, Atacama, Chile, 3/14/11
Colloquium to Cognitive and Brain Science Dept, Rochester University, "Perception
of Probability", 4/13/11
Invited talk to the annual meeting of the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of
Behavior, Denver, 5/26/11, "Extinction from a rationalist perspective."
Invited Talk in the Foundations of Cognitive Science Series at Ohio State University,
"Memory and the computational brain" 10/21/11
Gallistel Vita 2/18/16
Page 16
Theses Supervised
Rose, Mitchel. D. Pain reducing properties of rewarding electrical brain stimulation, 1972.
(Published in the Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 1974, 87, 607-617.
Beagley, Walter. K. Grooming in the rat as an aftereffect of lateral hypothalamic stimulation,
1973. (Published in the Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 1976, -90, 790798.
-methyl-p-tyrosine methyl ester on temporal summation
in the neural substrate for the reinforcement effect in self-stimulation, 1974. (Published
in coauthorship with Gallistel in Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,
1977, 91, 962-974.)
Matthews, Gary. G. Excitation and accommodation in the substrate for self-stimulation, 1975.
(Published in Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 1977, 91, 858-874 and
Brain Research Bulletin-, 1978, 3, 171-174.)
Shizgal, Peter. Electrical brain stimulation in the rat: Differentiation of temporal integrating
characteristics in the substrates for the rewarding and aversive effects, 1975. (Published
in coauthorship with G.G. Matthews in Brain Research, 1977, 129, 313-333.)
Stellar, James R. Approach-withdrawal analysis of the lateral and medial hypothalamus,
1976. (Published in co-authorship with F. H. Brooks and L. E. Mills in the Journal of
Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 1979, 93, 446-466.)
Ollove, Maxine. Anticipatory thermoregulation in the rat, 1980.
Liran, Joli. Parametric analysis of the neural substrate(s) mediating the priming and the
rewarding effects in MFB self-stimulation, 1981
Miller, Paul. An investigation of the neural substrates of reward and aversion in rats, 1981.
Cheng, Ken. The primacy of metric configuration in the rat's sense of place, 1984.
(Published in Cognition, 1986, 23, 149-178.)
Sax, Lawrence. Quantitative characteristics of spatial and temporal integration in the
priming and reward system, 1986. [Sax, L. D., and Gallistel, C. R. (1991). Characteristics
of spatiotemporal integration in the priming and rewarding effects of MFB stimulation.
Behavioral Neuroscience 105, 884-900.]
Glimcher, P. W. The neuroanatomical identification of a substrate for medial forebrain bundle
self-stimulation. 1989.
Sobel, Erik. Parallax estimation of distance in the locust. 1989 [published Sobel, E. C. (1990).
The locust's use of motion parallax to measure distance. Journal of Comparative
Physiology A 167, 579-588.
Cramer, Audrey Computations on Metric Cognitive Maps: How Vervet Monkeys Solve the
Traveling Salesman Problem. 1996 [Cramer, A. E., and Gallistel, C. R. (1997). Vervet
monkeys as travelling salesmen. Nature 387, 464-464.]
Mark, Terrence. The Microstructure of Choice. 1997. [Gallistel, C. R., Mark, T. A., King, A. P.,
and Latham, P. E. (2001). The Rat Approximates an Ideal Detector of Changes in Rates of
Reward: Implications for the Law of Effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal
Behavior Processes 27, 354-372.
Leon, Matthew. Medial Forebrain Bundle Self-Stimulation and the Neural Basis of Elementary
Foraging Computations. 1997 [Leon, M. I., and Gallistel, C. R. (1998). Self-Stimulating
Rats Combine Subjective Reward Magnitude and Subjective Reward Rate
Multiplicatively. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 24, 265-277]
Gallistel Vita 2/18/16
Page 17
Simmons, Janine The impact of lesions rostral to a stimulating electrode on the efficacy of
brain stimulation reward and the integrity of the medial forebrain bundle. 1996
[Simmons, J. A., Ackerman, R. F., and Gallistel, C. R. (1998). MFB lesions fail to
structurally and functionally disconnect the VTA from many ipsilateral forebrain nuclei:
Implications for the neural substrate for brain stimulation reward. Journal of Neuroscience
18, 8515-8533]
King, Adam Accounting for Time of Occurrence in Eliminative Connectionist Models.1997.
Mishara, Aaron The neuropsychology of time-perception in schizophrenia (D.Sci. in GSAP,
Rutgers), 2004.
Cordes, Sara (joint with Rochel Gelman). The propagation of noise in the nonverbal
computation of rate, 2005
Balci, F. Risk assessment in man and mouse, 2007. Published as Balci, F. Freestone, D. &
Gallistel, C.R. (2009) Risk assessment in man and mouse. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences (USA)
Papachristos, E.B Spontaneous recovery, 2007.
