Early Advanced ELD Progress Rubric

ELD Rubric: Early Advanced CELDT Levels
Domain ELD Standard
Below Standard
Approaching Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
1. Demonstrate understanding of
some idiomatic expressions (e.g.,
“Give me a hand”) by responding to
such expressions and using them
Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
Demonstrates understanding of
a few expressions by
some common idiomatic expressions most common idiomatic
responding to such expressions by responding to expressions and
expressions by responding to
and using them appropriately using them appropriately.
expressions and using them
but may not be able to use them
Consistently demonstrates
understanding of idiomatic
expressions by responding to
expressions and using them
2. Negotiate and initiate social
conversations by questioning,
restating, soliciting information, and
paraphrasing the communication of
others at times.
Demonstrates understanding of
language with limited
participation in social
Consistently engages in social
conversations with increased
comprehension and a strong
conversational vocabulary.
Negotiates and initiates social
conversations by questioning,
soliciting information of others at
Negotiates and initiates social
conversations by questioning,
restating, soliciting information
and paraphrasing the
communication of others.
1. Apply knowledge of some
Unable to recognize
Able to recognize sound/symbol
Able to recognize sound/symbol
sound/symbol relationships and basic sound/symbol relationships and relationships and basic wordrelationships and basic wordword-formation rules to derive
basic word-formation rules in formation rules to derive meaning in formation rules to derive
meaning from written text (e.g., basic written text.
written text at 50% accuracy.
meaning in written text at 100%
syllabication rules, regular and
accuracy on grade level text.
irregular plurals, and basic phonics).
Able to recognize sound/symbol
relationships and basic wordformation rules to derive
meaning in written text at 100%
accuracy at above grade level
2. Apply knowledge Understand
Unable to apply knowledge of Beginning to apply knowledge of
idioms, analogies, and metaphors in academic and social
academic and social vocabulary.
conversation and written text of
academic and social vocabulary.
Able to apply knowledge of
Able to apply knowledge of
academic and social vocabulary. academic and social vocabulary
while reading above grade level
texts independently.
3. Be able to use a standard
dictionary to find the meanings of
some unfamiliar words.
Able to use a standard dictionary Able to use a standard dictionary
to find the meanings of
to find meanings of unfamiliar
unfamiliar words.
words and use a thesaurus to
enhance understanding of
unfamiliar words.
Unable to use a standard
Beginning to use a standard
dictionary to find the meanings dictionary to find the meanings of
of unfamiliar words.
unfamiliar words.
4. Interpret the meaning of some
Unable to interpret the meaning Beginning to be able to interpret the
unknown words by using knowledge of unknown words by using
meaning of unknown words by
gained from previously read text.
knowledge gained from
using knowledge gained from
previously read text.
previously read text.
Able to interpret the meaning of
unknown words by using
knowledge gained from
previously read text.
5. Read and orally respond to some
familiar stories and other texts by
answering factual comprehension
questions about cause-and-effect
Unable to read and orally
Able to read and orally respond to Able to read and orally respond
respond to some familiar
some familiar stories and other texts to familiar stories and other texts
stories and other texts by
by answering factual comprehension by answering factual
answering factual
questions about cause-and-effect
comprehension questions about
comprehension questions about relationships with 50% accuracy.
cause-and-effect relationships
cause-and-effect relationships.
with 100% accuracy.
6. Read and orally respond
to stories and texts from content
areas by restating facts and details to
clarify ideas.
Unable to read and orally
respond to stories and texts
from content areas by restating
facts and details to clarify
7. Explain how some understanding
of text is affected by patterns of
organization, repetition of main
ideas, syntax, and word choice.
Unable to explain how some Beginning to be able to explain how
understanding of text is
understanding of text is affected by
affected by patterns of
patterns of organization, repetition
organization, repetition of main of main ideas, syntax, and word
ideas, syntax, and word choice. choice.
1. Produce writing that includes
Unable to produce writing that
partial consistency in the use of
includes partial consistency in
capitalization and periods and correct the use of capitalization and
periods and correct spelling.
Able to read and orally respond to
stories and texts from content areas
by restating facts and details to
clarify ideas with 50% accuracy.
Able to read and orally respond
to familiar stories and other texts
above grade level by answering
factual comprehension questions
about cause-and-effect
Able to read and orally respond Able to read and orally respond,
to stories and texts from content and write about stories and texts
areas by restating facts and
from content areas by restating
details to clarify ideas with 100% facts and details to clarify ideas.
Able to explain how
understanding of text is affected
by patterns or organization,
repetition of main ideas, syntax,
and word choice.
Able to produce writing that
Able to produce writing that
includes partial consistency in the includes partial consistency in
use of capitalization and periods and the use of capitalization and
has some spelling errors.
periods and has correct spelling.
2. Develop a thesis and support it by Unable to develop a thesis and Able to develop a thesis and is
using quotations and facts
support it by using quotations sometimes able to support it by
and facts appropriately.
using quotations and facts
Able to interpret the meaning of
unknown words when reading
above grade level texts by using
knowledge gained from
previously read texts.
Able to develop a thesis and is
able to support it by using
quotations and facts
Able to explain how
understanding of text is affected
by patterns of organization,
repetition of main ideas, syntax
and word choice with above
grade level texts.
Able to produce writing that
includes consistency in the use of
capitalization and periods and
has correct spelling.
Able to develop a clear thesis
and consistently is able to
support it by using quotations
and facts appropriately.
3. Write a paragraph essay with
consistent use of standard
grammatical forms.
Unable to write a paragraph
essay with consistent use of
standard grammatical forms.
4. Use capitalization at the
beginning of a sentence.
Unable to use capitalization at Beginning to use capitalization at
the beginning of a sentence.
the beginning of a sentence with
some inconsistencies.
5. Use a period at the end of a
Unable to use a period at the
sentence and a question mark at the end of a sentence and a
end of a question.
question mark at the end of a
Able to write a paragraph essay with Able to write a paragraph essay Able to write a detailed,
inconsistent use of standard
with consistent use of standard paragraph essay with consistent
grammatical forms.
grammatical forms.
use of standard grammatical
Able to use capitalization at the Able to use capitalization
beginning of a sentence.
consistently at the beginning of a
Able to use a period at the end of a Able to use a period at the end of Able to use a period at the end of
sentence and a question mark at the a sentence and a question mark at a sentence and a question mark at
end of a question with some
the end of a question.
the end of a question with
inconsistencies in understanding.
consistent understandings.