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Shared: Reverse Mainstream/2014-15 Reverse Mainstream Program-Parent Packet
Reverse Mainstream Program
Parental Information
Chesapeake Public Schools offer a Reverse mainstream Program. This program
allows non-disabled children the opportunity to attend preschool classes that are
designed for children with developmental delays. Space is limited and tuition
will be a flat fee based upon the days of attendance. Payment will be expected
at the time of registration. The child will NOT be permitted to start until
FULL payment is received. Checks or money orders should be made payable
to Chesapeake Public Schools, Accounting Department. If you are interested in
submitting an application for your child, please review the attached information
sheet. An application is attached for your convenience. If you have any questions,
please contact the principal of the school to which you are applying.
Shared: Reverse Mainstream/2014-15 Reverse Mainstream Program-Parent Packet
Chesapeake Public Schools
Reverse Mainstream Program Information
Reverse Mainstream brings non-disabled children into preschool classes serving
children with developmental delays.
This program allows all children the opportunity to learn and play together.
This program builds self-esteem.
This program provides age-appropriate activities.
This program provides the opportunity to develop acceptance of others.
This program provides age-appropriate peer models.
Reverse Mainstreaming does not affect existing special education services of
the IEP process.
Tuition will be a flat fee based upon the days of attendance. Please make checks or
money orders payable to Chesapeake Public Schools, and mail to: Edwards-Wilson
Center, 2107 Liberty Street, Chesapeake, VA 23324, Attention: Linda Nichols. In
the memo portion of the check please write the child’s name and the words “Reverse
Mainstream”. Please refer to the chart below for the payment schedule. Please
contact Edwards-Wilson Center at 494-7600 if you have any questions or concerns
regarding payment schedule.
Days per Week
Total tuition due
Shared: Reverse Mainstream/2014-15 Reverse Mainstream Program-Parent Packet
 Parents may choose days of attendance as outlined on the application form.
The flat fee is applicable regardless of the child’s attendance.
 Students’ acceptance is determined each school year.
 Bus transportation will be provided within the school zone. Parents are
responsible for providing transportation outside the school zone.
 The program may or may not follow the kindergarten schedule at each
 Participants may be removed from the program if discipline becomes a
concern or if the child has been found eligible for special education services
(Developmental Delays or Speech/Language Impairment).
 Parents of participants can contact their individual school to pick up a packet
and schedule a screening.
Application Procedures
 Applicants must be 3 or 4 years old by the first day of school, September 2,
2014. Applicants turning 5 years old before September 30 are not eligible
for this program.
 Applicants must be completely toilet trained and demonstrate ageappropriate developmental skills.
 Applications can be obtained from any elementary school in the City of
 The non-disabled children of Chesapeake Public School employees will be
given priority.
 A developmental screening will be administered to all applicants. Results
will be shared with parents.
 A screening committee will review applications and screening results.
 Those applicants not selected may be referred to another school if an
opening exists. Linda Nichols, at the Edwards-Wilson Center, may be
contacted at 494-7600 to determine which schools have openings.
Shared: Reverse Mainstream/2014-15 Reverse Mainstream Program-Parent Packet
Reverse Mainstream Program Application/Enrollment Form
(Please Print)
Child’s Name_____________________________, __________________________, ____
Address_______________________________________________Zip Code__________
Home Phone (___) _______-___________
Cellular Phone/Pager (___) _____-_______
Applicant will attend _______________________________________________school.
Mother’s/Guardian’s Name________________________________________________
Address (if different from child) ____________________________________________
Home Phone (if different from child) (____) ______-_______
Place of Employment_____________________________________________________
Work Phone (____) ______-________
Father’s Name___________________________________________________________
Address (if different from child) ____________________________________________
Phone (if different from child) (____) _____-__________
Place of Employment_____________________________________________________
Work Phone (____) _______-__________
Emergency Contact – Name________________________________________________
Phone (____) ________-_________ Relationship to Child________________________
Shared: Reverse Mainstream/2014-15 Reverse Mainstream Program-Parent Packet
Has your child previously attended or is your child currently attending a preschool or
daycare facility? Yes______ No______
If yes, please list name of school and dates attended____________________________
Please read and initial.
_____ I understand that my child’s admission as a role model student in the
Chesapeake Public Schools classroom is dependent upon my child’s
successful completion of the school’s developmental screening prior
to starting preschool.
_____ I understand my child must turn 3 or 4 by the first day of school. Role
model students must be able to independently take care of their
toileting needs.
_____ I understand that I am responsible for my child’s tuition fee, in spite
of absences. The program’s budget is based upon full enrollment;
therefore, compensations cannot be given for absences.
_____ I understand that my child’s tuition payment is due prior to his/her
first day of attendance. If the payment is not received, my child will
not be allowed to attend and a replacement may be selected at the discretion
of the administration. The program will follow all school holidays and
early release days. In the event of a weather related delay, the program may
follow the kindergarten schedule.
_____ I understand that a prorated refund will be given only if I choose to
withdraw my child from the Reverse Mainstream Program.
_____ I understand that acceptance is for one school year only and my child
may be removed from the program if discipline becomes a concern.
Please list below those people who may pick your child up from school. Your child will not be
released to anyone who is not on this list and does not have a matching salmon/green bus
Relationship to
Shared: Reverse Mainstream/2014-15 Reverse Mainstream Program-Parent Packet
I have received and understand the Reverse Mainstreaming Program Information Sheet. I
understand that my child will received a developmental screening and the results will be shared
with me, and if my non-disabled child is selected for the program, I will provide all enrollment
information requested on this form. I further understand that acceptance is for one school year
only, and my child may be removed from the program if discipline becomes a concern, tuition
becomes past due, or if my child has been found eligible for special education services
(Developmental Delays or Speech/Language Impairment). The school will notify me if my child
has been selected for the program. I understand I must select an attendance schedule for my
child and that a flat fee will be applicable regardless of my child’s attendance. Confidentiality
requirements will be upheld.
Parent Signature ____________________________________Date______________
Please check the days your child will attend if selected. You will be responsible for tuition based
on this schedule. Hours for Great Bridge Primary Pre-School are as follows:
AM – 7:50 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
PM – 11:30 a.m. – 2:19 p.m.
If accepted, my child will attend:
One day per week
Two days per week
Three days per week
Four days per week
Five days per week
The following information must be provided after being accepted into the program when
enrolling in Chesapeake Public Schools:
______Birth Certificate (legal document issued from the state in which child was born)
______Record of Immunizations (DTP, Polio, MMR, Hepatitis B)
______Physical Form (less than one year old)
______Verification of Residency (current utility bill-gas, water or electric)
______Blue Emergency Card
______Early Release Form
Shared: Reverse Mainstream/2014-15 Reverse Mainstream Program-Parent Packet