
时玉舫教授, 博士生导师,于 2014 年 7 月加盟苏州大学, 成立转化医学研究院。 他
是中央组织部“千人计划”首批入选者,国家特聘专家,国家 973 研究计划总体组成员,国
家 973 重大研究计划生殖与发育专项协调人,国家 973 重大研究计划项目首席科学家;国际
细胞治疗学会间充质干细胞治疗分会专家组成员;于 2008 年至 2014 年担任中国科学院上海
生命科学研究院/上海交通大学医学院健康科学研究所所长。于 2003 年任美国新泽西医科齿
科大学-罗伯特• 伍德• 约翰逊医学院终身正教授,为该大学特聘大学教授(University
(3)T 细胞亚群的活化诱导细胞凋亡等三个方面的研究。时玉舫研究
员在细胞凋亡方面做了开创性研究,率先提出 AICD 的概念(Nature. 1989);发现 c-myc 对
细胞凋亡的调节作用(Science. 1992)
;证实 Fas 介导的淋巴细胞凋亡与应激反应或鸦片所致
免疫抑制的关系(Nature. 1999)
;率先发现炎症在癌症发生过程中具有重要作用(Cancer Cell.
;证明了 CD4+ T 细胞在哮喘中的决定性作用(Nature Medicine. 2006)
同 T 细胞亚群具有不同的细胞凋亡途径(Immunity. 2006)
细胞成脂成骨分化平衡中重要作用及机制(Stem Cells. 2010; Stem Cells. 2014)
质干细胞免疫调控的体内作用机制(Cell Stem Cell. 2008, The Journal of Immunology. 2010, The
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2013)
作用核心分子的差异性(Stem Cells. 2009,Cell Death & Differentiation. 2014);从多角度、多
免疫紊乱性疾病治疗的影响(Cell Death & Differentiation. 2012, The Journal of Immunology.
2014, Cell Death & Disease. 2014, Cell Death & Differentiation. 2014, Nature Immunology. 2014)
特点(Cell Stem Cell. 2012, Oncogene. 2013),并以修正肿瘤部位基质环境为出发点,优化肿
瘤治疗策略(Oncogene. 2013)
际合作项目,已发表 SCI 收录的研究论文 160 余篇,包括国际知名学术期刊 Nature、Science、
Immunity 、 NatureImmunology 、 Nature Medicine 、 Cell Stem Cell 、 Journal of Experimental
Medicine、The Journal of Immunology、Cancer Research、PNAS、Stem Cells 等,并在国际顶尖
杂志如 Nature Immunology、Cell Stem Cell、Trends in Immunology 上发表评述和综述,所发表
文章的他引次数近 10,800 次。时玉舫研究员先后获得中国侨界贡献奖创新人才奖等多项奖
时玉舫教授,1998 年至 2002 年,任 Journal of Immunology 副主编;2009 年成为美国
德克萨斯州干细胞研究和应用委员会委员;同年被 Oncogene 杂志邀请做编审(Receiving
;2013 年,又出任 Cell Death and Disease 杂志主编(Editor-in-Chief)
。 同时他还任
Cell & Bioscience, American Journal of Translational Research, Journal of Biomedicine and
Biotechnology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Molecular and Cell Biology, Stem Cells
and Translational Medicine, Stem Cell Research and Therapy and Cellular and Molecular
Immunology 的编委。
1988-1992,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,动物学系,博士,导师:Dr. Douglas R. Green;
1985-1988,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,动物学系,硕士,导师:Dr. Jerome L. Mahrt;
2008起 中国科学院上海生命科学院/上海交通大学医学院,健康科学研究所,研究员/所长
2004起 美国新泽西医科和牙科大学-罗伯特•伍德•约翰逊医学院,药物学系,教授
2003起 美国新泽西医科和牙科大学-罗伯特•伍德•约翰逊医学院,分子遗传学、微生物学和
2001-2003 美国新泽西医科和牙科大学-罗伯特•伍德•约翰逊医学院分子遗传学、微生物学和
1999-2001 美国乔治•华盛顿大学免疫学系,终身副教授
1999-2001 美国红十字协会Holland医学生物研究所,免疫学部,Scientist II终身副教授
1999-2001 美国乔治•华盛顿大学,免疫学系,助理教授
1996-1999 美国乔治•华盛顿大学,微生物学和免疫学系,助理教授
1995-1999 美国红十字协会Holland医学生物研究所,免疫学部,Scientist I助理教授
1992-1995 加拿大多伦多大学,免疫学系,博士后
1986-1989 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,动物学系,助教
1982/01-1985/09 山东农业大学,畜牧兽医系,助教
1. Wang Y, Chen Xiaodong, Cao Wei, Shi Y. Plasticity of mesenchymal stem cells in
immunomodulation: pathological and therapeutic implications. Nature
Immunology. 2014, In press.
