Skoorsteenberg Formation, Permian, South Africa: "deep-sea turbidite" reservoir analog reinterpreted as lake-shelf hyperpycnites Roger Higgs, Geoclastica Ltd, 5 Breakwater Road, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LQ, UK Manuscript submitted 2009. Rejected. PREAMBLE, 25/4/14 The sedimentologically renowned Skoorsteenberg outcrops are remote and largely on private land. Consequently, very few sedimentologists are privileged to evaluate, in the field, the popular (but never convincingly demonstrated) deep-sea interpretation of these flat-lying, foreland-basin strata. Nevertheless, numerous oil companies have become persuaded that the Skoorsteenberg is an excellent “outcrop analog” for exploring and developing deep-sea-turbidite reservoirs in ultra-high-cost operating areas (e.g. deep water offshore Africa, Brazil, Gulf of Mexico), despite the vastly different tectonic setting (supra-continental foreland basin versus supra-oceanic passive margin). This unpublished contribution is based on: (1) the author’s careful observations during a 3-day AAPG field trip in 2008; (2) a thorough review of the Skoorsteenberg literature; (3) 25 years (so far) studying turbidites and tempestites worldwide for a living and for pleasure; and (4) intimate familiarity with the Skoorsteenberg-lookalike Bude Formation (Carboniferous, UK), exposed in sea cliffs in exquisite wavepolished detail (unlike the Skoorsteenberg). The manuscript, emanating from a 2008 lecture at a specialist AAPG conference in Argentina on hyperpycnites, was offered in 2009 for publication in the conference book (released 2012). Unconventionally the senior editor chose, as main reviewer of my manuscript, the hardly impartial co-originator of the Skoorsteenberg deep-sea-fan interpretation, who strongly urged rejection, with which the editor emphatically agreed. The author believes that the sedimentological community should be aware of this alternative, shallowwater (lake shelf) view of the Skoorsteenberg “deep-sea” turbidites, as should oil companies who (A) funded most of the Skoorsteenberg research, including expensive behind-the-outcrop boreholes, (B) finance the visits of hundreds of their staff geologists and geophysicists, and dozens of students, and (C) run the billion-dollar risks of using improper outcrop analogs (e.g. misplaced boreholes; unwarranted project development or abandonment). To the list of other Skoorsteenberg lookalikes in the text can be added the Jackfork Formation (Carboniferous, USA), likewise visited by hundreds (thousands?) of petroleum geologists who are taught that this is an outcrop analog for passive-margin, deep-sea-turbidite reservoirs, notwithstanding an early shallow-water interpretation, reported presence of possible HCS, and precious few fossils (again suggesting a lake). Prominent among Jackfork deep-sea advocates is the aforementioned editor, who out of courtesy I prefer not to name here. For more on reinterpreting the “deep-sea” Skoorsteenberg, Jackfork, etc, please see references at (Higgs 2008, 2009b,d, 2010b,c, 2014a,b). Roger Higgs, Bude, April 2014 2 ABSTRACT Many oil companies use the Permian Skoorsteenberg Formation (Ecca Group) of the Karoo Basin, South Africa, as an "outcrop analog" of deep-sea-turbidite petroleum reservoirs in costly-development deep-water regions like the Brazil, West Africa and Gulf of Mexico passive margins. However, a literature review and the author's field observations suggest that the Skoorsteenberg is instead of shallow lacustrine orogin. Wave-influenced sedimentary structures, indicating deposition above storm wave base, are illustrated here from the Skoorsteenberg, as are ichnofossils which, together with ichnogenera reported by previous authors, suggest hyposalinity, supporting the large fresh-to-brackish lake proposed for the Ecca Group by previous workers. This sea-level lake, here named "Lake Karoo", was susceptible to ocean-water wedge intrusion up the outflow channel (i.e. over the sill; Bosporus outflow of modern Black Sea), resulting in variable lake brackishness and water level tied to glacioeustatic fluctuations. Consistent with low-salinity lake water, favoring river-fed underflows (hyperpycnal turbidity currents) lasting for weeks during summer melting of alpine glaciers in the adjacent Cape orogen, Skoorsteenberg sand beds are mainly thin (individually < 40 cm), non-laminated, ungraded, and fine- or very-fine grained. These features suggest deposition as hyperpycnites from sustained, depletive flows fast enough to carry pre-suspended (settling) fine sand but too slow to move it tractionally. Beds with climbing ripple lamination are interpreted as proximal equivalents. Beds with any of the structures listed above (HCS, etc.) are wave-modified hyperpycnites. The envisaged environment was a lake shelf on which the coeval, lookalike Laingsburg Formation was also deposited. The shelf was constricted northward (i.e. strait of gulf) and was flanked to the south by an inferred flysch trough (later upthrusted and eroded by northward advance of Swartberg branch of the Cape orogen). Instead of basin-floor fans fed by slope channels, the Skoorsteenberg is reinterpreted as shelf tongues fed by shallow (< 10 m) non-leveed channels crossing a muddy inner shelf. Underflows from the west (Cederberg ranges) underwent Coriolis veering leftward (southern hemisphere), to flow axially along the gulf or strait. A laminated siltstone facies is interpreted as lofting rhythmites, more likely in brackish than fresh water. The evidence for deposition in shallow, hyposaline water makes the Skoorsteenberg an improper analog for deep marine turbidites whose dissimilar processes (more surge-type turbidity currents; no waves; less lofting) would produce fan lobes differing from their lake "counterparts" in shape, area, grain size, Coriolis curvature, architecture and heterogeneity, and channels that are deeper, leveed and more sinuous. The economic implications are profound. The same shallow lacustrine interpretation applies to lookalike strata of the same age (PermoCarboniferous) in other Pangean foreland basins on three continents, also widely used as supposed deep-sea-turbidite analogues: the Laingsburg, Ross, Bude and Brushy Canyon formations. For sedimentologists and petroleum geologists, shelf hyperpycnites and wave-modified hyperpycnites, whether lacustrine, as exemplified by these five "Bude-type turbidite" formations, or marine (newly recognised in Cretaceous western interior seaway, USA), represent a fourth great class of gravity-flow subaqueous event beds, after