Course Form (revised 8-2009) I. Summary of Proposed Changes Dept / Program Geosciences Course Title Sedimentation and Stratigraphy Prefix and Course # GEO 309 Short Title (max. 26 characters incl. spaces) Sedimentation/Stratigraphy Summarize the change(s) proposed New course II. Endorsement/Approvals Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office Please type / print name Signature Requestor: James R. Staub Phone/ email : Program Chair/Director: William Woessner Other affected programs Dean: Date Chris Comer III: To Add a New Course Syllabus and assessment information is required (paste syllabus into section V or attach). Course should have internal coherence and clear focus. NO Common Course Numbering Review: Does an equivalent course exist elsewhere YES in the MUS? Do the proposed abbreviation, number, title and credits align with existing course(s)? Please indicate equivalent course/campus X Exact entry to appear in the next catalog (Specify course abbreviation, level, number, title, credits, repeatability (if applicable), frequency of offering, prerequisites, and a brief description.) U 309 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy 4 cr. Offered spring. Prereq. GEO 100N-101N or 211, 226. Origins of sediments and sedimentary rocks; climate, weathering, and weathering products; transport, deposition, and depositional environments of sediments; concepts and methods of stratigraphy including correlation of sedimentary rocks and an introduction to basin analysis. Justification: How does the course fit with the existing curriculum? Why is it needed? This course is part of a restructuring towards a more research oriented undergraduate curriculum. The course is an essential introduction and principles class for one of the major geologic sub-disciplines and will function as a gateway prerequisite class for 400 level sedimentology and stratigraphy classes. The course had previously been listed as GEOL 202. It was inadvertently dropped from the curriculum in the common course renumbering/transfer process. The course content has been substantially strengthened to justify a 300 level listing. Are there curricular adjustments to accommodate teaching this course? no Complete for UG courses. (UG courses should be assigned a 400 number). Describe graduate increment (Reference guidelines: Fees may be requested only for courses meeting specific conditions determined by the YES NO Board of Regents. Please indicate whether this course will be considered for a fee. X If YES, what is the proposed amount of the fee? $30 Justification: In order to train geoscientists it is necessary to conduct field trips to examine rocks and conduct field exercises outside of the classroom. The proposed fee will be used to defray the cost of vehicle rental. IV. To Delete or Change an Existing Course – check X all that apply Deletion Title Course Number Change From: Level U, UG, G To: From: To: Description Change Change in Credits From: To: Prerequisites 1. Current course information at it appears in catalog ( Repeatability Cross Listing (primary program initiates form) Is there a fee associated with the course? 2. Full and exact entry (as proposed) 3. If cross-listed course: secondary program & course number 4. Is this a course with MUS Common Course Numbering? If yes, then will this change eliminate the course’s common course status? Please explain below. 5. Graduate increment if level of course is changed to UG. Reference guidelines at: (syllabus required in section V) Have you reviewed the graduate increment guidelines? Please check (X) space provided. 6. Other programs affected by the change 7. Justification for proposed change V. Syllabus/Assessment Information Required for new courses and course change from U to UG. Paste syllabus in field below or attach and send digital copy with form. Syllabus – GEO 309 – Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, 4 credits Text: Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, 4th edition, Sam Boggs, Jr., 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0131547238 Course Objectives: To provide you with a working knowledge of the characteristic features of sedimentary rocks and the physical and chemical processes responsible for their origins and diagenesis. A working knowledge of stratigraphic principles, methods of correlation, and methods of paleographic reconstruction will also be provided by this course. In addition, concepts of basin analysis are introduced. These objectives are achieved through class room lectures, a series of laboratory exercises and problem sets, library research culminating in a term paper, and a field exercise. Course Content: Facies and Facies Models Weathering and Soils Transport and Deposition of Siliciclastic Sediment Sedimentary Textures Sedimentary Structures Siliciclastic Sedimentary Rocks Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks Chemical/Biochemical and Carbonaceous Sedimentary Rocks Depositional Environments Controls on Sea Level Continental Environments Marginal Marine Environments Siliciclastic Marine Environments Carbonate and Evaporite Environments Lithostratigraphy Seismic, Sequence, and Magnetic Stratigraphy Biostratigraphy Chronostratigraphy Basin Analysis and Tectonics Grading: There will be two midterm exams (15% each). They will not be comprehensive. The final exam (30%) will be comprehensive. Exam questions will be short answer/essay and computational in format. Laboratory exercises and problem sets will be graded and count as part of your final grade (15% in total). In addition, a term research paper is required (15%). The text of the paper (not including the abstract and references) should be between 7 and 10 pages in length and the format to follow is the Geological Society of America Bulletin. The paper will be graded and count as part of your final grade. Please see the instructor for paper topics. There will also be a field exercise as part of a weekend long (Friday-Sunday) field trip that will be graded (10%). Student Conduct Code: Please be familiar with the UM Student Conduct Code. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of students at The University of Montana. Being a student at UM presupposes a commitment to the principles and policies embodied in the code. The Student Conduct Code can be found on the Vice President for Student Affairs web site at Course Accommodations (DSS): Students with disabilities will receive reasonable accommodations in this course. To request course modifications, please contact me as soon as possible. I will work with Disability Services in the accommodation process. For more information, visit the Disability Services website at or call 406.243.2243 (Voice/Text). VI Department Summary (Required if several forms are submitted) In a separate document list course number, title, and proposed change for all proposals. VII Copies and Electronic Submission. After approval, submit original, one copy, summary of proposals and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221,