BOOKING FORM Please complete the booking form, making cheques payable to Anne Holden (N.B. It’s quicker to secure a place if you book online). Please note that fees cannot be refunded unless at least 21 days’ notice is given of cancellation. Please return the completed form to: Anne Holden Assington Mill, Assington, Suffolk CO10 5LZ. Tel: 01787 229955 Email: Website: Course Name(s): ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Date of Course(s): ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Your Name(s): ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Address: ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Postcode……………………………………. Email: ……………………………………… Telephone Number………………………… How did you hear about us? ......................................................................... Would you like a list of B&B’s? … Yes □ Is there anything you can’t/don’t eat? If vegetarian, do you eat fish? ……………………………………………….. July 2012 NOVEL IN A DAY (new) Bestselling author, Victoria Connelly, teaches all you need to know to get that novel written and published, in a oneday course. Saturday 14 July. £85 inc. lunch CORACLE MAKING Make your own coracle, an ancient form of boat, suitable for one or two paddlers, very portable and great fun. Leader: Alistair Phillips (8 places only). Weekend 28/29 July, £220 for 2 days inc. lunch, plus mats. about £75 (pay on the day). LETTER-CARVING IN STONE (new) A one-day hands-on introduction to the craft of cutting letters in stone. Leader: Neil Luxton Sun 2 September. £125 + £20 mats, to be paid on the day TRADITIONAL SIGN-WRITING A rarely-offered one-day course on traditional signwriting, from a professional signwriter, Wayne Tanswell. Tuesday 4 September, £140 inc. lunch & materials. CYDER MAKING – an introduction Do you have a glut of apples/pears in the autumn? Come and find out what to do with them with professional cyder maker, Simon Reed, of the Rough Old Wife press in Kent. Sunday 9 Sept, £80 inc. lunch. BEEKEEPING for BEGINNERS A one-day course on how to set up an apiary, what equipment to buy, beekeeping terminology, the life cycle of the bee, how to identify the different members of the hive, the bee calendar, and diseases. Leader: Simon Cousins. Sundays 16 Sep & 21 Oct, £80 inc. lunch. FELT-MAKING Felt-making is an ancient textile process. Come and learn how to transform washed and combed sheep’s fleece into beautiful, tactile, durable felt, using nothing more than soap, water & friction. Leader: Frances Barker. Sat 22 September, £80 inc. lunch (plus materials £15). THE CRAFT of LANDSCAPE PAINTING (new) For those who already have some painting experience and want to paint outside in a wild and beautiful setting, led by professional “plein air” artist Roy Connelly. Sunday 23 September. £85 inc. lunch etc. UPHOLSTERY Save money! Bring a dining chair or stool and learn to reupholster it with the help of professional Gary Phipps of Danbury Upholsterers (or bring an existing project). Thu/Fri 4/5 October, £185 inc. lunch, tea & coffee etc. FOOD FOR FREE Walk around the farm to learn about the edible roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits of our common plants. Leaders: Ian Rose, Vanessa Neville & Neil Catchpole. Saturday 6 October, £70 inc. lunch. HUNTING with HARRIS HAWKS (new) Spend a day on the farmland surrounding the Mill experiencing the thrills of hunting with birds of prey. You will fly a Harris hawk yourself and watch as it hunts from tree to tree looking for rabbits etc. (6 places only). Leaders: Andrea & Paul Keyland Saturday 13 October, £130 inc. lunch. CELTIC DRAWING Learn to draw both freehand and geometrically: interlace, complex spirals, pelta form, tiskeles, key-pattern, animal forms, vegetal forms, metal-working motifs etc. Make your own designs and copy classical designs. Leader: Nick Miller. Sunday 14 October, £70 inc. lunch THE NIGHT SKY The sky is for everyone to enjoy – you don’t need to be an expert. This course is an introduction and will be practical and related to familiar things. Leader: Julie Franklin Sunday 28 October. £70 inc. high tea FRUIT TREE PRUNING One-day course covering the principles of pruning, use of tools, sharpening, plus demonstrations on how to prune new trees, and old neglected ones (apples & pears). Leader: Chris Heseltine. Sat 11 Nov, £80 inc. lunch. HEDGELAYING Come and learn how to lay hedges in the traditional (Suffolk) manner. Leader: Alan Adcock Saturday 17 November. £70 inc. lunch COPPICING WOODLAND Spend a day in a beautiful Suffolk wood learning the historic way of managing woodland, with SWT officer Kerry Vaughan. Sunday 18 November. £70 inc. lunch NATURAL SKIN CARE: GORGEOUS AND GOOD FOR YOU Learn the craft of making completely natural skin products. Work with professional herbalists to formulate your own cosmetics or create beautiful gifts for Christmas. Leaders: Jude Greenan & Vanessa Neville Saturday 24 November, £70 inc lunch BALLROOM DANCING Embarrassed by not being able to ballroom dance? Mac will teach you three basic dancing steps: the waltz, chacha-cha & jive. Sunday 25 November. £65 inc. lunch BREAD-MAKING A one-day course to help you improve your bread-making skills. John Lawrence will explore three different rising methods and use several flour types, including gluten-free. Saturday 5 January 2013, £105 