2. Han X, Yang Q, Lin L, Xu C, Zheng C, Chen X, Han Y, Li M, Cao W, Cao K, Chen
Q, Xu G, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Schneider RJ, Qian Y, Wang Y, Brewer G, Shi Y.
Interleukin-17 enhances immunosuppression by mesenchymal stem cells. Cell
Death Differ. 2014 Jul 18. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2014.85.
3. Yin S, Yang J, Lin B, Deng W, Zhang Y, Yi X, Shi Y, Tao Y, Cai J, Wu CI, Zhao G,
Hurst LD, Zhang J, Hu L, Kong X. Exome sequencing identifies frequent mutation
of MLL2 in non-small cell lung carcinoma from Chinese patients. Sci Rep. 2014
Aug 12;4:6036. doi: 10.1038/srep06036.
4. Zhang M, Zhou H, Zheng C, Xiao J, Zuo E, Liu W, Xie D, Shi Y, Wu C, Wang H, Li
D, Li J. The roles of testicular c-kit positive cells in de novo morphogenesis of
testis. Sci Rep. 2014 Aug 4;4:5936.
5. Zhu K, Zhang N, Guo N, Yang J, Wang J, Yang C, Yang C, Zhu L, Xu C, Deng Q,
Zhu R, Wang H, Chen X, Shi Y, Li Y, Leng Q.
SSC(high)CD11b(high)Ly-6C(high)Ly-6G(low) myeloid cells curtail CD4 T cell
response by inducible nitric oxide synthase in murine hepatitis. Int J Biochem Cell
Biol. 2014 Sep;54:89-97.
6. Liu S, Sun X, Wang M, Hou Y, Zhan Y, Jiang Y, Liu Z, Cao X, Chen P, Liu Z, Chen
X, Tao Y, Xu C, Mao J, Cheng C, Li C, Hu Y, Wang L, Chin YE, Shi Y, Siebenlist U,
Zhang X. A microRNA 221- and 222-Mediated Feedback Loop Maintains
Constitutive Activation of NFκB and STAT3 in Colorectal Cancer Cells.
Gastroenterology. 2014 Oct;147(4):847-859.e11.
Ke F, Zhang L, Liu Z, Liu J, Yan S, Xu Z, Bai J, Zhu H, Lou F, Wang H, Shi Y,
Jiang Y, Su B, Wang H. Autocrine Interleukin-6 Drives Skin-Derived Mesenchymal
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2014 Oct;32(10):2799-810.
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Rudel T, Shi Y, Simon HU, Stockwell BR, Szabadkai G, Tait SW, Tang HL,
Tavernarakis N, Tsujimoto Y, Vanden Berghe T, Vandenabeele P, Villunger A,
Wagner EF, Walczak H, White E, Wood WG, Yuan J, Zakeri Z, Zhivotovsky B,
Melino G, Kroemer G. Essential versus accessory aspects of cell death:
recommendations of the NCCD 2015. Cell Death Differ. 2014 Sep 19. doi:
Shi Y. The 1000th publication features protection of normal cells during
chemotherapy: a land mark for Cell Death & Disease. Cell Death Dis. 2014
Feb 13;5:e1062.