fluvio-deltaic crevasse beds, conventional shelf tempestites and deep-sea turbidites. INTRODUCTION 3 Subaqueously deposited yet sparsely fossiliferous formations of the Ecca Group (Permian), including the Skoorsteenberg, deposited in the Karoo foreland basin (Johnson et al., 2006), are of historically controversial water depth (10s vs 100s m) and salinity (fresh or brackish lake vs marine; Table 1). Nevertheless, oil companies consider the Skoorsteenberg an "outcrop analog" for turbidite channel and fan reservoirs deposited in the deep sea (100s-1000s m), as in oil- and gasfields offshore Brazil, West Africa, the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea (Sullivan et al., 2000, 2004; Wickens & Bouma, 2000a; Hodgson et al., 2007a; Hodgetts et al. 2004; Bouma et al., 2007a,c,d). The same applies to three equally controversial, lookalike formations of identical facies association, coeval (Permo-Late Carboniferous) age and Pangean foreland-basin setting: the Laingsburg, Ross and Brushy Canyon (South Africa, Ireland, USA; Chapin et al., 1994; Sullivan et al., 2000, 2004; Martinsen et al., 2000; Lien et al., 2003; Larue, 2004; Fugelli & Olsen 2005; Shew, 2007a; Pyles, 2007a,b, 2008)). These and the Skoorsteenberg comprise no fewer than 28 of the 154 chapters in the recent AAPG Atlas of Deep-Water Outcrops (Nilsen et al., 2007). The possible economic consequences of inappropriate analogs are profound (see below). Another Late Carboniferous foreland-basin lookalike, the Bude Formation of SW England, is equally controversial (Burne, 1998; Higgs, 1998), with almost fifty years of published sedimentological study: "The precise depositional environment of the Bude Sandstones is not easy to establish" (Reading, 1963). Despite its easy accessibility and superb cliff exposure, the Bude is the only one of the five formations, here termed "Bude-type turbidites" given Bude's long history of sedimentological study, not widely invoked as a deep-sea fan outcrop analog. The Bude has been interpreted as lacustrine (Higgs, 1991), and also the Ross (Higgs, 2004); their likeness was highlighted by Higgs (2004). Similarity has been pointed out between the Skoorsteenberg and the Laingsburg, Ross and Brushy Canyon (Sullivan et al., 2000, 2004; Wickens & Bouma, 2000; Wild et al., 2005), and is borne out by the inclusion of articles on the Skoorsteenberg, Laingsburg and Brushy in a compendium on "fine-grained turbidite sytstems" (Bouma and Stone, 2000). On a reconnaissance three-day field trip to the Skoorsteenberg Formation in 2008, the author examined three of the five sandy "submarine fans" recognized in this formation (Bouma and Wickens, 1991; Wickens and Bouma, 1991) and found diverse wave-influenced sedimentary structures in all three, as described below. The reader is referred to Johnson et al. (2001) and Hodgson et al. (2006, 2008) for Skoorsteenberg location information, "fan" stratigraphy, graphic logs and facies details. These structures, including symmetrical ripples, negate the deep-water interpretation. Symmetrical ripples were reported previously (Wach et al., 2000; Wild et al. 2005; Hodgson et al. 2008), in the topmost sandy unit of the Skoorsteenberg, called "Fan 5 slope fan" by Johnson et al. (2001) but renamed "Unit 5" by Wild et al. (2005) after the discovery of these ripples. Similarly, Laingsburg "Fans B to F" (Grecula et al., 2003) were renamed "Units B-F" (Flint et al., 2007a,b). The ripples are problematical for the deep-water fan model as they occur in strata less than 100 m above "Fan 4" (e.g., Hodgson et al., 2006, fig. 3), a difficulty noted by Wach et al. (2000, p. 173): "Evidence for the transition from submarine fans to deltaic deposition has been enigmatic, with limited evidence of sediments representative of ... (the intervening) ... slope". The ripples were interpreted unclearly as storm-wave generated, in a "deep-water" lower 4 slope setting by Wild et al. (2005), contradicting the deltaic interpretation of Wach et al. (2000). The marine (salinity) interpretation of the Skoorsteenberg is in doubt too, based on ichnofossils, also illustrated here for the first time, which suggest fresh or brackish water, as proposed by numerous early workers from other evidence (Table 1). GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND Age A paucity of fossils renders uncertain the precise age of the Skoorsteenberg Formation, near the middle of the Ecca Group. The Ecca is no younger than Middle Permian, based on vertebrates in the overlying Beaufort Group (Rubidge et al. 2006). An anomalous, Late Permian age was proposed by Fildani et al. (2007), based on interpreted zircon U-Pb ages of 253-257 Ma from Skoorsteenberg ash beds. Four lines of evidence disprove these U-Pb dates. (1) The lookalike Bude, Ross and Brushy Canyon formations, of early Middle Permian (Roadian) and Pennsylvanian age (Higgs, 2004; Lambert et al., 2007), correspond to times of high-frequency glacioeustatic sealevel oscillations (cf. Haq & Schutter, 2008, fig. 3), so the Skoorsteenberg probably does too (Goldhammer et al. 2000; Johnson et al. 2001; Hodgson et al. 2006), but such oscillations are unknown in Late Permian time (Haq & Schutter, 2008, fig. 3; Rygel et al. 2008). (2) A 255 Ma age for the top of the Ecca was misattributed (Johnson et al. 2001; van de Werff & Johnson 2003a; Sixsmith et al. 2004; Wild et al. 2005; Hodgson et al. 2006, 2007b; Fildani et al., 2007; Flint et al. 2007b) to Rubidge (1991), who in fact assigned lowermost Beaufort fossils to the Ufimian or succeeding Kazanian/Roadian stage. The Kazanian upper limit, indeed previously taken as 255 Ma (Haq et al. 1988), is now 268.4 Ma (Gradstein et al. 2004). (3) Nonmarine bivalves in the uppermost Ecca match those of the Estrada Nova Formation of Brazil (Cooper and Kensley, 1984), dated as Roadian or younger (Iannuzzi et al., 2004). The combined fossil evidence suggests a probable Roadian age for the top of the Ecca. This and a radiometric date from the base of 269-271 Ma (Turner, 1999) suggest that the entire Ecca Group is Roadian (base 270.6 Ma). The Skoorsteenberg is therefore almost certainly Roadian, like the Brushy Canyon (Lambert et al. 2007). (4) An interval of 700 m and supposedly 15 m.y. separate this 269-271 Ma sample from the interpreted 253-257 Ma samples of Fildani et al. (2007, fig. 2a). This implies subsidence of only 50 m/m.y., slow for a foreland basin (typically 100-1,000 m/m.y.; Jordan, 1995), as opposed to 800 m/m.y. if the entire Ecca Group in the Skoorsteenberg area (c. 1700 m; Fildani et al., 2007, fig. 2a) represents the whole