inc. lunch. SILVER CLAY JEWELLERY WORKSHOP Suitable for complete beginners, we aim for a fun and relaxing day, and you will leave with several pieces of real silver jewellery! Leader: Melanie Blaikie. Sun 6 Jan, £95 THE ART OF MOSAIC Create your own mosaic using ceramic and glass tesserae along with a variety of recycled materials. Learn all the techniques needed to complete your own project under the guidance of experienced Mosaic Artist Anne Schwegmann Fielding. Weekend 26/27 Jan. £155 inc. lunch & mats. CHAIN-SAWING for AMATEURS Bring your chainsaws and Neil Reekie will teach maintenance, sharpening & safety, and will demonstrate felling techniques. A must for anyone using a chainsaw. Saturday 9 February, £95 inc. lunch (10 people only). HOW to START A NEW BUSINESS (NEW) Do you have a business idea you would like to pursue and need help? You may be approaching retirement and want to supplement other earnings. Or you might be in employment but want to pilot an idea in parallel; or need help with developing an existing business. Leader John Lawrence. Sat 16 February. £120 inc. lunch KEEPING A FEW PIGS The course will cover: what breed, housing, enclosures, feeding & breeding, etc. Leader: Kevin Blundell. Saturday 23 February, £85 inc. lunch. GOAT KEEPING This course is aimed at the complete beginner and will cover housing requirements, feeding of adult and kid goats, health and hygiene (including worming, hoof trimming and vaccinations), common diseases, how to identify and treat them and also DEFRA and Animal Trading Standards requirements. Leader: Beverley Whelan Sunday 24 February. £85 inc. lunch. ORGANIC VEG-GROWING A one-day course to help you get the best from your organic veg plot, however large or small. Heaps of useful advice and all your veg growing questions answered. Suitable for beginners and improvers. Leader: Pauline Pears of Garden Organic. Saturday 2 March, £85 inc. lunch. GROWING FLOWERS for CUTTING (NEW) How to plan a cutting garden, the efficient use of growing space, soil, and cultivation techniques, the most suitable varieties of annuals and bulbs will be discussed. Information on flowering times, plant lists and seed catalogues will be provided. Leader: Harriet Holt Sunday 3 March. £95 inc. home-made lunch etc. BRIDGE WITHOUT FEAR (NEW) If you're wondering if bridge is for you, or if you've always wanted to learn but have been afraid it's too difficult, this two day course is a gentle and stimulating introduction to this fascinating game. By the end of the weekend you will be able to play bridge and be desperate to learn more. Leader: Mike Taylor Weekend 16/17 March. £140 inc. lunch HISTORIC TIMBER-FRAMED BUILDINGS Come and learn more about your medieval house: how and when it was built and how it was updated by subsequent generations. We will also explain traditional building techniques, and repair. Leader: David Andrews Sunday 10 March. £80 including lunch and house visit . BRICKLAYING FOR AMATEURS Learn how to construct your own garden walls, bases for sheds etc. with the help of a professional bricklayer, Mac Knox Weir. Saturday 23 March, £95 inc. lunch. BIRDS OF PREY EXPERIENCE Meet a variety of raptors including hawks, falcons and owls with the opportunity to hold and fly them. We shall be looking at the different hunting methods of the various species and making simple equipment. Leaders Andrea & Paul Keyland. Sun 24 March, £110 inc. lunch (7 places). STAINED GLASS A great introduction to stained glass of all sorts of colours and textures. Make your own stained glass panel or mirror using traditional techniques. Leader Anna Conti. Weekend 13/14 April, £175 inc. lunch & materials. SHEEP FOR SMALLHOLDERS Everything you need to know to start keeping a few sheep: breeds, methods of enclosure, feed, on-going care, pests and diseases, and how to handle the animals. Leader: Dek Mckinnon. Sat 20 April, £85 inc. lunch. WILD MEDICINE This is an unusual chance to forage and make your own medicines. We offer a very practical workshop where you walk the land, get to know the plants, harvest your own ingredients and make effective home remedies. Led by Jude Greenan & Vanessa Neville. Sunday 21 April, £75 inc. lunch. A DAY WITH BADGERS Spend an afternoon and an evening studying & watching badgers: how to tell a badger sett from a rabbit hole, tracks, habits & lifecycle. Leader: Bob Cowlin. Sunday 5 May, £80 inc. high tea (8 places only). You can also book courses online via our website, COURSES at ASSINGTON MILL 2012/3 (between Sudbury & Colchester) Hedgelaying Coracle making Celtic drawing Stained glass Wild medicine Storytelling A novel in a day Bricklaying Hands on the hive Fly fishing Letter-carving in stone Badgers Landscape painting, the craft of Mosaic Sheep husbandry for smallholders Bread Bee-keeping for beginners Tortoises Pig-keeping - introduction Upholstery How to start a new business Clay ovens Bricklaying for amateurs Food for free Birds of prey experience Felt-making Chainsaws for amateurs Sign-writing Organic veg growing Queen-rearing Silver clay jewellery Cyder making Coppicing woodland Blacksmithing Landscape painting Ballroom dancing Strawbale building Natural skin - care Fruit tree pruning Bridge without fear Goat keeping Scything techniques Contact: Anne Holden T: M: E: W: 01787 229955 07770 550570