Cao G, Yang Q, Zhang S, Xu C, Roberts, AI, Wang Y, Shi Y. Mesenchymal stem
cells prevent restraint stress-induced lymphocyte depletion via interleukin-4. Brain
Behav Immun. 2014, ay;38:125-32.
Ling W, Zhang J, Yuan Z, Ren G, Zhang L, Chen X, Rabson AB, Roberts AI,
Wang Y, Shi Y. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Employ IDO to Regulate Immunity in
Tumor Microenvironment. Cancer Research. 2014, Mar 1;74(5):1576-87.
Chen Q, Shou P, Zhang L, Xu C, Zheng C, Han Y, Li W, Huang Y, Zhang X, Shao
C, Roberts AI, Rabson AB, Ren G, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Denhardt DT, Shi Y. An
Osteopontin-Integrin interaction plays a critical role in directing adipogenesis and
osteogenesis by mesenchymal stem cells. Stem Cells. 2014 Feb;32(2):327-37.
Ma S, Xie N, Li W, Yuan B, Shi Y, Wang Y. Immunobiology of mesenchymal stem
cells. Cell Death Differ. 2014 Feb;21(2):216-25.
Zhang Y, Cai W, Huang Q, Gu Y, Shi Y, Huang J, Zhao F, Liu Q, Wei X, Jin M, Wu
C, Xie Q, Zhang Y, Wan B, Zhang Y. Mesenchymal stem cells alleviate
bacteria-induced liver injury in mice by inducing regulatory dendritic cells.
Hepatology. 2014 Feb;59(2):671-82.
Chen X, Gan Y, Li W, Su J, Zhang Y, Huang Y, Roberts AI, Han Y, Li J, Wang Y,
Shi Y. The interaction between mesenchymal stem cells and steroids during
inflammation. Cell Death Disease. 2014 Jan 23; 5:e1009.
Song X, Gao H, Lin Y, Yao Y, Zhu S, Wang J, Liu Y, Yao X, Meng G, Shen N, Shi
Y, Iwakura Y, Qian Y. Alterations in the Microbiota Drive Interleukin-17C
Production from Intestinal Epithelial Cells to Promote Tumorigenesis. Immunity.
2014, 40:140-152.
Xu C, Yu P, Han X, Du L, Gan J, Wang Y, Shi Y. TGF-β Promotes Immune
Responses in the Presence of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. J Immunol. 2014,
Ren G, Liu Y, Zhao X, Zhang J, Zheng B, Yuag Z, Zhang L, Tischfield J, Shao C,
Shi Y. Tumor resident mesenchymal stromal cells endow naïve stromal cells with
tumor-promoting properties. Oncogene. 2014 Jul 24;33(30):4016-20.
Su J, Chen X, Huang Y, Li W, Li J, Cao K, Cao G, Zhang L, Li F, Roberts AI, Kang
H, Yu P, Ren G, Ji W, Wang Y, Shi Y. Phylogenetic distinction of iNOS and IDO
function in mesenchymal stem cell-mediated immunosuppression in mammalian
species. Cell Death Differ. 2014 Mar;21(3):388-96.
Xu C, Lin L, Cao G, Chen Q, Shou P, Huang Y, Han Y, Wang Y, Shi Y.
Interferon-α-secreting mesenchymal stem cells exert potent antitumor effect in
vivo. Oncogene. 2013 Nov 4. doi: 10.1038/onc.2013.458.
Huang Y, Yu P, Li W, Ren G, Roberts, AI, Cao W, Zhang X, Su J, Chen X, Chen Q,
Shou P, Xu C, Du L, Lin L, Zhang L, Xie N, Wang Y and Shi Y. p53 regulates
mesenchymal stem cell-mediated tumor suppression in a tumor microenvironment
through immune modulation. Oncogene. 2014 Jul 17;33(29):3830-8.
