Marine Discovery 450:Lectures and Assignment Schedule (Fall 2004) WS= workshop packet LEV = Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity, Ecology Date Lecture topic Readings 8/23 Introduction/expectatio ns 8/25 Sharks and Cephalopods WS:Shark dissection: external and internal anatomy, dogfish, Squid dissection and organs LEV: Chapters 6 and 8 8/30 Class in 511 Fish diversity lab 9/1 9/6 Marine fossils and geologic time scale No Class 9/8 Oceans and tides 9/13 Class in 511 9/15 Pay for field trip 9/20 Marine Phyla lab 9/22 9/23 to 9/26 9/27 9/29 10/4 10/6 10/11 10/13 10/18 10/20 Marine Phyla lecture/ projects Rocky Intertidal/ Field trip projects Field trip Info/ Marine mammals lec Field trip to Puerto Penasco, Mexico! FIELD TRIP EXAM/ Finish marine mammals Station review Projects/Stats Projects/stats Projects/ stats Teaching skills Teaching tools Marine Organisms: Function and Environment Marine organisms: WS: fish diversity; color and patterns, form and function; marine fossils Worshop exam I in workshop all week LEV: Chapter 1, 2, and 3 **Workshop exam II in workshop all week WS: Rocky intertidal; Invert. Phyla characteristics and rocky intertidal station; whale station LEV: chapter 11 Workshops start with kids this week LEV: Chapter 13 and 14 LEV: review chapter 8, 13, 14 LEV: review chapter 1 handouts WS: review teaching information Handouts LEV: Chapter 4 PAPERS DUE! LEV: chapter 5 10/25 10/27 11/1 11/3 11/8 11/10 11/15 11/17 11/22 11/24 11/29 Class in 511 12/1 12/6 12/8 Function and environment Marine organisms: Function and environment Open Seas: plankton and food webs Marine Communities Marine Communities Marine Communities Midterm Exam Marine Biodiversity Marine Biodiversity vs. terrestrial biodiversity Marine Fisheries Marine Fisheries Marine Reserves LEV: chapter 6 Lev: chapter 9 and 10 LEV: chapter 14 and 15 LEV: chapter 16 LEV: chapter 17 LEV: chapter 18 Marine reserves Marine Pollution Marine Conservation FINAL Exam LEV: chapter 19 Last Day of Class