Roadian (2.2 m.y.). Thus, the Fildani et al. (2007) ages are rejected; the few grains suggesting these ages (in all samples most are older) may reflect Pb contamination. Tectonic setting Most authors consider the Karoo a retroarc foreland basin, following Johnson (1991). However, in view of evidence for outboard terrane accretion (López-Gamundí 1997), a peripheral foreland basin is more likely. Previous interpretations of salinity and water depth 5 Conflicting with the recently popularized deep-water (100s m) marine fan model for the Skoorsteenberg Formation (Wickens & Bouma, 2000; Johnson et al., 2001; Hodgson et al., 2006), most previous authors agree that the water body in which the Ecca Group (including Skoorsteenberg Formation) accumulated was fresh or brackish for most of the time (Table 1). With regard to water depth, there is a consensus in favour of depths not exceeding 500 m (Table 1). NEW EVIDENCE FOR SHALLOW WATER: WAVE-INFLUENCED STRUCTURES Various wave-influenced structures are described and illustrated below, indicating deposition of the Skoorsteenberg Formation above storm wavebase (< 150 m, see below), at least in part. Many other photographs are available on request. Deposition of the Skoorsteenberg, and the entire Ecca Group, in shelf depths is consistent with the stratigraphic context, with glaciomarine shelf facies below (Dwyka Formation; Visser 1997) and fluvial above (Beaufort Group; Johnson et al., 1996), and solves the enigma (Wach et al., 2000) of minimal vertical space in which to "fit" a slope succession between the Skoorsteenberg "fans" and overlying strata interpreted as shelfal and deltaic (Kookfontein, Waterford formations; Hodgson et al., 2007b, 2008). Hummocky cross stratification The Skoorsteenberg Formation has many beds (cm-dm) with interpreted hummocky cross stratification (HCS; Figs 1-3), at least in Fans 2 and 3, interspersed with nonlaminated, ungraded beds typical of Bude-type turbidites. Skoorsteenberg HCS may have been misidentified previously due to wave- or seismically-induced liquefaction and oversteepening; or missed because of faintness ("blurring") caused by rapid fallout from suspension, possibly reflecting the particular, hyperpycnal supply mechanism (see below); or overlooked by workers with deep-water preconceptions, or focused on largerscale, potentially seismically resolvable features (channel, lobe geometry). Structures described as "Rare trough cross-bedding and scour-and-fill" and "local scour and migrating bedform" (Johnson et al., 2001, table 1 and fig. 3F) may in fact be HCS, or asymmetrical HCS (Nøttvedt and Kreisa, 1987). HCS is also present in the lookalike Bude, Ross and Brushy Canyon formations (Table 2; Higgs, 1991, 2004 and unpublished observations). Structures previously identified in the Brushy and Ross as "Helmholtz waves", "trough", "scour-and-fill", "cutand-fill", "aggradational 'plow-and-fill'", "local scour and migrating bedform", "low-angle", and "cross" stratification (Newell et al., 1953; Chapin et al., 1994; Zelt and Rossen, 1995; Beauboeuf et al., 1999; Carr and Gardner, 2000; Gardner and Borer, 2000; Gardner et al., 2003) may instead be HCS, variably masked. Sketches and photographs from the Brushy show upward-convex lamination truncating low-angle laminae below (Zelt and Rossen, 1995, figs 25.14a, 25.21a; Beauboeuf et al., 1999, figs 3.3c, 4.5e; Carr and Gardner, 2000, figs 7, 9, 10), suggestive of HCS. Symmetrical and near-symmetrical ripples Symmetrical ripples indicative of wave action are well known in "Unit 5" of the Skoorsteenberg Formation (Wach et al., 2000; Wild et al., 2005, fig. 4e; Hodgson et al., 2008, p. 101). Near-symmetrical ripples, typical of combined-flow ripples in shelf storm 6 beds (Brenchley, 1985; Myrow et al. 1982; Pattison et al., 2007), occur lower in the formation (Figs 4, 5). Near-symmetrical ripples are also common in the Bude, Ross and Brushy Canyon formations (Higgs, 1991, 2004, and in preparation). In the Brushy, symmetrical ripples were reported by King (1948) and Newell et al. (1953), and slightly asymmetrical "wave-dominated combined-flow ripples" by Harms (1969), whose figure 17 shows ripple crests bifurcating, diagnostic of wave action (Reineck and Singh, 1980). Multidirectional tool marks Multidirectional bounce- and prod marks in the Skoorsteenberg Formation (Fig. 6) indicate combined flows with a storm-wave component (Gray and Benton, 1982). Non-linear grooves Kinked and hooked grooves (Fig. 7), and low-angle-intersecting grooves, occur on bed bases in the Skoorsteenberg Formation. These structures again indicate combined flows involving storm waves (Martel and Gibling, 1994; Beukes, 1996). Discordant, mud-draped bed tops Mud-draped scours (Fig. 8) of concave-up to undulating geometry are common in the Skoorsteenberg Formation , incising shale and/or sand beds and commonly deep enough (dm-m) to truncate beds laterally. Such features, attributable to storm-wave action (Walker et al., 1983; Brenchley, 1985), are also common in the Bude, Ross and Brushy Canyon formations (Higgs 1991, 2004 and unpublished observations). A very thin (mm) or absent sand or silt drape suggests that any unidirectional current accompanying the waves imported little or no sediment. Megaflutes, well known in the Ross Formation (Elliott, 2000) and reported in the Skoorsteenberg (Wild et al., 2005), are a strongly asymmetrical variant, suggesting waves accompanied by a relatively strong unidirectional flow, possibly storm-wind-driven lake circulation (see below). ICHNOFOSSIL EVIDENCE FOR NON-MARINE SALINITY Scott et al. (2000) were incorrectly cited as having proposed lacustrine deposition for the Skoorsteenberg, based on the absence of fossils (Johnson et al., 2001; van de Werff & Johnson, 2003a; see also Pazos, 2002). On the contrary, Scott et al. (2000) invoked a submarine fan, without mentioning fossils. Normal marine salinity was proposed by Johnson et al. (2001), based on the following reported (but not illustrated) trace-fossil association: Chondrites, Cosmorhaphe, Gordia, Granulana, Gyrochorte, Helminthoida, Helminthoides, Helminthopsis, Lophoctenium, Lorenzinia and Paleodictyon (Johnson et al., 2001). Raising the possibility that this association reflects instead a brackish water body, consistent with most previous interpretations of the Ecca Group in southwestern Karoo Basin (Table 1), Paleodictyon is known in nonmarine Carboniferous strata (Pickerill, 1990), and Chondrites may in fact be a missinterpretation of gregarious, overlapping Planolites. The author has seen the ichnogenera ?Arenicolites, ?Diplocraterion, Helminthoidichnites, ?Helminthorhaphe, Planolites, Treptichnus and Undichna (Figs 9-14). The total Skoorsteenberg assemblage thus bears a closer resemblance to the Mermia fresh-lake ichnofacies (Buatois and Mángano, 1995) than to the conventional marine shelf (Cruziana), slope 7 (Zoophycos) or basin plain (Nereites) ichnofacies. Skoorsteenberg ichnogenera consistent with the Mermia ichnofacies are Gordia, Helminthopsis, Helminthoidichnites, Planolites, Treptichnus and Undichna (Buatois and Mángano, 1995). Lack of other Mermia-ichnofacies genera like Mermia, Cochlichnus and Lockeia may simply reflect inadequate study, or brackish rather than fresh water. While the ichnology of "brackish seas" is becoming better uderstood (Pazos 2002), no formal ichnofacies model yet exists, unlike brackish marine-marginal environments like estuaries (Wightman et al. 1987). DISCUSSION Other probable wave-influenced structures Sinusoidal ripple lamination This structure comprises rounded, near-symmetrical, sub-vertically climbing ripples. Sinusoidal ripple lamination (SRL) was described in the Skoorsteenberg Formation by Basu and Bouma (2000a) and, as sigmoidal ripple lamination, by Johnson et al. (2001). SRL was originally defined from Pleistocene glaciolacustrine deposits of, significantly, very shallow-water origin (< 10 m; Jopling and Walker, 1968), consistent with wave influence. The structure is wave-related and associated with HCS according to Campbell (1966; his "small-scale truncated wave-ripple laminae"), Kreisa (1981; his climbing wave-ripple lamination) and Chaudhuri (2005). The steep climb is interpreted here to indicate: (A) nearly symmetrical flow, comprising storm waves combined with a comparatively weak unidirectional current supplying sand/silt (hyperpycnal flow; see below), hence the ripple symmetry; and (B) very high suspended sediment concentrations, compatible with “wave support” (Pattison et al., 2007). SRL is interpreted here as produced by combined flows comprising (1) a unidirectional current supplying suspended sand/silt, of low velocity, hence the symmetry and steep climb, and (2) uniform (monochromatic) waves, hence the regularity of the SRL, implying fairweather waves rather than (polychromatic) storm waves which produce ripple lamination with irregular, erosional, "scooping" set boundaries (de Raaf et al., 1977). Intervals with SRL were thus deposited above fair-weather wave base, possibly over periods of many weeks (see below). Conventional climbing ripple lamination, also present in the Skoorsteenberg Formation (Basu and Bouma 2000a, b; Johnson et al. 2001) and the Bude (Jopling and Walker, 1968), is by association with SRL also probably a wave-influenced structure, as proposed by Chaudhuri (2005). Scooping cross lamination Ripple cross lamination with scooping set boundaries, diagnostic of wave influence (de Raaf et al., 1977), has been photographed in the Skoorsteenberg Formation (Bouma et al., 2007b, fig. 5). Laingsburg Formation: wave-formed structures? The Laingsburg Formation, of the same age and facies association as the Skoorsteenberg and occurring in an adjacent sub-basin (Wickens & Bouma, 2000), is reported to have climbing ripple lamination (Sixsmith et al., 2004) and mud-draped scours (Flint et al. 2007a,b), both of which may be wave related, as inferred above. 8 Reported "wavy-bedded sandstone" (Grecula et al., 2003) and "undulating lamination" (Sixsmith et al., 2004) are possibly HCS. Near-orthogonal "interference ripples" interpreted by Grecula et al. (2003, fig. 12B) as indicating unidirectional flow reflection off bottom topography, appear symmetrical and may instead represent two sets of storm waves, one after the other. The combined evidence suggests deposition of at least part of the Laingsburg above storm wavebase. Lainsgburg Formation paleosalinity The only ichnofossils reported from the Laingsburg Formation are arthropod tracks and Undichna (Sixsmith et al., 2004), consistent with deposition in fresh or brackish water (Goldring, 1978; Higgs, 1988; Buatois and Mángano, 1995). Depositional environment: Skoorsteenberg and lookalike formations Some remarks follow on the interpreted depositional environment of all five formations comprising "Bude-type turbidites": the Bude, Ross, Brushy Canyon, Laingsburg and Skoorsteenberg. The evidence presented above suggests that the Skoorsteenberg was deposited in fresh or brackish water, as invoked by many previous authors (Table 1), in a large lake (Veevers et al., 1994), here named "Lake Karoo". The Laingsburg Formation accumulated in the same lake. A similar "Lake Bude" has been proposed for the Bude and Ross formations (Higgs, 1991, 2004), and a "Lake Brushy" is suggested for the Brushy Canyon Formation (Higgs, in preparation). In all cases, the foreland basin setting was amenable to thrust-front salients cutting off the sea, forming "sea-level lakes" (Goldring, 1978), of variable brackishness, like the modern Black Sea and Lake Maracaibo. Such lakes are susceptible to ocean-water wedge intrusion up the outflow channel (i.e. over the sill; Bosporus outflow of modern Black Sea; Higgs, 1991), resulting in variable lake brackishness and water level tied to glacioeustatic fluctuations. Various workers have invoked the Black Sea analog for the Karoo Basin during Ecca deposition (Table 1). The lowered salinity in Lake Karoo favored river-fed underflows lasting weeks during summer melting of alpine glaciers that can be presumed, given that the Dwyka continental glaciation (Visser, 1997) was not long over, to have existed in the adjacent orogen. These hyperpycnal flows deposited turbidites of the hyperpycnite variety (Mulder et al., 2002). (The term "underflowite" (Higgs, 1987) has priority and is more self-explanatory.) Tentative claims to be "the first systematic outcrop documentation of hyperpycnal flow beds from ancient turbidite systems" (PlinkBjörklund and Steel, 2004), and to describe "for the first time ancient lacustrine hyperpycnites from an outcrop perspective" (Zavala et al., 2006b), are incorrect (Higgs, 1991, 2004). Skoorsteenberg individual (non-amalgamated) turbidites are, like those of the lookalike formations, mainly fine- or very-fine grained, thin (<40 cm), non-laminated, and ungraded except in the top 1-3 cm. These characteristics suggest deposition from sustained (weeks-months), uniform, depletive flows (Kneller, 1995), just fast enough to carry fine sand in suspension but too slow to move it tractionally (< 30 cm/sec?; cf. Sundborg, 1967). Sand "pre-suspended" in the source river settled