Lang JY, Shi Y, Chin YE. Reprogramming cancer cells: back to the future.
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Hou J, Han Z, Jing Y, Yang X, Zhang S, Sun K, Hao C, Meng Y, Yu F, Liu X, Shi Y,
Wu M, Zhang L, Wei L. Autophagy prevents irradiation injury and maintains
stemness through decreasing ROS generation in mesenchymal stem cells. Cell
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Chen P, Zhang J, Zhan Y, Su J, Du Y, Xu G, Shi Y, Siebenlist U, Zhang X.
Established thymic epithelial progenitor/stem cell-like cell lines differentiate into
mature thymic epithelial cells and support T cell development. PLoS One. 2013,
Zhang J, Liu C, Roberts AI, Xu G, REN G, Zhang L, Devadas S and Shi Y. A novel
subset of helper T cells promotes immune responses by secreting GM-CSF. Cell
Death Differ. 2013, 20:1731-1741.
Wu Q, Wang H, Zhao X, Shi Y, Jin M, Wan B, Xu H, Cheng Y, Ge H, Zhang Y.
Identification of G-protein-coupled receptor 120 as a tumor-promoting receptor
that induces angiogenesis and migration in human colorectal carcinoma.
Oncogene. 2013 Dec 5;32(49):5541-50.
27. Yu B, He Z, You P, Han Q, Xiang D, Chen F, Wang M, Liu C, Lin X, Borjigin U, Zi
X, Li J, Zhu H, Li W, Han C, Wangensteen KJ, Shi Y, Hui L, Wang X, Hu Y.
Reprogramming fibroblasts into bipotential hepatic stem cells by defined factors.
Cell Stem Cell. 2013, 13:328-340.
28. Liu B, Chen X, Wang Y, Shi Y. Curative effect of hepatic portal venous
administration of autologous bone marrow in AIDS patients with
decompensatedliver cirrhosis. Cell Death Disease 2013, 4:e739.
29. Phinney DG, Galipeau J, Krampera M, Martin I, Shi Y, Sensebe L. MSCs: science
and trials. Nature Medicine 2013, 19:812-812.
30. Wei X, Yang X, Han Z, Qu F, Shao L, Shi Y. Mesenchymal stem cells: a new trend
for cell therapy. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2013, 34,747-754.
31. Xu C, Ren G, Cao G, Chen Q, Shou P, Zheng C, Du L, Han X, Jiang M, Yang Q,
Lin L, Wang G, Yu P, Zhang X, Cao W, Brewer G, Wang Y, Shi Y. MiR-155
regulates immune modulatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells by targeting
TAK1-binding protein 2. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2013, 288:11074-11079.
32. Krampera M, Galipeau J, Shi Y, Tarte K, Sensebe L. Immunological
characterization of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells - The International
Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) working proposal. Cytotherapy. 2013,
33. Wu X, Chesoni S, Rondeau G, Tempesta C, Patel R, Charles S, Daginawala N,
Zucconi BE, Kishor A, Xu G, Shi Y, Li ML, Barreto PI, Welsh J, Wilson GM, Brewer
G. Combinatorial mRNA binding by AUF1 and Argonaute 2 controls decay of
selected target mRNAs. Nucleic Acids Research 2013, 41:2644-2658.
34. Yang X, Hou J, Han Z, Wang Y, Hao C, Wei L, Shi Y. One cell, multiple roles:
contribution of mesenchymal stem cells to tumor development in tumor
microenvironment. Cell & Bioscience 2013, 3:5-10.
35. Zeng A, Li Y, Wang C, Han X, Li G, Wang JY, Li D, Qin Y, Shi Y, Brewer G, Jing Q.
Heterochromatin protein 1 promotes self-renewal and triggers regenerative
proliferation in adult stem cells. The Journal of Cell Biology 2013, 201:409-425.
