Geol 101: Physical Geology

Geol 101: Physical Geology
28. Rivers that flow across the surface of a delta are called (1)________ whereas rivers that flow into larger rivers
are called (2)________.
A. (1) distributaries
(2) tributaries
B. (1) distributaries
(2) braided streams
C. (1) tributaries
(2) distributaries
D. (1) tributaries
(2) braided streams
E. (1) braided streams
(2) tributaries
28. The edge of a drainage basin is called a:
A. tributary
B. continental divide
C. drainage divide
D. distributary
E. drainage margin
28. A continental divide is:
A. a mountain chain separating rivers that flow into different oceans
B. a mountain chain separating drainage basins emptying into the same ocean
C. a high standing area inside a drainage basin
D. a boundary between two different patterns of river drainage
E. a mountain range at a divergent plate boundary
28. The type of river drainage that resembles the shape of veins in a leaf is called:
A. trellis
B. dendritic
C. rectangular
D. radial
E. deranged
28. Which of the following processes was responsible for the creation of the Great Salt Lake basin?
A. a lava dam
B. glacial retreat
C. faulting
D. landslides
E. evaporation
28. An example of a lake that existed during the last ice age, caused by a glacial dam, is:
A. Great Salt Lake
B. Finger Lakes
C. the Aral Sea
D. Lake Chad
E. Lake Missoula
28. An example of a long, elongate lake (or lakes) produced by glacial retreat:
A. Great Salt Lake
B. Finger Lakes
C. tarns
D. Lake Chad
E. Glacial Lake Missoula
28. Which of the following statements about ultimate base level is FALSE?
A. rivers cannot erode deeper than ultimate base level
B. ultimate base level is always sea level
C. ultimate base level can change through time
D. a lake is a type of ultimate base level
E. all of the above statements are false
28. Which of the following statements about ultimate base level is FALSE?
A. rivers cannot erode deeper than ultimate base level
B. ultimate base level is always sea level
C. ultimate base level can change through time
D. lakes and waterfalls are types of ultimate base levels
E. all the above are FALSE!
28. Which of the following is NOT a local base level along a river?
A. lake
B. sea level
C. waterfall
D. dam
E. all of the above are local base levels
28. Which of the following features is not a type of base level along a river:
A. sea level
B. lakes
C. dams
D. waterfalls
E. all of the above are types of base levels
28. A drop in ultimate base level can produce _______ on a floodplain.
A. downcutting
B. incised meanders
C. stream terraces
D. headward erosion
E. any of the above
28. Rivers try to maintain a smooth, concave, longitudinal profile, which we call a/an:
A. local base level
B. ultimate base level
C. evolved stream
D. graded stream
E. half-pipe
28. Stream piracy is a direct result of:
A. incised meandering
B. downcutting
C. lateral erosion
D. headward erosion
E. drunken bandits on river barges
28. The average amount of time between floods of a certain discharge level is called the:
A. repeat time
B. flood interval
C. recurrence interval
D. 100-year flood
E. disaster preparedness allocation