continuously from the underflow, the rate of settling retarded by turbulence (Cuthbertson and Ervine, 2007). Beds with wave-related structures (HCS, SRL, etc.) are wave-influenced hyperpycnites (cf. Pattison et al., 2007). These possibly pass distally into non-laminated 9 hyperpycnites deposited below wavebase (fairweather or storm, as appropriate). Such a transition from proximal laminated beds (including climbing ripples) to distal structureless beds was demonstrated in interpreted marine hyperpycnites (PlinkBjörklund and Steel, 2004), but was conventionally attributed to distally increasing fallout suppressing traction, which is counter-intuitive. Larger (mm) particles in some Brushy Canyon sandstones are marine fossils and fragments, whose characteristic abrasion (King, 1948; Fischer & Sarnthein, 1988) suggests transportation. The fusulinid species (King, 1942, 1947, 1948; Hayes, 1964) are consistent with reworking from underlying limestones of the lower San Andres Formation (see below). The fusulinids are interpreted to have been rolled into position by the underflow. The envisaged Skoorsteenberg environment was a lake shelf, of continental shelf dimensions (cf. modern Black Sea), on which the Laingsburg Formation was also deposited, as was the coeval, lookalike Ripon Formation farther east, interpreted by Kingsley (1981) as slump-generated turbidites forming base-of-slope fans. Similar, coeval facies in the Malvinas/Falkland islands, deposited alongstrike in the same foreland basin prior to Gondwana breakup, and interpreted by Trewin et al. (2002) as lacustrine "basin-floor turbidites", though with wave ripples, were deposited on the same shelf. The Lake Karoo shelf was flanked to the south by an inferred flysch trough (underfilled foreland basin; Covey, 1986), no longer identifiable, probably upthrusted and eroded by northward advance of the southern, Swartberg branch of the Cape orogen (e.g., Turner, 1999; Catuneanu et al., 2005). The trough accommodated excess sediment shaved off the shelf by combined storm waves and wind-drift currents, maintaining an equilibrium shelf profile (Seilacher, 1982; Higgs, 2004), preventing sediment from aggrading to sea level. Overlying the Skoorsteenberg, the Kookfontein Formation comprises shallow-marine (though unfossiliferous) parasequences according to Wild et al. (2007). The lowermost parasequence is interpreted to downlap onto the Skoorsteenberg (Wild et al., 2007). This would suggest drowning of the Lake Karoo shelf, followed by construction of a new, prograding, shelf-and-slope equlibrium profile, perched on the drowned shelf. Drowning may reflect long-term eustatic rise over the sill, probably increasing the lake salinity (still no marine fossils). Lake Karoo was probably brackish whenever glacioeustatic highs overtopped the sill enough for an oceanic wedge to intrude, possibly culminating in undiscovered marine bands (cm-dm) in the shaly "inter-fan" intervals, like the rare marine bands of the Bude and Ross formations (Higgs, 2004). During glacioeustatic lows, the lake water level fell toward the spillpoint (lowstand perched level), eventually cutting off the intruding ocean-water wedge, so that the lake freshened by river and rain inflow, and may have turned completely fresh (Higgs, 1991). The sill thus regulated the minimum lowstand lake level, confining eustatically forced emergence to the innermost shelf (Higgs, 1991). Emergence by delta progradation was also confined to the innermost shelf because, in fresh- or brackish lakes, direct offshore sediment supply by hyperpycnal flows enhances vertical aggradation, at the expense of delta progradation (Higgs, 2004). The water depth on the Karoo shelf, by comparison with modern continental shelves facing oceans (large fetch), was probably less than 150 m. The Skoorsteenberg shelf is inferred to have been enclosed (gulf) or constricted (strait) toward the north, between an eastward-thrusting mountain belt oriented north- 10 south (Cederberg branch of Cape orogen) and, in the east, a probable corresponding forebulge (cf. Catuneanu, 2004). Skoorsteenberg deposition occurred on the west flank of the gulf or strait; the depositional surface was a thus and east-dipping "ramp" in eastwest profile (Van Wagoner et al., 1988). Instead of base-of-slope fans fed by slope channels or canyons (Beauboeuf et al., 1999; Gardner et al., 2003; Grecula et al., 2003; Lien et al. 2003; Sixsmith et al., 2004; Wild et al., 2005; Hodgson et al., 2006; Pyles, 2008), the Skoorsteenberg and lookalikes are reinterpreted here as mid-shelf sandy tongues (Higgs 1991, 2004) fed by shallow (< 10 m) channels crossing the muddy inner shelf, as in newly recognised (marine) examples in the Cretaceous seaway (ramp) of North America (Pattison et al., 2007). Muddy intervals previously interpreted as slope deposits containing channel sands, like Skoorsteenberg "Unit 5", Laingsburg "Units B to F", the proximal mud (silt) belt of the Brushy Canyon, and the Gull Island Formation overlying the Ross (Beauboeuf et al., 1999; Wignall and Best, 2000; Martinsen et al., 2000; Wild et al., 2005; Flint et al., 2007a,b), are reinterpreted here as inner-shelf mud belts, consistent with "slumps" (Wild et al., 2005) showing gradational bases and nearupright folds or load balls/pillows (Fig. 15; Wild et al., 2005, figs 3a, 4d; Hodgson et al., 2008, photos on p. 97, 101, 102), suggesting in situ deformation (Hodgson et al., 2008; Oliveira et al., in review), implying minimal gradient; the deformation trigger may have been earthquakes (seismites) or wave loading. Similarly, chaotic units up to 40 m thick underlying the Laingsburg, interpreted as "mass-transport complexes" marking the ititiation of "deep-water" sedimentation (Flint et al., 2007a,b), instead have no such bathymetric significance if they formed in situ, either seismically or by (tsunami-?) waveloading. Syneresis cracks confirm seismic shocks (Pratt, 1998) during Skoorsteenberg deposition. The examples seen were reticulate (Fig. 16), relatively unusual (Pratt, 1988) and superficially resembling desiccation cracks, possibly reflecting seismic waves propagating from orthogonal directions (Cederberg, Swartburg thrust belts). Sandstone dikes in the Laingsburg Formation (Grecula et al., 2003) also reflect seismicity. Instead of river supply for the Brushy Canyon Formation, Fischer and Sarnthein (1988) suggested eolian dunes feeding slump-generated turbidity currents. However, Brushy sand is characterisitically angular (Newell et al., 1953; photomicrographs in Montgomery et al., 1999, Justman and