Krishan, M. Scenes and acts, 2007
Post-docs & Visitors
Edmund Rolls, Visitor 1968. Began his Ph.D. research in my lab. [Gallistel, C. R., Rolls, E. T.,
and Greene, D. (1969). Neuron function inferred by behavioral and electrophysiological
measurement of refractory period. Science 166, 1028-1030]
John Yeomans, Post-doc 1978-1979. [Gallistel, C. R., Shizgal, P., and Yeomans, J. (1981). A
portrait of the substrate for self-stimulation. Psychological Review 108, 228-273.
Yutaka Gomita, 1980-1982 [Gallistel, C. R., Boytim, M., Gomita, Y., and Klebanoff, L. (1982).
Does pimozide block the reinforcing effect of brain stimulation? Pharmacology,
Biochemistry and Behavior, 17, 769-781. Gallistel, C. R., Gomita, Y., Yadin, E., and
Campbell, K. A. (1985). Forebrain origins and terminations of the medial forebrain
bundle metabolically activated by rewarding stimulation or by reward- blocking doses
of pimozide. Journal of Neuroscience 5, 1246-1261. Wassermann, E. M., Gomita, Y., and
Gallistel, C. R. (1982). Pimozide blocks reinforcement but not priming from MFB
stimulation in the rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 17, 783-787.]
Elna Yadin, Post-doc 1979-82. [Forebrain origins and terminations of the medial forebrain
bundle metabolically activated by rewarding stimulation or by reward- blocking doses
of pimozide. Journal of Neuroscience 5, 1246-1261. Wassermann, E. M., Gomita, Y., and
Gallistel, C. R. (1982). Pimozide blocks reinforcement but not priming from MFB
stimulation in the rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 17, 783-787.
Ken Campbell, Post-doc 1982-84 [Campbell, K. A. (1990). Plasticity in the propagation of
hippocampal stimulation-induced activity: a :14C:2-deoxyglucose mapping study. Brain
Research, 520, 199-207. Campbell, K. A., Evans, G., and Gallistel, C. R. (1985). A
microcomputer-based method for physiologically interpretable measurement of the
rewarding efficacy of brain stimulation. Physiology and Behavior 35, 395-403. Gallistel, C.
R., Gomita, Y., Yadin, E., and Campbell, K. A. (1985). Forebrain origins and terminations
of the medial forebrain bundle metabolically activated by rewarding stimulation or by
reward- blocking doses of pimozide. The Journal of Neuroscience 5, 1246-1261.]
Meg Waraczynski 1987-1989. [Gallistel, C. R., Leon, M., Lim, B. T., Sim, J. C., and
Waraczynski, M. (1996). Destruction of the MFB caudal to the site of stimulation reduces
Gallistel Vita 2/18/16
Page 18
rewarding efficacy but destruction rostrally does not. Behavioral Neuroscience 110, 766790. Gallistel, C. R., Leon, M., Waraczynski, M., and Hanau, M. (1991). Effect of current
on the maximum possible reward. Behavioral Neuroscience 105, 901-912. Waraczynski,
M., Stellar, J. R., and Gallistel, C. R. (1987). Reward saturation in medial forebrain bundle
self-stimulation. 41, 585-593. Waraczynski, M. A., and Kaplan, J. M. (1990). Frequencyresponse characteristics provide a functional separation between stimulation-bound
feeding and self-stimulation. Physiology and Behavior 47, 843-851.
John Whalen 1996-1998 (Joint with Rochel Gelman) [Cordes, S., Gelman, R., Gallistel, C., and
Whalen, J. (2001). Variability signatures distinguish verbal from nonverbal counting for
both large and small numbers. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 8, 698-707. Whalen, J.,
Gallistel, C. R., and Gelman, R. (1999). Non-verbal counting in humans: The
psychophysics of number representation. Psychological Science 10, 130-137.
Robert McDonald 2000-2002. [King, A. S., McDonald, R., and Gallistel, C. R. (2001). Screening
for mice that remember incorrectly. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 14, 232257. Gallistel, C., King, A., & McDonald, R. (2004). Sources of Variability and Systematic
Error in Mouse Timing Behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior
Processes, 30(1), 3-16.
Daniel Gottlieb 2004-2006 “Is matching innate? (2007) Journal of the Experimental Analysis of
Behavior, 87, 161-199. Is the number of trials a primary determinant of conditioning?
(2008) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes
Kristi VanMarle (joint with Rochel Gelman) 2004-2007
Alan Daniel, 2007 - 2010
Monica Krishan, 2007 - 2009
Grant Funding
PI on 1 R21 MH63866 Automated Testing for Mice that Remember Wrong. 9/1/01-8/31/04.
CoPI on 1 RO1 MH68073 Time and Associative Learning. 04/01/03-03/31/06.
PI on RO1MH077027 Cognitive Phenotyping in the Mouse, 04/15/08 – 04/14/13, $112,500 a
year in direct costs
Have twice applied (unsuccessfully) for renewal of the cognitive training grant
Have applied to NSF for SLC grant (close, but no cigar). Second application did not get as