36. Liu Z, Jiang Y, Hou Y, Hu Y, Cao X, Tao Y, Xu C, Liu S, Wang S, Wang L, Shi Y,
Siebenlist U, Zhang X. The IκB family member Bcl-3 stabilizes c-Myc in colorectal
cancer. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 2013, 5: 280-282.
37. Qu F, Gao H, Zhu S, Shi P, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Jallal B, Yao Y, Shi Y, Qian Y.
TRAF6-dependent Act1 phosphorylation by the IκB kinase-related kinases
suppresses interleukin-17-induced NF-κB activation. Molecular and Cellular
Biology 2012, 32:3925-3937.
38. Ren G, Zhao X, Wang Y, Zhang X, Chen X, Xu C, Yuan Z, Roberts A, Zhang L,
Zheng B, Wen T, Han Y, Rabson A, Tischfield J, Shao C, Shi Y. CCR2-dependent
recruitment of macrophages by tumor-educated mesenchymal stromal cells
promotes tumor development and is mimicked by TNFα. Cell Stem Cell 2012,
39. L’huillier A, Ren G, Shi Y, Zhang J. A two-hit model of autoimmunity: lymphopenia
and unresponsiveness to TGF-β signaling. Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2012,
40. Zhu S, Pan W, Song X, Liu Y, Shao X, Tang Y, Liang D, He D, Wang H, Liu W, Shi
Y, Harley JB, Shen N, Qian Y. The microRNA miR-23b suppresses
IL-17-associated autoimmune inflammation by targeting TAB2, TAB3 and IKK-α.
Nat Med 2012, 18:1077-1086.
41. Yao Y, Wang Y, Chen F, Huang Y, Zhu S, Leng Q, Wang H, Shi Y, Qian Y.
NLRC5 regulates MHC class I antigen presentation in host defense against
intracellular pathogens. Cell Res 2012, 22:836-847.
42. Li W, Ren G, Huang Y, Su J, Han Y, Li J, Chen X, Cao K, Chen Q, Shou P, Zhang
L, Yuan ZR, Roberts AI, Shi S, Le AD, Shi Y. Mesenchymal stem cells: a
double-edged sword in regulating immune responses. Cell Death Differ 2012,
43. Han Z, Jing Y, Zhang S, Liu Y, Shi Y, Wei L. The role of immunosuppression of
mesenchymal stem cells in tissue repair and tumor growth. Cell & Bioscience
2012, 2:8.
44. Shi Y, Su J, Roberts AI, Shou P, Rabson AB, Ren G. How mesenchymal stem
cells interact with tissue immune responses. Trends in Immunology 2012,
33:136-143. (标注)
45. Sensebé L, Tarte K, Galipeau J, Krampera M, Martin I, Phinney DG, Shi Y.
Limited Acquisition of Chromosomal Aberrations in Human Adult Mesenchymal
Stromal Cells. Cell Stem Cell 2012, 10:9-10.
46. Shi Y, Wei L, Wang Y, Ren G. Stem Cells Deployed for Bone Repair Hijacked by
T Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2012, 10:6-8.
47. Galluzzi L, Vitale I, Abrams JM, Alnemri ES, Baehrecke EH, Blagosklonny MV,
Dawson TM, Dawson VL, El-Deiry WS, Fulda S, Gottlieb E, Green DR,
Hengartner MO, Kepp O, Knight RA, Kumar S, Lipton SA, Lu X, Madeo F, Malorni
W, Mehlen P, Nunez G, Peter ME, Piacentini M, Rubinsztein DC, Shi Y, Simon HU,
Vandenabeele P, White E, Yuan J, Zhivotovsky B, Melino G, Kroemer G.
Molecular definitions of cell death subroutines: recommendations of the
Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2012. Cell Death and Differentiation 2012,
48. Ren G, Chen X, Dong F, Li W, Ren X, Zhang Y, Shi Y. Concise review:
mesenchymal stem cells and rranslational medicine: emerging issues. Stem Cells
Transl Med. 2012, 1:51-58.
