Accelerated College Credit Program Grant


Accelerated College Credit Program Grant Application

(SB 254)


During the 2011 Legislative Session (SB 254), $250,000 was appropriated to support the implementation and enhancement of the accelerated college credit programs within

Oregon’s educational system.

Eligible recipients:

The following organizations are able to apply for the Accelerated College Credit Program


Oregon public school districts

Oregon community college districts

Oregon University System institutions.

Eligible recipients may apply individually or jointly for funds that support the implementation and enhancement of accelerated college credit programs. Collaborative applications are encouraged and funds may be aggregated from each eligible recipient in the joint application.


The funding of grants within the Accelerated College Credit Program Grant is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from the Oregon State Treasury. Additionally there is a potential for a grant award reduction in accordance to executive orders and/or

State Board of Education mandates to accommodate unforeseen budgetary issues.

The request from a single eligible recipient should not exceed $2,000* per annual application cycle (the current biennium will only have one application cycle for the 2011-12

& 2012-13 school years). The actual award may differ from the request due to the amount of available funds and the number of applicants. The Accelerated College Credit Program

Grant Review Committee will review the merits of the applications individually and will recommend the final award allotments.

* Applicants may request funds in excess of the $2,000 threshold; however the intent of the grant program is to fund as many eligible applications as possible. Given the number of eligible recipients and the funds currently available, it is unlikely that grant allocations will exceed $2,000 for a single eligible recipient.

Grant funds may be used for: a) Providing (related or relevant) education or training to teachers who will provide or are providing instruction in accelerated college credit programs (not to exceed onethird of the total cost of the education or training),** b) Assisting students in paying for books, materials and other costs (except student tuition), other than test fees, related to accelerated college credit programs; and c) Providing classroom supplies for accelerated college credit programs.

** If a grant is awarded for the purpose of providing (related or relevant) education or training to teachers, the amount of the grant funds utilized for the specific education or training program may not exceed one-third of the total cost. The teacher, school

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district, community college district and/or state institution of higher education may pay the balance of the cost as agreed upon by the teacher, districts and institution.

Additionally, funds may only be used for successful completion of the prescribed education or training program.

Application process:

Eligible recipients may complete the application individually or jointly (see included application). o Joint application should be included within a single application form with assurance signatures from the respective eligible recipients. Additionally, within the application the fiscal agent needs to be identified.

Submit application(s) and signed assurances electronically only (PDF or Word) by

Friday, February 10, 2012 at 5:00 pm Pacific time. Acknowledgement of receipt of the application will be provided at the time of successful submission.

Acknowledgement of grant award disbursement will occur 6 weeks following application submission.

Successful applications will:

Identify how the proposed program will increase the level of effectiveness and capacity of the accelerated college credit programs within the Oregon Educational

System at the secondary level.

Identify how the proposed program will ensure that at risk students will receive priority status in receiving accelerated college credit.

Target the specific needs of the accelerated college credit programs within the eligible recipient’s service area.

Successfully pass or complete the prescribed education or training program that will implement and enhance accelerated college credit programs.

Utilize the Electronic Grant Management System (EGMS) for the disbursement of funds from the Oregon Department of Education.

Due Date:

Completed applications are due Friday, February 10, 2012 by 5:00 pm Pacific time.

Applications received after the posted due date will be deemed incomplete and will not be accepted. Late applications may resubmit their proposal during the next grant cycle.

Completed applications including signed assurances must be emailed (PDF or

Word) to: Reynold Gardner,

. Acknowledgement of receipt of the application will be provided at the time of successful submission.

For questions regarding the grant application, please contact:

Reynold Gardner

Education Specialist - Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation

Oregon Department of Education

503-947-5615 or

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The following information is offered as resources to support the proposed program to implement and enhance accelerated college credit programs. The links also provide additional information concerning accelerated college credit programs and Dual Credit programs within the State of Oregon.


Accelerated Learning Options Website

Accelerated Learning Primer

Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB)

Dual Credit Courses & Articulated Program Guidelines by CCWD ning/DualCreditCoursesArticulatedPrograms/tabid/108/Default.aspx

Dual Credit Program Standards Glossary of Terms lossary_of_terms_appendix_e.pdf

Expanded Options Program Website (ORS 340)

National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships

Oregon Dual Credit Website

2010 Oregon Dual Credit Executive Summary ary.pdf

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Assurance/Signature Page (10 points)

2011 - 2013 Oregon Accelerated College Credit Program Grant Application

Eligible Educational Institution(s):

Joint Applicants if applicable:









Principal/Project Manager:


Fiscal Manager: (name / school)



Assurances (Duplicate this section of the Assurance/Signature page for joint applications).

1. Grantee shall use funds to support activities related to support of implementation and enhancement of new or existing accelerated college credit programs.

2. Grantee agrees to carry out the project as described in the application and program description.

3. Grantee agrees to file a final report to include all eligible reimbursement activities no later than October 1, 2013.

Superintendent/President Name:

Superintendent/President Signature:


Principal/Project Manager Name:

Principal/Project Manager Signature:


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Grant Application

2011 - 2013 Oregon Accelerated College Credit Program (SB 254)

Identify the area(s) of focus that the proposed program will address:

Providing (related or relevant) education or training to teachers who will provide or are providing instruction in accelerated college credit programs (not to exceed one-third of the total cost of the education or training) .*

Assisting students in paying for books, materials and other costs (except student tuition), other than test fees, related to accelerated college credit programs.

Providing classroom supplies for accelerated college credit programs.

Percent students in high school if applicable on free and reduced lunch: **

* For the purpose of providing (related or relevant) education or training to teachers, the amount of the grant funds utilized for the specific education or training program may not exceed one-third of the total cost. The teacher, school district, community college district and/or state institution of higher education may pay the balance of the cost as agreed upon by the teacher, districts and institution. Additionally, funds may only be used for successful completion of the prescribed education or training program.

** If the proposed project will serve students in multiple school districts, report the percent for the school district with the highest free and reduced lunch rate.

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Address each section of the grant within the table. The document table will expand to accommodate the grant narrative.

1. Proposal Title: (10 points)

Program description (100 words or less):

2. Program Outcomes

– Identify the proposed program‘s outcome(s) of this

Accelerated College Credit Program Grant Application . (20 points)

3. Program Activities – Identify what activities will take place and how they are tied to the program outcomes? (15 points)

What is being done?

4. At Risk Student s’ Benefits – How will the proposed program increase the number of at risk students who are or will be participating within the accelerated college credit programs? (10 points)

5. Program Timeline

Proposed program timeline should include project milestones and benchmarks to ensure the program will be on target to meet the program outcomes. (10 points)

Timelines must include the activities described in Section 3. Program

Activities of this application.

6. Evaluation – Describe the method of evaluation / measurements you will use to determine the success of the project. Grant funds cannot be used specifically for program evaluation. (15 points)

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2011 - 2013 Oregon Accelerated College Credit Program Grant Application Budget

Summary (10 points)

Use of Grant Funds

Description of Expected Expense

Describe explicitly how proposed funds are to be utilized.

Grant Funds

Total Total:

Notice of Nondiscrimination

It is the policy of the State Board of Education and a priority of the Oregon Department of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the Office of the State

Superintendent of Public Instruction at the Oregon Department of Education.

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