Lesson Plan Models

5-Step Template
What will your students be able to do?
SWBAT describe and explain happy and sad
times in their lives.
How does the objective connect to your achievement goal?
The achievement goal for the year is speaking in English so others can
understand. Being able to orally describe and explain feelings and personal
experiences directly connects to this achievement goal.
How will you know whether your students have made progress toward the objective?  How and when will you assess
Students will fill-in-the-blanks of a dialogue in which they recount happy and sad times in their lives. Students will practice the
dialogue with a partner or partners and then present to the rest of the class.
OPENING. (_5_ min.)
How will you communicate what is about to happen?
How will you communicate how it will happen?
How will you communicate its importance?
How will you communicate connections to previous lessons?
How will you engage students and capture their interest?
 Teacher will review class performance on Top10 Tracking System.
 Teacher will introduce topic – Emotions (focus on happiness/sadness) – through opening
 Opening discussion:
Teacher displays cover slide on PPT that shows the word “Emotions,” surrounded by pictures of
faces displaying various emotions.
Teacher asks student volunteers: “What is an emotion?” or “What does emotion mean?”
Provide definition: a strong feeling
Teacher asks students: “What are some emotions you know?” (The pictures on the PPT will help
facilitate this brainstorm.)
Teacher jots emotions students mention down on board and guides students to hopefully stating
“happiness” and “sadness” as two of the mentioned emotions.
 Connection to Advance with English, Book 6, Unit 2 “What is happiness to you?”– Teacher explains
that “one of the things you are talking about in your English class right now is what happiness
means to you. You are also learning about other emotions, such as sadness. Today, I would like to
focus on these two emotions – happiness and sadness, and discuss what things in your life make
you feel happy or sad and why.”
What key points will you emphasize and reiterate?
How will you ensure that students actively take-in information?
How will you vary your approach to make information accessible to all students?
Which potential misunderstandings will you anticipate?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
 Teacher then uses PPT to introduce new material (INM) in two parts. PPT will emphasize new
vocabulary, key points and provide helpful and engaging images to focus students’ attention.
 INM 1: Happiness
Teacher asks students: “What is happiness?”
Provide definition: the state of feeling happy
Teacher asks students: “What does to be happy mean?”
Provide definition: feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life, situation, etc.
Teacher asks students to identify any synonyms they already know for happy - teacher writes
these down on board
Teacher introduces list of synonyms (joyful, delighted, content) and explains that these
words have very similar meaning to happy. Teacher explains that students should try to use
these synonyms more in conversation, to make their speech more varied.
 INM 2: Sadness
Teacher asks students: “So now, let’s talk about an emotion opposite to happiness. What is
Provide definition: the state of feeling sad
Teacher asks students: “What does to feel sad mean?”
Provide definition: feeling unhappy or full of grief because of your life, situation, etc.
Teacher asks students to identify any synonyms they already know for sad - teacher writes
these down on board
Teacher introduces list of synonyms (unhappy, depressed, miserable, down) and explains
that these words have very similar meaning to happy. Teacher explains that students should
try to use these synonyms more in conversation, to make their speech more varied.
GUIDED PRACTICE. (_10_ min.)
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?
How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to practice?
How will you scaffold practice exercises from easy to hard?
How will you monitor and correct student performance?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
 GP1: Happiness
- PPT displays: “Let’s discuss - What are some things that make you feel happy, joyful, delighted,
or content?”
- Teacher provides first answer and then leads whole class brainstorm and records student answers
on blackboard. (Ex. Playing sports, meeting with friends, going on adventures, listening to some
music, eating delicious food).
- Teacher encourages students to provide answers in whole sentences. Ex. One thing that makes
me feel happy/joyful/delighted/content is _________________________.
 GP2: Sadness
- PPT displays: “Let’s discuss - What are some things that make you feel sad, unhappy,
depressed, miserable, down?”
- Teacher provides first answer and then leads whole class brainstorm and records student answers
on blackboard. (Ex. Failing an exam, fighting with my friends, when a loved one dies, losing a
sports match).
- Teacher encourages students to provide answers in whole sentences. Ex. One thing that makes
me feel sad/unhappy/depressed/miserable/down is _________________________.
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?
In what ways will students attempt to demonstrate independent mastery of the objective?
How will you provide opportunities for extension?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
 Teacher explains that students will now work with one or two partners (depending on seating
arrangements in given class) to practice a dialogue in which they will describe and explain happy
and sad times in their lives.
 Teacher introduces either 2 or 3 person dialogue:
2 person A: Tell me about a time in your life when you were very happy/joyful/delighted/content.
B: One time I was very happy/joyful/delighted/content was when _________________ because
__________________. What about you, when were you very happy/joyful/delighted/content?
A: I was very happy/joyful/delighted/content when ___________________ because
B: What about a time when you felt sad/unhappy/depressed/miserable/down?
A: I was very sad/unhappy/depressed/miserable/down when ___________________ because
______________________. What about you?
B: I was very sad/unhappy/depressed/miserable/down when ___________________ because
3 person –
A: (Person B), tell us about a time in your life when you were very __(choose 1 feeling word)__.
B: One time in my life when I was very _________ was when _________________ because
C: What about you (Person A), when were you very __(choose 1 feeling word)__?
A: I was very __________ was when ___________________ because ______________________.
B: And you (Person C), what was a time in your life when you felt very __(choose 1 feeling word)__?
C: A time in my life when I felt very _________________ was when ___________________ because
Happy/sad feeling words:
Happy, joyful, delighted, content
Sad, unhappy, depressed, miserable, down
Teacher uses student volunteer/s to model either 2 or 3 person dialogue with. Teacher will take on
Role A in both dialogues.
After modeling, teacher will give students 5 minutes to practice dialogue, before asking for
volunteers to orally present their dialogues to the class. If there are no volunteers, teacher will use
number bag to randomly select students to present.
CLOSING. (_5_ min.)
How will students summarize what they learned?
How will students be asked to state the significance of what they learned?
How will you provide all students with opportunities to demonstrate mastery of (or progress toward) the
Why will students be engaged/interested?
Teacher thanks students for sharing times they have felt happy and sad in their lives. Teacher tells
students it’s always very interesting to learn more about them and their personal lives.
Review of the lesson:
T/F: A strong feeling is called an expectation. (False – emotion).
T/F: To be sad means to feel pleasure and enjoyment because of your life, situation, etc. (False
– this is the definition for happy).
T/f: Joyful, delighted and content are all words that have a meaning very similar to happy. (True
– these words are all synonyms for happy).
Fill in the blank: Some words that have a meaning very similar to sad are ______________,
__________, ___________, and _____________. (Unhappy/depressed/miserable/down)..
Teacher goes awards class points in Top10 Tracking System.