Broadhead, 2000; Shew 2007a,b), contradicting the eolian model. Also implying aridity, Harms (1974) proposed shelf-derived saline density currents, at odds with both coeval basin-margin karstification (San Andres Formation; Stoudt and Raines, 2004) and Brushy-equivalent strata elsewhere in the basin (Word Formation; Lambert et al., 2007) containing plant remains (Hill, 1999). The lack of reported macroscopic plant remains in the Brushy suggests that the sedimentsupplying rivers occupied, in their final reaches, caves that (A) restricted entry of local plant material and (B) trapped far-traveled leaves, branches and logs in narrowings (logjams), where it bio-fragmented to sand and mud size, finally reaching Lake Brushy at drowned gorges (rias) or cave mouths. The author's observations indicate that channels in the Skoorsteenberg, Bude, Ross and Brushy Canyon formations are simply incised, lacking levees, in agreement with some authors (Harms, 1974; Johnson et al., 2001; Lien et al., 2003) but not all (Melvin, 1986; Zelt and Rossen, 1995; Basu & Bouma, 2000a,b; Bouma et al., 2007b; Flint et al., 2007a). The Laingsburg Formation includes levee facies according to Grecula et al. (2003) and Sixsmith et al. (2004). 11 Interbedding of channels and sheet sands (cf. channel-lobe transition zone; Gardner et al. 2003; Hodgson et al., 2006) can be attributed to lake-level fluctuations due to glacioeustatisy and possibly tectonism (forebulge minor retreat or advance?). Lake-level fluctuations made channel-tongue pairs retro- and prograde. In retrogradation, the outer channel backfilled and was blanketed by tongue deposits. In progradation, the channel incised the backfill and, if the relative fall was sufficient, the underlying tongue interval and preceding channel fill. Thicker (10s m), composite channel fills were thus formed, with narrower paleocurrent dispersion than the enveloping tongue facies (not levee). This model has some similarities with the Brushy Canyon "build-cut-fill-spill" model of Gardner and Borer (2000), except those authors invoked autocyclicity and avulsion as the controlling mechanism. Other authors suggested Skoorsteenberg glacioeustatic cyclicity, without specifying the exact mechanism of channel and sheet alternation (Goldhammer et al. 2000; Johnson et al. 2001; Hodgson et al. 2006). East-flowing underflows emerging from east-west channels underwent Coriolis veering leftward (southern hemisphere), enhanced due to flow slowness and longevity (Hill, 1984; Higgs, 2004), causing flows from the west (Cederberg ranges) to swing north (i.e. leftward, southern hemisphere) along the gulf axis, consistent with Skoorsteenberg paleocurrents (Johnson et al., 2001; Hodgson et al., 2006), in particular the evidence for leftward veering (Luthi et al., 2006, fig. 11). The Karoo hyperpycnites accumulated at shelf depths in two orthogonal sub-basins, the Tanqua (N-S, overfilled) and Laingsburg (E-W, underfilled). In contrast, the Laingsburg "open shelf" sector was probably bordered by an east-west forebulge in the north, and by the "missing" southern deep-water flysch trough, which trapped northward flows from the Cape orogen Swartberg branch. Laingsburg paleocurrents overall are eastward (Sixsmith et al., 2004), interpretable as hyperpycnal flows derived from the far south of the Cederberg range, traveling east along the Laingsburg shelf sector, the predicted leftward Coriolis force balanced by the southward shelf gradient. Laingsburg isopach variations and local paleocurrent anomalies, attributed to basin-floor topography (Grecula et al., 2003; Sixsmith et al., 2004), may instead reflect (1) growth faulting (differential subsidence) without topographic expression, and (2) erratic combined-flow paleocurrents. In both formations, published sand petrology indicates a metamorphic and plutonic provenance (Johnson, 1991; Scott et al., 2000), interpreted here as a now-eroded nappe atop the CFB (weakly metamorphosing it), rather than a source situated anomalously far away (200-500 km, i.e. wider than most foreland basins) in South America (Scott et al., 2000). A distinctive parallel-laminated siltstone facies in the Skoorsteenberg (e.g. Fig. 5, upper one-third), Laingsburg, Bude and Brushy Canyon formations (Higgs, 1991; Harms, 1974; Wickens and Bouma, 2000; Grecula et al., 2003) is interpretable as lofting rhythmites (Zavala et al., 2006a), abbreviated here to "loftites". Such lofting requires a strong salinity contrast, therefore loftites are considered a marine indicator (Zavala et al., 2006a), but brackish lakes stages (as opposed to fresh) are also considered here suitable for lofting. Eolian fallout has previously been proposed for this facies (Fischer and Sarnthein, 1988). CONCLUSION: ECONOMIC AND ACADEMIC IMPLICATIONS 12 The Skoorsteenberg and lookalike formations are shallow lacustrine, improper analogs for deep marine turbidites whose dissimilar processes (more surge-type turbidity currents; no waves; less lofting) would produce fan lobes differing from their lake "counterparts" in shape, area, grain size, Coriolis curvature, architecture and internal heterogeneity (e.g., no wave-scour mud baffles or barriers), and channels that are deeper, leveed and more sinuous. The economic consequences of inappropriate analogs can amount to billions of dollars, including non-optimum placement of wells and perforations, unreliable prediction of flow rates and reserves, and incorrect judgment of field commerciality (Higgs, 2004, 2009). Besides the salinity and water-depth problems raised above is the issue of tectonic setting. The questionability of using foreland-basin outcrops as analogs for passive-margin reservoirs is underscored by the observation that passive-margin-slope or -rise strata can only ever achieve outcrop in a metamorphosed and/or intensely deformed state (orogenic collision belt), yet the supposed outcrop analogues are largely sub-horizontal, except where overrun by the foreland-basin deformation front (e.g., Bude, Laingsburg). Nevertheless, the five Bude-type formations are magnificent sedimentological workshops, and invaluable for oil companies wishing to learn what deep-sea turbidites do not look like, or seeking outcrop analogs to optimize development of oil-producing lacustrine hyperpycnal reservoirs like the Brushy Canyon itself (Montgomery et al., 1999). Brushy exploration will also benefit from the new model, e.g., predicting Coriolisdeviated sand-tongue reservoirs, ideal stratigraphic traps due to nearly four-way shaleout. 