
HOUR EXAM I (Summer II, 2005- Dr. M. Ahmed)
Quiz # 1
1. Electrolytes, Acids, Bases, Net ionic equations and Ion Concentrations (Brady &
Senese Text pg. 154-200)
2. Intermolecular attractions (Text pg. 504-513)
3. Solution and Concentration Units (Text Pg. 598-637)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 4: 114-124 (Net Ionic Equations)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 11: 6, 7, 15, 16,18, 19, 23-26 (Ion Concentrations)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 11: 33-42 (Concentration Units)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 14: 1-7, 8-20 (Colligative Properties)
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 5: Review Prob. 20, 21, 63, 76, 77, 78, 94, 96,
98, 105, 109.
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 14: Review Prob. 67, 70, 71, 76, 82, 84, 91, 95,
98, 101, 103, 108.
Quiz # 2
4. Rate Law and Reaction order (Brady & Senese Text pg. 646-685)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 16: 1-5 (Rate Law/ Initial Rates)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 16: 11-18, 20, 21 (Reaction rates)
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 15: Review Prob. 20-29, 32,68, 70, 74, 94.
NOTE: EXAM # I is Thursday, July 14 and will cover most of the topics listed on
this sheet. You are responsible for material covered in lecture, reading material in text
(Text pg as mentioned above) and material covered in homework problems. Please
bring the following items to the exam: #2 pencil, non-programmable calculator,
and photo ID.
HOUR EXAM II (Summer II, 2005- Dr. M. Ahmed)
Quiz # 2
5. Chemical Equlibrium (Brady & Senese Text pg. 697-728)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 17: 1-6 (Equilibrium Stoichiometry)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 17: 8-24 even, do 8-24 odd if more practice is needed
(K=Kc, K=Kp problems)
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 16: Review Prob. 14-19, 32, 36, 43, 46.
Quiz # 3
6. Acids and Bases (Brady & Senese Text pg. 737-768)
7. Dissociation of Water, PH, Ka, Kb and Hydrolysis of Salts (Brady & Senese Text
pg. 775-799)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 18: 1-20 (PH, POH, Weak acid/base)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 18: 31-43 (Hydrolysis of Salts)
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 17: Review Prob. 1-10, 40, 45, 49, 50, 61, 74,
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 18: Review Prob. 1-20, 45, 53, 58, 65.
NOTE: EXAM # II is Thursday, July 21 and will cover most of the topics listed on
this sheet. You are responsible for material covered in lecture, reading material in text
(Text pg as mentioned above) and material covered in homework problems. Please
bring the following items to the exam: #2 pencil, non-programmable calculator,
and photo ID.
HOUR EXAM III (Summer II, 2005- Dr. M. Ahmed)
Quiz # 3
8. Common Ion Effect and Buffers (Brady & Senese Text pg. 799-812, 840-842)
9. Titrations and Titration Curves, Indicator (Brady & Senese Text pg. 813-822)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 18: 23-30 (Common Ion effect and Buffer Solutions)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 22: 1-10, 13-15 (Titration problems)
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 18: Review Prob. 25-27, 35, 41, 82, 97, 108,
116, 118, 120.
Quiz # 4
10. Solubility Product (Ksp), Precipitation and Separation (Brady & Senese Text pg.
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 19: 1-7 (Solubility Product Constants)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 19: 8-17 (Common Ion and Solubility)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 19: 18-25 (Precipitation and Separation)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 19: 26-34 (Ksp and Kf)
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 19: Review Prob. 1, 3, 15, 21, 25, 31, 34, 45,
49, 52, 54, 57, 59.
NOTE: EXAM # III is Thursday, July 28 and will cover most of the topics listed
on this sheet. You are responsible for material covered in lecture, reading material in
text (Text pg as mentioned above) and material covered in homework problems.
Please bring the following items to the exam: #2 pencil, non-programmable
calculator, and photo ID.
FINAL EXAM (Summer II, 2005- Dr. M. Ahmed)
Quiz # 4
11. Qualitative analysis and Problems (Lab. Exp. For Gen. Chem -116 pg. 89-141 &
Nakon Prob. Bk. Pg. 360-362)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 23: 1, 2, 4-10, 15, 17, 20 (Qualitative analysis problem)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 17: 8-24 even, do 8-24 odd if more practice is needed
(K=Kc, K=Kp problems)
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 16: Review Prob. 14-19, 32, 36, 43, 46.
12. Complex Ion & Coordination Compounds (Brady & Senese Text pg. 852-856 &
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 23: Review Prob. 47, 54, 61-63, 65-68, 70, 76,
82, 101, 103, 107, 110, 111, 115, 117, 121-129 odd.
NOTE: Quiz # 4 will cover most of the topics from Solubility product to
Coordination compounds. You are responsible for material covered in lecture, reading
material in text (Text pg as mentioned above) and material covered in homework
13. Thermodynamics (Brady & Senese Text pg. 865-900 & 1020-1043)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 15: 7-11, 14-15 (Spontaneity and Entropy)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 15: 16-20 (Free Energy and Equlibrium)
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 20: Review Prob. 1-4, 9,10, 19-22, 25-27, 2931, 33, 34, 38, 44, 46, 49, 58, 60, 64, 66, 68, 74, 89, 90, 94.
NOTE: EXAM # IV is Friday, August 5 and will cover most of the topics listed on
this sheet. You are responsible for material covered in lecture, reading material in text
(Text pg as mentioned above) and material covered in homework problems. Please
bring the following items to the exam: #2 pencil, non-programmable calculator,
and photo ID.
FINAL EXAM (Summer II, 2005- Dr. M. Ahmed)
14. Electrochemistry (Brady & Senese Text pg. 913-937)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 20: 9-12 (Reduction Potential)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 20: 13-19 (Nernst Equation)
Nakon Prob. Bk. Chapter 15: 16-20 (Free Energy and Equilibrium)
Brady & Senese Text Bk. Chapter 21: Review Prob. 1, 2,5, 10, 11, 13, 16, 20, 23,
27, 66, 69, 71, 74, 78, 81, 87, 89, 94.
NOTE: FINAL EXAM is Thursday, August 11 and will include most of the
topics listed on this sheet as well as the material covered on the first four Exams.
You are responsible for material covered in lecture, reading material in text (Text pg
as mentioned above) and material covered in homework problems. Lab Final Exam
is Tuesday, August 9 (1.30 PM) in lab. Please bring the following items to the
exam: #2 pencil, non-programmable calculator, and photo ID.
Any student scoring 40% or below on the final examination will earn a grade of "F",
regardless of his/her other averages. Similarly, other very low scores could result in a
reduction of one letter grade.