Drainage Basin Morphometry Rick Ford Dept of Geosciences Weber State University 2507 University Circle Ogden, Utah 84408-2507 801.626.6942 rford@weber.edu NAME: GEOMORPHOLOGY (GEO 3150) Weber State University Spring Semester 2007 LABORATORY EXERCISE #9 (Drainage Basin Morphometry) NEATNESS COUNTS IN SCIENCE! SHOW ALL CALCULATIONS; DISPLAY ALL UNITS. • Due in class on Wednesday, April 11 Objectives: (1) Observe, collect, and interpret map data related to the focal point of fluvial geomorphology -- the drainage basin (watershed, catchment). (2) Practice the technique of stream ordering and observe the inherent organization within a drainage network. (3) Develop mathematical/statistical models (equations) to describe the morphometry of a drainage basin. Definitions: • Drainage Basin: the topographic unit that collects precipitation and runoff in a given area and serves as a reservoir, or storage area, for water and sediment. Large drainage basins are essentially a collection of smaller drainage basins. Individual drainage basins are bounded by topographic features called drainage divides, which are the crests of hills that separate the collection of precipitation and runoff from adjacent basins. • Drainage Network: the organization of a trunk channel and its tributaries into a transport system for water and sediment within a drainage basin. The architecture of a drainage network can be described in several ways, including the concept of stream order. • Stream Order: expresses the hierarchal relationship between the individual stream segments that make up a drainage network. In the "Strahler system", a stream segment with no tributaries is a first-order stream. A second-order stream is formed by the joining of two first-order streams. Where two second-order streams join, the stream is designated third-order, and so forth. Procedures: (1) Delineate the drainage basins of Strongs Canyon and Waterfall Canyon on the attached topographic map (i.e. draw in the drainage divides). Let the 5000 ft contour line be the lower end of each basin. (2) Delineate the drainage network of Strongs Canyon by extending the mapped drainage lines up valleys to the highest contour that has been crenulated to indicate the presence of a channel. How would you characterize the drainage pattern within this basin (dendritic, trellis, etc.)? ___________________________________________ Geomorphology – Lab 9 – Page 2. (3) Using the Strahler system (see Fig. 5.17 in the text), indicate stream order on the delineated network. This is most easily done by using different colors or tick marks. (4) Using a spreadsheet program, set-up and complete a data table similar to the following: Stream No. Of Total Length Average Order Segments Per Order (km)* Average Length (km) Bifurcation Slope** Ratio 1 2 3 4 5 * To make things easier, measure valley length instead of stream length. Stream length is always greater than valley length due to channel sinuosity. Measurements are made by laying a piece of paper alongside the valley and marking off the distance, repeating the process for each stream segment. ** Average slope - select a few typical streams for each order and measure their slope (drop in elevation/valley length, expressed as a decimal fraction, e.g., 0.0042) NOTE: Use the map scale to calculate actual ground distances from your measured map distances. (5) In order to observe the relationships between stream order and drainage network properties, graph the number of stream segments, average length, and average slope against stream order (3 graphs). Use semi-log graph paper with stream order on the x axis (arithmetic scale) and draw a best-fit line through the data points (see Fig. 5.18) (6) Using a scientific calculator or statistics software, determine the regression equation for each of your graphs. Label your graphs with the equation and r2 value. Note: we are intentionally using semi-log graph paper in order to display a linear relationship between the variables. We would get the same result by plotting the logarithm of the number of stream segments versus the stream order on regular arithmetic graph paper. Exponential function: Y = abX Taking the log of both sides: log Y = log a + (log b) X linear form: y = mx + b; On semi-log graph paper: Y-intercept (“stream order 0") = a Slope = (log y2 - log y1) / (x2 - x1) = log b; Geomorphology – Lab 9 – Page 3. b = 10slope (7) Briefly discuss your findings in comparison to the discussion of these relationships, sometimes called the “laws” of drainage basin morphometry, in your textbook (Fig. 9.2, p. 209). What type of drainage pattern did you observe? Does the drainage network of Strongs Canyon have an inherent organization? Please use a word processor in preparing your response. Turn in your completed map (3), data table (4), annotated graphs (5-6), and discussion (7).