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Faint horizontal lamination in the lower portion (e.g., below scale) is overlain (truncated?) by a set of convex-up laminae. This structure is reasonably interpreted as HCS, with poorly defined ("blurred") lamination due to rapid fallout from suspension. Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Fan 3", Los Kop South. 26 Figure 3. Brick-sized/shaped sample (float) of an entire thin bed (c. 8 cm) of very fine sandstone or siltstone, viewed on-end. The bed has a sharp flat base, hummocky or rippled top, and interpreted HCS (unprovable due to sample's small dimensions). The back and sides of the sample show similar lamination, without angle-of-repose dips or obvious preferred directionality. Coin 2.6 cm diameter. Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Fan 3", Kanaalkop. 27 Figure 4. Float sample of a thin bed of very fine sandstone or siltstone, viewed on-end, showing a near-symmetrical ripple, overlying a single set of leftward dipping ripple foresets. Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Fan 3", Gemsbok valley. 28 Figure 5. Centimetric bed (center) of siltstone or very fine sandstone, encased in siltstone with millimetric lamination. The sandstone bed shows irregular, nearsymmetrical ripples on top. Internally, possible HCS passes up into right-dipping ripple lamination. Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Fan 3", Ongeluks River. 29 Figure 6. Base of a thin (cm) siltstone or very fine sandstone bed (float), showing multidirectional bounce-, prod- and groove marks. Note numerous inclined, triangular projections, interpreted here as pointed-leaf prod marks, not previously described in the sedimentological literature to the author's knowledge (see also Fig. 13; cf. Glossopteris leaf photograph in Johnson et al. 2006, fig. 23a). Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Fan 3", Grootfontein. 30 Figure 7. Base of a thin (cm) siltstone or very fine sandstone bed (float), showing three features indicative of a wave-component in the depositing combined flow (see text): (1) two sets of grooves intersecting at a low angle; (2) sinuous grooves (right and left); and (3) two hooked grooves (adjacent, at upper center, one possibly widened by scour). The hooked grooves are short (terminate), suggesting "touch down" and "lift-off" (Beukes, 1996). Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Fan 3", Rondawel. 31 Figure 8. Series of sandstone units, each up to 2 m thick, comprising amalgamated thinner (< 40 cm) beds of mostly fine sandstone. The top of the penultimate (thickest) unit dips to the right, and is overlain by recessive shale. This surface truncates internal sub-horizontal partings (interpreted amalgamation planes), suggesting a "mud-draped scour" (see text) rather than constructional bedform topography. Note lack of obvious vertical bed-thickness trends, a result of premature amalgamation (see text). Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Fan 3", Rondawel. 32 Figure 9. Pervasively burrowed concretion weathered out of shale. The 3D burrow morphology, inferred from 2D intersections with the concretion surface, is tongueshaped, oblique- or vertical to bedding, possibly Diplocraterion. Skoorsteenberg Formation, shale interval between "Fan 2" and "Fan 3", Gemsbok valley. 33 Figure 10. Plan view of upper surface of a thin (cm) bed of siltstone or very fine sandstone bed. A low, symmetrical ripple trending left-right occupies the upper half of the photo. The adjacent ripple trough shows Helminthoidichnites (dark, narrow, slightly sinuous trace, left of coin). Coin 2.6 mm diameter. Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Unit 5", Droog Kloof ridge. 34 Figure 11. Base of a sandstone bed (float), showing flow scours (longitudinal furrows) locally overprinted by a horizontal, meandering(?) burrow system, possibly Agrichnium or Helminthorhaphe. Coin 2.6 mm diameter. Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Fan 3", Rondawel. 35 Figure 12. Plan view of gradational, non-laminated, silty top of a thin (cm) bed of very fine sandstone or siltstone, encased in shale. The siltstone shows abundant crosscutting (not branching) burrows interpreted as Planolites, possibly misinterpreted in the past as Chondrites. Coin 2.6 mm diameter. Skoorsteenberg Formation, shale interval between "Fan 2" and "Fan 3", Los Kop South. 36 Figure 13. Base of a sandstone bed (float), showing Treptichnus burrows. Note inclined, triangular, possible leaf-prod mark left of coin (see also Fig. 6). Coin 2.6 mm diameter. Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Fan 3", Rondawel. 37 Figure 14. Base of a sandstone bed (float), showing a composite fish trail (running leftright, 5 cm from top of view). This is probably Undichna insolentia, whose type locality is in the Dwyka Formation in the Karoo Basin (Anderson, 1976). Note the prod mark (lower left), sub-parallel to the fish trail. The numerous millimetric projecting "dimples" are of uncertain origin. Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Fan 3", Rondawel. 38 Figure 15. Disturbed interval comprising sandstone balls and/or pillows separated by siltstone flames. The deformed interval is under- and overlain by undisturbed strata, indicating that deformation was syn-sedimentary. The base of the siltstone is undisturbed, and the sandstone balls/pillows have near-vertical axes, both observations indicating that deformation occurred in situ, probably by seismic- or wave-loading, not by slumping. Note 15 cm scale, upper right. Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Unit 5", Droog Kloof Ridge. 39 Figure 16. Plan view of reticulate syneresis cracks in a thin (mm) mudstone layer separating centimetric siltstone or very fine sandstone beds. The base of a sandstone slab upended by the author (upper right) shows load casts associated with the syneresis cracks. Skoorsteenberg Formation, "Fan 3", Gemsbok valley. 