49. Han Z, Tian Z, Lv G, Zhang L, Jiang G, Sun K, Wang C, Bu X, Li R, Shi Y, Wu M,
Wei L. Immunosuppressive effect of bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem
cells in inflammatory microenvironment favours the growth of B16 melanoma cells.
J Cell Mol Med. 2011, 15:2343-2352.
50. Shi P, Zhu S, Lin Y, Liu Y, Liu Y, Chen Zn, Shi Y, Qian Y. Persistent Stimulation
with Interleukin-17 Desensitizes Cells Through SCFβ-TrCP-Mediated Degradation
of Act1. Sci Signal 2011, 4:ra73.
51. Song X, Zhu S, Shi P, Liu Y, Shi Y, Levin SD, Qian Y. IL-17RE is the functional
receptor for IL-17C and mediates mucosal immunity to infection with intestinal
pathogens. Nat Immunol 2011 Oct 12;12(12):1151-8.
52. Cao W, Yang Y, Wang Z, Liu A, Fang L, Wu F, Hong J, Shi Y, Leung S, Dong C,
Zhang JZ. Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Inhibits T Helper 17 Cell Differentiation and
Confers Treatment Effects of Neural Progenitor Cell Therapy in Autoimmune
Disease. Immunity 2011, 35:273-284.
53. Krause CD, Izotova LS, Ren G, Yuan ZR, Shi Y, Chen CC, Ron Y, Pestka S.
Efficient co-expression of bicistronic proteins in mesenchymal stem cells by
development and optimization of a multifunctional plasmid. Stem Cell Research &
Therapy 2011, 2:1-20.
54. Yamaza T, Ren G, Akiyama K, Chen C, Shi Y, Shi S. Mouse mandible contains
distinctive mesenchymal stem cells. Journal of Dental Research 2011,
55. Ren G, Roberts AI, Shi Y. Adhesion molecules: key players in mesenchymal stem
cell-mediated immunosuppression. Cell Adhesion & Migration 2011, 5:20-22.
56. Zhu S, Pan W, Shi P, Gao H, Zhao F, Song X, Liu Y, Zhao L, Li X, Shi Y, Qian Y.
Modulation of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis through
TRAF3-mediated suppression of interleukin 17 receptor signaling. J Exp Med
2010, 207:2647-62.
57. Hu G, Ren G, Shi Y. The putative cannabinoid receptor GPR55 promotes cancer
cell proliferation. Oncogene 2010, 30:139-141.
58. Swaims AY, Khani F, Zhang Y, Roberts AI, Devadas S, Shi Y*, Rabson AB*.
Immune activation induces immortalization of HTLV-1 LTR-Tax transgenic CD4+
T-cells. Blood. 2010 Oct 21;116(16):2994-3003. (*equal contribution)
59. Arriola A, Kiel ME, Shi Y, McKinnon RD. Adjunctive MSCs enhance myelin
formation by xenogenic oligodendrocyte precursors transplanted in the retina. Cell
Res. 2010, 20:728-31.
60. Shi YF, Hu GZ, Su JJ, Li WZ, Chen Q, Shou PS, Xu CL, Chen XD, Huang Y, Zhu
ZX, Huang X, Han XY, Xie NX, Ren GW. Mesenchymal stem cells: a new strategy
for immunosuppression and tissue repair. Cell Res. 2010, 20: 519-528.
61. Ye W, Gong X, Xie J, Wu J, Zhang X, Ouyang Q, Zhao X, Shi Y, Zhang X. AChE
deficiency or inhibition decreases apoptosis and p53 expression and protects
renal function after ischemia/reperfusion. Apoptosis. 2010, 15:474-87.
62. Yamaza T, Kentaro A, Chen C, Liu Y, Shi Y, Gronthos S, Wang S, Shi S.
Immunomodulatory properties of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous
teeth. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2010, 1:5.
