Rosary Questions

Rosary Bingo
Directions: Students play regular bingo, but they answer questions about the Rosary. The
teacher asks one student at a time a question from the list below. The student answers the
question and the class looks for the word(s) on their bingo card. The first student who
gets five in a row (up, down, across, or diagonal) on their bingo card first, wins. You can
play in teams or individually. (The teacher can give the students some hints to help
them answer the questions correctly if needed.)
Rosary Bingo Questions:
Rosary comes from Latin meaning what? (Rose Garden)
This is a string of beads with a crucifix. A short string of five beads is attached to the
crucifix which leads to a circular strip of beads made of five sets of one single bead
followed by ten beads called decades. (Rosary)
When do you pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary? (Monday and Saturday)
When do you pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary? (Tuesday and Friday)
When do you pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary? (Wednesday and Sunday)
When do you pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary? (Thursday)
_____ is the "Month of the Rosary". (October)
Each decade consists of how many Our Father’s? (1)
Each decade consists of how many Hail Mary’s? (10)
The _____ Mysteries (The Annunciation, The Visitation, The Nativity, The Presentation
of Jesus in the Temple, The Finding of Jesus in the Temple) remind us of the early life of
Jesus. (Joyful)
The _____ Mysteries (The Agony in the Garden, The Scourging at the Pillar, The
Crowning of Thorns, The Carrying of the Cross, The Crucifixion) allow us to reflect on
the passion and death of Christ. (Sorrowful)
The _____ Mysteries (The Resurrection, The Ascension, The Descent of the Holy Spirit,
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, and The Coronation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth) bring us to a realization of the mission
of Jesus Christ fulfilled -- calling all of us to eternal life. (Glorious)
The _____ Mysteries (The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan, The Self-Revelation of the
Lord at the Wedding Feast of Cana, The Lord Jesus Proclaims the Coming of the
Kingdom of God, The Transfiguration of Our Lord, The Last Supper, when Our Lord
gave us the Holy Eucharist) focusing on the public ministry of Jesus Christ. (Luminous)
During the Sundays of the Christmas season, pray the Joyful Mysteries, and during the
Sundays of _____, pray the Sorrowful Mysteries. (Lent)
While holding the crucifix in the hand, make the Sign of the Cross and recite the _____.
(Apostles’ Creed)
On the first large bead, recite the _____. (Our Father)
Each _____ consists of one Our Father, followed by ten Hail Marys, one Glory Be, and
then the Fatima Prayer. (decade)
The Apostles' Creed was handed down to us from Jesus' 12 Apostles and lists the beliefs
of our _____. (faith)
The Lord's Prayer, the Our Father, is the perfect prayer that _____ taught us to pray to
His Father. (Jesus)
You conclude the Holy Rosary by praying the _____. (Hail Holy Queen)
We echo which angel’s greeting of honor to the "most blessed among women."?
The Rosary as prayed today was said to originate with _____, who in 1216 had the vision
of the Blessed Virgin Mary who gave him the Rosary. (St. Dominic)
On October 2002 Pope John Paul II proposed a new set of Mysteries, focusing on the life
of _____ adding a fourth set of the five decades. (Christ)
O My Jesus is the beginning of what prayer? (The Fatima)
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell; lead all souls to Heaven,
especially those most in need Thy _____. (mercy)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the _____, is now,
and ever shall be; world without end. Amen. (beginning)
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us _____, now and at the hour of our death.
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our _____. (hope)
Give us this day our daily _____, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us. (bread)
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and _____. (earth)
In the _____ of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (name)
The Glory Be is another name for this prayer. (Doxology)
The Catholic rosary has this many beads. (59)
The rosary is grouped into ___ series or sets of mysteries that are said on different days.
The rosary consists of ___ mysteries all together. (20)
Each mystery has ___ different themes to mediate on. (5)
*All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on this game are not my own and are from various
internet sources.