40 Table 1 (next 2 pages). Previous interpretations of depositional water depth and salinity of Ecca Group formations deposited subaqueously in the "inland sea" of the southwestern Karoo Basin. NS = not stated by original author(s).The Ecca Group comprises (Tanqua sub-basin): Prince Albert, Whitehill, Collingham, Tierberg, Skoorsteenberg, Kookfontein and Waterford fms, in conformable succession. Author(s) Formation(s) Interpreted salinity Interpreted water depth Remarks du Toit 1954 Whitehill; Laingsburg (coeval, eastern lookalike of Skoorsteenberg Fm) "estuary", implying "shallow water", implying brackish 10s m max (Laingsburg) (Whitehill) Hart 1964 "Ecca shales" fresh or brackish, with "marine intercalations" Ryan 1968 entire Ecca Gp NS "relatively deep water"; "deep water" (min 100s m implied?) "continental sea" and "inland sea" imply less than marine salinity? Stratten 1968 Prince Albert & Whitehill NS NS "nearly isolated sea" and "a marine incursion" imply mainly brackish? McLachlan 1973 Ecca Gp fresh to brackish NS p. 9 refers to entire basin (p. 10 discusses coal-bearing NE Karoo only) McLachlan & Anderson 1973 Ecca Gp "sea"; "nonmarine" NS brief "marine invasion" near the base; "by White Band times conditions were probably already nonmarine" Marchant 1978 "Ecca formation" (Group) fresh NS "the preponderance of available geological and geochemical data for the Ecca formation suggests ... lacustrine origin" (cites Danchin 1970 Ph.D. thesis) Visser & Loock 1978 Ripon (E equivalent, same strat. level & facies as Skoorsteenberg & Laingsburg fms) NS max. about 500 m 500 m est. based on report of Nereites in Kingsley 1977 PhD thesis, not confirmed by Kingsley 1981; "extreme shallow water" at top of Dwyka tillite, c. 150m below base of Ripon Stanistreet et al. 1980 Vryheid (NE equivalent of marine episodes Prince Albert, Whitehill & implied Tierberg fms; Faure & Cole 1999) NS glauconite & supposed marine trace fossils occur in "abandonment phase" between coal seams Anderson 1981 Ecca Gp brackish implied NS "marginally marine...'sea'", following a basal Ecca fossiliferous "marine horizon" Kingsley 1981 Ripon (E equivalent, same strat. level & facies as Skoorsteenburg and Laingsburg fms) "lake", implying fresh or brackish max 500-700 m "land-locked lake less than 1000 m deep"; "wave ripples" < 200 m above top of Ripon Fm (p. 31 & Figs 8, 9); "Helminthopsis worm trails attest to ... relatively deep water" Tankard et al. 1982 Laingsburg/Ripon (E equivalent, same strat. level & facies as Skoorsteenberg Fm) less than marine ("rare marine incursions") 100s m "landlocked basin" with "rare marine incursions"; present Black Sea (brackish) analog "Lower Karroo Sea"; cites "South African Sea" (Ryan 1963) 42 Cooper & Kensley 1984 Ecca Group (southern "flyschoid rocks") brackish "shallow" "shallow inland sea" Smith 1990 Laingsburg/Ripon (same age/facies as Skoorsteenberg) NS NS "flysch-type"; "landlocked sea" Yemane & Kelts 1990 Whitehill fresh to slightly brackish NS Late Pleistocene Black Sea analogue Bouma & Wickens 1991 Skoorsteenberg marine ("submarine fan") NS Wickens & Bouma 1991 Skoorsteenberg marine ("submarine fan") NS Visser 1992 Laingsburg brackish "basin floor turbidite fans" imples min. 100s m Marine Prince Albert/lr Whitehill fms; brackish from up. Whitehill Visser 1994 Prince Albert, Whitehill marine then (upper Whitehill) brackish "shallow to moderate (<400 m)" "large sea"; thin (< 4 m) basal shale with marine fossils; carbonate bands with supposed marine microfossils (pers. comm.); shale Rb/K ratios Veevers et al. 1994 Skoorsteenberg/Laingsbu brackish to fresh rg/Ripon (lateral lake equivalents; same strat. level & facies) <500 m (cites Visser & Loock 1978); under- & overlain by "shallow basin" "lack of indubitably marine sediment" anywhere above basal Ecca unit with marine fossils Johnson et al. 1996 Skoorsteenberg marine ("submarine fan") min. 100s m implied by "submarine fan" Faure & Cole 1999 Whitehill, upper Prince Albert fresh to brackish NS "most likely lacustrine with fresh to brackish water" Johnson et al. 2001 Skoorsteenberg marine min 100s m implied ("deepwater") "the trace fossils identified in this study suggest a basin with marine salinity, as proposed by Wickens (1994)" Braddy & Briggs 2002 Ecca Gp fresh shallow "The succession is interpreted as freshwater (shallow lacustrine)" Pazos 2002 Laingsburg brackish NS "brackish seas characterized by reduced salinity as result of the input of glacial melt water during deglaciation"; "marineconnected" McCarthy & Rubidge 2005 Ecca Group NS "deep" "Deep water trough". "Karoo Sea" was "Perhaps ... similar to the Black Sea, with only a narrow connection to the ocean" Hodgson et al. 2006 Skoorsteenberg marine implied ("submarine fan") min 100s m implied ("deepwater") Herbert & Compton 2007 Prince Albert fresh NS "fresh water lake", based on nodule geochemistry 43 Table 2 (next 2 pages). Facies and sedimentary structures shared by the five "Bude-type turbidite" formations: Ross, Bude, Skoorsteenberg, Laingsburg and Brushy Canyon formations. NR = not reported. Modified after Higgs 2004. Feature Bude Fm Laingsburg Fm Brushy Canyon Fm Three main facies: (1) shales 1-10 m, Melvin 1986, Collinson et al. 1991, (2) cm-dm sandstones and shales, (3) Higgs 1991, Burne Chapin et al. 1994, amalgamated sandstones 1-10 m 1995 Elliott 2000a,b, Elliott et al. 2000, Martinsen et al. 2000, Lien et al. 2003, Higgs 2004 Johnson et al. Grecula et al. 2001, Hodgson 2003, Sixsmith et et al. 2001, al. 2004 2008, Higgs this paper Zelt & Rossen 1995, Beaubouef et al. 1999, Gardner et al. 2003, Higgs, in prep. Sand beds are fine- and very-fine As above grained, whether amalgamated or not As above As above As above As above. Amalgamated-sand component beds are mostly thin (cm-dm) As above As above As above As above As above Most cm-dm sandstone beds are As above massive, or massive with minor (mmcm) parallel/cross-laminated top. As above As above As above As above Channels up to 10 m thick (and Burne 1995, Higgs As above thicker composite channels) filled with 2004 amalgamated sand beds As above As above As above Other amalgamated sand bodies are Melvin 1986, As above sheet-like (observed or inferred lateral Higgs 1991, Burne extent at least 100 m in all directions) 1995, As above As above As above Clear vertical bed-thickness successions rare. Instead, amalgamated sandstone "packets" alternate abruptly with interbedded sandstone and mudstones As above As above As above As above Ross Fm As above Skoorsteenberg Fm Remarks Except, in Brushy, abraded fusulinids and fragments of other fossils (King 1948) 45 Amalgamated units deamalgamate Higgs 1991 laterally. Each component sand bed occupies a flat-based channel < 0.4 m deep), stacked to form a composite body here termed "pseudo-channel" Chapin et al. 1994, As above & van Grecula et al. Elliott 2000a,b, Elliott der Werff & 2003 et al. 2000, Lien et al. Johnson 2003b 2003, Higgs 2004 Beauboeuf et al. Frayed ribbons (Higgs 1999, Higgs, in 1991). "Transitional archiprep. tectural element" (Johnson et al. 2001). "Pinchout fingers" (van de Werff & Johnson 2003b). "HASTZ" (Hodgson et al. 2007a). Rare beds with hummocky cross stratification Higgs 2004 Higgs, in prep. Higgs 1991, 2004 Higgs this paper NR