Curriculum Unit Summary Sheet: Transition Aims: To prepare pupils for secondary (KS3) education. Programme: To learn All Saints School rules and expectations Group: Year 7 Learning Objectives: 1. To introduce pupils to education at KS3 2. To make pupils aware of and deal with their hopes and fears and develop self -confidence. 3. To enable pupils to deal with problems which may arise in the early stages of Year 7. 4. To equip students with the skills necessary for transitions. Classroom Activities: Time: Autumn Term 2015 Assessment: Resources: Time Use the ‘moving up’ and ‘school rules’ Class discussion and Moving up & School Rules worksheets to further develop understanding of written work. worksheet the school rules and procedures. Discuss the code of conduct agreement in journals and copy the main points into exercise books. To learn All Saints School rules and Class discussion and Code of Conduct in journal expectations. written work. and displayed in form Use the Acceptable behaviour worksheet to room. agree on a class code of conduct. Produce a poster and ask all members of the form to sign it. To allay fears students have about Transition Roller Coaster As above Discussion around different transitions in life . transition worksheet Complee ‘Moving Up’ sheets to eliminate so students of expectation in school To develop relationships with other are aware All About Me Complete worksheet ‘all about me’ and discuss As above members of my form worksheet with form. To set challenging, attainable targets As above Journal Complete target pages in journal. To reflect on first few weeks at All Saints Students write letter about first half term at All Saints to their Primary School teacher/Head teacher Letter Letter Curriculum Unit Summary Sheet: Becoming a teenager and Bullying Aims: To provide students with the opportunity to focus on the emotional changes of puberty. To develop skills in resolving conflict by studying the Consider ways of thinking about friendships. Considering situations that may lead to conflict. What is bullying Time: Autumn term 2nd half Learning Objectives: • To consider the nature of friendships and relationships in terms of emotional needs and changes in development. • To understand the different forms of bullying and how bullying is dealt with at All issue of bullying Programme: Group: Year 7 Saints Classroom Activities: Assessment: • Brainstorm definition-Teacher leads class discussion. • Spider diagram • Complete sheet Work in books Discuss what happens it the slides. In pairs, work out how it could have been dealt with differently Are there any lessons you can learn from the slide in your own lives. Contribution to Discuss the ‘bullying’ worksheet. Work in books Time Boardworks slides 1-5 Paper for spider Diagram Boardworks slides 7-9 discussion Work in books ‘bullying’ Worksheet Use the sheet to work out what bullying is. Write you own bullying What are the characteristics of a • Discuss ‘what is a bully’ sheet in pairs bully and a victim • Work in books ‘what is a bully’ Worksheet Ways to avoid being bullied • Brainstorm as class Poster/newspaper ‘dealing with bullying’ • discuss ‘dealing with bullying’ poems article Worksheet Work in books Self-evaluation bullying • Students complete poster or article advising people on how to deal with bullying How bullying is dealt with at All • Class discussion Saints • Complete ‘self-evaluation bullying’ sheet and feedback Write a ‘Bullying policy’ for All Saints Worksheet Policy Curriculum Unit Summary Sheet: Study Skills Aims: To improve students' study skills Programme: To understand how the brain works Group: Year 7 Time: Spring Term – 1st Half Learning Objectives: To raise-awareness of the sensory nature of learning To help students understand their own learning preferences and their impact on learning To provide advice and practical strategies to improve learning through all the senses. Classroom Activities: • Boardworks 1-8. Assessment: Classrom discussion Boardwork questions Resources: Boardworks • Discussion • Answer Boardwork questions. To understand the ‘Emotional brain’ Boardworks 9-10 Discuss and complete activities. Plenary Boardworks To understand the ‘Thinking brain’ Boardworks 11-18 Discuss and complete activities Teacher assessment Boardworks • Teacher explanation on mindmaps. Pictorial leaning map. • Map activity - pictorial learning. • Brain Gym • Create a brainstorm leaning map for a topic being studied in school. • Visual memory activities. • Best lesson/experience activity (pairs) • Mental arithmetic/spelling problems activity (whiteboard). • Brain Gym Brainstorm learning map. Coloured pens, pencils Large paper To understand how to improve visual learning by creating brainstorm-learning maps that helps us to remember more. To understand more about visual memory and how to use it to become a better learner. Work in books Whiteboard Pens Relaxing music To learn ways to use kinaesthetic learning to help you remember things • Discussion on tips for visual learners. • Teacher explanation on kinaesthetic learning • role play • Card/post-its task • Brain Gym • Discussion on tips for kinaesthetic learning role play Review Blank cards Coloured pens Curriculum Unit: Financial Capability Aims: To develop an understanding of basic financial matters Learning Objectives: To understand why we have money as a means of exchange To appreciate how the monetary system has developed through time To identify where their money come from and how they use it To appreciate the differences between needs and wants To be able to employ simple budgeting as a money management technique To appreciate how charitable giving promotes a fairer, more inclusive society To understand that we