Floodplain Management Program 2011–12 Form A: Application form for financial assistance – continuing staged projects Closing date: 5 p.m. Monday 21 February 2011 You will need the Floodplain Management Program 2011-12: grant application guidelines prepared by the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW (DECCW) to help you fill out this application form. The guidelines are available on www.environment.nsw.gov.au/coasts/InfoCoastEstFloodGrants.htm. To complete this form electronically, please type in the shaded areas shown as °°°°°; and click the mouse in the appropriate shaded boxes . 1 Applicant details Applicant’s name and ABN Applicant: Applicant’s ABN: Contact details Name: Position: Address: Phone/mobile: Fax: Email: 2 Project details Project name (as noted in previous funding agreement) Form A – Application form for financial assistance – continuing staged projects Page 1 of 6 Grant number (as noted in previous funding agreement, e.g. 2010-11-FM-00XX) 3 Project category (click in the appropriate box or boxes) Only one box should be ticked unless you meet the scenario outlined in the grant application guidelines for this question. Continuing staged floodplain risk management plan development incorporating: Flood study Floodplain risk management study and plan Climate change impact assessment in existing studies, plans or designs Continuing staged floodplain risk management plan implementation project including: Investigation/concept design including flood warning systems (considering climate change where applicable) Environmental assessment, design and tender documentation Integrated scheme and structural works project Project to instigate improvements to evacuation management Project to instigate improvements to flood warning systems Voluntary purchase or voluntary house raising projects 4 Project activity (e.g. study, plan, levee construction) 5 Project timeframe Date project commenced: Proposed completion date: Page 2 of 6 Floodplain Management Program 2011–12 6 Project location Enter location description. Where possible, include town, latitude, longitude, nearby road, beach or other notable landmark. Attach a locality diagram if you wish: If the project location falls across more than one local government area (LGA), catchment management authority (CMA) region, electorate or catchment, please identify primary one first. LGA1 7 CMA region State electorate(s) Catchment (if applicable) Budget overview Note: funding is provided on a $2 from the grant fund:$1 from the applicant ratio (include all funding sources) Financial year Applicant’s contribution Other contributions Grant amount sought (if applicable) (excluding GST) Total funds (excluding GST # 8 2011–12 $ $ $ $ 2012–13# $ $ $ $ Remaining# $ $ $ $ Anticipated funds required for DECCW forward planning purposes only Are exceptional circumstances sought for reduced council contribution (click in appropriate box)? Yes 9 No Financial commitment to the project Has a budget been allocated in 2011–12 for this project? Yes No Do you have documentation that shows financial commitment to the project? Yes No If yes, what is this documentation? 1 LGA, CMA Region, State Electorate and Catchment information required for Program reporting purposes only. Form A – Application form for financial assistance – continuing staged projects Page 3 of 6 10 Project summary Provide a brief project overview, including location and issue the project will address. This will be used for promotional purposes – max 150 words: 11 Other funding sources Have you applied or do you intend to apply to other organisations for funding for this project or components of this project (click in appropriate box)? Yes No If ‘Yes’, please provide details below: 12 Updated work plan You must attach an updated work plan in Microsoft Excel format, which outlines progress to date as well as the forward work plan for the project. The template for the plan is available at www.environment.nsw.gov.au/coasts/InfoCoastEstFloodGrants.htm. 13 Capacity to deliver Outline your capacity to deliver the project, having regard to your past grants management history, available resources and the proposed timeframe and whether it is realistic based on completion of prerequisite consultant briefs, preconstruction work or approvals) 14 Funding agreement Do you agree to enter into, and be bound by, the conditions in a funding agreement, as outlined in the grant application guidelines (click appropriate box)? Yes No Page 4 of 6 Floodplain Management Program 2011–12 Authorisation Provide the name of a senior office-bearer in your organisation, with appropriate delegation, who has authorised the submission of this project and has the delegation to authorise the commitment of the resources and expenditure required to deliver this project. Name: Position: Phone no: Email: Date: Lodging applications Email your completed application form to coastalestuary.floodgrants@environment.nsw.gov.au. Alternatively, post the form to the Grants Program Coordinator, Waters, Wetlands and Coast Division, Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water PO Box 3720 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124. Please do not email and post your application. Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. Monday 21 February 2011. Form A – Application form for financial assistance – continuing staged projects Page 5 of 6 Checklist Please ensure you: read the Floodplain Management Program 2011-12: grant application guidelines (see www.environment.nsw.gov.au/coasts/InfoCoastEstFloodGrants.htm) check this is a continuing staged project, as defined in the Floodplain Management Program 2011-12: grant application guidelines submit one application form for each project only include one application form in each Microsoft Word document answer all the questions in the application form type only in the spaces provided in the application form manually spell check your application (the Microsoft Word spelling and grammar function is disabled in the form function) enter monetary amounts in full e.g. $10,000 not $10k enter the State, not Federal, electorate(s) at question 6 check the budget amounts outlined in your attached updated work plan are consistent with the budget overview in question 7 attach your updated work plan (required at question 12) in Microsoft Excel format have your application authorised by the appropriately delegated person save your application form as a Microsoft Word document include your organisation name then project name in the subject line of your email when lodging the application (e.g. XX Council – XX Flood Risk Management Study and Plan). submit your application by the closing date – 5 p.m. Monday 21 February 2011. DECCW 2010/1014 Page 6 of 6 Floodplain Management Program 2011–12