January 2015

Network News
3176 A Via Buena Vista
Laguna Woods, CA 92637
Strategic Positioning
"Enlarge the place of your tent...Stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare;
Lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and
to the left. And your descendants will inherit the nations..." (Isaiah 54:2-3, NKJV)
Last year the Lord gave us two prophetic words: "Supernatural Acceleration"--and we
experienced the fulfillment of those words throughout the entire year of 2014.
This year, "Strategic Positioning" are the words that the Lord has impressed upon our hearts for
the ministry of Harvestime for 2015. Strategic positioning is a term used frequently in business
and military endeavors. It refers to securing a position--be it in the business world or on the
battlefield--that will assure the accomplishment of specific and unique strategic plans. In the
natural world, on the battlefield and in the business world, people struggle to attain such a
position. Not so in the spiritual world.
Spiritually, strategic positioning is allowing God to place you where He can work effectively
through you to accomplish His purposes and plans. It is not about you, it is about Him. The Old
Testament provides many examples of strategic positioning:
-Joseph was positioned by God to save the then-known world from famine.
-Moses was positioned from birth to deliver Israel.
-David showed up just in time to conquer Goliath.
-Ruth was in the right place at the right time to be discovered by Boaz.
-Esther served in a strategic position to save the Jews.
-Daniel, strategically positioned in Babylon, ministered powerful prophetic messages.
-Jael was in the right place, with her tent peg and hammer in hand, and defeated the
enemy of God's people.
-The prophet Elijah went to the place God appointed and was strategically positioned to
receive God's supernatural provision.
The examples of strategic positioning continue in the New Testament:
-Matthew, Peter, John, Andrew--fishing and collecting taxes in the right spot at the right
time to be called by Jesus.
-Zaccheus, strategically positioned in a tree, had his life changed.
-The woman at the well showed up at the right time and place to meet Jesus.
-The lame man at Bethesda was strategically positioned to receive his miracle.
-Mary lingered at the tomb, strategically positioned to a tremendous post-resurrection
revelation of Jesus Christ.
-Stephen--dying as a martyr--was positioned by God to impact the life of a young Saul
who witnessed his death.
-The Apostle Paul was sent to Philippi instead of Asia where he desired to go-strategically positioned by God to birth a great church.
-Alone on the barren Isle of Patmos, John was strategically positioned in isolation to
receive the great revelation of the end-times.
We believe God will supernaturally and strategically position this ministry and our partners in
ministry during 2015. We believe that supernatural acceleration--our prophetic theme for last
year--will continue during 2015 as we are strategically positioned in the right place at the right
time to accomplish God's purposes.
We believe that as a partner in this ministry, you will be supernaturally positioned by God so that
you can accomplish the purposes for which you were called. You may experience change in
order to secure this strategic positioning. You may need to relocate geographically. You may
need to embrace new technology. Perhaps it will be a new job, a new church, or new spiritual
relationships with others to facilitate your spiritual vision. God has some divine appointments
along the way.
Strategic positioning is not the result of one decision, but of a series of decisions made under the
guidance of the Holy Spirit. Every decision you make in this new year is important as it will
result in being strategically positioned by God for His purposes.
Some years ago, we were active in a great church in Madera, California--Valley West Christian
Center. A prophetic word was given over the congregation that we still function under as
members of that Body. More than ever, we believe these words are for the year ahead:
"When God sends us to a city, we're not there just to have a job--we're not there
just to have a nice safe place to raise our children. We're there because we have been
sent by the Spirit of God and we have been sent with an assignment to bring change in
that territoryY
Shrink not back from the vision that I have put within your heart. For the Lord
says, though you have made progress, you have not yet come into all that I have purposed
and destined for you. I am going to remove all small thinking from you. I'm going to strip
your minds of the limitations that the enemy and tradition and insecurity would try to put
upon you. And I shall cause you to see with my eyes, says the Spirit of God."
Goals For The Coming Year
We have prayerfully established the following goals for 2015 to expand our outreach to the
nations of the world and prepare for supernatural strategic positioning. We will:
-Further develop networking relationships with other ministries around the world.
-Continue to plant new Harvestime Institutes.
-Continue translation of Harvestime materials into other languages.
-Continue editing and posting online The Legacy Bible Outline Series.
-Utilize new technologies to increase our outreach around the globe.
-Continue writing new materials to impact the world.
-Launch the new counseling website and tablet apps.
-Allow God to strategically position this ministry to accomplish His purposes.
We are so grateful for your continued support of Harvestime. Your financial gifts enable us to
fulfill the vision. Your prayers are the spiritual impetus behind all we do.
Along with this newsletter we are sending a guide entitled "Praying For Harvestime" to enable
focused prayers for this ministry.
Again, thank you so much for being co-laborers with us in the Harvestime fields of the world.
Yours for the harvest,
Argis and Patricia Hulsey
-Pray that the Lord of the harvest will raise up and dispatch laborers into the harvest-fields of the
-Pray for the students enrolled in Harvestime schools around the world, that God will raise them
up as mighty spiritual harvesters. Pray for new schools to be established.
-Believe for supernatural acceleration and strategic positioning of the ministry.
-Pray for increased finances to enable us to continue extending this ministry to the nations.
-Pray for those translating Harvestime materials into various languages.
-Ask God to raise up translators for additional languages.
-Intercede for the Harvestime network of pastors, evangelists, teachers, schools, missionaries,
chaplains, our web-mistress, bookkeeper, technological advisers, board members, and others who
are part of the team.
-Ask God to provide guidance in the development of new training materials.
-Seek God's blessing upon our international prison ministry.
-Pray for inmates to be released from the bondage of sin and to experience new life in
-Pray for supernatural acceleration and strategic positioning of the prison ministry
through the materials we are providing for chaplains and inmates.
-Ask God to supernaturally draw people to our websites and tablet apps.
-Pray for the Harvestime International website and our Biblical Counseling Database website to
greatly impact the world.
-Pray for:
-Open doors for the gospel to be heard: Colossians 4:3
-Wisdom to speak gospel message clearly: Ephesians 6:19
-Boldness in the sharing gospel: Ephesians 6:19
-The spread of the gospel: 2 Thessalonians 3:1
-Positive response to the gospel: 2 Thessalonians 3:1
-Protection from evil: 2 Thessalonians 3:2
-Acceptable service: Romans 15:31