all have choices to make about how we use our money Outline 1./2. Why do we have money and what forms does it come in? 3. Where does my money come from and what do I spend it on? 4./5. How do I tell the difference between needs and wants and how can I control my money to reflect these decisions? History of money Barter Coins & Notes Modern forms of money Plastic money Virtual money Pocket money Spending and saving Needs and wants Applying this to spending/ shopping Simple budgeting for an individual of KS3 age Time : Spring 2nd half Rationale Beginning with what money is and why we have it at all is a logical place to start with financial capability work. This section could also look forward to the future as virtual money will become increasingly important (especially for the next generation of young people). The second section moves to look at pupils’ main source of income and what can (or should) be done with it. Spending decisions are often based on perceived needs and wants which is addressed in the next section. This leads naturally to budgeting as the primary way of controlling money. In the last two sections pupils are encouraged to think about attitudes towards charitable giving and social responsibility. PSHE : Economic wellbeing and financial capability programme of study Key concepts Career 1.1 b: Developing a sense of personal identity Capability 1.2 b: Learning how to manage money and personal finances 1.2.d: Becoming critical consumers of goods and services Economic understanding 1.4 a: Understanding the economic and business environment 1.4 b: Understanding the functions and uses of money 6. Should some of my money be used for the benefit of others? Why is charity necessary? Charity Why give? How is our money used? Curriculum Unit Summary Sheet: Sex and Relationship Education Group: Year 7 Time: Summer 1st half term Aims: Learning Objectives: To develop an understanding of the Catholic vocation To consolidate pupils’ understanding of their physicality to love and respect ourselves To deepen their understanding of their God-given uniqueness. To understand the need to show respect for themselves and others. Programme Classroom Activities: Assessment: Resources: Key skills Key words 1. Puberty, physical Plenary PSHE Categorising God Label parts of the body changes booklet. Observing Wonder using correct terminology Classifying Love Explore ways you have Listening Creation changed since year 5 Questioning Hands (worksheet 1) 2. Personal hygiene Personal hygiene issues (worksheet 2) Plenary PSHE booklet. Speaking Relating Reflecting Thinking Fingers Nails Faces 3. Puberty, emotional changes Plenary ‘The box of chocolates’ (worksheet 3) How others see me and how I see myself (worksheet 4) Invite pupils to bring in photographs of themselves aged 5. discuss the changes since then. PSHE booklet. Identifying Accepting Empathising Understanding Communicating Evaluating Discussing Reviewing Recalling Lips Ears Noses Hair Features Colour Shape Size 4. Emotional intelligence What is emotional intelligence? (worksheet 5) Plenary PSHE booklet. 5. Gender issues, the different ways boys and girls deal with emotional issues. What are the different ways boys and girls deal with emotional issues? (worksheet 6) ‘Have I got what it takes to be a winner? (worksheet 7) Plenary PSHE booklet. 6. Explore our Godgiven uniqueness Listen to reflective music. Worksheet. Read the scripture text. Psalm 139. What does it mean to you? (worksheet 8) In groups of five, each pupil draws round his/her hand and writers o the pal, ‘I am unique’. What does this say to us now? Invite each member of the group to write on each finger a quality that is valued by that pupil. Use completed hands for a class display. PSHE booklet. Curriculum Unit Summary Sheet: Healthy Living - smoking, drugs, diet Group: Year 7 Time: Summer Term – 2nd Half and personal care Aims: To raise awareness of the effects that drugs have on health and personal development To develop awareness of healthy eating and personal care Programme: The facts about smoking Peer pressure and smoking The facts about drugs The changes of drug taking How to have a healthy diet Learning:, Objectives: 1. To give students a sound knowledge and effective social skills to combat the availability of a wide range of drugs 2. To promote a clear `Say No' message 3. To learn how to look after their own well-being and health by developing good habits in diet and personal hygiene Classroom Activities: • Read information sheet and class discussion • Complete worksheet • Class discussion of first situation • Role lay of another situation • Group work - list all drugs they know into two groups - legal/illegal • Feedback to class - two lists on board • Drug facts quiz & teacher explanation • Design a poster/leaflet informing teenagers of the dangers of taking drugs and why they shouldn't do it. • Complete eating habits survey and feedback to class • Class discussion on what makes a healthy/unhealthy diet • Design a new menu for the school canteen (Jamie Oliver style) taking into account health, cost and what students would like to eat. Assessment: Resources: Work in books Role play Smoking - the facts worksheet Smoking role plays Work in books Drug facts quiz Poster/Leaflet Paper Coloured pencils Menu Survey sheets How to develop a good personal hygiene routine • Complete personal care routine questionnaire • Feedback arid class discussion • Split into groups and read information on either skin and body care, hair care, foot care or clothes care • Students plan demonstration using sheet to help • Watch demonstrations from each group Demonstration Questionnaire Information on skin and body care, hair care, foot care and clothes care