63. Ren GW, Zhao X, Zhang LY, Zhang JM, L’Huillier A, Ling WF, Roberts AI, Le AD,
Shi ST, Shao CS, and Shi YF. Inflammatory Cytokine-Induced Intercellular
Adhesion Molecule-1 and Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 in Mesenchymal
Stem Cells Are Critical for Immunosuppression. J Immunol. 2010, 184:2321-2328.
64. Markovina S, Callander NS, O´Connor SL, Xu G, Shi Y, Leith CP, Kim K, Trivedi P,
Kim J, Hematti P, Miyamoto S. Bone marrow stromal cells from multiple myeloma
patients uniquely induce bortezomib resistant NF-kappaB activity in myeloma cells.
Mol Cancer. 2010, 9:176-188.
65. Zhao X, Ren GW, Liang L, Zheng B, Tischfield JA, Shi YF, Shao CS. Brief report:
IFN-γ induces expansion of Lin-Sca-1+C-Kit+ Cells. Stem Cells. 2010, 28:
66. Zhang Q, Shi S, Liu Y, Uyanne J, Shi Y, Shi S, Le AD. Mesenchymal stem cells
derived from human gingiva are capable of immunomodulatory functions and
ameliorate inflammation-related tissue destruction in experimental colitis. The
Journal of Immunology 2009, 183:7787-7798.
67. Das J, Ren GW, Zhang LY, Roberts IA, Zhao X, Bothwel ALM, Kaer LV, Shi YF,
Das G. Transforming growth factor β is dispensable for the molecular
orchestration of Th17 cell differentiation. J Exp Med 2009 Oct
68. Izotova LS, Krause CD, Ren G, Yuan ZR, Shi Y, Pestka S. Visualizing engineered
interferon-producing cells with multicistronic vectors and fluorescent proteins.
Cytokine 2009, 48: 94.
69. Kong L, Sun L, Zhang H, Liu Q, Liu Y, Qin L, Shi G, Hu JH, Xu A, Sun YP, Li D,
Shi YF, Zang JW, Zhu J, Chen Z, Wang ZG, Ge BX. An essential role for RIG-I in
toll-like receptor-stimulated phagocytosis. Cell Host Microbe (by Cell Press) 2009,
70. Ren G, Su J, Zhang L, Zhao X, Ling W, L´huillie A, Zhang J, Lu Y, Roberts AI, Ji W,
Rabson AB, Shi YF. Species Variation in the Mechanisms of Mesenchymal Stem
Cell-Mediated Immunosuppression. Stem Cells. 2009, 27:1954-1962.
71. Shi Y, Zhu J, Salomoni P, Tucci P, Lu X. A Sino-British frontier workshop of
cancer biology. Cell Death & Differentiation 2009, 16:648-650.
72. Vavassori S, Shi Y, Chen CC, Ron Y, Covey LR. In vivo post-transcriptional
regulation of CD154 in mouse CD4+ T cells. Eur J Immunol 2009, 39:2224-2232.
73. Xu G, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Roberts, A.I., Shi YF. C/EBPβ Mdiates the Synergistic
Upregulation of Gene Expression by IFN-γ and TNF-α in Bone Marrow-Derived
Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Stem Cells. 2009, 27:942-984.
74. Wang KX, Shi YF, Ron Y, Kazanecki CC, Denhardt DT. Plasma osteopontin
modulates chronic restraint stress-induced thymus atrophy by regulating stress
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1. Shi YB, Shi Y, Scott DW, and Xu Y. 1997. Programmed Cell Death. Plenum
Press, New York.
2. Shi Y, Cidlowski J, Scott DW, and Shi YB. 2003. Molecular Mechanisms of
Programmmed Cell Death. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.
3. Liu X, Pestka S. Shi Y, Cidlowski J. 2007 Selected Papers from the 2005
Annual Meeting of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research
(ISICR): Interferons and Cytokines. Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers.
4. Liu X, Pestka S and Shi Y. Recent Advance in Cancer Research and Therapy.
Elsevier 2012.